Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static BuildEngineResult BuildProjectFilesInParallel(this IBuildEngine3 engine, string[] projectFileNames, string targetNames, IDictionary globalProperties, IList <string> removeGlobalProperties, string toolsVersion, bool returnTargetOutputs)
                CreateArray(targetNames, 1),
                CreateArray(globalProperties, projectFileNames.Length),
                CreateArray(removeGlobalProperties, projectFileNames.Length),
                CreateArray(toolsVersion, projectFileNames.Length),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static async Task <bool> ExecuteTargets(
            ITaskItem[] projects,
            Dictionary <string, string> propertiesTable,
            string[] undefineProperties,
            List <string[]> targetLists,
            bool stopOnFirstFailure,
            bool rebaseOutputs,
            IBuildEngine3 buildEngine,
            TaskLoggingHelper log,
            List <ITaskItem> targetOutputs,
            bool unloadProjectsOnCompletion,
            string toolsVersion,
            bool skipNonexistentTargets)
            bool success = true;

            // We don't log a message about the project and targets we're going to
            // build, because it'll all be in the immediately subsequent ProjectStarted event.

            var projectDirectory             = new string[projects.Length];
            var projectNames                 = new string[projects.Length];
            var toolsVersions                = new string[projects.Length];
            var projectProperties            = new Dictionary <string, string> [projects.Length];
            var undefinePropertiesPerProject = new List <string> [projects.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < projectNames.Length; i++)
                projectNames[i]      = null;
                projectProperties[i] = propertiesTable;

                if (projects[i] != null)
                    // Retrieve projectDirectory only the first time.  It never changes anyway.
                    string projectPath = FileUtilities.AttemptToShortenPath(projects[i].ItemSpec);
                    projectDirectory[i] = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);
                    projectNames[i]     = projects[i].ItemSpec;
                    toolsVersions[i]    = toolsVersion;

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties")))
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                                (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("General.OverridingProperties", projectNames[i]), "Properties", projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties").Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                                out Dictionary <string, string> preProjectPropertiesTable)

                        projectProperties[i] = preProjectPropertiesTable;

                    if (undefineProperties != null)
                        undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List <string>(undefineProperties);

                    // If the user wanted to undefine specific global properties for this project, parse
                    // that string and remove them now.
                    string projectUndefineProperties = projects[i].GetMetadata("UndefineProperties");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectUndefineProperties))
                        string[] propertiesToUndefine = projectUndefineProperties.Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] == null)
                            undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List <string>(propertiesToUndefine.Length);

                        if (log != null && propertiesToUndefine.Length > 0)
                            log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "General.ProjectUndefineProperties", projectNames[i]);
                            foreach (string property in propertiesToUndefine)
                                log.LogMessageFromText(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  {0}", property), MessageImportance.Low);

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties")))
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                                (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("General.AdditionalProperties", projectNames[i]), "AdditionalProperties", projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties").Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                                out Dictionary <string, string> additionalProjectPropertiesTable)

                        var combinedTable = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        // First copy in the properties from the global table that not in the additional properties table
                        if (projectProperties[i] != null)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in projectProperties[i])
                                if (!additionalProjectPropertiesTable.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                                    combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        // Add all the additional properties
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in additionalProjectPropertiesTable)
                            combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        projectProperties[i] = combinedTable;

                    // If the user specified a different toolsVersion for this project - then override the setting
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion")))
                        toolsVersions[i] = projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion");

            foreach (string[] targetList in targetLists)
                if (stopOnFirstFailure && !success)
                    // Inform the user that we skipped the remaining targets StopOnFirstFailure=true.
                    log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "MSBuild.SkippingRemainingTargets");

                    // We have encountered a failure.  Caller has requested that we not
                    // continue with remaining targets.

                // Send the project off to the build engine.  By passing in null to the
                // first param, we are indicating that the project to build is the same
                // as the *calling* project file.

                var taskHost             = (TaskHost)buildEngine;
                BuildEngineResult result = await taskHost.InternalBuildProjects(projectNames, targetList, projectProperties, undefinePropertiesPerProject, toolsVersions, true /* ask that target outputs are returned in the buildengineresult */, skipNonexistentTargets);

                bool currentTargetResult = result.Result;
                IList <IDictionary <string, ITaskItem[]> > targetOutputsPerProject = result.TargetOutputsPerProject;
                success = success && currentTargetResult;

                // If the engine was able to satisfy the build request
                if (currentTargetResult)
                    for (int i = 0; i < projects.Length; i++)
                        IEnumerable <string> nonNullTargetList = targetList ?? targetOutputsPerProject[i].Keys;

                        foreach (string targetName in nonNullTargetList)
                            if (targetOutputsPerProject[i].ContainsKey(targetName))
                                ITaskItem[] outputItemsFromTarget = targetOutputsPerProject[i][targetName];

                                foreach (ITaskItem outputItemFromTarget in outputItemsFromTarget)
                                    // No need to rebase if the calling project is the same as the callee project
                                    // (project == null).  Also no point in trying to copy item metadata either,
                                    // because no items were passed into the Projects parameter!
                                    if (projects[i] != null)
                                        // Rebase the output item paths if necessary.  No need to rebase if the calling
                                        // project is the same as the callee project (project == null).
                                        if (rebaseOutputs)
                                                outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec = Path.Combine(projectDirectory[i], outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec);
                                            catch (ArgumentException e)
                                                log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(null, projects[i].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "MSBuild.CannotRebaseOutputItemPath", outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec, e.Message);

                                        // Copy the custom item metadata from the "Projects" items to these
                                        // output items.

                                        // Set a metadata on the output items called "MSBuildProjectFile" which tells you which project file produced this item.
                                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputItemFromTarget.GetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceProjectFile)))
                                            outputItemFromTarget.SetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceProjectFile, projects[i].GetMetadata(FileUtilities.ItemSpecModifiers.FullPath));

                                    // Set a metadata on the output items called "MSBuildTargetName" which tells you which target produced this item.
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputItemFromTarget.GetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceTargetName)))
                                        outputItemFromTarget.SetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceTargetName, targetName);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <returns>True if the operation was successful</returns>
        internal static bool ExecuteTargets
            List <ITaskItem> projects,
            Dictionary <string, string> propertiesTable,
            string[] undefineProperties,
            List <string[]> targetLists,
            bool stopOnFirstFailure,
            bool rebaseOutputs,
            IBuildEngine3 buildEngine,
            TaskLoggingHelper log,
            List <ITaskItem> targetOutputs,
            bool unloadProjectsOnCompletion,
            string toolsVersion
            bool success = true;

            // We don't log a message about the project and targets we're going to
            // build, because it'll all be in the immediately subsequent ProjectStarted event.

            var projectDirectory             = new string[projects.Count];
            var projectNames                 = new string[projects.Count];
            var toolsVersions                = new string[projects.Count];
            var projectProperties            = new Dictionary <string, string> [projects.Count];
            var undefinePropertiesPerProject = new IList <string> [projects.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < projectNames.Length; i++)
                projectNames[i]      = null;
                projectProperties[i] = propertiesTable;

                if (projects[i] != null)
                    // Retrieve projectDirectory only the first time.  It never changes anyway.
                    string projectPath = FileUtilities.AttemptToShortenPath(projects[i].ItemSpec);
                    projectDirectory[i] = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);
                    projectNames[i]     = projects[i].ItemSpec;
                    toolsVersions[i]    = toolsVersion;

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties")))
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                                (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("General.OverridingProperties", projectNames[i]), "Properties", projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties").Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar),
                                out Dictionary <string, string> preProjectPropertiesTable)
                        projectProperties[i] = preProjectPropertiesTable;

                    if (undefineProperties != null)
                        undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List <string>(undefineProperties);

                    // If the user wanted to undefine specific global properties for this project, parse
                    // that string and remove them now.
                    string projectUndefineProperties = projects[i].GetMetadata("UndefineProperties");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectUndefineProperties))
                        string[] propertiesToUndefine = projectUndefineProperties.Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar);
                        if (undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] == null)
                            undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List <string>(propertiesToUndefine.Length);

                        if (log != null && propertiesToUndefine.Length > 0)
                            log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "General.ProjectUndefineProperties", projectNames[i]);
                            foreach (string property in propertiesToUndefine)
                                log.LogMessageFromText($"  {property}", MessageImportance.Low);

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties")))
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                                (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("General.AdditionalProperties", projectNames[i]), "AdditionalProperties", projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties").Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar),
                                out Dictionary <string, string> additionalProjectPropertiesTable)
                        var combinedTable = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        // First copy in the properties from the global table that not in the additional properties table
                        if (projectProperties[i] != null)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in projectProperties[i])
                                if (!additionalProjectPropertiesTable.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                                    combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        // Add all the additional properties
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in additionalProjectPropertiesTable)
                            combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        projectProperties[i] = combinedTable;

                    // If the user specified a different toolsVersion for this project - then override the setting
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion")))
                        toolsVersions[i] = projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion");

            foreach (string[] targetList in targetLists)
                if (stopOnFirstFailure && !success)
                    // Inform the user that we skipped the remaining targets StopOnFirstFailure=true.
                    log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "MSBuild.SkippingRemainingTargets");

                    // We have encountered a failure.  Caller has requested that we not
                    // continue with remaining targets.

                // Send the project off to the build engine.  By passing in null to the
                // first param, we are indicating that the project to build is the same
                // as the *calling* project file.

                BuildEngineResult result =
                    buildEngine.BuildProjectFilesInParallel(projectNames, targetList, projectProperties, undefinePropertiesPerProject, toolsVersions, true /* ask that target outputs are returned in the buildengineresult */);

                bool currentTargetResult = result.Result;
                IList <IDictionary <string, ITaskItem[]> > targetOutputsPerProject = result.TargetOutputsPerProject;
                success = success && currentTargetResult;

                // If the engine was able to satisfy the build request
                if (currentTargetResult)
                    for (int i = 0; i < projects.Count; i++)
                        IEnumerable <string> nonNullTargetList = targetList ?? targetOutputsPerProject[i].Keys;

                        foreach (string targetName in nonNullTargetList)
                            if (targetOutputsPerProject[i].TryGetValue(targetName, out ITaskItem[] outputItemsFromTarget))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the operation was successful</returns>
        internal static async Task<bool> ExecuteTargets
            ITaskItem[] projects,
            Hashtable propertiesTable,
            string[] undefineProperties,
            ArrayList targetLists,
            bool stopOnFirstFailure,
            bool rebaseOutputs,
            IBuildEngine3 buildEngine,
            TaskLoggingHelper log,
            ArrayList targetOutputs,
            bool useResultsCache,
            bool unloadProjectsOnCompletion,
            string toolsVersion
            bool success = true;

            // We don't log a message about the project and targets we're going to
            // build, because it'll all be in the immediately subsequent ProjectStarted event.

            string[] projectDirectory = new string[projects.Length];
            string[] projectNames = new string[projects.Length];
            string[] toolsVersions = new string[projects.Length];
            IList<IDictionary<string, ITaskItem[]>> targetOutputsPerProject = null;
            IDictionary[] projectProperties = new IDictionary[projects.Length];
            List<string>[] undefinePropertiesPerProject = new List<string>[projects.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < projectNames.Length; i++)
                projectNames[i] = null;
                projectProperties[i] = propertiesTable;

                if (projects[i] != null)
                    // Retrieve projectDirectory only the first time.  It never changes anyway.
                    string projectPath = FileUtilities.AttemptToShortenPath(projects[i].ItemSpec);
                    projectDirectory[i] = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);
                    projectNames[i] = projects[i].ItemSpec;
                    toolsVersions[i] = toolsVersion;

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties")))
                        Hashtable preProjectPropertiesTable;
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                             (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("General.OverridingProperties", projectNames[i]), "Properties", projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties").Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                              out preProjectPropertiesTable)
                            return false;

                        projectProperties[i] = preProjectPropertiesTable;

                    if (undefineProperties != null)
                        undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List<string>(undefineProperties);

                    // If the user wanted to undefine specific global properties for this project, parse
                    // that string and remove them now.
                    string projectUndefineProperties = projects[i].GetMetadata("UndefineProperties");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectUndefineProperties))
                        string[] propertiesToUndefine = projectUndefineProperties.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] == null)
                            undefinePropertiesPerProject[i] = new List<string>(propertiesToUndefine.Length);

                        if (log != null && propertiesToUndefine.Length > 0)
                            log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "General.ProjectUndefineProperties", projectNames[i]);
                            foreach (string property in propertiesToUndefine)
                                log.LogMessageFromText(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  {0}", property), MessageImportance.Low);

                    // If the user specified a different set of global properties for this project, then
                    // parse the string containing the properties
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties")))
                        Hashtable additionalProjectPropertiesTable;
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping
                             (log, ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("General.AdditionalProperties", projectNames[i]), "AdditionalProperties", projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties").Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries),
                              out additionalProjectPropertiesTable)
                            return false;

                        Hashtable combinedTable = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        // First copy in the properties from the global table that not in the additional properties table
                        if (projectProperties[i] != null)
                            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in projectProperties[i])
                                if (!additionalProjectPropertiesTable.Contains(entry.Key))
                                    combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        // Add all the additional properties
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in additionalProjectPropertiesTable)
                            combinedTable.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        projectProperties[i] = combinedTable;

                    // If the user specified a different toolsVersion for this project - then override the setting
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion")))
                        toolsVersions[i] = projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion");

            foreach (string[] targetList in targetLists)
                if (stopOnFirstFailure && !success)
                    // Inform the user that we skipped the remaining targets StopOnFirstFailure=true.
                    log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "MSBuild.SkippingRemainingTargets");

                    // We have encountered a failure.  Caller has requested that we not 
                    // continue with remaining targets.

                // Send the project off to the build engine.  By passing in null to the 
                // first param, we are indicating that the project to build is the same
                // as the *calling* project file.
                bool currentTargetResult = true;

                TaskHost taskHost = (TaskHost)buildEngine;
                BuildEngineResult result = await taskHost.InternalBuildProjects(projectNames, targetList, projectProperties, undefinePropertiesPerProject, toolsVersions, true /* ask that target outputs are returned in the buildengineresult */);

                currentTargetResult = result.Result;
                targetOutputsPerProject = result.TargetOutputsPerProject;
                success = success && currentTargetResult;

                // If the engine was able to satisfy the build request
                if (currentTargetResult)
                    for (int i = 0; i < projects.Length; i++)
                        IEnumerable nonNullTargetList = (targetList != null) ? targetList : targetOutputsPerProject[i].Keys;

                        foreach (string targetName in nonNullTargetList)
                            if (targetOutputsPerProject[i].ContainsKey(targetName))
                                ITaskItem[] outputItemsFromTarget = (ITaskItem[])targetOutputsPerProject[i][targetName];

                                foreach (ITaskItem outputItemFromTarget in outputItemsFromTarget)
                                    // No need to rebase if the calling project is the same as the callee project 
                                    // (project == null).  Also no point in trying to copy item metadata either,
                                    // because no items were passed into the Projects parameter!
                                    if (projects[i] != null)
                                        // Rebase the output item paths if necessary.  No need to rebase if the calling
                                        // project is the same as the callee project (project == null).
                                        if (rebaseOutputs)
                                                outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec = Path.Combine(projectDirectory[i], outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec);
                                            catch (ArgumentException e)
                                                log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(null, projects[i].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "MSBuild.CannotRebaseOutputItemPath", outputItemFromTarget.ItemSpec, e.Message);

                                        // Copy the custom item metadata from the "Projects" items to these
                                        // output items.

                                        // Set a metadata on the output items called "MSBuildProjectFile" which tells you which project file produced this item.
                                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputItemFromTarget.GetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceProjectFile)))
                                            outputItemFromTarget.SetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceProjectFile, projects[i].GetMetadata(FileUtilities.ItemSpecModifiers.FullPath));

                                    // Set a metadata on the output items called "MSBuildTargetName" which tells you which target produced this item.
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputItemFromTarget.GetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceTargetName)))
                                        outputItemFromTarget.SetMetadata(ItemMetadataNames.msbuildSourceTargetName, targetName);


            return success;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static bool ExecuteTargets(ITaskItem[] projects, Hashtable propertiesTable, string[] undefineProperties, ArrayList targetLists, bool stopOnFirstFailure, bool rebaseOutputs, IBuildEngine3 buildEngine, TaskLoggingHelper log, ArrayList targetOutputs, bool useResultsCache, bool unloadProjectsOnCompletion, string toolsVersion)
            bool flag = true;

            string[] strArray         = new string[projects.Length];
            string[] projectFileNames = new string[projects.Length];
            string[] strArray3        = new string[projects.Length];
            IList <IDictionary <string, ITaskItem[]> > targetOutputsPerProject = null;

            IDictionary[]   globalProperties       = new IDictionary[projects.Length];
            List <string>[] removeGlobalProperties = new List <string> [projects.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < projectFileNames.Length; i++)
                projectFileNames[i] = null;
                globalProperties[i] = propertiesTable;
                if (projects[i] != null)
                    string path = Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileUtilities.AttemptToShortenPath(projects[i].ItemSpec);
                    strArray[i]         = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                    projectFileNames[i] = projects[i].ItemSpec;
                    strArray3[i]        = toolsVersion;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties")))
                        Hashtable hashtable;
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping(log, Microsoft.Build.Shared.ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("General.OverridingProperties", new object[] { projectFileNames[i] }), "Properties", projects[i].GetMetadata("Properties").Split(new char[] { ';' }), out hashtable))
                        globalProperties[i] = hashtable;
                    if (undefineProperties != null)
                        removeGlobalProperties[i] = new List <string>(undefineProperties);
                    string metadata = projects[i].GetMetadata("UndefineProperties");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata))
                        string[] strArray4 = metadata.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                        if (removeGlobalProperties[i] == null)
                            removeGlobalProperties[i] = new List <string>(strArray4.Length);
                        if ((log != null) && (strArray4.Length > 0))
                            log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "General.ProjectUndefineProperties", new object[] { projectFileNames[i] });
                            foreach (string str3 in strArray4)
                                log.LogMessageFromText(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "  {0}", new object[] { str3 }), MessageImportance.Low);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties")))
                        Hashtable hashtable2;
                        if (!PropertyParser.GetTableWithEscaping(log, Microsoft.Build.Shared.ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("General.AdditionalProperties", new object[] { projectFileNames[i] }), "AdditionalProperties", projects[i].GetMetadata("AdditionalProperties").Split(new char[] { ';' }), out hashtable2))
                        Hashtable hashtable3 = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        if (globalProperties[i] != null)
                            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in globalProperties[i])
                                if (!hashtable2.Contains(entry.Key))
                                    hashtable3.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry2 in hashtable2)
                            hashtable3.Add(entry2.Key, entry2.Value);
                        globalProperties[i] = hashtable3;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion")))
                        strArray3[i] = projects[i].GetMetadata("ToolsVersion");
            foreach (string[] strArray5 in targetLists)
                if (stopOnFirstFailure && !flag)
                    log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, "MSBuild.SkippingRemainingTargets", new object[0]);
                bool flag2 = true;
                BuildEngineResult result = buildEngine.BuildProjectFilesInParallel(projectFileNames, strArray5, globalProperties, removeGlobalProperties, strArray3, true);
                flag2 = result.Result;
                targetOutputsPerProject = result.TargetOutputsPerProject;
                flag = flag && flag2;
                if (flag2)
                    for (int j = 0; j < projects.Length; j++)
                        IEnumerable enumerable = (strArray5 != null) ? ((IEnumerable)strArray5) : ((IEnumerable)targetOutputsPerProject[j].Keys);
                        foreach (string str4 in enumerable)
                            if (targetOutputsPerProject[j].ContainsKey(str4))
                                ITaskItem[] c = targetOutputsPerProject[j][str4];
                                foreach (ITaskItem item in c)
                                    if (projects[j] != null)
                                        if (rebaseOutputs)
                                                item.ItemSpec = Path.Combine(strArray[j], item.ItemSpec);
                                            catch (ArgumentException exception)
                                                log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(null, projects[j].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "MSBuild.CannotRebaseOutputItemPath", new object[] { item.ItemSpec, exception.Message });
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GetMetadata("MSBuildSourceProjectFile")))
                                            item.SetMetadata("MSBuildSourceProjectFile", projects[j].GetMetadata("FullPath"));
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GetMetadata("MSBuildSourceTargetName")))
                                        item.SetMetadata("MSBuildSourceTargetName", str4);