Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnClick()
            IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriEditor.Editor");

            if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing)
                MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again.");

            ICadastralEditor    pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            IParcelEditManager  pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;
            ICadastralSelection pCadaSel       = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd;

                ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd;
                bool bStartedWithPacketOpen           = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen;
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)

                //1. Start map edit session
                ICadastralMapEdit pCadMapEdit = (ICadastralMapEdit)pCadEd;
                pCadMapEdit.StartMapEdit(esriMapEditType.esriMEParcelSelection, "Merge Parcel", false);

                //2.	Get job packet
                ICadastralPacket pCadaPacket = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket;

                //3.	Create Plan (new)
                string sPlanName = "My New Plan";

                //first check to ensure plan is not already in the database.
                IGSPlan        pGSPlan   = FindFabricPlanByName(sPlanName, pCadEd);
                ICadastralPlan pCadaPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadaPacket;
                if (pGSPlan == null)
                    //if plan is null, it was not found and can be created
                    pGSPlan = new GSPlanClass();
                    // 3.a set values
                    pGSPlan.Accuracy        = 4;
                    pGSPlan.Name            = sPlanName;
                    pGSPlan.DirectionFormat = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
                    pGSPlan.AngleUnits      = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;
                    pGSPlan.AreaUnits       = esriCadastralAreaUnits.esriCAUAcre;
                    pGSPlan.Description     = "My Test Plan for Merge";
                    pGSPlan.DistanceUnits   = esriCadastralDistanceUnits.esriCDUFoot;

                //3.b Add the plan to the job packet

                ICadastralPoints           pCadaPoints           = (ICadastralPoints)pCadaPacket;
                IConstructParcelFunctions3 constrParcelFunctions = new ParcelFunctions() as IConstructParcelFunctions3;

                IEnumGSParcels selectedParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels; //get selected parcels AFTER calling ::StartMapEdit to get the in-mem packet representation.
                IGSParcel      gsParcel        = constrParcelFunctions.MergeParcels(pGSPlan, pCadaPoints, selectedParcels, pCadaPacket);
                gsParcel.Type = 7;                                         //7 = Tax parcel in the Local Government Information Model
                gsParcel.Lot  = "My Merged Tax Parcel";

                ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)pParcEditorMan;
                //Make sure that any extended attributes on the new merged parcel have their default values set
                IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)gsParcel;

                ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel = (ICadastralParcel)pCadaPacket;

                //set the original parcels to historic
                IGSParcel selParcel = selectedParcels.Next();
                while (selParcel != null)
                    selParcel.Historical = true;
                    //set SystemEndDate
                    pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)selParcel;
                    if (pGSAttributes != null)
                        pGSAttributes.SetProperty("systemenddate", DateTime.Now);
                    selParcel = selectedParcels.Next();

                    if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                    pEd.StopOperation("Merge Parcel");
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void CreateParcelFromSegmentCollection(ISegmentCollection Segments, string PlanName)
            int iCnt = Segments.SegmentCount;

            ISegment[] pSegmentArr = new ISegment[iCnt];
            for (int j = 0; j < iCnt; j++)
                pSegmentArr[j] = Segments.get_Segment(j);

            ICadastralEditor   pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;

                ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd;
                bool bStartedWithPacketOpen           = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen;
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)

                //1. Start map edit session
                ICadastralMapEdit pCadMapEdit = (ICadastralMapEdit)pCadEd;
                pCadMapEdit.StartMapEdit(esriMapEditType.esriMEEmpty, "NewParcel", false);

                //2.	Get job packet
                ICadastralPacket pCadaPacket = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket;

                //3.	Create Plan (new)
                string sPlanName = PlanName;
                //first check to ensure plan is not already in the database.
                IGSPlan pGSPlan = FindFabricPlanByName(sPlanName, pCadEd);

                if (pGSPlan == null)
                    //if plan is null, it was not found and can be created
                    pGSPlan = new GSPlanClass();
                    // 3.a set values
                    pGSPlan.Accuracy = 4;
                    pGSPlan.Name     = sPlanName;

                //3.b Add the plan to the job packet
                ICadastralPlan pCadaPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadaPacket;

                //4.	Create Parcel
                ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel  = (ICadastralParcel)pCadaPacket;
                IGSParcel        pNewGSParcel = new GSParcelClass();
                //Make sure that any extended attributes on the parcel have their default values set
                IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)pNewGSParcel;
                if (pGSAttributes != null)
                    ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)pParcEditorMan;

                //4a.	Add the parcel to the packet. (do this before addlines)
                // - This will enable us to Acquire the parcel ID,
                // - Having the parcel attached to the packet allows InsertLine to function.
                pNewGSParcel.Lot  = "NewParcel";
                pNewGSParcel.Type = 7;
                //4b.	Set Plan (created above)
                IGSPlan thePlan = pCadaPlan.GetPlan(sPlanName);
                pNewGSParcel.Plan = thePlan;
                //4c.	Insert GSLines (from new) into GSParcel
                //4d. To bypass join, you can create GSPoints and assign those point IDs to the GSLines.
                ICadastralPoints     pCadaPoints     = (ICadastralPoints)pCadaPacket;
                IMetricUnitConverter pMetricUnitConv = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadEd;

                //Set up the initial start point, POB

                IPoint pPt1 = Segments.get_Segment(0).FromPoint;

                IZAware pZAw = (IZAware)pPt1;
                pZAw.ZAware = true;
                pPt1.Z      = 0; //defaulting to 0

                //Convert the point into metric units, and get a new (in-mem) point id
                IGSPoint pGSPointFrom = pMetricUnitConv.SetGSPoint(pPt1);
                int iID1      = pGSPointFrom.Id;
                int iID1_Orig = iID1;

                int     index   = 0;
                IGSLine pGSLine = null;
                //++++++++++++ Add Courses ++++++++++++++
                int  iID2    = -1;
                bool bIsLoop = (Math.Abs(pPt1.X - Segments.get_Segment(iCnt - 1).ToPoint.X)) < 0.01 &&
                               (Math.Abs(pPt1.Y - Segments.get_Segment(iCnt - 1).ToPoint.Y)) < 0.01;

                IAngularConverter pAngConv = new AngularConverterClass();

                for (int j = 0; j < iCnt; j++)
                    pSegmentArr[j] = Segments.get_Segment(j);

                    double dDir         = 0; //radians north azimuth
                    ILine  pLineOrChord = new LineClass();
                    pLineOrChord.PutCoords(pSegmentArr[j].FromPoint, pSegmentArr[j].ToPoint);

                    if (pAngConv.SetAngle(pLineOrChord.Angle, esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians))
                        dDir = pAngConv.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);

                    double dDist         = pLineOrChord.Length;
                    double dRadius       = 0;
                    int    iAccuracy     = -1;
                    int    iUserLineType = -1;
                    int    iCategory     = -1;

                    if (pSegmentArr[j] is ICircularArc)
                        ICircularArc pCircArc = pSegmentArr[j] as ICircularArc;
                        dRadius = pCircArc.Radius;
                        if (pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise)
                            dRadius = dRadius * -1;
                    bool bComputeToPoint = (bIsLoop && (j < iCnt - 1)) || !bIsLoop;
                    //From, Direction (NAz Radians), Distance (map's projection units), Radius
                    pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1,
                                           iID1, dDir, dDist, dRadius, iAccuracy, iUserLineType, iCategory, bComputeToPoint, out iID2);

                    if (j < iCnt - 1 || !bIsLoop)
                        iID1 = iID2;
                    else if ((j == iCnt - 1) && bIsLoop)
                        pGSLine.ToPoint = iID1_Orig; //closing the traverse back to the POB
                    iID2 = -1;

                    //Add the line to the new parcel
                    if (pGSLine != null)
                        pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine);

                //Add radial lines for circular curves

                // 4.e then set join=true on the parcel.
                pNewGSParcel.Joined = true;

                //let the packet know that a change has been made

                //save the new parcel
                    if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                    m_editor.StopOperation("New Parcel");
            catch (Exception ex)
        private IGSLine CreateGSLine(IMetricUnitConverter MetricConversion, ICadastralPoints CadastralPoints,
                                     ref IPoint FromPointInToPointOut, int FromPointID, double Direction, double Distance,
                                     double Radius, int Accuracy, int UserLineType, int Category, bool ComputeToPoint, out int ToPointID)
            //In this function, Radius == 0 means a straight line
            //If the radius is >0 or <0 then the line is a circular curve with Distance as the chord length
            //for curves Bearing means chord bearing
            //negative radius means a curve to the left, positive radius curve to the right
            //for no Accuracy, no Type, or no Category pass in -1
            //Bearing is in north azimuth radians

            IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();

            pLine.Bearing = Direction; //direction is in radians north azimuth
            double dConvertedDistance = 0;

            MetricConversion.ConvertDistance(esriCadastralUnitConversionType.esriCUCToMetric, Distance, ref dConvertedDistance);
            pLine.Distance = dConvertedDistance; //needs to be in meters;

            if (Math.Abs(Radius) > 0)
                MetricConversion.ConvertDistance(esriCadastralUnitConversionType.esriCUCToMetric, Radius, ref dConvertedDistance);
                pLine.Radius = dConvertedDistance; //needs to be in meters;

            pLine.FromPoint = FromPointID;
            pLine.ToPoint   = -1;

            if (Accuracy > -1)
                pLine.Accuracy = Accuracy;
            if (UserLineType > -1)
                pLine.LineType = UserLineType;
            if (Category > -1)
                pLine.Category = (esriCadastralLineCategory)Category;

            //Make sure that any extended attributes on the line have their default values set
            IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)pLine;

            if (pGSAttributes != null)
                ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)MetricConversion; //QI

            //Compute the new end point for the line.
            //FromPointInToPointOut is in units of the map projection.
            ICurve pCurv = MetricConversion.GetSurveyedLine(pLine, CadastralPoints, false, FromPointInToPointOut);

            //pCurv is also in the units of the map projection. Convert the end point to metric units.

            FromPointInToPointOut   = pCurv.ToPoint;//pass the new To point back out
            FromPointInToPointOut.Z = 0;
            IGSPoint pGSPointTo = MetricConversion.SetGSPoint(FromPointInToPointOut);

            if (ComputeToPoint)
                pLine.ToPoint = pGSPointTo.Id;
                ToPointID     = pLine.ToPoint;
                ToPointID = -1;

            if (pCurv is ICircularArc)
                ICircularArc pCircArc = (ICircularArc)pCurv;
                IPoint       pCtrPt   = pCircArc.CenterPoint;
                IZAware      pZAw     = (IZAware)pCtrPt;
                pZAw.ZAware = true;
                pCtrPt.Z    = 0;
                IGSPoint pGSCtrPt = MetricConversion.SetGSPoint(pCtrPt);
                pLine.CenterPoint = pGSCtrPt.Id;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void OnClick()
            // **SAMPLE CODE NOTE**
            // the following code show the mechanics of creating a new parcel using the ICadastralMapEdit interface
            // there is no user interface to enter parcel record data, and the parcel line records are hard -coded
            // for the purposes of this sample code. The center of the map extent is used as the point of beginning
            // for the parcel.
            ICadastralEditor   pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            IParcelEditManager pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;

            IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor");

            if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing)
                MessageBox.Show("Please start editing and try again.");

                ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacketMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadEd;
                bool bStartedWithPacketOpen           = pCadPacketMan.PacketOpen;
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)

                //1. Start map edit session
                ICadastralMapEdit pCadMapEdit = (ICadastralMapEdit)pCadEd;
                pCadMapEdit.StartMapEdit(esriMapEditType.esriMEEmpty, "NewParcel", false);

                //2.	Get job packet
                ICadastralPacket pCadaPacket = pCadPacketMan.JobPacket;

                //3.	Create Plan (new)
                string sPlanName = "My New Plan";
                //first check to ensure plan is not already in the database.
                IGSPlan pGSPlan = FindFabricPlanByName(sPlanName, pCadEd);

                if (pGSPlan == null)
                    //if plan is null, it was not found and can be created
                    pGSPlan = new GSPlanClass();
                    // 3.a set values
                    pGSPlan.Accuracy = 4;
                    pGSPlan.Name     = sPlanName;

                //3.b Add the plan to the job packet
                ICadastralPlan pCadaPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadaPacket;

                //4.	Create Parcel
                ICadastralParcel pCadaParcel  = (ICadastralParcel)pCadaPacket;
                IGSParcel        pNewGSParcel = new GSParcelClass();
                //Make sure that any extended attributes on the parcel have their default values set
                IGSAttributes pGSAttributes = (IGSAttributes)pNewGSParcel;
                if (pGSAttributes != null)
                    ICadastralObjectSetup pCadaObjSetup = (ICadastralObjectSetup)pParcEditorMan;

                //4a.	Add the parcel to the packet. (do this before addlines)
                // - This will enable us to Acquire the parcel ID,
                // - Having the parcel attached to the packet allows InsertLine to function.
                pNewGSParcel.Lot  = "NewParcel";
                pNewGSParcel.Type = 7;
                //4b.	Set Plan (created above)
                IGSPlan thePlan = pCadaPlan.GetPlan(sPlanName);
                pNewGSParcel.Plan = thePlan;
                //4c.	Insert GSLines (from new) into GSParcel
                //4d. To bypass join, you can create GSPoints and assign those point IDs to the GSLines.
                ICadastralPoints     pCadaPoints     = (ICadastralPoints)pCadaPacket;
                IMetricUnitConverter pMetricUnitConv = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadEd;

                //Set up the initial start point, POB
                //This sample code starts from the middle of the map, and defines 4 lines of a parcel
                //The first course is a straight line, the other 3 courses are circular arcs
                IArea  pArea = (IArea)ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent;
                IPoint pPt1  = pArea.Centroid;

                IZAware pZAw = (IZAware)pPt1;
                pZAw.ZAware = true;
                pPt1.Z      = 0; //defaulting to 0

                //Convert the point into metric units, and get a new (in-mem) point id
                IGSPoint pGSPointFrom = pMetricUnitConv.SetGSPoint(pPt1);
                int iID1 = pGSPointFrom.Id;

                int index = 0;
                //++++++++++++ Course 1 ++++++++++++++
                int iID2 = -1;
                //From, Direction (NAz Radians), Distance (map's projection units), Radius
                IGSLine pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1,
                                               iID1, 0, 100, 0, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID2);
                //Add the line to the new parcel
                if (pGSLine != null)
                    pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine);

                //++++++++++++ Course 2 ++++++++++++++
                int iID3 = -1;
                pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1,
                                       iID2, (Math.PI / 2), 100, -80, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID3);
                if (pGSLine != null)
                    pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine);

                //++++++++++++ Course 3 ++++++++++++++
                int iID4 = -1;
                pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1,
                                       iID3, Math.PI, 100, 80, -1, -1, -1, true, out iID4);
                if (pGSLine != null)
                    pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine);

                //++++++++++++ Course 4 ++++++++++++++
                //close back to point of beginning
                int i = -1;
                pGSLine = CreateGSLine(pMetricUnitConv, pCadaPoints, ref pPt1,
                                       iID4, (3 * Math.PI / 2), 100, 200, -1, -1, -1, false, out i);
                pGSLine.ToPoint = iID1; //closing the traverse back to the POB
                if (pGSLine != null)
                    pNewGSParcel.InsertLine(++index, pGSLine);

                //Add radial lines for circular curves

                // 4.e then set join=true on the parcel.
                pNewGSParcel.Joined = true;

                //let the packet know that a change has been made

                //save the new parcel
                    if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                if (!bStartedWithPacketOpen)
                    pEd.StopOperation("New Parcel");
            catch (Exception ex)