Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var normal = Vector3.up;

            float3[] vertices = null;
            if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateTorusVertices(this, ref vertices))
                var baseColor = handles.color;
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest);
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest);
                handles.color = baseColor;

            var outerRadius = settings.outerDiameter * 0.5f;
            var innerRadius = settings.InnerDiameter * 0.5f;
            var topPoint    = normal * (settings.tubeHeight * 0.5f);
            var bottomPoint = normal * (-settings.tubeHeight * 0.5f);

            handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref outerRadius, normal, float3.zero);
            handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref innerRadius, normal, float3.zero);
            handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref bottomPoint, -normal);
            handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, normal);
            if (handles.modified)
                settings.outerDiameter = outerRadius * 2.0f;
                settings.InnerDiameter = innerRadius * 2.0f;
                settings.tubeHeight    = (topPoint.y - bottomPoint.y);
                // TODO: handle sizing down
        static                         Vector3[] vertices = null; // TODO: store this per instance? or just allocate every frame?

        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor = handles.color;
            var normal    = Vector3.up;

            if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateHemisphereVertices(ref this, ref vertices))
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest);

                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest);
                handles.color = baseColor;

            var topPoint = normal * this.diameterXYZ.y;
            var radius2D = new Vector2(this.diameterXYZ.x, this.diameterXYZ.z) * 0.5f;

            if (this.diameterXYZ.y < 0)
                normal = -normal;
            bool previousModified;

            previousModified = handles.modified;
                handles.color = baseColor;
                // TODO: make it possible to (optionally) size differently in x & z
                handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref radius2D.x, normal, Vector3.zero);

                    var isTopBackfaced = false;          // TODO: how to do this?

                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, normal);
                    handles.backfaced = false;
            if (previousModified != handles.modified)
                var diameter = this.diameterXYZ;
                diameter.y       = topPoint.y;
                diameter.x       = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                diameter.z       = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                this.diameterXYZ = diameter;
        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor    = handles.color;
            var noZTestcolor = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
            var zTestcolor   = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);


            for (int i = 0; i < path.segments.Length; i++)
                var pathPoint  = path.segments[i];
                var currMatrix = pathPoint.ToMatrix();

                handles.color = baseColor;
                handles.DoShapeHandle(ref shape, currMatrix);

                if (i == 0)
                    if (handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref pathPoint.position, -(pathPoint.rotation * Vector3.forward)))
                        path.segments[i] = pathPoint;
                        path             = new ChiselPath(path);
                if (i == path.segments.Length - 1)
                    if (handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref pathPoint.position, (pathPoint.rotation * Vector3.forward)))
                        path.segments[i] = pathPoint;
                        path             = new ChiselPath(path);

                // Draw lines between different segments
                if (i + 1 < path.segments.Length)
                    var nextPoint     = path.segments[i + 1];
                    var nextMatrix    = nextPoint.ToMatrix();
                    var controlPoints = shape.controlPoints;

                    for (int c = 0; c < controlPoints.Length; c++)
                        var controlPoint = controlPoints[c].position;
                        var pointA       = currMatrix.MultiplyPoint(controlPoint);
                        var pointB       = nextMatrix.MultiplyPoint(controlPoint);
                        handles.color = noZTestcolor;
                        handles.DrawLine(pointA, pointB, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kCapLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);

                        handles.color = zTestcolor;
                        handles.DrawLine(pointA, pointB, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kCapLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);

                        var pointA = currMatrix.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.zero);
                        var pointB = nextMatrix.MultiplyPoint(Vector3.zero);
                        handles.color = zTestcolor;
                        handles.DrawLine(pointA, pointB, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kCapLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);

                        handles.color = zTestcolor;
                        handles.DrawLine(pointA, pointB, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kCapLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);

                    handles.color = baseColor;

                // TODO: cannot rotate so far that one path plane intersects with shape on another plane
                //			... or just fail when it's wrong?

            for (int i = 0; i < path.segments.Length; i++)
                var pathPoint = path.segments[i];
                if (handles.DoPathPointHandle(ref pathPoint))
                    var originalSegments = path.segments;
                    var newPath          = new ChiselPath(new ChiselPathPoint[originalSegments.Length]);
                    System.Array.Copy(originalSegments, newPath.segments, originalSegments.Length);
                    newPath.segments[i] = pathPoint;
                    path = newPath;

            // TODO: draw curved path
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static                         Vector3[] vertices = null; // TODO: store this per instance? or just allocate every frame?

        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor = handles.color;
            var normal    = Vector3.up;

            if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateCapsuleVertices(ref this, ref vertices))
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest);

                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest);

                handles.color = baseColor;

            var topPoint    = normal * (this.offsetY + this.height);
            var bottomPoint = normal * (this.offsetY);
            var middlePoint = normal * (this.offsetY + (this.height * 0.5f));
            var radius2D    = new Vector2(this.diameterX, this.diameterZ) * 0.5f;

            var topHeight    = this.topHeight;
            var bottomHeight = this.bottomHeight;

            var maxTopHeight    = this.height - bottomHeight;
            var maxBottomHeight = this.height - topHeight;

            if (this.height < 0)
                normal = -normal;

            var prevModified = handles.modified;

                handles.color = baseColor;
                // TODO: make it possible to (optionally) size differently in x & z
                var radius2Dx = radius2D.x;
                handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref radius2Dx, normal, middlePoint);
                radius2D.x = radius2Dx;

                    var isTopBackfaced  = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(topPoint, normal);
                    var topLoopHasFocus = false;
                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    for (int j = this.sides - 1, i = 0; i < this.sides; j = i, i++)
                        var from = vertices[j + this.topVertexOffset];
                        var to   = vertices[i + this.topVertexOffset];

                        if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var edgeOffset, UnitySceneExtensions.Axis.Y, from, to, renderLine: false))
                            topHeight = Mathf.Clamp(topHeight - edgeOffset, 0, maxTopHeight);
                        topLoopHasFocus = topLoopHasFocus || handles.lastHandleHadFocus;

                    handles.color = baseColor;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, normal);
                    var topHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus;
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    topLoopHasFocus = topLoopHasFocus || (topHasFocus && !this.haveRoundedTop);

                    var thickness = topLoopHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness;

                    handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, topLoopHasFocus, true);
                    handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.topVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness);

                    handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, topLoopHasFocus, false);
                    handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.topVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness);

                    var isBottomBackfaced  = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(bottomPoint, -normal);
                    var bottomLoopHasFocus = false;
                    handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced;
                    for (int j = this.sides - 1, i = 0; i < this.sides; j = i, i++)
                        var from = vertices[j + this.bottomVertexOffset];
                        var to   = vertices[i + this.bottomVertexOffset];

                        if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var edgeOffset, UnitySceneExtensions.Axis.Y, from, to, renderLine: false))
                            bottomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(bottomHeight + edgeOffset, 0, maxBottomHeight);
                        bottomLoopHasFocus = bottomLoopHasFocus || handles.lastHandleHadFocus;

                    handles.color = baseColor;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref bottomPoint, -normal);
                    var bottomHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus;
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    bottomLoopHasFocus = bottomLoopHasFocus || (bottomHasFocus && !this.haveRoundedBottom);

                    var thickness = bottomLoopHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness;

                    handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomLoopHasFocus, true);
                    handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.bottomVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness);

                    handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomLoopHasFocus, false);
                    handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.bottomVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness);
            if (prevModified != handles.modified)
                this.diameterX    = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                this.height       = topPoint.y - bottomPoint.y;
                this.diameterZ    = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                this.offsetY      = bottomPoint.y;
                this.topHeight    = topHeight;
                this.bottomHeight = bottomHeight;
                // TODO: handle sizing down (needs to modify transformation?)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor     = handles.color;
            var upVector      = Vector3.up;
            var rightVector   = Vector3.right;
            var forwardVector = Vector3.forward;

            Vector3[] vertices = null;
            if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateStadiumVertices(this, ref vertices))
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest);

                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest);
                handles.color = baseColor;

            var height   = this.height;
            var length   = this.length;
            var diameter = this.diameter;
            var sides    = this.sides;

            var firstTopSide    = this.firstTopSide;
            var lastTopSide     = this.lastTopSide;
            var firstBottomSide = this.firstBottomSide;
            var lastBottomSide  = this.lastBottomSide;

            var haveRoundedTop    = this.haveRoundedTop;
            var haveRoundedBottom = this.haveRoundedBottom;
            var haveCenter        = this.haveCenter;
            var topLength         = this.topLength;
            var bottomLength      = this.bottomLength;

            var midY       = height * 0.5f;
            var halfLength = length * 0.5f;
            var midZ       = ((halfLength - (haveRoundedTop ? topLength : 0)) - (halfLength - (haveRoundedBottom ? bottomLength : 0))) * -0.5f;
            //	haveCenter ? ((vertices[firstTopSide].z + vertices[firstBottomSide].z) * 0.5f) : 0;

            var topPoint    = new Vector3(0, height, midZ);
            var bottomPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, midZ);
            var frontPoint  = new Vector3(0, midY, halfLength);
            var backPoint   = new Vector3(0, midY, -halfLength);
            var leftPoint   = new Vector3(diameter * 0.5f, midY, midZ);
            var rightPoint  = new Vector3(diameter * -0.5f, midY, midZ);

                    var isTopBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(topPoint, upVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, upVector);
                    var topHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus;
                    handles.backfaced = false;
                    //if (this.haveRoundedTop)
                        var thickness = topHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness;

                        handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(handles.color, topHasFocus, true);
                        handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, sides, sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness);
                        if (haveRoundedTop)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[sides + firstTopSide], vertices[sides + lastTopSide], lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);
                        if (haveRoundedBottom && haveCenter)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[sides + firstBottomSide], vertices[sides + lastBottomSide], lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);

                        handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(handles.color, topHasFocus, false);
                        handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, sides, sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness);
                        if (haveRoundedTop)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[sides + firstTopSide], vertices[sides + lastTopSide], lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);
                        if (haveRoundedBottom && haveCenter)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[sides + firstBottomSide], vertices[sides + lastBottomSide], lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);

                    var isBottomBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(bottomPoint, -upVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref bottomPoint, -upVector);
                    var bottomHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus;
                    handles.backfaced = false;
                    //if (this.haveRoundedBottom)
                        var thickness = bottomHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness;

                        handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomHasFocus, true);
                        handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, 0, sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness);
                        if (haveRoundedTop)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[firstTopSide], vertices[lastTopSide], lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);
                        if (haveRoundedBottom && haveCenter)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[firstBottomSide], vertices[lastBottomSide], lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);

                        handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomHasFocus, false);
                        handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, 0, sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness);
                        if (haveRoundedTop)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[firstTopSide], vertices[lastTopSide], lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);
                        if (haveRoundedBottom && haveCenter)
                            handles.DrawLine(vertices[firstBottomSide], vertices[lastBottomSide], lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kVertLineThickness);

                    var isTopBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(frontPoint, forwardVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref frontPoint, forwardVector);
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    var isBottomBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(backPoint, -forwardVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref backPoint, -forwardVector);
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    var isTopBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(leftPoint, rightVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref leftPoint, rightVector);
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    var isBottomBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(rightPoint, -rightVector);

                    handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref rightPoint, -rightVector);
                    handles.backfaced = false;
            if (handles.modified)
                this.height   = topPoint.y - bottomPoint.y;
                this.length   = Mathf.Max(0, frontPoint.z - backPoint.z);
                this.diameter = leftPoint.x - rightPoint.x;
                // TODO: handle sizing in some directions (needs to modify transformation?)
        static                         Vector3[] vertices = null; // TODO: store this per instance? or just allocate every frame?

        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor = handles.color;
            var normal    = Vector3.up;

            if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateSphereVertices(this, ref vertices))
                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest);

                handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
                DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest);
                handles.color = baseColor;

            Vector3 center, topPoint, bottomPoint;

            if (!this.generateFromCenter)
                center      = normal * (this.offsetY + (this.diameterXYZ.y * 0.5f));
                topPoint    = normal * (this.offsetY + this.diameterXYZ.y);
                bottomPoint = normal * (this.offsetY);
                center      = normal * (this.offsetY);
                topPoint    = normal * (this.offsetY + (this.diameterXYZ.y * 0.5f));
                bottomPoint = normal * (this.offsetY + (this.diameterXYZ.y * -0.5f));

            if (this.diameterXYZ.y < 0)
                normal = -normal;

            var radius2D = new Vector2(this.diameterXYZ.x, this.diameterXYZ.z) * 0.5f;

                // TODO: make it possible to (optionally) size differently in x & z
                var radiusX = radius2D.x;
                handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref radiusX, normal, center);
                radius2D.x = radiusX;

                    var isBottomBackfaced = false;       // TODO: how to do this?

                    handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref bottomPoint, -normal);
                    handles.backfaced = false;

                    var isTopBackfaced = false;          // TODO: how to do this?

                    handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced;
                    handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, normal);
                    handles.backfaced = false;
            if (handles.modified)
                var diameter = this.diameterXYZ;
                diameter.y       = topPoint.y - bottomPoint.y;
                diameter.x       = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                diameter.z       = radius2D.x * 2.0f;
                this.offsetY     = bottomPoint.y;
                this.diameterXYZ = diameter;
                // TODO: handle sizing down (needs to modify transformation?)
        public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles)
            var baseColor = handles.color;
            var normal    = Vector3.forward;

            var controlPoints = shape.controlPoints;

            var shapeVertices       = new List <Vector2>();
            var shapeSegmentIndices = new List <int>();

            BrushMeshFactory.GetPathVertices(this.shape, this.curveSegments, shapeVertices, shapeSegmentIndices);

            var horzSegments         = this.revolveSegments;
            var horzDegreePerSegment = this.totalAngle / horzSegments;
            var horzOffset           = this.startAngle;

            var noZTestcolor = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true);
            var zTestcolor   = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false);

            for (int h = 1, pr = 0; h < horzSegments + 1; pr = h, h++)
                var hDegree0  = (pr * horzDegreePerSegment) + horzOffset;
                var hDegree1  = (h * horzDegreePerSegment) + horzOffset;
                var rotation0 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(hDegree0, normal);
                var rotation1 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(hDegree1, normal);
                for (int p0 = controlPoints.Length - 1, p1 = 0; p1 < controlPoints.Length; p0 = p1, p1++)
                    var point0 = controlPoints[p0].position;
                    //var point1	= controlPoints[p1].position;
                    var vertexA = rotation0 * new Vector3(point0.x, 0, point0.y);
                    var vertexB = rotation1 * new Vector3(point0.x, 0, point0.y);
                    //var vertexC	= rotation0 * new Vector3(point1.x, 0, point1.y);

                    handles.color = noZTestcolor;
                    handles.DrawLine(vertexA, vertexB, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kHorzLineThickness);//, dashSize: kLineDash);

                    handles.color = zTestcolor;
                    handles.DrawLine(vertexA, vertexB, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kHorzLineThickness);  //, dashSize: kLineDash);

                for (int v0 = shapeVertices.Count - 1, v1 = 0; v1 < shapeVertices.Count; v0 = v1, v1++)
                    var point0  = shapeVertices[v0];
                    var point1  = shapeVertices[v1];
                    var vertexA = rotation0 * new Vector3(point0.x, 0, point0.y);
                    var vertexB = rotation0 * new Vector3(point1.x, 0, point1.y);

                    handles.color = noZTestcolor;
                    handles.DrawLine(vertexA, vertexB, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: kHorzLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);

                    handles.color = zTestcolor;
                    handles.DrawLine(vertexA, vertexB, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: kHorzLineThickness, dashSize: kLineDash);
            handles.color = baseColor;

                // TODO: make this work non grid aligned so we can place it upwards
                handles.DoShapeHandle(ref shape);
                handles.DrawLine(normal * 10, normal * -10, dashSize: 4.0f);