Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void uploadBitmapToOpenGl()
            _texture = createTexture();
            IBitmap bitmap = _bitmapPool.Acquire(_draw.BitmapWidth, _draw.BitmapHeight);

                IBitmapTextDraw textDraw = bitmap.GetTextDraw();
                using (var context = textDraw.CreateContext())
                    textDraw.DrawText(_draw.Text, _draw.Config, _draw.TextSize, _draw.BaseSize, _draw.MaxWidth, (int)_draw.HeightF, 0f);
                    drawCaret(_draw.OriginalText, _draw.TextSize, _draw.HeightF, _draw.BaseSize, textDraw, _draw.Config, _draw.MaxWidth);
                // Upload the Bitmap to OpenGL.
                // Do this only when text changes.
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void drawToBitmap()
            string originalText = _text ?? "";
            string text         = _text;

            var   config           = AGSTextConfig.ScaleConfig(_config, TextResolutionFactorX);
            int   maxWidth         = _maxWidth == int.MaxValue ? _maxWidth : _maxWidth * TextResolutionFactorX;
            SizeF originalTextSize = config.Font.MeasureString(text, _cropText ? int.MaxValue : maxWidth);
            SizeF textSize         = originalTextSize;

            if (_cropText && textSize.Width > maxWidth)
                textSize = cropText(maxWidth, config, ref text);

            float widthOffset  = Math.Max(config.OutlineWidth, Math.Abs(config.ShadowOffsetX));
            float heightOffset = Math.Max(config.OutlineWidth, Math.Abs(config.ShadowOffsetY));
            float widthF       = textSize.Width + widthOffset + config.PaddingLeft + config.PaddingRight;
            float heightF      = textSize.Height + heightOffset + config.PaddingTop + config.PaddingBottom;
            SizeF baseSize     = new SizeF(_baseSize.Width == EmptySize.Width ? widthF : _baseSize.Width * TextResolutionFactorX,
                                           _baseSize.Height == EmptySize.Height ? heightF : _baseSize.Height * TextResolutionFactorY);

            Width  = (widthF / GLText.TextResolutionFactorX);
            Height = (heightF / GLText.TextResolutionFactorY);
            int     bitmapWidth  = MathUtils.GetNextPowerOf2(Math.Max((int)widthF + 1, (int)baseSize.Width + 1));
            int     bitmapHeight = MathUtils.GetNextPowerOf2(Math.Max((int)heightF + 1, (int)baseSize.Height + 1));
            IBitmap bitmap       = _bitmap;

            if (bitmap == null || bitmap.Width != bitmapWidth || bitmap.Height != bitmapHeight)
                if (bitmap != null)
                _bitmap = _bitmapPool.Acquire(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);
                bitmap  = _bitmap;
            IBitmapTextDraw textDraw = bitmap.GetTextDraw();

            using (var context = textDraw.CreateContext())
                textDraw.DrawText(text, config, textSize, baseSize, maxWidth, (int)heightF, 0f);
                drawCaret(originalText, textSize, heightF, baseSize, textDraw, config, maxWidth);

            _renderChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void drawCaret(string text, SizeF textSize, float heightF, SizeF baseSize, IBitmapTextDraw textDraw, ITextConfig config, int maxWidth)
            if (!_renderCaret)
            var caretPosition = _caretPosition;

            if (caretPosition > text.Length)
                caretPosition = text.Length;
            string untilCaret = text.Substring(0, caretPosition);

            AGS.API.SizeF caretOffset = config.Font.MeasureString(untilCaret, maxWidth);
            float         spaceOffset = 0f;

            if (untilCaret.EndsWith(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                spaceOffset = _spaceWidth * (untilCaret.Length - untilCaret.TrimEnd().Length);
            textDraw.DrawText("|", config, textSize, baseSize, maxWidth, (int)heightF, caretOffset.Width + spaceOffset - 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void drawCaret(string text, SizeF textSize, SizeF baseSize, IBitmapTextDraw textDraw, ITextConfig config, int maxWidth)
     if (!_renderCaret) return;
     var caretPosition = _caretPosition;            
     if (caretPosition > text.Length) caretPosition = text.Length;
     string untilCaret = text.Substring(0, caretPosition);
     AGS.API.SizeF caretOffset = config.Font.MeasureString(untilCaret, maxWidth);
     float spaceOffset = 0f;
     if (untilCaret.EndsWith(" ")) spaceOffset = _spaceWidth * (untilCaret.Length - untilCaret.TrimEnd().Length);
     textDraw.DrawText("|", config, textSize, baseSize, maxWidth, (int)Height, caretOffset.Width + spaceOffset - 1f);            