internal OperatorTimeChecker(ICallMessage callMessage, CallDataConsumerImplSqlServer parent)
            {// constructed to hold id_operator number, to save time
                this.parent = parent;

                string oper = callMessage.Operator();
                if (!setIdOperator(oper, ref id_operator))
                    //insert, get id
                    string query = "INSERT INTO operator(mail) VALUES (@mail);SELECT Scope_Identity()";
                    id_operator = parent.ExecScalar(query, new SqlParameter[] {new SqlParameter("@mail", oper)});
        public void HandleMessage(ICallMessage callMessage)
            if (null == callMessage || !callMessage.isValid()) return;

            if ("".Equals(callMessage.Operator()) ||                      //   <---- these fields could be empty 
               DateTime.MinValue.Equals(callMessage.DateTimeStart()) ||   //   <---- because of incorrect mail template (regex),
               DateTime.MaxValue.Equals(callMessage.DateTimeInterval()) ||//   <---- they must be checked in the CallDataConsumer
               "".Equals(callMessage.Abonent()))                          //   <---- and mail should be saved in special table
                String description = "Possibly the regex is incorrect. Check the MessageRegex element in the MessageStructure section of the config class. ";
                saveFailedMessage(callMessage, description);

            OperatorTimeChecker ot;
            if (!operatorOperatorTime.TryGetValue(callMessage.Operator(), out ot))
                ot = new OperatorTimeChecker(callMessage, this);
                operatorOperatorTime.Add(callMessage.Operator(), ot);
            checkDateAndSave(callMessage, ot);