Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ImportFromAzMan(string azManStorePath, string netSqlAzManStoreName)
            Microsoft.Interop.Security.AzRoles.AzAuthorizationStore azstore = null;
            string tempFileName = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("temp", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine), String.Format("AzMan{0}.xml", Guid.NewGuid()));

                string      storeDescription = String.Format("Store imported from AzMan Store:" + " ({0}) - {1}", azManStorePath, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                IAzManStore store            = this.storage.CreateStore(netSqlAzManStoreName, storeDescription);
                azstore = new AzAuthorizationStoreClass();
                if (this.rbtStoreFile.Checked)
                    azManStorePath = String.Format("msxml://{0}", tempFileName);
                azstore.Initialize(2, azManStorePath, null);
                #region Store Groups
                //Store Groups
                foreach (IAzApplicationGroup azStoreGroup in azstore.ApplicationGroups)
                    //Store Groups Definition
                    if (azStoreGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_BASIC)
                        store.CreateStoreGroup(SqlAzManSID.NewSqlAzManSid(), azStoreGroup.Name, azStoreGroup.Description, String.Empty, GroupType.Basic);
                    else if (azStoreGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_LDAP_QUERY)
                        store.CreateStoreGroup(SqlAzManSID.NewSqlAzManSid(), azStoreGroup.Name, azStoreGroup.Description, azStoreGroup.LdapQuery, GroupType.LDapQuery);
                //Store Groups Members
                foreach (IAzApplicationGroup azStoreGroup in azstore.ApplicationGroups)
                    if (azStoreGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_BASIC)
                        IAzManStoreGroup storeGroup = store.GetStoreGroup(azStoreGroup.Name);
                        //Store Group Members - Members Store Group
                        object[] azStoreGroupMembers = azStoreGroup.AppMembers as object[];
                        if (azStoreGroupMembers != null)
                            foreach (string azStoreGroupMember in azStoreGroupMembers)
                                IAzManStoreGroup member = store.GetStoreGroup(azStoreGroupMember);
                                storeGroup.CreateStoreGroupMember(member.SID, WhereDefined.Store, true);
                        //Store Group Non-Members - Non-Members Store Group
                        object[] azStoreGroupNonMembers = azStoreGroup.AppNonMembers as object[];
                        if (azStoreGroupNonMembers != null)
                            foreach (string azStoreGroupNonMember in azStoreGroupNonMembers)
                                IAzManStoreGroup nonMember = store.GetStoreGroup(azStoreGroupNonMember);
                                storeGroup.CreateStoreGroupMember(nonMember.SID, WhereDefined.Store, false);
                        //Store Group Members - Windows NT Account
                        object[] azStoreGroupWindowsMembers = azStoreGroup.Members as object[];
                        if (azStoreGroupWindowsMembers != null)
                            foreach (string azStoreWindowsMember in azStoreGroupWindowsMembers)
                                IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(azStoreWindowsMember);

                                string memberName;
                                bool   isLocal;
                                DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                                storeGroup.CreateStoreGroupMember(sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, true);
                        //Store Group NonMembers - Windows NT Account
                        object[] azStoreGroupWindowsNonMembers = azStoreGroup.NonMembers as object[];
                        if (azStoreGroupWindowsNonMembers != null)
                            foreach (string azStoreWindowsNonMember in azStoreGroupWindowsNonMembers)
                                IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(azStoreWindowsNonMember);
                                string    memberName;
                                bool      isLocal;
                                DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                                storeGroup.CreateStoreGroupMember(sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, false);
                #endregion Store Groups
                #region Applications
                foreach (IAzApplication azApplication in azstore.Applications)
                    IAzManApplication application = store.CreateApplication(azApplication.Name, azApplication.Description);
                    #region Application Groups
                    //Store Groups
                    foreach (IAzApplicationGroup azApplicationGroup in azApplication.ApplicationGroups)
                        //Application Groups Definition
                        if (azApplicationGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_BASIC)
                            application.CreateApplicationGroup(SqlAzManSID.NewSqlAzManSid(), azApplicationGroup.Name, azApplicationGroup.Description, String.Empty, GroupType.Basic);
                        else if (azApplicationGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_LDAP_QUERY)
                            application.CreateApplicationGroup(SqlAzManSID.NewSqlAzManSid(), azApplicationGroup.Name, azApplicationGroup.Description, azApplicationGroup.LdapQuery, GroupType.LDapQuery);
                    //Application Groups Members
                    foreach (IAzApplicationGroup azApplicationGroup in azApplication.ApplicationGroups)
                        if (azApplicationGroup.Type == (int)tagAZ_PROP_CONSTANTS.AZ_GROUPTYPE_BASIC)
                            IAzManApplicationGroup applicationGroup = application.GetApplicationGroup(azApplicationGroup.Name);
                            //Application Group Members - Members Group
                            object[] azStoreGroupMembers = azApplicationGroup.AppMembers as object[];
                            if (azStoreGroupMembers != null)
                                foreach (string azGroupMember in azStoreGroupMembers)
                                    IAzManStoreGroup storemember;
                                        storemember = store.GetStoreGroup(azGroupMember);
                                    catch (SqlAzManException)
                                        storemember = null;
                                    IAzManApplicationGroup appmember;
                                        appmember = application.GetApplicationGroup(azGroupMember);
                                    catch (SqlAzManException)
                                        appmember = null;
                                    if (storemember != null)
                                        applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(storemember.SID, WhereDefined.Store, true);
                                        applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(appmember.SID, WhereDefined.Application, true);
                            //Application Group Non-Members - Non-Members Group
                            object[] azStoreGroupNonMembers = azApplicationGroup.AppNonMembers as object[];
                            if (azStoreGroupNonMembers != null)
                                foreach (string azGroupNonMember in azStoreGroupNonMembers)
                                    IAzManStoreGroup storenonMember;
                                        storenonMember = store.GetStoreGroup(azGroupNonMember);
                                    catch (SqlAzManException)
                                        storenonMember = null;
                                    IAzManApplicationGroup appnonMember;
                                        appnonMember = application.GetApplicationGroup(azGroupNonMember);
                                    catch (SqlAzManException)
                                        appnonMember = null;
                                    if (storenonMember != null)
                                        applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(storenonMember.SID, WhereDefined.Store, false);
                                        applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(appnonMember.SID, WhereDefined.Application, false);
                            //Application Group Members - Windows NT Account
                            object[] azApplicationGroupWindowsMembers = azApplicationGroup.Members as object[];
                            if (azApplicationGroupWindowsMembers != null)
                                foreach (string azApplicationWindowsMember in azApplicationGroupWindowsMembers)
                                    IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(azApplicationWindowsMember);
                                    string    memberName;
                                    bool      isLocal;
                                    DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                                    applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, true);
                            //Application Group NonMembers - Windows NT Account
                            object[] azApplicationGroupWindowsNonMembers = azApplicationGroup.NonMembers as object[];
                            if (azApplicationGroupWindowsNonMembers != null)
                                foreach (string azApplicationWindowsNonMember in azApplicationGroupWindowsNonMembers)
                                    IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(azApplicationWindowsNonMember);
                                    string    memberName;
                                    bool      isLocal;
                                    DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                                    applicationGroup.CreateApplicationGroupMember(sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, false);
                    #endregion Application Groups
                    //Without Scopes
                    IAzTasks tasks = azApplication.Tasks as IAzTasks;
                    if (tasks != null)
                        foreach (IAzTask azTask in tasks)
                            if (azTask.IsRoleDefinition == 1)
                                IAzManItem item = application.CreateItem(azTask.Name, azTask.Description, ItemType.Role);
                                IAzManItem item = application.CreateItem(azTask.Name, azTask.Description, ItemType.Task);
                    IAzOperations operations = azApplication.Operations as IAzOperations;
                    if (operations != null)
                        foreach (IAzOperation azOperation in operations)
                            application.CreateItem(azOperation.Name, azOperation.Description, ItemType.Operation);
                    //Build Item Hierarchy
                    if (tasks != null)
                        foreach (IAzTask azTask in tasks)
                            this.SetHirearchy(null, azApplication, azTask.Name, application);
                    foreach (IAzScope azScope in azApplication.Scopes)
                        azApplication.OpenScope(azScope.Name, null);
                        IAzTasks tasksOfScope = azScope.Tasks as IAzTasks;
                        if (tasksOfScope != null)
                            foreach (IAzTask azTask in tasksOfScope)
                                if (azTask.IsRoleDefinition == 1)
                                    IAzManItem item = application.CreateItem(azTask.Name, azTask.Description, ItemType.Role);
                                    IAzManItem item = application.CreateItem(azTask.Name, azTask.Description, ItemType.Task);
                        //Build Item Hierarchy
                        if (tasksOfScope != null)
                            foreach (IAzTask azTask in tasksOfScope)
                                this.SetHirearchy(azScope, azApplication, azTask.Name, application);
                    //Authorizations on Roles without Scopes
                    AuthorizationType defaultAuthorization = AuthorizationType.AllowWithDelegation;
                    IAzRoles          azRoles = azApplication.Roles;
                    foreach (IAzRole azRole in azRoles)
                        IAzManItem item;
                            item = application.GetItem(azRole.Name);
                        catch (SqlAzManException)
                            item = null;
                        if (item == null)
                            item = application.CreateItem(azRole.Name, azRole.Description, ItemType.Role);
                        //Store & Application Groups Authorizations
                        foreach (string member in (object[])azRole.AppMembers)
                            IAzManStoreGroup storeGroup;
                                storeGroup = application.Store.GetStoreGroup(member);
                            catch (SqlAzManException)
                                storeGroup = null;
                            IAzManApplicationGroup applicationGroup;
                                applicationGroup = application.GetApplicationGroup(member);
                            catch (SqlAzManException)
                                applicationGroup = null;
                            if (storeGroup != null)
                                item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, storeGroup.SID, WhereDefined.Store, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                            else if (applicationGroup != null)
                                item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, applicationGroup.SID, WhereDefined.Application, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                        //Windows Users & Groups Authorizations
                        foreach (string sSid in (object[])azRole.Members)
                            IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(sSid);
                            string    memberName;
                            bool      isLocal;
                            DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                            item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                    //Authorizations on Roles with Scopes
                    foreach (IAzScope azScope in azApplication.Scopes)
                        IAzRoles azRolesWithScopes = azScope.Roles;
                        foreach (IAzRole azRole in azRolesWithScopes)
                            IAzManItem item;
                                item = application.GetItem(azRole.Name);
                            catch (SqlAzManException)
                                item = null;
                            if (item == null)
                                item = application.CreateItem(azRole.Name, azRole.Description, ItemType.Role);
                            //Store & Application Groups Authorizations
                            foreach (string member in (object[])azRole.AppMembers)
                                IAzManStoreGroup storeGroup;
                                    storeGroup = application.Store.GetStoreGroup(member);
                                catch (SqlAzManException)
                                    storeGroup = null;
                                IAzManApplicationGroup applicationGroup;
                                    applicationGroup = application.GetApplicationGroup(member);
                                catch (SqlAzManException)
                                    applicationGroup = null;
                                if (storeGroup != null)
                                    item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, storeGroup.SID, WhereDefined.Store, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                                else if (applicationGroup != null)
                                    item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, applicationGroup.SID, WhereDefined.Application, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                            //Windows Users & Groups Authorizations
                            foreach (string sSid in (object[])azRole.Members)
                                IAzManSid sid = new SqlAzManSID(sSid);
                                string    memberName;
                                bool      isLocal;
                                DirectoryServicesWebUtils.GetMemberInfo(sid.StringValue, out memberName, out isLocal);
                                item.CreateAuthorization(this.currentOwnerSid, this.currentOwnerSidWhereDefined, sid, isLocal ? WhereDefined.Local : WhereDefined.LDAP, defaultAuthorization, null, null);
                    //    azstore.CloseApplication(azApplication.Name, 0);
                    //    //PorkAround: COM Is a mistery
                #endregion Applications
                if (storage.TransactionInProgress)
                if (storage.TransactionInProgress)
                if (azstore != null)
                    azstore = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Logo Image - Displays the logo of the company
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Message Label - Displays messages to the user
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Approve Link - Link to a page which lists all expense
        /// reports which need to be approved
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Submit Link - Link to a page which allows a user
        /// to create a new expense report to submit
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Administration Link - Link to a page which allows an
        /// administrator to change application settings
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Approve Image - Display an icon that links to a page
        /// which lists all expense reports which need to be approved
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Administration Image - Displays an icon that links
        /// to a page which allows an administrator to change
        /// application settings
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Submit Image - Displays an icon that links
        /// to a page which allows a user to create a new expense
        /// report to submit
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Title Label - Displays the application title
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Page Load - This is executed when the page is first requested
        /// by the user and additionally when the user clicks a button on
        /// the form
        /// </summary>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //	Check for this is the first time the page is being loaded
            //	only fill in the form if this is the first time otherwise
            //	any user changes will be lost
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

                //	Get the client context
                IAzClientContext3 AzClient = ExpenseCommon.GetAzClientContext();

                IAzBizRuleParameters BizRuleParams = AzClient.BizRuleParameters;
                BizRuleParams.AddParameter("Amount", 0);
                BizRuleParams.AddParameter("Date", "NA");
                BizRuleParams.AddParameter("SubmitterName", "NA");
                BizRuleParams.AddParameter("UserName", ExpenseCommon.GetClientSamName());

                //	Use the client SAM name (\\domain\username)
                //	to display the username
                string AccountName = ExpenseCommon.GetClientSamName();
                AccountName = AccountName.Substring((AccountName.IndexOf(@"\") + 1));
                MSG.Text    = string.Concat("Welcome ", AccountName, ":");

                //	Get the user's task assigments from the
                //	client context

                IAzTasks Tasks = AzClient.GetTasks(null);

                //	Check for the user has no roles
                if (Tasks.Count == 0)
                    MSG.Text = string.Concat(MSG.Text, "<P>Sorry ", AccountName, " you do not have permission to use this application. <Br> Please contact your manager <Br></P>");
                    //	Display links to the various actions the user
                    //	can perform depending on the user's role memberships and the tasks
                    //  assigned to those roles.
                    string Task;
                    foreach (IAzTask AzTask in Tasks)
                        Task = (string)AzTask.Name;

                        switch (Task)
                        case "View Pending Expenses":
                            //	User is an approver
                            //	Show link to the approval page
                            ApproveLink.Visible = true;

                        case "Administer Settings":
                            //	User is an administrator
                            //	Show link to the administration page
                            AdminLink.Visible = true;

                        case "Submit Expense":
                            //	User is an submitter
                            //	Show link to the expense submission page
                            SubmitLink.Visible = true;