Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the ResourceBundle for this spec, at the current level of
 /// iteration. The level of iteration goes from aa_BB_CCC to aa_BB to aa.
 /// If the bundle does not correspond to the current level of iteration,
 /// return null. If isLocale() is false, always return null.
 /// </summary>
 public ResourceBundle GetBundle()
     if (res != null && res.GetULocale().ToString().Equals(spec))
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public Spec(string theSpec)
                top        = theSpec;
                spec       = null;
                scriptName = null;
                    // Canonicalize script name.  If top is a script name then
                    // script != UScript.INVALID_CODE.
                    int script = UScript.GetCodeFromName(top);

                    // Canonicalize script name -or- do locale->script mapping
                    int[] s = UScript.GetCode(top);
                    if (s != null)
                        scriptName = UScript.GetName(s[0]);
                        // If the script name is the same as top then it's redundant
                        if (scriptName.Equals(top, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            scriptName = null;

                    isSpecLocale = false;
                    res          = null;
                    // If 'top' is not a script name, try a locale lookup
                    if (script == UScript.InvalidCode)
                        // ICU4N specific - CultureInfo doesn't support IANA culture names, so we use ULocale instead.
                        ULocale toploc = new ULocale(top);

                        //CultureInfo toploc = LocaleUtility.GetLocaleFromName(top);
                        res = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.GetBundleInstance(ICUData.IcuTransliteratorBaseName, toploc, Transliterator.ICU_DATA_CLASS_LOADER);
                        // Make sure we got the bundle we wanted; otherwise, don't use it
                        if (res != null && LocaleUtility.IsFallbackOf(res.GetULocale().ToString(), top))
                            isSpecLocale = true;
                catch (MissingManifestResourceException)
                    // The constructor is called from multiple private methods
                    //  that protects an invalid scriptName
                    scriptName = null;
                // assert(spec != top);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public Spec(String theSpec)
                top        = theSpec;
                spec       = null;
                scriptName = null;
                try {
                    // Canonicalize script name. If top is a script name then
                    // script != UScript.INVALID_CODE.
                    int script = IBM.ICU.Lang.UScript.GetCodeFromName(top);

                    // Canonicalize script name -or- do locale->script mapping
                    int[] s = IBM.ICU.Lang.UScript.GetCode(top);
                    if (s != null)
                        scriptName = IBM.ICU.Lang.UScript.GetName(s[0]);
                        // If the script name is the same as top then it's redundant
                        if (scriptName.Equals(top, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            scriptName = null;

                    isSpecLocale = false;
                    res          = null;
                    // If 'top' is not a script name, try a locale lookup
                    if (script == IBM.ICU.Lang.UScript.INVALID_CODE)
                        Locale toploc = IBM.ICU.Impl.LocaleUtility.GetLocaleFromName(top);
                        res = (ICUResourceBundle)IBM.ICU.Util.UResourceBundle
                        // Make sure we got the bundle we wanted; otherwise, don't
                        // use it
                        if (res != null &&
                                                                    .ToString(), top))
                            isSpecLocale = true;
                } catch (MissingManifestResourceException e) {
                    scriptName = null;
                // assert(spec != top);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestGetWithFallback()
             * UResourceBundle bundle =(UResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata","te_IN");
             * String key = bundle.getStringWithFallback("Keys/collation");
             * if(!key.equals("COLLATION")){
             *  Errln("Did not get the expected result from getStringWithFallback method.");
             * }
             * String type = bundle.getStringWithFallback("Types/collation/direct");
             * if(!type.equals("DIRECT")){
             *  Errln("Did not get the expected result form getStringWithFallback method.");
             * }
            ICUResourceBundle bundle = null;
            String            key    = null;

                bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.GetBundleInstance(ICUData.IcuCollationBaseName, ULocale.Canonicalize("de__PHONEBOOK"));

                if (!bundle.GetULocale().GetName().Equals("de"))
                    Errln("did not get the expected bundle");
                key = bundle.GetStringWithFallback("collations/collation/default");
                if (!key.Equals("phonebook"))
                    Errln("Did not get the expected result from getStringWithFallback method.");
            catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex)
                Logln("got the expected exception");

            bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.GetBundleInstance(ICUData.IcuCollationBaseName, "fr_FR");
            key    = bundle.GetStringWithFallback("collations/default");
            if (!key.Equals("standard"))
                Errln("Did not get the expected result from getStringWithFallback method.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility to fetch locale display data from resource bundle tables.  Uses fallback
        /// through the "Fallback" resource if available.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetTableString(ICUResourceBundle bundle, string tableName,
                                            string subtableName, string item, string defaultValue)
            string result = null;

                for (; ;)
                    ICUResourceBundle table = bundle.FindWithFallback(tableName);
                    if (table == null)
                    ICUResourceBundle stable = table;
                    if (subtableName != null)
                        stable = table.FindWithFallback(subtableName);
                    if (stable != null)
                        result = stable.FindStringWithFallback(item);
                        if (result != null)
                            break; // possible real exception

                    // if we get here, stable was null, or there was no string for the item
                    if (subtableName == null)
                        // may be a deprecated code
                        string currentName = null;
                        if (tableName.Equals("Countries"))
                            currentName = LocaleIDs.GetCurrentCountryID(item);
                        else if (tableName.Equals("Languages"))
                            currentName = LocaleIDs.GetCurrentLanguageID(item);
                        if (currentName != null)
                            result = table.FindStringWithFallback(currentName);
                            if (result != null)
                                break; // possible real exception

                    // still can't figure it out? try the fallback mechanism
                    string fallbackLocale = table.FindStringWithFallback("Fallback"); // again, possible exception
                    if (fallbackLocale == null)

                    if (fallbackLocale.Length == 0)
                        fallbackLocale = "root";

                    if (fallbackLocale.Equals(table.GetULocale().GetName()))

                    bundle = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.GetBundleInstance(
                        bundle.GetBaseName(), fallbackLocale);
            catch (Exception)
                // If something is seriously wrong, we might call getString on a resource that is
                // not a string.  That will throw an exception, which we catch and ignore here.

            // If the result is empty return item instead
            return((result != null && result.Length > 0) ? result : defaultValue);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override ULocale GetLocale()
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the symbols from the LocaleElements resource bundle. Note:
        /// The organization of LocaleElements badly needs to be cleaned up.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize(ULocale locale)
            this.requestedLocale = locale.ToLocale();
            this.ulocale         = locale;

            /* try the cache first */
            String[][] data = (String[][])cachedLocaleData[locale];
            String[]   numberElements;
            if (data == null)       /* cache miss */
                data = new String[1][];
                ICUResourceBundle rb = (ICUResourceBundle)IBM.ICU.Util.UResourceBundle
                                       .GetBundleInstance(IBM.ICU.Impl.ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, locale);
                data[0] = rb.GetStringArray("NumberElements");
                /* update cache */
                ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(cachedLocaleData, locale, data);
            numberElements = data[0];

            ICUResourceBundle r = (ICUResourceBundle)IBM.ICU.Util.UResourceBundle
                                  .GetBundleInstance(IBM.ICU.Impl.ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, locale);

            // TODO: Determine actual and valid locale correctly.
            ULocale uloc = r.GetULocale();

            SetLocale(uloc, uloc);

            // {dlf} clean up below now that we have our own resource data
            decimalSeparator  = numberElements[0][0];
            groupingSeparator = numberElements[1][0];
            // Temporary hack to support old JDK 1.1 resources
            // patternSeparator = numberElements[2].length() > 0 ?
            // numberElements[2].charAt(0) : ';';
            patternSeparator = numberElements[2][0];
            percent          = numberElements[3][0];
            zeroDigit        = numberElements[4][0]; // different for Arabic,etc.
            digit            = numberElements[5][0];
            minusSign        = numberElements[6][0];

            // Temporary hack to support JDK versions before 1.1.6 (?)
            // exponentSeparator = numberElements.length >= 9 ?
            // numberElements[7] : DecimalFormat.PATTERN_EXPONENT;
            // perMill = numberElements.length >= 9 ?
            // numberElements[8].charAt(0) : '\u2030';
            // infinity = numberElements.length >= 10 ?
            // numberElements[9] : "\u221e";
            // NaN = numberElements.length >= 11 ?
            // numberElements[10] : "\ufffd";
            exponentSeparator = numberElements[7];
            perMill           = numberElements[8][0];
            infinity          = numberElements[9];
            NaN = numberElements[10];

            plusSign  = numberElements[11][0];
            padEscape = IBM.ICU.Text.DecimalFormat.PATTERN_PAD_ESCAPE;
            sigDigit  = IBM.ICU.Text.DecimalFormat.PATTERN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT;

            // Obtain currency data from the currency API. This is strictly
            // for backward compatibility; we don't use DecimalFormatSymbols
            // for currency data anymore.
            String currname = null;

            currency = IBM.ICU.Util.Currency.GetInstance(locale);
            if (currency != null)
                intlCurrencySymbol = currency.GetCurrencyCode();
                bool[] isChoiceFormat = new bool[1];
                currname = currency.GetName(locale, IBM.ICU.Util.Currency.SYMBOL_NAME,
                // If this is a ChoiceFormat currency, then format an
                // arbitrary value; pick something != 1; more common.
                currencySymbol = (isChoiceFormat[0]) ? new ChoiceFormat(currname)
                                 .Format(2.0d) : currname;
                intlCurrencySymbol = "XXX";
                currencySymbol     = "\u00A4"; // 'OX' currency symbol
            // If there is a currency decimal, use it.
            monetarySeparator         = decimalSeparator;
            monetaryGroupingSeparator = groupingSeparator;
            Currency curr = IBM.ICU.Util.Currency.GetInstance(locale);

            if (curr != null)
                String currencyCode = curr.GetCurrencyCode();
                if (currencyCode != null)
                    /* An explicit currency was requested */
                    ICUResourceBundle resource = (ICUResourceBundle)IBM.ICU.Util.UResourceBundle
                    ICUResourceBundle currencyRes = resource
                    try {
                        currencyRes = currencyRes.GetWithFallback(currencyCode);
                        if (currencyRes.GetSize() > 2)
                            currencyRes               = (ICUResourceBundle)currencyRes.Get(2);
                            currencyPattern           = currencyRes.GetString(0);
                            monetarySeparator         = currencyRes.GetString(1)[0];
                            monetaryGroupingSeparator = currencyRes.GetString(2)[0];
                    } catch (MissingManifestResourceException ex) {
                         * else An explicit currency was requested and is unknown or
                         * locale data is malformed.
                        /* decimal format API will get the correct value later on. */
                /* else no currency keyword used. */
            // monetarySeparator = numberElements[11].charAt(0);