Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task Querying_By_Exact_Match_Of_Text_CustomField_Works()
            // GIVEN 2 custom fields
            _currentUserId = await SeedCurrentUsers();

            var customFieldId = await CreateTextCustomField();

            //	and 2 backlog items with different custom field values
            var backlogItem1Id = await CreateBacklogItem(customFieldId, "val1");

            await CreateBacklogItem(customFieldId, "val2");

            // WHEN querying items by a custom field value
            var items = await _queryService.GetList(
                new BacklogItemListGetRequest
                CustomField = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { customFieldId, "val1" }

            // THEN
            // the returned only one correct record
            Assert.Equal(backlogItem1Id, items.Entries[0].Id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task Querying_By_Created_User_Works()
            // GIVEN 2 users (current and another one)
            var(homerId, margeId) = await SeedTwoUsers();

            _currentUserId = homerId;
            //	and 2 backlog items created by the 'current' user
            await CreateBacklogItem();
            await CreateBacklogItem();

            //	and 1 by 'another' user
            _currentUserId = margeId;
            var anotherRef = await CreateBacklogItem();

            _currentUserId = homerId;

            // WHEN querying items created by another user
            var items = await _queryService.GetList(
                new BacklogItemListGetRequest
                UserModification = new BacklogItemModification
                    UserId = margeId,
                    Type   = BacklogItemModification.ModificationType.CreatedOnly

            // THEN
            // the returned only 1 record created by 'another' user
            Assert.Equal(1, items.TotalRecords);
            Assert.Equal(margeId, items.Entries[0].Created.ActionedBy.Id);
            // with correct backlog ID
            Assert.Equal(anotherRef.Id, items.Entries[0].Id);
        private async Task Querying_By_Type_Works(BacklogItemType[]?type, int expectedRecordCount)
            // GIVEN 3 backlog items of a different type
            var bugRef = await CreateBacklogItem <BugAddUpdRequest>();

            var usRef = await CreateBacklogItem <UserStoryAddUpdRequest>();

            var taskRef = await CreateBacklogItem <TaskAddUpdRequest>();

            // WHEN querying by type
            var requiredType = type?.Select(t => t as BacklogItemType?).ToArray();
            var items        = await _queryService.GetList(new BacklogItemListGetRequest { Types = requiredType });

            // THEN
            // the returned number of records is correct
            Assert.Equal(expectedRecordCount, items.TotalRecords);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task Querying_By_Tag_Works()
            // GIVEN 2 backlog items
            var itemRef1 = await CreateBacklogItem("tag1");

            var itemRef2 = await CreateBacklogItem("tag1", "tag2");

            // WHEN querying items by 'tag2'
            var items = await _queryService.GetList(
                new BacklogItemListGetRequest
                Tags = new [] { "tag2" }

            // THEN
            // the returned only 1 record
            Assert.Equal(1, items.TotalRecords);
            // with correct ID
            Assert.Equal(itemRef2.Id, items.Entries.First().Id);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task Querying_By_Type_Works(BacklogItemType type, int expectedRecordCount)
            // GIVEN two backlog items: a bug and a user story
            var bugRef = await CreateBacklogItem <BugAddUpdRequest>();

            var usRef = await CreateBacklogItem <UserStoryAddUpdRequest>();

            // WHEN querying by type
            var items = await _queryService.GetList(new BacklogItemListGetRequest { Type = type });

            // THEN
            // the returned number of records is correct
            Assert.Equal(expectedRecordCount, items.TotalRecords);
            if (expectedRecordCount == 1)
                // with correct type
                Assert.Equal(type, items.Entries.First().Type);
                // and with correct ID
                Assert.Equal((type == BacklogItemType.Bug) ? bugRef.Id : usRef.Id, items.Entries.First().Id);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Task <ListResponse <BacklogItemListGetResponse> > GetList([FromServices] IBacklogItemListQueryService service,
                                                                  [FromQuery] BacklogItemListGetRequest dto)
 => service.GetList(dto);