Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IEnumerable <IStructure> GetElements(List <IStructure> current, ICodeConverter converter, IFunction fun)
            List <string> distincts = new List <string>();

            foreach (IStructure st in current)
                yield return(st);
            foreach (IParameter par in fun.Parameters)
                // ne pas ajouter si existe déjà
                if (!current.Exists(new Predicate <IStructure>(delegate(IStructure st)
                    return((!converter.IsStronglyTyped && st.FieldName == par.VariableName) || (converter.IsStronglyTyped && st.PrefixedFieldName == par.EffectiveParameter));
                    // ne pas ajouter des paramètres typés, utiliser des VariableName distinctes pour des langages non typés
                    if (converter.IsStronglyTyped || !distincts.Exists(new Predicate <string>(delegate(string s)
                        return(s == par.VariableName);
                        if (par.DataType == EnumDataType.E_STRUCTURE)
                            foreach (IStructure copied in par.StructureReferences)
                                if (converter.IsStronglyTyped)
                                    yield return(converter.CreateNewField(this.Structure.FieldName, copied.DataType, copied.PrefixedFieldName, copied.IsMutable));
                                    yield return(converter.CreateNewField(this.Structure.FieldName, copied.DataType, copied.FieldName, copied.IsMutable));
                        if (converter.IsStronglyTyped)
                            yield return(converter.CreateNewField(this.Structure.FieldName, par.DataType, par.EffectiveParameter, par.IsMutableParameter));
                            yield return(converter.CreateNewField(this.Structure.FieldName, par.DataType, par.VariableName, par.IsMutableParameter));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Add into the current local variable list (if not exists)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="converter">language converter</param>
 /// <param name="f">function</param>
 /// <param name="var">variable object</param>
 public static void AddIntoLocal(ICodeConverter converter, IFunction f, IData var)
     if (!Helper.IsLocal(converter, f, var))
         IStructure st = converter.CreateNewField(converter.RootStructureInstance, var, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ConvertToParallel(ICodeConverter converter, ICompilateurInstance comp, IProcessInstance previousProc, FinalFile file)
            EndJobs ej = new EndJobs();

            this.cachedComp         = comp;
            this.cachedPreviousFunc = converter.ImplementedFunctions.FindLast(new Predicate <IFunction>(delegate(IFunction search)
                return(search.StrictName == previousProc.FunctionName);

            // première instruction
            this.Statements[0].Convert(converter, previousProc, file);

            // implémenter les fonctions job_xxx
            for (int index = 1; index < this.Statements.Count - 1; ++index)
                ICompiler tache = this.Statements[index];
                // Check if it's a call job (blindage)
                if (tache is CallJob)
                    CallJob cj = this.Statements[index] as CallJob;

                    this.cachedProc = this.cachedComp.GetJobProcess(cj.ProcessName);
                    // Ecriture du code de la fonction
                    IFunction newFunc = Helper.MakeNewMethod(converter, this.cachedProc);
                    Helper.FillNewMethod(comp, this.cachedProc, converter, newFunc, file);
                    newFunc.IsJob = true;
                    //if (this.cachedProc.HasChanged) previousProc.HasChanged = true;

                    // aller chercher les variables exterieures au processus appellé
                    this.cachedFunc = converter.ImplementedFunctions.FindLast(new Predicate <IFunction>(delegate(IFunction func) { return(func.IsJob && func.StrictName == cj.ProcessName); }));
                    if (!converter.CallingFunctions.Exists(new Predicate <IFunction>(delegate(IFunction func) { return(func.IsJob && func.StrictName == cj.ProcessName && func.InstanceNumber == this.cachedFunc.InstanceNumber); })))

                    // convertir pour le parallèllisme
                    if (!this.alreadyInstantiated)
                        // create a new structure to contain all external values
                        string structTypeName = this.cachedComp.Unique.ComputeNewString();
                        string structInstanceName = structTypeName + converter.CurrentFunction.PrivateVariableCounter.ToString();

                        // Construit une structure et indique que l'instance doit être mutable
                        this.structRef = converter.CreateNewField(structTypeName, structInstanceName, true);

                    // ajoute une instance de la structure déclarée dans la fonction en cours
                    if (converter.IsStronglyTyped)
                        this.cachedFunc.InstancesStructure.Add(this.Structure.PrefixedFieldName, this.Structure.StructureType);
                        this.cachedFunc.InstancesStructure.Add(this.Structure.FieldName, this.Structure.StructureType);

                    // créer un nouveau paramètre et y inscrire tous les autres paramètres
                    Converters.Parameter parStructure = new Parameter();
                    parStructure.EffectiveParameter = this.Structure.PrefixedFieldName;
                    parStructure.FormalParameter    = this.Structure.PrefixedFieldName;
                    parStructure.VariableName       = this.Structure.FieldName;
                    parStructure.IsComputable       = false;
                    parStructure.IsMutableParameter = true;
                    // stocker tous les paramètres dans le nouveau paramètre de type structure
                    List <IStructure> newParams = this.GetElements(this.structList, converter, this.cachedFunc).ToList();
                    this.structList       = newParams;
                    parStructure.DataType = EnumDataType.E_STRUCTURE;

                    this.alreadyInstantiated = true;

            // ajout de la structure

            // création des instructions en parallèle
            // appels des fonctions job_xxx
            for (int index = 1; index < this.Statements.Count - 1; ++index)
                ICompiler tache = this.Statements[index];
                // Check if it's a call job (blindage)
                if (tache is CallJob)
                    CallJob cj = tache as CallJob;
                    cj.StructureReference = this.Structure;
                    this.cachedProc       = this.cachedComp.GetJobProcess(cj.ProcessName);
                    this.cachedProc.MakeOneInstance(previousProc, new RunInnerInstanceProcess(delegate(IProcessInstance previous, IProcessInstance i)
                        cj.Convert(converter, i, file);

            // attendre la fin de toutes les tâches

            // dernière instruction
            this.Statements[this.Statements.Count - 1].Convert(converter, previousProc, file);