public BaseWebServiceResponse Add(AddBrandViewModel model)
            var brandDto        = mapper.Map <AddBrandViewModel, BrandDTO>(model);
            var brandNameExists = _brandService.BrandNameExists(brandDto);

            var response = new BaseWebServiceResponse
                ActionSuccessful = !brandNameExists,
                Error            = brandNameExists ?
                                   new ErrorServiceViewModel()
                    Name    = "Brand Name",
                    Message = "Brand Name is already in use."
                } :

            if (response.Error != null)

            var brandAdded = _brandService.Add(brandDto);

            if (!brandAdded)
                response.ActionSuccessful = false;
                response.Error            = brandAdded ?
                                            null :
                                            new ErrorServiceViewModel()
                    Name    = "Brand",
                    Message = "There was a problem creating the Brand. We have been notified of the error but please try again."

            response.SuccessMessage   = "Brand added successfully!";
            response.ActionSuccessful = true;