Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void Dispose(bool Disposing)
     if (!m_isDisposed && Disposing)
             if (m_asmParameters != null)
                 m_asmParameters = null;
             if (m_publicKey != null)
                 m_publicKey = null;
             if (m_privateKey != null)
                 m_privateKey = null;
             if (m_idTag != null)
                 Array.Clear(m_idTag, 0, m_idTag.Length);
                 m_idTag = null;
             m_isDisposed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher Parameters</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The public or private key</param>
        /// <param name="Tag">An identity field</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid key is used</exception>
        public AsymmetricContainer(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair, byte[] Tag = null)
            if (!(KeyPair is IAsymmetricKeyPair))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("KeyContainer:Ctor", "Not a valid key-pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            _publicKey = KeyPair.PublicKey;
            _privateKey = KeyPair.PrivateKey;
            _asmParameters = Parameters;
            _idTag = Tag;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher Parameters</param>
        /// <param name="AsmKey">The Public or Private asymmetric key</param>
        /// <param name="Tag">An identity field</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid key is used</exception>
        public AsymmetricContainer(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKey AsmKey, byte[] Tag = null)
            _asmParameters = Parameters;
            _idTag = Tag;

            if (AsymmetricUtils.IsPublicKey(AsmKey))
                _publicKey = AsmKey;
                _privateKey = AsmKey;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher Parameters</param>
        /// <param name="KeyPair">The public or private key</param>
        /// <param name="Tag">An identity field</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid key is used</exception>
        public AsymmetricContainer(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair, byte[] Tag = null)
            if (!(KeyPair is IAsymmetricKeyPair))
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("KeyContainer:Ctor", "Not a valid key-pair!", new InvalidDataException());

            m_publicKey     = KeyPair.PublicKey;
            m_privateKey    = KeyPair.PrivateKey;
            m_asmParameters = Parameters;
            m_idTag         = Tag;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the asymmetric parameters family type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Parameters">An asymmetric ciphers Parameters</param>
 /// <returns>The asymmetric family designator</returns>
 public static AsymmetricEngines GetParametersType(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
     if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUParameters)))
         return AsymmetricEngines.NTRU;
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(MPKCParameters)))
         return AsymmetricEngines.McEliece;
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RLWEParameters)))
         return AsymmetricEngines.RingLWE;
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RNBWParameters)))
         return AsymmetricEngines.Rainbow;
         return AsymmetricEngines.GMSS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher Parameters</param>
        /// <param name="AsmKey">The Public or Private asymmetric key</param>
        /// <param name="Tag">An identity field</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if an invalid key is used</exception>
        public AsymmetricContainer(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKey AsmKey, byte[] Tag = null)
            m_asmParameters = Parameters;
            m_idTag         = Tag;

            if (AsymmetricUtils.IsPublicKey(AsmKey))
                m_publicKey = AsmKey;
                m_privateKey = AsmKey;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the key container from an input stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyStream">An input stream containing an encoded key container</param>
        public AsymmetricContainer(MemoryStream KeyStream)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(KeyStream);

            byte[] data;
            int    len;

            m_idTag     = null;
            m_publicKey = null;
            m_publicKey = null;

            // tag
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                m_idTag = reader.ReadBytes(len);

            // family
            m_asmEngine = (AsymmetricEngines)reader.ReadByte();

            // parameters
            len             = reader.ReadInt32();
            data            = reader.ReadBytes(len);
            m_asmParameters = ParamsFromBytes(data);

            // public key
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                data        = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                m_publicKey = PublicKeyFromBytes(data);

            // private key
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                data         = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                m_privateKey = PrivateKeyFromBytes(data);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the asymmetric parameters family type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Parameters">An asymmetric ciphers Parameters</param>
 /// <returns>The asymmetric family designator</returns>
 public static AsymmetricEngines GetParametersType(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
     if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUParameters)))
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(MPKCParameters)))
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RLWEParameters)))
     else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RNBWParameters)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the asymmetric public key from a stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyStream">The encoded public key</param>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher parameters</param>
        /// <returns>The public key</returns>
        private IAsymmetricKey GetAsymmetricPublicKey(Stream KeyStream, IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
            IAsymmetricKey key = null;

                if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUParameters)))
                    key = new NTRUPublicKey(KeyStream);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(MPKCParameters)))
                    key = new MPKCPublicKey(KeyStream);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RLWEParameters)))
                    key = new RLWEPublicKey(KeyStream);

                return key;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CryptoProcessingException("DtmKex:GetAsymmetricPublicKey", "The public key could not be loaded!", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the asymmetric cipher instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher parameters</param>
        /// <returns>The cipher instance</returns>
        private IAsymmetricCipher GetAsymmetricCipher(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
            IAsymmetricCipher cipher = null;

                if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUParameters)))
                    cipher = new NTRUEncrypt((NTRUParameters)Parameters);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(MPKCParameters)))
                    cipher = new MPKCEncrypt((MPKCParameters)Parameters);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RLWEParameters)))
                    cipher = new RLWEEncrypt((RLWEParameters)Parameters);

                return cipher;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CryptoProcessingException("DtmKex:GetAsymmetricCipher", "The cipher could not be loaded!", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the asymmetric generator instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Parameters">The cipher parameters</param>
        /// <returns>The generator instance</returns>
        private IAsymmetricGenerator GetAsymmetricGenerator(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
            IAsymmetricGenerator gen = null;

                if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUParameters)))
                    gen = new NTRUKeyGenerator((NTRUParameters)Parameters);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(MPKCParameters)))
                    gen = new MPKCKeyGenerator((MPKCParameters)Parameters);
                else if (Parameters.GetType().Equals(typeof(RLWEParameters)))
                    gen = new RLWEKeyGenerator((RLWEParameters)Parameters);

                return gen;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CryptoProcessingException("DtmKex:GetAsymmetricGenerator", "The generator could not be loaded!", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the servers Primary-Stage <see cref="IAsymmetricKey">AsymmetricKey</see> Public key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Stream containing the raw packet data</returns>
        private MemoryStream CreatePrimeEx()
            // get the cipher parameters
            _srvAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_srvIdentity.PkeId);
            // create new public key pair
            _primKeyPair = GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(_srvAsmParams);
            // serailize the public key
            byte[] keyBytes = _primKeyPair.PublicKey.ToBytes();
            // pad public key
            keyBytes = WrapMessage(keyBytes, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyAppend, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyPrePend);
            // encrypt the servers public key
            byte[] enc = SymmetricTransform(_srvSymProcessor, keyBytes);
            // payload container
            MemoryStream pldStm = new MemoryStream(enc);
            // stage completed
            _exchangeState = DtmExchangeFlags.PrimeEx;

            // optional wait random timeout
            if (_dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS > 0)
                SendWait(_dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS, _dtmParameters.MaxAsmKeyDelayMS / 2);

            return pldStm;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Generat an asymmetric key-pair
        /// </summary>
        private IAsymmetricKeyPair GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters)
            using (IAsymmetricGenerator gen = GetAsymmetricGenerator(Parameters))
                _authKeyPair = gen.GenerateKeyPair();

            return (IAsymmetricKeyPair)_authKeyPair.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the servers Auth-Stage Asymmetric Public key; <see cref="IAsymmetricKey"/>, built using the PKE params id from the servers identity structure.
        /// <para>The packet header; <see cref="DtmPacket"/>, contains the message type, payload length, sequence number, and exchange state.
        /// The payload is the servers Auth-Stage asymmetric Public Key.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A raw packet containing the packet header, and the servers Auth-Stage asymmetric Public Key</returns>
        private MemoryStream CreatePreAuth()
            // server asym params
            _srvAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_srvIdentity.PkeId);
            // generate the servers auth-stage key pair
            _authKeyPair = GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair(_srvAsmParams);
            // serialize servers public key
            MemoryStream pbk = _authKeyPair.PublicKey.ToStream();
            // stage completed
            _exchangeState = DtmExchangeFlags.PreAuth;

            return pbk;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void Dispose(bool Disposing)
     if (!_isDisposed && Disposing)
             if (_asmParameters != null)
                 _asmParameters = null;
             if (_publicKey != null)
                 _publicKey = null;
             if (_privateKey != null)
                 _privateKey = null;
             if (_idTag != null)
                 Array.Clear(_idTag, 0, _idTag.Length);
                 _idTag = null;
             _isDisposed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the clients identity structure <see cref="DtmIdentity"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PacketStream">A Stream containing the raw packet data</param>
        private void ProcessSync(MemoryStream PacketStream)
            // get the header
            DtmPacket pktHdr = new DtmPacket(PacketStream);
            // read the data
            byte[] data = new byte[pktHdr.PayloadLength];
            PacketStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
            // use clients symmetric key to decrypt data
            byte[] dec = SymmetricTransform(_cltSymProcessor, data);
            // remove random padding
            dec = UnwrapMessage(dec);
            // get the identity
            _cltIdentity = new DtmIdentity(dec);

            // pass id to the client, include oid
            long resp = 0;
            if (IdentityReceived != null)
                DtmIdentityEventArgs args = new DtmIdentityEventArgs(DtmExchangeFlags.Init, _cltIdentity.OptionFlag, _cltIdentity);
                IdentityReceived(this, args);
                resp = args.Flag;
                if (args.Cancel)
                    // back out of session

            // get the params oid
            _cltAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_cltIdentity.PkeId);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the clients public identity and clients Auth-Stage PKE parameter set Id; <see cref="IAsymmetricParameters"/>.
        /// <para>Process the clients Auth-Stage public identity structure; <see cref="DtmIdentity"/></para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PacketStream">A Stream containing the raw packet data</param>
        /// <remarks>Fires the <see cref="IdentityReceived"/> event; returning the <see cref="DtmIdentityEventArgs"/> object containing the clients public id structure.
        /// <para>The session can be aborted by setting the DtmIdentityEventArgs Cancel flag to true.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        private void ProcessInit(MemoryStream PacketStream)
            // seek past header
            PacketStream.Seek(DtmPacket.GetHeaderSize(), SeekOrigin.Begin);
            // get the clients id structure
            _cltIdentity = new DtmIdentity(PacketStream);
            // get client asymmetric params
            _cltAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_cltIdentity.PkeId);
            // store the auth session
            _cltAuthSession = _cltIdentity.Session;

            // pass it to the client again, so it can be refused on basis of params
            long resp = 0;
            if (IdentityReceived != null)
                DtmIdentityEventArgs args = new DtmIdentityEventArgs(DtmExchangeFlags.Init, 0, _cltIdentity);
                IdentityReceived(this, args);
                resp = args.Flag;
                if (args.Cancel)
                    // back out of session
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the key container from an input stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyStream">An input stream containing an encoded key container</param>
        public AsymmetricContainer(MemoryStream KeyStream)
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(KeyStream);
            byte[] data;
            int len;

            _idTag = null;
            _publicKey = null;
            _publicKey = null;

            // tag
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                _idTag = reader.ReadBytes(len);

            // family
            _asmEngine = (AsymmetricEngines)reader.ReadByte();

            // parameters
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            data = reader.ReadBytes(len);
            _asmParameters = ParamsFromBytes(data);

            // public key
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                data = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                _publicKey = PublicKeyFromBytes(data);

            // private key
            len = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (len > 0)
                data = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                _privateKey = PrivateKeyFromBytes(data);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes the clients Auth-Stage <see cref="IAsymmetricKey">AsymmetricKey</see> Public key.
 /// <para>Stores the clients Auth-Stage Asymmetric Public Key.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PacketStream">A Stream containing the raw packet data</param>
 private void ProcessPreAuth(MemoryStream PacketStream)
     // seek past header
     PacketStream.Seek(DtmPacket.GetHeaderSize(), SeekOrigin.Begin);
     // get client params
     _cltAsmParams = GetAsymmetricParams(_cltIdentity.PkeId);
     // store client public key
     _cltPublicKey = GetAsymmetricPublicKey(PacketStream, _cltAsmParams);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypt an array with an asymmetric cipher
        /// </summary>
        private byte[] AsymmetricDecrypt(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKeyPair KeyPair, byte[] Data)
            using (IAsymmetricCipher cipher = GetAsymmetricCipher(Parameters))
                if (cipher.GetType().Equals(typeof(NTRUEncrypt)))

                return cipher.Decrypt(Data);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Tear down the connection; destroys all structures provided by this class
        /// </summary>
        private void TearDown()
            if (_rndGenerator != null)
                _rndGenerator = null;
            if (_authKeyPair != null)
                _authKeyPair = null;
            if (_cltAsmParams != null)
                _cltAsmParams = null;
            if (_cltPublicKey != null)
                _cltPublicKey = null;
            if (_primKeyPair != null)
                _primKeyPair = null;
            // cipher streaming managed through class
            if (SessionEstablished == null || _disposeEngines == true)
                if (_cltKeyParams != null)
                    _cltKeyParams = null;
                if (_srvKeyParams != null)
                    _srvKeyParams = null;
                if (_srvSymProcessor != null)
                    _srvSymProcessor = null;
                if (_cltSymProcessor != null)
                    _cltSymProcessor = null;

            _bufferCount = 0;
            _bytesSent = 0;
            _bytesReceived = 0;
            _fileCounter = 0;
            _maxSendCounter = 0;
            _maxSendAttempts = MAXSNDATTEMPT;
            _rcvSequence = 0;
            _sndSequence = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Encrypt an array with an asymmetric cipher
 /// </summary>
 private byte[] AsymmetricEncrypt(IAsymmetricParameters Parameters, IAsymmetricKey PublicKey, byte[] Data)
     using (IAsymmetricCipher cipher = GetAsymmetricCipher(Parameters))
         return cipher.Encrypt(Data);