Ejemplo n.º 1
 public InternetToDataBase(UserToCreate user, IApi VkClient)
     vkClient = VkClient;
     this.token = user.token;
     this.URL = "https://vk.com/id" + user.vk_id;
     this.user = user;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Handle CreateCheckerboardTexture(IApi api)
            Int32 texSize = 256;
            Int32 gridSize = 4;
            Int32 squareSize = texSize / gridSize;

            var colours = new Rgba32 [gridSize*gridSize];

            for (Int32 x = 0; x < gridSize; ++x)
                for (Int32 y = 0; y < gridSize; ++y)
                    colours [x + (y * gridSize)] = RandomColours.GetNext ();

            var texData = new byte[texSize*texSize*4];

            Int32 index = 0;
            for (Int32 x = 0; x < texSize; ++x)
                for (Int32 y = 0; y < texSize; ++y)
                    texData [index++] = colours[(x/squareSize) + (y/squareSize*gridSize)].A;
                    texData [index++] = colours[(x/squareSize) + (y/squareSize*gridSize)].R;
                    texData [index++] = colours[(x/squareSize) + (y/squareSize*gridSize)].G;
                    texData [index++] = colours[(x/squareSize) + (y/squareSize*gridSize)].B;

            return api.gfx_CreateTexture (TextureFormat.Rgba32, texSize, texSize, texData);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebLoggerException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting("WebLogger", "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new WebLoggerException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));

            var url = _ini.GetSetting("WebLogger", "URL");
            if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out _uri))
                throw new WebLoggerException(String.Format("Error parsing url: {0}", url));

            _worker = new Thread(ProcessQueue);
            _api.OnBeMessageReceivedEvent += MessageEventHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Ping(AlgorithmManager algorithmManager, IApi api, IResultHandler resultHandler)
     _api = api;
     _resultHandler = resultHandler;
     _algorithmManager = algorithmManager;
     _exitEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static Handle CreateUnlitShader(IApi api)
     var shaderFormat = api.gfx_GetRuntimeShaderFormat ();
     var shaderDecl = GetUnlitShaderDeclaration ();
     var shaderSource = GetUnlitShaderSource (shaderFormat);
     return api.gfx_CreateShader (shaderDecl, shaderFormat, shaderSource);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DefaultBrokerageMessageHandler"/> class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="algorithm">The running algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="job">The job that produced the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="api">The api for the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="initialDelay"></param>
 /// <param name="openThreshold">Defines how long before market open to re-check for brokerage reconnect message</param>
 public DefaultBrokerageMessageHandler(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IApi api, TimeSpan? initialDelay = null, TimeSpan? openThreshold = null)
     _api = api;
     _job = job;
     _algorithm = algorithm;
     _connected = true;
     _openThreshold = openThreshold ?? DefaultOpenThreshold;
     _initialDelay = initialDelay ?? DefaultInitialDelay;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Ping(AlgorithmManager algorithmManager, IApi api, IResultHandler resultHandler, IMessagingHandler messagingHandler, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
     _api = api;
     _job = job;
     _resultHandler = resultHandler;
     _messagingHandler = messagingHandler;
     _algorithmManager = algorithmManager;
     _exitEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal PanelSpecification(IApi platform)
     panelPhysicalSize = platform.sys_GetPrimaryPanelPhysicalSize ();
     panelPhysicalAspectRatio =
             ? (Single) panelPhysicalSize.Value.X / (Single) panelPhysicalSize.Value.Y
             : (Single?) null;
     panelType = platform.sys_GetPrimaryPanelType ();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void Initialize(AlgorithmNodePacket job,
     IMessagingHandler messagingHandler,
     IApi api,
     IDataFeed dataFeed,
     ISetupHandler setupHandler,
     ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
     _job = job;
		//public TraceSource Trace { get; set; }

		public BaseApiRequest(IApi Api, IDataExtractor DataExtractor)
			api = Api;
			dataExtractor = DataExtractor;

			requestParams = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
			objectTypeForMethods = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
			batchSizes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
			itemsMaxCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
			requestTypes = new Dictionary<string, ApiRequestType>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Platform(IApi api)
            this.api = api;

            this.audio = new Audio (api);
            this.graphics = new Graphics (api);
            this.resources = new Resources (api);
            this.status = new Status (api);
            this.input = new Input (api);
            this.host = new Host (api);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal Input(IApi platform)
            this.platform = platform;

            this.Xbox360Gamepad = humanInputDevices.AddEx (new Xbox360Gamepad (PlayerIndex.One));
            this.PsmGamepad = humanInputDevices.AddEx (new PsmGamepad ());
            this.MultiTouchController = humanInputDevices.AddEx (new MultiTouchController ());
            this.Mouse = humanInputDevices.AddEx (new Mouse ());
            this.Keyboard = humanInputDevices.AddEx (new Keyboard ());
            this.GenericGamepad = new GenericGamepad ();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestAuthrepWithInvalidProviderKey()
            m_api = new Api(host, invalid_provider_key);

            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();

            parameters.Add("app_key", "InvalidAppKey");
            parameters.Add("app_id", "InvalidAppId");

            var ex = Assert.Throws<ApiException>(() => m_api.authrep(parameters) );
            Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("provider_key_invalid : provider key \"" + invalid_provider_key + "\" is invalid"));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestAuthrepWithInvalidAppId()
            m_api = new Api(host, provider_key);

            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();

            parameters.Add("app_key", "1a2b3c4d5e6f7a8b9c");
            parameters.Add("app_id", invalid_app_id);

            var ex = Assert.Throws<ApiException>( () =>  m_api.authrep(parameters));
            Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("application_not_found : application with id=\"" + invalid_app_id + "\" was not found"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public VkApiRequest(IApi Api, IDataExtractor DataExtractor)
            : base(Api, DataExtractor)
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("groups.getById", typeof(VkGroup));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("groups.getMembers", typeof(long));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("groups.get", typeof(long));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("users.getSubscriptions", typeof(VkUserSubscriptions));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("users.get", typeof(VkUser));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("wall.get", typeof(VkPost));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("wall.getReposts", typeof(VkPost));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("friends.get", typeof(long));
            objectTypeForMethods.Add("wall.getComments", typeof(VkComment));

            requestTypes.Add("groups.getById", ApiRequestType.ListObjectsInfo);
            requestTypes.Add("groups.getMembers", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);
            requestTypes.Add("groups.get", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);
            requestTypes.Add("users.getSubscriptions", ApiRequestType.ObjectInfo);
            requestTypes.Add("users.get", ApiRequestType.ListObjectsInfo);
            requestTypes.Add("wall.get", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);
            requestTypes.Add("wall.getReposts", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);
            requestTypes.Add("friends.get", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);
            requestTypes.Add("wall.getComments", ApiRequestType.ListForObject);

            requestParams.Add("groups.getById", new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                { "fields", "members_count" }
            //	new ApiRequestParam(new Dictionary<string, string>() {
            //		{ "filter", "moder" }
            //	})
            requestParams.Add("users.get", new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                { "fields", "education,contacts,nickname, screen_name, sex, bdate, city, country, timezone, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200, photo_max, has_mobile, online" }
            requestParams.Add("wall.get", new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                { "filter", "all" }
            requestParams.Add("wall.getComments", new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                { "need_likes", "1" }

            itemsMaxCounts.Add("groups.getMembers", 1000);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("groups.get", 1000);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("wall.get", 100);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("wall.getReposts", 1000);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("users.getSubscriptions", 200);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("friends.get", Int32.MaxValue);
            itemsMaxCounts.Add("wall.getComments", Int32.MaxValue);

            batchSizes.Add("users.get", 300);
            batchSizes.Add("groups.getById", 300);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void TestAuthrepWithValidCredentials()
            m_api = new Api(host, provider_key);

            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();

            parameters.Add("app_key", app_key);
            parameters.Add("app_id", app_id);

            var response = m_api.authrep(parameters);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebRconException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting(Name, "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new WebRconException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));

            var port = _ini.GetSetting(Name, "Port");
                _port = Convert.ToInt32(port);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebRconException(String.Format("Invalid port: {0}", ex.Message));

            _password = _ini.GetSetting(Name, "Password");
            if (_password == "")
                _password = Utils.GetRandomString();

            _serverurl = String.Format("http://localhost:{0}/", _port);
            _serverurl = String.Format("http://*:{0}/", _port);
            _webServer = new WebServer(HttpRequest, _serverurl);
            AppConsole.Log(String.Format("Started HTTP server at {0}. Password: {1}", _serverurl, _password), ConsoleColor.Cyan);

            _socketServer = new WebSocketServer(_port);
            _socketServer.AddWebSocketService("/rcon", () => new SocketBehavior(_api, _password));


Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestAuthrepWithInvalidAppKey()
            m_api = new Api(host, provider_key);

            var parameters = new Hashtable();

            parameters.Add("app_id", app_id);
            parameters.Add("app_key", invalid_app_key);

            var resp = m_api.authrep(parameters);

            Assert.AreEqual(resp.reason, "application key \"InvalidAppKey\" is invalid");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public RestierQueryBuilder(IApi api, ODataPath path)
            Ensure.NotNull(api, "api");
            Ensure.NotNull(path, "path");
            this.api = api;
            this.path = path;

            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.EntitySet] = this.HandleEntitySetPathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.UnboundFunction] = this.HandleUnboundFunctionPathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.Count] = this.HandleCountPathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.Value] = this.HandleValuePathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.Key] = this.HandleKeyValuePathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.Navigation] = this.HandleNavigationPathSegment;
            this.handlers[ODataSegmentKinds.Property] = this.HandlePropertyAccessPathSegment;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 internal void Init(IApi _api)
     foreach (var t in _pluginCollection.ToArray())
             t.Instance.Init(_api, t.DllPath);
         catch (Exception ex)
             AppConsole.Log(String.Format("Plugin {0} loading failed: {1}", t.Instance.Name, ex.Message), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new $safeprojectname$Exception(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting(Name, "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new $safeprojectname$Exception(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LeanEngineSystemHandlers"/> class with the specified handles
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobQueue">The job queue used to acquire algorithm jobs</param>
 /// <param name="api">The api instance used for communicating limits and status</param>
 /// <param name="notify">The messaging handler user for passing messages from the algorithm to listeners</param>
 public LeanEngineSystemHandlers(IJobQueueHandler jobQueue, IApi api, IMessagingHandler notify)
     if (jobQueue == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("jobQueue");
     if (api == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("api");
     if (notify == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("notify");
     _api = api;
     _jobQueue = jobQueue;
     _notify = notify;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Intializes the real time handler for the specified algorithm and job
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IApi api)
            _api = api;
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var todayInAlgorithmTimeZone = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertFromUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone).Date;

            // refresh the market hours for today explicitly, and then set up an event to refresh them each day at midnight

            // every day at midnight from tomorrow until the end of time
            var times =
                from date in Time.EachDay(todayInAlgorithmTimeZone.AddDays(1), Time.EndOfTime)
                select date.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);

            Add(new ScheduledEvent("RefreshMarketHours", times, (name, triggerTime) =>
                // refresh market hours from api every day

            // add end of day events for each tradeable day
            Add(ScheduledEventFactory.EveryAlgorithmEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, todayInAlgorithmTimeZone, Time.EndOfTime, ScheduledEvent.AlgorithmEndOfDayDelta, DateTime.UtcNow));

            // add end of trading day events for each security
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities.Values.Where(x => !x.SubscriptionDataConfig.IsInternalFeed))
                // assumes security.Exchange has been updated with today's hours via RefreshMarketHoursToday
                Add(ScheduledEventFactory.EverySecurityEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, security, todayInAlgorithmTimeZone, Time.EndOfTime, ScheduledEvent.SecurityEndOfDayDelta, DateTime.UtcNow));

            foreach (var scheduledEvent in _scheduledEvents)
                // zoom past old events
                // set logging accordingly
                scheduledEvent.Value.IsLoggingEnabled = Log.DebuggingEnabled;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new SimpleMessagesException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting("SimpleMessages", "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new SimpleMessagesException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));

            Int32 _interval;
                _interval = Convert.ToInt32(_ini.GetSetting("SimpleMessages", "Interval", "60"));
                _interval = 60;

            _prefix = _ini.GetSetting("SimpleMessages", "Prefix");

            _repeat = _ini.GetBoolSetting("SimpleMessages", "Repeat");
            var _random = _ini.GetBoolSetting("SimpleMessages", "Random");
            _messages = _ini.EnumSection("Messages");
            if (_random)
                var rnd = new Random();
                _messages = _messages.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray();
            _timer = new Timer {Interval = (_interval*1000)};
            _timer.Elapsed += _timer_Elapsed;
            _timer.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BEFilterMonitorException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting(Name, "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new BEFilterMonitorException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));

            _worker = new Thread(FilterMonitor);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Intializes the real time handler for the specified algorithm and job
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IApi api)
            _api = api;
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler = resultHandler;
            _events = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ScheduledEvent>();
            _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var todayInAlgorithmTimeZone = DateTime.UtcNow.ConvertFromUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone).Date;

            // refresh the market hours for today explicitly, and then set up an event to refresh them each day at midnight

            // every day at midnight from tomorrow until the end of time
            var times =
                from date in Time.EachDay(todayInAlgorithmTimeZone.AddDays(1), Time.EndOfTime)
                select date.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);

            AddEvent(new ScheduledEvent("RefreshMarketHours", times, (name, triggerTime) =>
                // refresh market hours from api every day

            // add end of day events for each tradeable day
            AddEvent(ScheduledEvent.EveryAlgorithmEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, todayInAlgorithmTimeZone, Time.EndOfTime, ScheduledEvent.AlgorithmEndOfDayDelta, DateTime.UtcNow));

            // add end of trading day events for each security
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities.Values)
                // assumes security.Exchange has been updated with today's hours via RefreshMarketHoursToday
                AddEvent(ScheduledEvent.EverySecurityEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, security, todayInAlgorithmTimeZone, Time.EndOfTime, ScheduledEvent.SecurityEndOfDayDelta, DateTime.UtcNow));

            foreach (var scheduledEvent in _events.Values)
                scheduledEvent.IsLoggingEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        static async Task RunAsync(DictionaryInventory<Unit> units, IApi api)
            var sync = await api.Login(0);

            var r = new Random();

            // fires 5 times randomly
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var ids = units.Ids.ToArray();
                var d = await api.FireUnit(ids[r.Next(0, ids.Length)]);
                foreach (var x in d) units.Change(x);

            // hires 5 times randomly
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var d = await api.HireUnit(r.Next(1000, 1006));
                foreach (var x in d) units.Change(x);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Intializes the real time handler for the specified algorithm and job
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IApi api) 
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            _resultHandler =  resultHandler;

            // create events for algorithm's end of tradeable dates
            Add(ScheduledEventFactory.EveryAlgorithmEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, _algorithm.StartDate, _algorithm.EndDate, ScheduledEvent.AlgorithmEndOfDayDelta));

            // set up the events for each security to fire every tradeable date before market close
            foreach (var security in _algorithm.Securities.Values.Where(x => !x.SubscriptionDataConfig.IsInternalFeed))
                Add(ScheduledEventFactory.EverySecurityEndOfDay(_algorithm, _resultHandler, security, algorithm.StartDate, _algorithm.EndDate, ScheduledEvent.SecurityEndOfDayDelta));

            foreach (var scheduledEvent in _scheduledEvents)
                // zoom past old events
                // set logging accordingly
                scheduledEvent.Value.IsLoggingEnabled = Log.DebuggingEnabled;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new LoggerException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting("Logger", "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new LoggerException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));
            _path = _ini.GetSetting("Logger", "Path");
            if (_path == "")
                _path = _defaultLogPath;

            if (!Directory.Exists(_path))
                    throw new LoggerException(String.Format("Log path \"{0}\" does not exist.", _path));

            _api.OnBeMessageReceivedEvent += _be_MessageEventHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void Init(IApi api, string dllpath)
            _api = api;
            _dllpath = dllpath;
            IniParser _ini;
                _ini = new IniParser(_configPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new PlayerCheckException(String.Format("Error loading config: {0}", ex.Message));

            _enabled = _ini.GetBoolSetting(Name, "Enabled");
            if (!_enabled)
                throw new PlayerCheckException(String.Format("{0} has been disabled", Name));

            _checkip = _ini.GetBoolSetting(Name, "CheckIP");
            _kickMessage = _ini.GetSetting(Name, "KickMessage");

            if (_ini.GetSetting(Name, "Mode") == "white")
                _mode = Mode.Whitelist;

            var settings = new DriverSettings()
                Api = api,
                Ini = _ini,
                PluginPath = dllpath

            _driver = Base.GetDriver(_ini);
            api.OnBeMessageReceivedEvent += onBEMessageReceivedEvent;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 /// <param name="factory">The content factory</param>
 public SiteService(IApi api, IContentFactory factory)
     _api     = api;
     _factory = factory;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the application object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
        private void Initialize(IApi api)
            if (!_isInitialized)
                lock (_mutex)
                    if (!_isInitialized)
                        // Configure object mapper
                        var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Alias, Data.Alias>()
                            .ForMember(a => a.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(a => a.Created, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Category, Data.Category>()
                            .ForMember(c => c.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(c => c.Created, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.MediaFolder, Data.MediaFolder>()
                            .ForMember(f => f.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(f => f.Created, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(f => f.Media, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.MediaFolder, Models.MediaStructureItem>()
                            .ForMember(f => f.Level, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(f => f.Items, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Page, Models.PageBase>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.TypeId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.PageTypeId))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Permalink, o => o.MapFrom(m => "/" + m.Slug))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Blocks, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Models.PageBase, Data.Page>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.PageTypeId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.TypeId))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Blocks, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Fields, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Created, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.LastModified, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.PageType, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Site, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Parent, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Page, Models.SitemapItem>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.MenuTitle, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Level, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Items, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.PageTypeName, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Permalink, o => o.MapFrom(d => !d.ParentId.HasValue && d.SortOrder == 0 ? "/" : "/" + d.Slug));
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Param, Data.Param>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Created, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Post, Models.PostBase>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.TypeId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.PostTypeId))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Permalink, o => o.MapFrom(m => "/" + m.Blog.Slug + "/" + m.Slug))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Blocks, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Models.PostBase, Data.Post>()
                            .ForMember(p => p.PostTypeId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.TypeId))
                            .ForMember(p => p.CategoryId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.Category.Id))
                            .ForMember(p => p.Blocks, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Fields, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Created, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.LastModified, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.PostType, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Blog, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Category, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(p => p.Tags, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Site, Data.Site>()
                            .ForMember(s => s.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.Created, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Site, Models.SiteContentBase>()
                            .ForMember(s => s.TypeId, o => o.MapFrom(m => m.SiteTypeId));
                            cfg.CreateMap <Models.SiteContentBase, Data.Site>()
                            .ForMember(s => s.SiteTypeId, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.InternalId, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.Description, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.Hostnames, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.IsDefault, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.Fields, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.Created, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(s => s.LastModified, o => o.Ignore());
                            cfg.CreateMap <Data.Tag, Data.Tag>()
                            .ForMember(t => t.Id, o => o.Ignore())
                            .ForMember(t => t.Created, o => o.Ignore());
                        _mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();

                        // Setup media types
                        _mediaTypes.Documents.Add(".pdf", "application/pdf");
                        _mediaTypes.Images.Add(".jpg", "image/jpeg");
                        _mediaTypes.Images.Add(".jpeg", "image/jpeg");
                        _mediaTypes.Images.Add(".png", "image/png");
                        _mediaTypes.Videos.Add(".mp4", "video/mp4");

                        // Compose content types
                        _contentTypes.Register <Models.IPage>("Page", "Page");
                        _contentTypes.Register <Models.IBlogPage>("Blog", "Archive", true);

                        // Compose field types
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.CheckBoxField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.DateField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.DocumentField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.HtmlField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.ImageField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.MarkdownField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.MediaField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.NumberField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.PageField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.PostField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.StringField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.TextField>();
                        _fields.Register <Extend.Fields.VideoField>();

                        // Compose block types
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.HtmlBlock>();
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.HtmlColumnBlock>();
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.ImageBlock>();
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.QuoteBlock>();
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.TextBlock>();
                        _blocks.Register <Extend.Blocks.SliderGroup>();

                        // Compose serializers
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.CheckBoxField>(new CheckBoxFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.CheckBoxField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.DateField>(new DateFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.DocumentField>(new DocumentFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.HtmlField>(new StringFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.HtmlField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.MarkdownField>(new StringFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.MarkdownField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.MediaField>(new MediaFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.NumberField>(new IntegerFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.NumberField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.PageField>(new PageFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.PostField>(new PostFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.StringField>(new StringFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.StringField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.TextField>(new StringFieldSerializer <Extend.Fields.TextField>());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.ImageField>(new ImageFieldSerializer());
                        _serializers.Register <Extend.Fields.VideoField>(new VideoFieldSerializer());

                        // Create markdown converter
                        _markdown = new DefaultMarkdown();

                        // Register permissions
                        _permissions["Core"].Add(new PermissionItem
                            Name  = Permission.PagePreview,
                            Title = "Page Preview"
                        _permissions["Core"].Add(new PermissionItem
                            Name  = Permission.PostPreview,
                            Title = "Post Preview"

                        // Initialize all modules
                        foreach (var module in _modules)

                        _isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public void Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, IApi api)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public PostTypeBuilder(IApi api) : base(api)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public CIAgentWriter(IApi api, int maxBufferSize = DefaultMaxBufferSize)
     _agentWriter = new AgentWriter(api, null, maxBufferSize: maxBufferSize);
Ejemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public PageTypeBuilder(IApi api)
     _api = api;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the field for client use.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public override void Init(IApi api)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new page model using the given page type id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 /// <param name="typeId">The unique page type id</param>
 /// <returns>The new model</returns>
 public static T Create(IApi api, string typeId = null)
     return(api.Pages.Create <T>(typeId));
Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public CmsController(IApi api, IModelLoader loader)
     _api    = api;
     _loader = loader;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public ExportApi(HttpClient client, IApi api, IConfiguration config)
     _client = client;
     _api    = api;
     _config = config;
Ejemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 /// <param name="factory">The content factory</param>
 /// <param name="localizer">The manager localizer</param>
 public PageService(IApi api, IContentFactory factory, ManagerLocalizer localizer)
     _api       = api;
     _factory   = factory;
     _localizer = localizer;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the result handler with this result packet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="job">Algorithm job packet for this result handler</param>
 /// <param name="messagingHandler">The handler responsible for communicating messages to listeners</param>
 /// <param name="api">The api instance used for handling logs</param>
 /// <param name="dataFeed"></param>
 /// <param name="setupHandler"></param>
 /// <param name="transactionHandler"></param>
 public virtual void Initialize(AlgorithmNodePacket job, IMessagingHandler messagingHandler, IApi api, IDataFeed dataFeed, ISetupHandler setupHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
     _messagingHandler   = messagingHandler;
     _transactionHandler = transactionHandler;
     _setupHandler       = setupHandler;
     _job = (BacktestNodePacket)job;
     if (_job == null)
         throw new Exception("BacktestingResultHandler.Constructor(): Submitted Job type invalid.");
     _compileId  = _job.CompileId;
     _backtestId = _job.BacktestId;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 /// <param name="loader">The model loader</param>
 public SinglePostWithComments(IApi api, IModelLoader loader) : base(api, loader)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current Api</param>
 /// <param name="security">The current security provider</param>
 public AccountController(IApi api, ISecurity security)
     this.api      = api;
     this.security = security;
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public SonarrApi(IApi api)
     Api = api;
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public SonarrV3Api(IApi api) : base(api)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the application object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public static void Init(IApi api)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public ChatClient(IApi api, ApiConfiguration configuration)
     this.Api           = api;
     this.configuration = configuration;
Ejemplo n.º 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new middleware instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">The next middleware in the pipeline</param>
 public PageMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IApi api) : base(next, api)
Ejemplo n.º 50
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public ContentApiController(ContentService content, ContentTypeService contentType, IApi api)
     _api         = api;
     _content     = content;
     _contentType = contentType;
Ejemplo n.º 51
 public ShowViewModel(IApi api)
     _api  = api;
     Shows = new ObservableRangeCollection <Show>();
Ejemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the result handler with this result packet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="job">Algorithm job packet for this result handler</param>
 /// <param name="messagingHandler">The handler responsible for communicating messages to listeners</param>
 /// <param name="api">The api instance used for handling logs</param>
 /// <param name="transactionHandler">The transaction handler used to get the algorithms <see cref="Order"/> information</param>
 public virtual void Initialize(AlgorithmNodePacket job, IMessagingHandler messagingHandler, IApi api, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
     MessagingHandler        = messagingHandler;
     TransactionHandler      = transactionHandler;
     CompileId               = job.CompileId;
     AlgorithmId             = job.AlgorithmId;
     ProjectId               = job.ProjectId;
     RamAllocation           = job.RamAllocation.ToStringInvariant();
     OrderEventJsonConverter = new OrderEventJsonConverter(AlgorithmId);
     _updateRunner           = new Thread(Run, 0)
         IsBackground = true, Name = "Result Thread"
Ejemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 public Config(IApi api)
     _service = api.Params;
 public SetupController(IApi api)
     _api = api;
Ejemplo n.º 55
 public SetupController(IApi api)
     this.api = api;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 public void Initialize(AlgorithmNodePacket job, IAlgorithm algorithm, IMessagingHandler messagingHandler, IApi api)
Ejemplo n.º 57
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the router.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
        /// <param name="url">The requested url</param>
        /// <param name="hostname">The optional hostname</param>
        /// <returns>The piranha response, null if no matching page was found</returns>
        public static IRouteResponse Invoke(IApi api, string url, string hostname)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) && url.Length > 1)
                var segments = url.Substring(1).Split(new char[] { '/' });

                if (segments.Length >= 1)
                    Data.Site site = null;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostname))
                        site = api.Sites.GetByHostname(hostname);
                    if (site == null)
                        site = api.Sites.GetDefault();

                    var blog = api.Pages.GetBySlug(segments[0], site.Id);

                    if (blog != null && blog.ContentType == "Blog")
                        var route = blog.Route ?? "/archive";

                        int? page          = null;
                        int? year          = null;
                        int? month         = null;
                        Guid?categoryId    = null;
                        bool foundCategory = false;
                        bool foundPage     = false;

                        for (var n = 1; n < segments.Length; n++)
                            if (segments[n] == "category" && !foundPage)
                                foundCategory = true;

                            if (segments[n] == "page")
                                foundPage = true;

                            if (foundCategory)
                                try {
                                    categoryId = api.Categories.GetBySlug(blog.Id, segments[n])?.Id;
                                } catch {
                                } finally {
                                    foundCategory = false;

                            if (foundPage)
                                try {
                                    page = Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]);
                                } catch { }

                            if (!year.HasValue)
                                try {
                                    year = Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]);

                                    if (year.Value > DateTime.Now.Year)
                                        year = DateTime.Now.Year;
                                } catch { }
                                try {
                                    month = Math.Max(Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]), 12), 1);
                                } catch { }

                        return(new RouteResponse()
                            Route = route,
                            QueryString = $"id={blog.Id}&year={year}&month={month}&page={page}&category={categoryId}&piranha_handled=true",
                            IsPublished = true
 public MovieViewModel(IApi api)
     _api   = api;
     Movies = new ObservableRangeCollection <Movie>();
Ejemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the router.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
        /// <param name="url">The requested url</param>
        /// <param name="siteId">The requested site id</param>
        /// <returns>The piranha response, null if no matching page was found</returns>
        public static async Task <IRouteResponse> InvokeAsync(IApi api, string url, Guid siteId)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) && url.Length > 1)
                var segments = url.Substring(1).Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (segments.Length >= 1)
                    Models.PageInfo blog = null;

                    // Scan for the most unique slug
                    for (var i = segments.Length; i > 0; i--)
                        var slug = string.Join("/", segments.Subset(0, i));
                        blog = await api.Pages.GetBySlugAsync <Models.PageInfo>(slug, siteId)

                        if (blog != null)
                            var type = App.PageTypes.GetById(blog.TypeId);
                            if (type == null || !type.IsArchive)

                            // First check that this is a valid archive URL
                            if (segments.Length == i + 1)
                                    var number = Convert.ToInt32(segments[i]);
                                    if (number < 1900 || number > DateTime.Now.Year)

                            var route = blog.Route ?? "/archive";

                            int? page          = null;
                            int? year          = null;
                            int? month         = null;
                            Guid?categoryId    = null;
                            Guid?tagId         = null;
                            bool foundCategory = false;
                            bool foundTag      = false;
                            bool foundPage     = false;

                            for (var n = i; n < segments.Length; n++)
                                if (segments[n] == "category" && !foundPage)
                                    foundCategory = true;

                                if (segments[n] == "tag" && !foundPage && !foundCategory)
                                    foundTag = true;

                                if (segments[n] == "page")
                                    foundPage = true;

                                if (foundCategory)
                                        categoryId = (await api.Posts.GetCategoryBySlugAsync(blog.Id, segments[n]).ConfigureAwait(false))?.Id;

                                        if (!categoryId.HasValue)
                                            categoryId = Guid.Empty;
                                        foundCategory = false;

                                if (foundTag)
                                        tagId = (await api.Posts.GetTagBySlugAsync(blog.Id, segments[n]).ConfigureAwait(false))?.Id;

                                        if (!tagId.HasValue)
                                            tagId = Guid.Empty;
                                        foundTag = false;

                                if (foundPage)
                                        page = Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]);
                                        // We don't care about the exception, we just
                                        // discard malformed input

                                if (!year.HasValue)
                                        year = Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]);

                                        if (year.Value > DateTime.Now.Year)
                                            year = DateTime.Now.Year;
                                        // We don't care about the exception, we just
                                        // discard malformed input
                                        month = Math.Max(Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(segments[n]), 12), 1);
                                        // We don't care about the exception, we just
                                        // discard malformed input

                            return(new RouteResponse
                                PageId = blog.Id,
                                Route = route,
                                QueryString = $"id={blog.Id}&year={year}&month={month}&page={page}&pagenum={page}&category={categoryId}&tag={tagId}&piranha_handled=true",
                                IsPublished = blog.Published.HasValue && blog.Published.Value <= DateTime.Now,
                                CacheInfo = new HttpCacheInfo
                                    EntityTag = Utils.GenerateETag(blog.Id.ToString(), blog.LastModified),
                                    LastModified = blog.LastModified
Ejemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="api">The current api</param>
 /// <param name="logFactory">The optional log factory</param>
 public PageTypeBuilder(IApi api, ILoggerFactory logFactory = null)
     this.api    = api;
     this.logger = logFactory?.CreateLogger("Piranha.Builder.Json.PageTypeBuilder");