public void Quantize(IColorQuantizer quantizer, int colorCount)
        if (Disposed)
        int    myWidth  = Width;
        int    myHeight = Height;
        Color *colors   = GetColors();

        bool usesAlpha = false;
        // weird stuff to make the quantizer work with alpha
        Color lastColor       = new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
        bool  firstColorFound = false;

        for (int y = 0; y < myHeight; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < myWidth; x++)
                int idx = x + y * myWidth;
                var col = *(colors + idx);
                if (col.A > 128)
                    col.A = 255;
                    (*(colors + x + y * myWidth)) = col;
                    if (!firstColorFound && usesAlpha)
                        for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)
                            quantizer.AddColor(col, i % myWidth, Mathf.FloorToInt(i / myWidth));
                    firstColorFound = true;
                    lastColor       = col;
                    quantizer.AddColor(col, x, y);
                    col = new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
                    (*(colors + x + y * myWidth)) = col;
                    usesAlpha = true;

                    if (firstColorFound)
                        quantizer.AddColor(lastColor, x, y);
        var palette = quantizer.GetPalette(colorCount);

        for (int y = 0; y < myHeight; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < myWidth; x++)
                if ((*(colors + x + y * myWidth)).A == 255)
                    int index = quantizer.GetPaletteIndex(*(colors + x + y * myWidth), x, y);
                    *(colors + x + y * myWidth) = palette[index];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Quantize(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // initializes quantization parameters
            Boolean isTargetIndexed = target.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();

            // step 1 - prepares the palettes
            List<Color> targetPalette = isTargetIndexed ? SynthetizePalette(quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount) : null;

            // step 2 - updates the bitmap palette

            // step 3 - prepares ditherer (optional)
            if (ditherer != null) ditherer.Prepare(quantizer, colorCount, this, target);

            // step 4 - prepares the quantization function
            TransformPixelFunction quantize = (sourcePixel, targetPixel) =>
                // reads the pixel color
                Color color = GetColorFromPixel(sourcePixel);

                // converts alpha to solid color
                color = QuantizationHelper.ConvertAlpha(color);

                // quantizes the pixel
                SetColorToPixel(targetPixel, color, quantizer);

                // marks pixel as processed by default
                Boolean result = true;

                // preforms inplace dithering (optional)
                if (ditherer != null && ditherer.IsInplace)
                    result = ditherer.ProcessPixel(sourcePixel, targetPixel);

                // returns the result
                return result;

            // step 5 - generates the target image
            IList<Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);
            TransformPerPixel(target, path, quantize, parallelTaskCount);

            // step 6 - preforms non-inplace dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null && !ditherer.IsInplace)
                Dither(target, ditherer, quantizer, colorCount, 1);

            // step 7 - finishes the dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null) ditherer.Finish();

            // step 8 - clean-up
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Quantize(ImageBuffer target, IColorQuantizer quantizer, IColorDitherer ditherer, Int32 colorCount, Int32 parallelTaskCount = 4)
            // checks parameters
            Guard.CheckNull(target, "target");
            Guard.CheckNull(quantizer, "quantizer");

            // initializes quantization parameters
            Boolean isTargetIndexed = target.PixelFormat.IsIndexed();

            // step 1 - prepares the palettes
            List <Color> targetPalette = isTargetIndexed ? SynthetizePalette(quantizer, colorCount, parallelTaskCount) : null;

            // step 2 - updates the bitmap palette

            // step 3 - prepares ditherer (optional)
            if (ditherer != null)
                ditherer.Prepare(quantizer, colorCount, this, target);

            // step 4 - prepares the quantization function
            TransformPixelFunction quantize = (sourcePixel, targetPixel) =>
                // reads the pixel color
                Color color = GetColorFromPixel(sourcePixel);

                // converts alpha to solid color
                color = QuantizationHelper.ConvertAlpha(color);

                // quantizes the pixel
                SetColorToPixel(targetPixel, color, quantizer);

                // marks pixel as processed by default
                Boolean result = true;

                // preforms inplace dithering (optional)
                if (ditherer != null && ditherer.IsInplace)
                    result = ditherer.ProcessPixel(sourcePixel, targetPixel);

                // returns the result

            // step 5 - generates the target image
            IList <Point> path = quantizer.GetPointPath(Width, Height);

            TransformPerPixel(target, path, quantize, parallelTaskCount);

            // step 6 - preforms non-inplace dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null && !ditherer.IsInplace)
                Dither(target, ditherer, quantizer, colorCount, 1);

            // step 7 - finishes the dithering (optional)
            if (ditherer != null)

            // step 8 - clean-up