Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void WriteTo(object entity, IHttpEntity response, string[] codecParameters)
            // The default webforms renderer only associate the last parameter in the codecParameters
            // with a page that has been defined in the rendererParameters.

            var codecParameterList = new List <string>(codecParameters);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_request.UriName))

            string templateAddress = GetViewVPath(_configuration, codecParameterList.ToArray(), _request.UriName);

            var type = _buildManager.GetCompiledType(templateAddress);

            var renderTarget = DependencyManager.GetService(type) as RazorViewBase;

            if (renderTarget == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("View page doesn't inherit from RazorViewBase");

            renderTarget.Errors = response.Errors;
            RenderTarget(response, renderTarget);
        private Type GetAndCheckCompiledType <T> (string virtualPath)
            var compiledType = _buildManager.GetCompiledType(virtualPath);

            if (compiledType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Web service '{0}' could not be compiled.", virtualPath));

            if (!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(compiledType))
                var message = typeof(T).IsInterface
                          ? "Web service '{0}' does not implement mandatory interface '{1}'."
                          : "Web service '{0}' is not based on type '{1}'.";

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(message, virtualPath, typeof(T).FullName));
 public Type GetCompiledType(string virtualPath)
     ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNullOrEmpty("virtualPath", virtualPath);
 public void GetCompiledType_ReturnsNull()
     Assert.That(_buildManager.GetCompiledType("SomePath"), Is.Null);