Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void GenerateCodeFromType(CodeTypeDeclaration codeType, TextWriter writer, CodeGeneratorOptions options)
            ICodeGenerator cg = CreateGenerator();

            if (cg == null)
                throw GetNotImplemented();
            cg.GenerateCodeFromType(codeType, writer, options);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public virtual string Generate(Window window)
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var stringWriter  = new StringWriter(stringBuilder);

            var            cscProvider          = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            ICodeGenerator codeGenerator        = cscProvider.CreateGenerator(stringWriter);
            var            codeGeneratorOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions {
                BlankLinesBetweenMembers = false, VerbatimOrder = false

            codeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(string.Format("using {0};", typeof(UIItem).Namespace)), stringWriter, codeGeneratorOptions);
            codeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(string.Format("using {0};", typeof(Window).Namespace)), stringWriter, codeGeneratorOptions);
            codeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(string.Format("using {0};", typeof(AppScreen).Namespace)), stringWriter, codeGeneratorOptions);

            CodeNamespace codeNamespace = null;

            if (S.IsNotEmpty(options.Namespace))
                codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace(options.Namespace);

            var classDefinition = new CodeTypeDeclaration
                IsClass        = true,
                IsPartial      = true,
                Name           = window.Title.Trim().Replace(" ", string.Empty),
                TypeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public


            var constructor = new CodeConstructor {
                Attributes = MemberAttributes.Family


            constructor = new CodeConstructor {
                Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
            constructor.Parameters.Add(new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(typeof(Window), "window"));
            constructor.Parameters.Add(new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(typeof(ScreenRepository), "screenRepository"));
            constructor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("window"));
            constructor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add(new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("screenRepository"));

            var visitor = new CodeGenerationVisitor(new WindowCodeGenerationStrategy(options));


            if (codeNamespace != null)
                codeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, stringWriter, codeGeneratorOptions);
                codeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromType(classDefinition, stringWriter, codeGeneratorOptions);

 public override void GenerateCodeFromType(CodeTypeDeclaration e, TextWriter w, CodeGeneratorOptions o)
     generator.GenerateCodeFromType(e, w, o);
        void WriteCode()
            string timeString = polyNumber.ToString();


            string       filename = "PSCD_" + timeString;
            Stream       s        = File.Open(filename + ".cs", FileMode.Create);
            StreamWriter t        = new StreamWriter(s);

            // Generate code in C#
            CSharpCodeProvider   provider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
            ICodeGenerator       cg       = provider.CreateGenerator(t);
            CodeGeneratorOptions op       = new CodeGeneratorOptions();

            // Generate the comments at the beginning of the function
            CodeCommentStatement comment = new CodeCommentStatement("Polynomial evaluator");

            cg.GenerateCodeFromStatement(comment, t, op);

            string[] terms = new string[coefficients.Length];
            terms[0] = coefficients[0].ToString();

            for (int i = 1; i < coefficients.Length; i++)
                terms[i] = String.Format("{0} X^{1}", coefficients[i], i);

            comment = new CodeCommentStatement("Evaluating Y = " + String.Join(" + ", terms));
            cg.GenerateCodeFromStatement(comment, t, op);

            // The class is named with a unique name
            string className = "Poly_" + timeString;
            CodeTypeDeclaration polyClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration(className);

            // The class implements IPolynomial

            // Set up the Eval function
            CodeParameterDeclarationExpression param1 =
                new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression("double", "x");
            CodeMemberMethod eval = new CodeMemberMethod();

            eval.Name = "Eval";

            // workaround for bug below...
            eval.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference("public double");
            // BUG: This doesn't generate "public", it just leaves
            // the attribute off of the member...
            eval.Attributes |= MemberAttributes.Public;

            // Create the expression to do the evaluation of the
            // polynomail. To do this, we chain together binary
            // operators to get the desired expression
            // a0 + x * (a1 + x * (a2 + x * (a3)));
            // This is very much like building a parse tree for
            // an expression.

            CodeBinaryOperatorExpression plus = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression();

            plus.Left     = new CodePrimitiveExpression(coefficients[0]);
            plus.Operator = CodeBinaryOperatorType.Add;

            CodeBinaryOperatorExpression current = plus;

            for (int i = 1; i < coefficients.Length; i++)
                CodeBinaryOperatorExpression multiply = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression();
                current.Right     = multiply;
                multiply.Left     = new CodeSnippetExpression("x");
                multiply.Operator = CodeBinaryOperatorType.Multiply;

                CodeBinaryOperatorExpression add = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression();
                multiply.Right = add;
                add.Operator   = CodeBinaryOperatorType.Add;
                add.Left       = new CodePrimitiveExpression(coefficients[i]);
                current        = add;
            current.Right = new CodePrimitiveExpression(0.0);

            // return the expression...
            eval.Statements.Add(new CodeMethodReturnStatement(plus));
            cg.GenerateCodeFromType(polyClass, t, op);


            // Build the file
            ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();

            psi.FileName    = "cmd.exe";
            psi.Arguments   = String.Format("/c csc /optimize+ /r:polynomial.exe /target:library {0}.cs > compile.out", filename);
            psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;

            Process proc = Process.Start(psi);


            // Open the file, create the instance, and cast it
            // to the assembly
            Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(filename + ".dll");

            polynomial = (IPolynomial)a.CreateInstance(className);

            //File.Delete(filename + ".cs");