// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { appInfo = GetComponentInParent <IAppInfo>(); held = false; // transform.position = new Vector3 (1,0,-80); }
private static string CreateBackgroundScript(IAppInfo appInfo, BoundsSpecification bounds) { var windoInfoJson = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appInfo.Launch.Id)) { windoInfoJson.AppendFormat(", 'id': '{0}'", appInfo.Launch.Id); } if (!appInfo.Launch.AutoSaveLocation) { windoInfoJson.Append(", 'autoSaveLocation': false"); } var boundsJson = bounds != null ? (", 'outerBounds' : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bounds)) : string.Empty; var background = string.Format(@" paragon.app.window.create('{0}', {{ 'frame': {{ 'type': 'notSpecified' }} {1} {2} }}); ", appInfo.Launch.WebUrl, windoInfoJson, boundsJson); return(background); }
public SignUpPageViewModel(IAccountService accountService, Func <int, ConfirmationCodeEntryViewModel> createConfirmationCodeEntryViewModel, IDataFlow dataFlow, IViewService viewService, Func <IPhoneService> phoneService, IDeviceInfo deviceInfo, IConnectivity connectivity, IAppInfo appInfo) { this.accountService = accountService; this.createConfirmationCodeEntryViewModel = createConfirmationCodeEntryViewModel; this.dataFlow = dataFlow; this.viewService = viewService; this.phoneService = phoneService; this.deviceInfo = deviceInfo; this.connectivity = connectivity; this.appInfo = appInfo; SignUpCommand = new XCommand(async() => await SignUp(), CanSignUp); BusinessName = new Property <string>("Buiness Name").RequiredString("Business Name is required"); FirstName = new Property <string>("First Name").RequiredString("First Name is required"); LastName = new Property <string>("Last Name").RequiredString("Last Name is required"); Country = new Property <CountryDetails>("Country").Required("Choose a country"); MobileNumber = new Property <string>("Mobile Number").RequiredString("Mobile Number is required").RequiredFormat(@"^(\d|\s|-)*$", "Please just enter digits"); EmailAddress = new Property <string>("Email Address").RequiredString("Email address is required"); SignUpCommand.SetDependency(this, FirstName, LastName, MobileNumber, EmailAddress); AllCountries = CountriesData.List.OrderBy(c => c.CountryName).ToArray(); var countryCode = GetCountryCode(); var country = AllCountries.SingleOrDefault(c => c.DialingCode == countryCode) ?? AllCountries.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CountryCode == "AU"); Country.InitializeValue(country); }
public static string StaticWrite(IAppInfo appInfo, ISessionInfo sessionInfo, DateTime instant, string loginId, string errorId, string executedBy, string action, int duration, string source, string endpoint, string originalRequestKey) { ServiceAPILogDefinition logDef = new ServiceAPILogDefinition { Id = ServiceAPILogDefinition.GenerateLogId(), Instant = instant, SessionId = sessionInfo.SessionID, UserId = sessionInfo.UserId, LoginId = loginId, EspaceId = appInfo.eSpaceId, TenantId = appInfo.TenantId, ErrorId = errorId, ExecutedBy = executedBy, Action = action, Duration = duration, Source = source, Endpoint = endpoint, EspaceName = appInfo.eSpaceName, ApplicationName = appInfo.ApplicationName, ApplicationKey = appInfo.ApplicationUIDAsKey, Username = sessionInfo.UserName, OriginalRequestKey = originalRequestKey }; RequestTracer reqTracer = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetRequestTracer(); if (reqTracer != null) { logDef.RequestKey = reqTracer.RequestKey; } logDef.Write(); return(logDef.Id); }
public IntegrationLog(IAppInfo appInfo, string id, DateTime instant, int duration, string source, string endpoint, string action, string type, string errorId, string executedBy, bool isExpose) { log = new IntegrationLogDefinition(); Id = id; Instant = instant; Duration = duration; Source = source?.Left(MAX_SOURCE_SIZE) ?? string.Empty; Endpoint = endpoint?.Left(MAX_ENDPOINT_SIZE) ?? string.Empty; Action = action; Type = type; EspaceId = appInfo?.eSpaceId ?? 0; TenantId = appInfo?.TenantId ?? 0; ErrorId = errorId; ExecutedBy = executedBy; IsExpose = isExpose; EspaceName = appInfo?.eSpaceName; ApplicationName = appInfo?.ApplicationName; ApplicationKey = appInfo?.ApplicationUIDAsKey; RequestTracer reqTracer = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetRequestTracer(); if (reqTracer != null) { RequestKey = reqTracer.RequestKey; } }
protected DeliveryArgs(byte[] body, IAppletChannel channel) { Body = body ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(body)); Channel = channel ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel)); _appInfo = Channel.GetAppInfo() ?? throw new NullReferenceException($"{nameof(channel)}.{nameof(Channel.GetAppInfo)} returned null"); }
public TempManager(IAppInfo appInfo) { var sep = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; directoryName = $"{Path.GetTempPath()}{appInfo.Name}{sep}{DateTime.Now:yyMMddHHmmss}{sep}"; Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); }
public async Task <int> SaveAppInfo(IAppInfo appinfo, int type) { using (this._repo.BeginConnectionScope()) { if (type == 1) // 新增 { // 校验 int result = await this._repo.CheckAppCodeExists(appinfo.AppCode); if (result > 0) { return(-1); } else { await this._repo.AddAppInfo(appinfo); return(1); } } else { return(await this._repo.UpdateAppInfo(appinfo)); } } }
public static void StaticWrite(IAppInfo appInfo, ISessionInfo sessionInfo, DateTime instant, int duration, string screen, string msisdn, string screenType, string accessMode, string executedBy, int viewstateBytes, int sessionBytes, int sessionRequests) { ScreenLog log = new ScreenLog(); log.Write(appInfo, sessionInfo, instant, duration, screen, msisdn, screenType, accessMode, executedBy, viewstateBytes, sessionBytes, sessionRequests); }
private void Write(IAppInfo appInfo, ISessionInfo sessionInfo, DateTime instant, int duration, string screen, string msisdn, string screenType, string accessMode, string executedBy, int viewstateBytes, int sessionBytes, int sessionRequests) { Instant = instant; Duration = duration; Screen = screen; SessionId = sessionInfo.SessionID; EspaceId = appInfo.eSpaceId; TenantId = appInfo.TenantId; UserId = sessionInfo.UserId; Msisdn = msisdn; ScreenType = screenType; AccessMode = ScreenLogDefinition.NotNullAccessMode(accessMode); ExecutedBy = executedBy; ViewstateBytes = viewstateBytes; SessionBytes = sessionBytes; SessionRequests = sessionRequests; RequestTracer reqTracer = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetRequestTracer(); if (reqTracer != null) { RequestKey = reqTracer.RequestKey; ActionName = reqTracer.EntryActionName; } ClientIP = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetRequestSourceForLogging()?.Left(MAX_CLIENT_IP_SIZE); EspaceName = appInfo.eSpaceName; ApplicationName = appInfo.ApplicationName; ApplicationKey = appInfo.ApplicationUIDAsKey; Username = sessionInfo.UserName; log.Write(); }
public CreateCommentModel(UserInfo user, string parentUrl, string body, IAppInfo appInfo) : base(user) { IsNeedRewards = user.IsNeedRewards; ParentUrl = parentUrl; Body = body; JsonMetadata = $"{{\"app\": \"steepshot/v{appInfo.GetAppVersion()} b{appInfo.GetBuildVersion()} t\"}}"; }
public IAppInfo UnormatDescription(IAppInfo appInfo) { var unformattedDescription = new StringBuilder(); int descriptionStartIndex = 0; int descriptionLength = appInfo.Description.Length; if (appInfo.Description.StartsWith(PrefixToAddToDescription)) { descriptionStartIndex = PrefixToAddToDescription.Length; descriptionLength -= PrefixToAddToDescription.Length; } if (appInfo.Description.EndsWith(PostfixToAddToDescription)) { descriptionLength -= PostfixToAddToDescription.Length; } if (descriptionLength != appInfo.Description.Length) { return(new AppInfo(appInfo.Id, appInfo.Description.Substring(descriptionStartIndex, descriptionLength))); } return(appInfo); }
public MainPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IAppInfo appInfo) : base(navigationService) { _appInfo = appInfo; Title = "Jagua Maravichu"; PackageName = _appInfo.PackageName; }
public AboutUsPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IAppInfo appInfo) : base(navigationService) { _appInfo = appInfo; Title = "About Us"; Version = _appInfo.VersionString; }
public App(IAppInfo appInfo) { AppInfo = appInfo; InitializeComponent(); MainPage = new MainPage(); }
public void Build(IAppInfo appInfo) { if (startups == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot build an already build container"); } var serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistry(); var appDataManager = new AppDataManager(appInfo); var settingManager = new IOSettingsManager(appDataManager); serviceRegistry.AddSingleton(appInfo); serviceRegistry.AddSingleton <IAppDataManager>(appDataManager); serviceRegistry.AddSingletonWithAutoInject <IIOSettingsManager, IOSettingsManager>(settingManager); var startupContext = new StartupContext(appInfo, appDataManager, settingManager); foreach (var startup in startups) { serviceRegistry.AddAutoInject(startup); startup.ConfigureServices(serviceRegistry, startupContext); } _container = new Container(serviceRegistry); _setup = null; startups.Clear(); startups = null; foreach (var informService in _container.GetServices <IAfterDIContainerBuildListener>()) { informService.AfterDIContainerBuild(); } }
public IRootCommand AddAppInfo(IAppInfo appInfo) { // throw new System.NotImplementedException(); AppInfo = appInfo; return(this); }
public ClientInfoHeaderHandler(IAppInfo appInfo, IDeviceInfo deviceInfo, string installId, HttpMessageHandler innerHandler) : base(innerHandler) { AppInfo = appInfo; DeviceInfo = deviceInfo; InstallId = installId ?? string.Empty; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: TestAppInfo mimetype"); return; } GLib.GType.Init(); // Gtk.Application.Init (); Console.WriteLine("Default Handler for {0}: {1}", args[0], AppInfoAdapter.GetDefaultForType(args[0], false).Name); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("List of all {0} handlers", args[0]); foreach (IAppInfo appinfo in AppInfoAdapter.GetAllForType(args[0])) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1} {2}", appinfo.Name, appinfo.Executable, appinfo.Description); } IAppInfo app_info = AppInfoAdapter.GetDefaultForType("image/jpeg", false); Console.WriteLine("{0}:\t{1}", app_info.Name, app_info.Description); Console.WriteLine("All installed IAppInfos:"); foreach (IAppInfo appinfo in AppInfoAdapter.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1} ", appinfo.Name, appinfo.Executable); } }
/** * Verifica si existe una nueva version en la tienda disponible para * realizar la actualizacion de la aplicacion. * y cambia la bandera allowLogin para que se permita el login * en caso que sea necesario. */ public async Task VerifyStoreVersion() { IAppInfo appInfo = DependencyService.Get <IAppInfo>(); VersionResult result = await appInfo.NeedUpdateApp(); if (result.isSuccess) { // si no es necesario actualizar permitimos el // login de manera tradicional // en caso contrario mostramos mensaje de error. if (!result.needUpdate) { AllowNavigate = true; return; } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await page.DisplayAlert("Nueva versión disponible", "Es necesario actualizar su aplicación para disfrutar de las nuevas características.", "Actualizar"); await Xamarin.Essentials.Launcher.TryOpenAsync(new Uri(appInfo.GotoStore())); appInfo.CloseApp(); }); } else { await page.DisplayAlert("Error", result.error, "Cerrar"); } }
public VersionTrackingImplementation(IPreferences preferences, IAppInfo appInfo) { this.preferences = preferences; this.appInfo = appInfo; Track(); }
public ApiHostedService( IOptions <ApiHostedServiceOptions> options, IClusterClient client, IGrainFactory grainFactory, IConfiguration configuration, IAppInfo appInfo, ILogger <ApiHostedService> logger ) { _appInfo = appInfo; _logger = logger; logger.LogInformation("Initializing api {appName} ({version}) [{env}] on port {apiPort}...", appInfo.Name, appInfo.Version, appInfo.Environment, options.Value.Port); ConsoleTitleBuilder.Append(() => $"(Api port: {options.Value.Port} | pid: {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id})"); _host = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder() .UseSerilog() .UseConfiguration(configuration) .ConfigureAppConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.Sources.Clear(); cfg.AddConfiguration(configuration); }) .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddSingleton(appInfo); services.AddSingleton(client); services.AddSingleton(grainFactory); }) .UseStartup <ApiStartup>() .UseUrls($"http://*:{options.Value.Port}") .Build(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { appInfo = transform.parent.parent.parent.GetComponentInParent <IAppInfo>(); cam.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = 45.0f; SetProgress(.25f); //Debug.Log(appInfo); }
public static void RemoveStartup(IAppInfo appInfo) { using (var systemRunKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(StartupRegisteryKey, true)) { systemRunKey?.DeleteValue(appInfo.Name, false); } }
public AppUpdateChecker(IAppSettings appSettings, IWebClientProxy webClient, IUserSettings userSettings, IAppInfo appInfo) { this.appSettings = appSettings; this.appInfo = appInfo; this.userSettings = userSettings; this.webClient = webClient; }
private static void SetClientInformation() { IAppInfo iai = Application.Current as IAppInfo; string v = "UnknownVersion"; if (iai != null) { v = iai.Version; } // For now this is all hard-coded and that. // Only want this calculated once, not with every call. _clientInformation = "4thAndMayor:" + v + " " + #if DEBUG "DBG" #else "SHP" #endif + "/" + "WP7" + "|" + (Microsoft.Devices.Environment.DeviceType == Microsoft.Devices.DeviceType.Emulator ? "Emulator" : "Device" ); // Debug.WriteLine("FWC: User Agent: " + _clientInformation); }
public void Write(IAppInfo appInfo, string id, DateTime instant, int duration, string source, string endpoint, string action, string type, string errorId, bool isExpose) { Id = id; Instant = instant; Duration = duration; Source = source?.Left(MAX_SOURCE_SIZE) ?? string.Empty; Endpoint = endpoint?.Left(MAX_ENDPOINT_SIZE) ?? string.Empty; Action = action; Type = type; EspaceId = appInfo?.eSpaceId ?? 0; TenantId = appInfo?.TenantId ?? 0; ErrorId = errorId; ExecutedBy = RuntimeEnvironment.MachineName; IsExpose = isExpose; EspaceName = appInfo?.eSpaceName; ApplicationName = appInfo?.ApplicationName; ApplicationKey = appInfo?.ApplicationUIDAsKey; RequestTracer reqTracer = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetRequestTracer(); if (reqTracer != null) { RequestKey = reqTracer.RequestKey; } log.Write(); }
public DeepLinkingService(IMainThread mainThread, IBrowser browser, IEmail email, IAppInfo appInfo, ILauncher launcher) { _appInfo = appInfo; _email = email; _browser = browser; _mainThread = mainThread; _launcher = launcher; }
public AppDataManager(IAppInfo appInfo) { RoamingPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)}\{appInfo.Name}\"; if (!Directory.Exists(RoamingPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(RoamingPath); } }
public static string StaticWrite(IAppInfo appInfo, DateTime instant, int duration, string source, string endpoint, string action, string type, string errorId, bool isExpose) { IntegrationLog log = new IntegrationLog(); log.Write(appInfo, IntegrationLogDefinition.GenerateLogId(), instant, duration, source, endpoint, action, type, errorId, isExpose); return(log.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new empty instance of this interface wrapper that is mostly used /// for backwards compatibility. /// </summary> public MapWin() { _appInfo = new AppInfo(); }