public static ContractRequires GetLastRequiresFor(this ICSharpFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration,
                                                          string parameterName)
            var parameters = functionDeclaration.DeclaredElement.Parameters
                             .Select(p => p.ShortName).TakeWhile(paramName => paramName != parameterName)

            // Creating lookup where key is argument name, and the value is statements.
            var requiresStatements =

            /*.SelectMany(x => x.ArgumentNames.Select(a => new {Statement = x, ArgumentName = a}))
             * .ToLookup(x => x.ArgumentName, x => x.Statement)*/

            // Looking for the last usage of the parameters in the requires statements
            foreach (var p in parameters)
                // TODO: it seems terrible!!! and ugly!
                var precondition = requiresStatements
                                   .LastOrDefault(r => r.ChecksForNotNull(pa =>
                                                                          pa.CompareReferenceArgument(ra => ra.BaseArgumentName == p)));

                if (precondition != null)

 private ICSharpStatement GetLastRequiresStatementIfAny(ICSharpFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration)
     return functionDeclaration.GetRequires().Select(r => r.CSharpStatement).LastOrDefault();
 private ICSharpStatement GetLastRequiresStatementIfAny(ICSharpFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration)
     return(functionDeclaration.GetRequires().Select(r => r.CSharpStatement).LastOrDefault());