/// <summary>
        /// Normalizes or denormalizes vCard depending on the User-Agent header provided.
        /// Use this function only if vCard is stored in the original form sent by the client app (typically not in a database).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">Business card to process.</param>
        /// <param name="userAgent">User-Agent header value.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the vCard was modified, false otherwise.</returns>
        static internal bool Convert(string userAgent, ICard2 card)
            if (card.ProductId == null || card.ProductId.Text == null)

            // Example: PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iOS 10.1.1//EN
            string[] aProductId = card.ProductId.Text.Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (aProductId.Length < 3)

            string product = aProductId[2];

            if (NeedsConversion(userAgent) && !NeedsConversion(product))
                // Example: client: Apple, saved: not Apple -> Denormalize
            if (!NeedsConversion(userAgent) && NeedsConversion(product))
                // Example: client: not Apple, saved: Apple -> Normalize

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a card must be read from back-end storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output">Stream to write vCard content.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Index to start reading data from back-end storage. Used for segmented reads, not used by CardDAV clients.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of bytes to read. Used for segmented reads, not used by CardDAV clients.</param>
        public override async Task ReadAsync(Stream output, long startIndex, long count)
            string vCard = null;

            using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(this.fileSystemInfo.FullName))
                vCard = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            // Typically the stream contains a single vCard.
            IEnumerable <IComponent> cards = new vFormatter().Deserialize(vCard);
            ICard2 card = cards.First() as ICard2;

            // We store a business card in the original vCard form sent by the CardDAV client app.
            // This form may not be understood by some CardDAV client apps.
            // Here we convert card to the form understood by the client CardDAV application.

            if (AppleCardInteroperability.Convert(context.Request.UserAgent, card))
                // Write modified vCard to output.
                new vFormatter().Serialize(output, card);
                // No conversion is needed.
                await base.ReadAsync(output, startIndex, count);
        static private bool DenormalizeMessenger <E>(ICard2 card, ITypedProperty <E> prop, int index) where E : ExtendibleEnum
            string typeVal = prop.RawProperty.TextValue.Split(':').FirstOrDefault() ?? "Messenger";

            if (typeVal.Length > 1)
                typeVal = typeVal.First().ToString().ToUpper() + typeVal.Substring(1); // Make first letter capital.
            // Add "itemX.PROP" property.
            string applePropName = string.Format("item10{0}.IMPP", index);

            prop.RawProperty.Parameters.Add(new Parameter("X-SERVICE-TYPE", typeVal));

            card.AddProperty(applePropName, prop.RawProperty);

            // Add itemN.X-ABLabel property.

            string        appleLabelPropName = string.Format("item10{0}.X-ABLabel", index);
            ITextProperty appleLabelProp     = card.CreateTextProp(typeVal);

            appleLabelProp.RawProperty.SortIndex = prop.RawProperty.SortIndex;
            card.AddProperty(appleLabelPropName, appleLabelProp.RawProperty);

        static private bool NormalizeProps(ICard2 card)
            bool modified = false;

            // Find props with "itemX." prefix. Copy props to new list.
            var appleProps = card.Properties.Where(x => x.Key.Contains(".")).ToList();

            List <string> propNamesToDelete = new List <string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <IRawProperty> > keyValProps in appleProps)
                // Typically iOS / OS X provides 2 props instead of one for each vCard property, for example:
                // item2.TEL:(222)222 - 2222
                // item2.X-ABLabel:Emergency

                // Get regular vCard prop name ("TEL") from Apple prop name ("item2.TEL").
                int dotIndex = keyValProps.Key.IndexOf('.');
                if ((dotIndex < 0) || (dotIndex == keyValProps.Key.Length - 1))

                string fixedName = keyValProps.Key.Substring(dotIndex + 1);

                if (fixedName.StartsWith("X-"))

                IRawProperty prop = keyValProps.Value.First(); // There is always only one property itemN.PROP in the list in case of iOS / OS X.

                // Find itemN.X-ABLabel property.
                string labelPropName = keyValProps.Key.Substring(0, dotIndex) + ".X-ABLabel";
                if (card.Properties.ContainsKey(labelPropName))
                    IRawProperty propLabel = card.Properties[labelPropName].FirstOrDefault();

                    // Remove _$!< and >!$_ around value.
                    string typeVal = propLabel.TextValue.Replace("_$!<", "").Replace(">!$_", "");

                    // Add itemN.X-ABLabel property value to the list of TYPE parameter values.
                    prop.Parameters.Add(new Parameter("TYPE", typeVal));


                // Add "PROP" propery instead of "itemN.PROP".
                card.AddProperty(fixedName, prop);


                modified = true;

            // Remove "itemX.PROP" props.
            propNamesToDelete.ForEach(propName => card.Properties.Remove(propName));

        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces "itemX.PROP" properties with "PROP". Saves itemX.X-ABLabel value to TYPE parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">Business card to process.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the vCard was modified, false otherwise.</returns>
        static internal bool Normalize(ICard2 card)
            bool modified = false;

            if (NormalizeProps(card))
                modified = true;

            // BDAY: iOS & OS X may set year to 1604, this may not be properly interpreted by other CardDAV clients
            IDate2 birthday = card.BirthDate;

            if ((birthday != null) && (birthday.Value != null) && birthday.Value.DateVal.Year == 1604)
                birthday.Value = new Date(birthday.Value.DateVal, DateComponents.Month | DateComponents.Day);
                modified       = true;

        static private int DenormalizeMessengersList <T, E>(ICard2 card, ICardPropertyList <T> propsList, int index)
            where T : class, ICardMultiProperty
            where E : ExtendibleEnum
            List <IProperty> propsToDelete = new List <IProperty>();

            foreach (ITypedProperty <E> prop in propsList)
                if (DenormalizeMessenger <E>(card, prop, index))

            // Remove modified props.
            propsToDelete.ForEach(x => x.Remove());

        static private int DenormalizePropertyList <T, E>(ICard2 card, ICardPropertyList <T> propsList, string propName, int index,
                                                          IEnumerable <string> supportedStandardTypes, IEnumerable <string> customLabelMetaTypes)
            where T : class, ICardMultiProperty
            where E : ExtendibleEnum
            List <IProperty> propsToDelete = new List <IProperty>();

            foreach (ITypedProperty <E> prop in propsList)
                if (DenormalizeTypedProperty <E>(card, prop, propName, index, supportedStandardTypes, customLabelMetaTypes))

            // Remove modified props.
            propsToDelete.ForEach(x => x.Remove());

        static private bool DenormalizeTypedProperty <E>(ICard2 card, ITypedProperty <E> prop, string propName, int index,
                                                         IEnumerable <string> supportedStandardTypes, IEnumerable <string> customLabelMetaTypes) where E : ExtendibleEnum
            // Find first non-standard type param and move it to item2.X-ABLabel property.
            foreach (E type in prop.Types)
                string typeVal = type.Name;
                if (supportedStandardTypes.Contains(typeVal.ToUpper()))
                    continue; // No need to change, continue searching.

                if (customLabelMetaTypes.Contains(typeVal.ToUpper()))
                    // Must be converted to itemN.X-ABLabel:_$!<Other>!$_
                    typeVal = string.Format("_$!<{0}>!$_", typeVal);

                // Remove this param value from TYPE.
                prop.Types = prop.Types.Where(x => x != type).ToArray();

                // Add "itemX.PROP" property.
                string applePropName = string.Format("item10{0}.{1}", index, propName);
                card.AddProperty(applePropName, prop.RawProperty);

                // Add itemN.X-ABLabel property.
                string        appleLabelPropName = string.Format("item10{0}.X-ABLabel", index);
                ITextProperty appleLabelProp     = card.CreateTextProp(typeVal);
                appleLabelProp.RawProperty.SortIndex = prop.RawProperty.SortIndex;
                card.AddProperty(appleLabelPropName, appleLabelProp.RawProperty);


        /// <summary>
        /// Repalaces itemN.PROP and itemN.X-ABLabel properties with a standard vCard properties. Moves itemN.X-ABLabel prop value into a TYPE parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">Business card to process.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the vCard was modified, false otherwise.</returns>
        static internal bool Denormalize(ICard2 card)
            List <IProperty> propsToDelete = new List <IProperty>();

            int i = 1;

            i = DenormalizePropertyList <IEmail2, EmailType>(card, card.Emails, "EMAIL", i, new string[] { "HOME", "WORK", "INTERNET" }, new string[] { "OTHER" });
            i = DenormalizePropertyList <IAddress2, AddressType>(card, card.Addresses, "ADR", i, new string[] { "HOME", "WORK", "OTHER" }, new string[] { });
            i = DenormalizePropertyList <ITelephone2, TelephoneType>(card, card.Telephones, "TEL", i, new string[] { "VOICE", "HOME", "WORK", "IPHONE", "CELL", "MAIN", "HOME", "FAX", "PAGER", "OTHER" }, new string[] { });
            i = DenormalizePropertyList <ICardUriProperty2, ExtendibleEnum>(card, card.Urls, "URL", i, new string[] { "HOME", "WORK" }, new string[] { "HOMEPAGE", "OTHER" });

            ICard3 card3 = card as ICard3;

            if (card3 != null)
                i = DenormalizePropertyList <IInstantMessenger3, MessengerType>(card, card3.InstantMessengers, "IMPP", i, new string[] { }, new string[] { });

                // If there are any IMPPs left which does not have any TYPE specified create itemN.X-ABLabel for them.
                // If no label is added "IM_SERVICE_NAME" is displayed.
                i = DenormalizeMessengersList <IInstantMessenger3, MessengerType>(card, card3.InstantMessengers, i);

            return(i > 1);