public LibiMobileDevice()
     this.usbmuxd             = new UsbmuxdApi(this);
     this.plist               = new PlistApi(this);
     this.idevice             = new iDeviceApi(this);
     this.lockdown            = new LockdownApi(this);
     this.afc                 = new AfcApi(this);
     this.debugServer         = new DebugServerApi(this);
     this.diagnosticsRelay    = new DiagnosticsRelayApi(this);
     this.fileRelay           = new FileRelayApi(this);
     this.heartBeat           = new HeartBeatApi(this);
     this.houseArrest         = new HouseArrestApi(this);
     this.installationProxy   = new InstallationProxyApi(this);
     this.misagent            = new MisagentApi(this);
     this.mobileactivation    = new MobileactivationApi(this);
     this.mobileBackup        = new MobileBackupApi(this);
     this.mobileBackup2       = new MobileBackup2Api(this);
     this.mobileSync          = new MobileSyncApi(this);
     this.mobileImageMounter  = new MobileImageMounterApi(this);
     this.notificationProxy   = new NotificationProxyApi(this);
     this.pinvoke             = new PinvokeApi(this);
     this.propertyListService = new PropertyListServiceApi(this);
     this.restore             = new RestoreApi(this);
     this.springBoardServices = new SpringBoardServicesApi(this);
     this.screenshotr         = new ScreenshotrApi(this);
     this.service             = new ServiceApi(this);
     this.syslogRelay         = new SyslogRelayApi(this);
     this.webInspector        = new WebInspectorApi(this);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void EnableDeveloperMode(string deviceImagePath, string deviceImageSignaturePath)
            if (!File.Exists(deviceImagePath) || !File.Exists(deviceImageSignaturePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The specified device image files do not exist.");
            iDeviceHandle                   device     = null;
            LockdownClientHandle            client     = null;
            LockdownServiceDescriptorHandle service    = null;
            MobileImageMounterClientHandle  client2    = null;
            AfcClientHandle                 client3    = null;
            PlistHandle            result              = null;
            FileStream             fileStream          = null;
            DiskImageUploadMode    diskImageUploadMode = (int.Parse(((string)Properties["ProductVersion"]).Split('.')[0]) >= 7) ? DiskImageUploadMode.UploadImage : DiskImageUploadMode.AFC;
            IiDeviceApi            iDevice             = LibiMobileDevice.Instance.iDevice;
            ILockdownApi           lockdown            = LibiMobileDevice.Instance.Lockdown;
            IServiceApi            service2            = LibiMobileDevice.Instance.Service;
            IMobileImageMounterApi mobileImageMounter  = LibiMobileDevice.Instance.MobileImageMounter;
            IAfcApi afc = LibiMobileDevice.Instance.Afc;

                if (iDevice.idevice_new(out device, UDID) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to open device, is it connected?");
                if (lockdown.lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(device, out client, "iFakeLocation") != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to connect to lockdownd.");
                if (lockdown.lockdownd_start_service(client, "", out service) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to start the mobile image mounter service.");
                if (mobileImageMounter.mobile_image_mounter_new(device, service, out client2) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create mobile image mounter instance.");
                service = null;
                if (diskImageUploadMode == DiskImageUploadMode.AFC)
                    if (lockdown.lockdownd_start_service(client, "", out service) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to start AFC service.");
                    if (afc.afc_client_new(device, service, out client3) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to connect to AFC service.");
                    service = null;
                client = null;
                if (mobileImageMounter.mobile_image_mounter_lookup_image(client2, "Developer", out result) != 0)
                    goto IL_01c7;
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = PlistReader.ReadPlistDictFromNode(result, new string[2]
                if ((!dictionary.ContainsKey("ImagePresent") || !(dictionary["ImagePresent"] is bool) || !(bool)dictionary["ImagePresent"]) && !dictionary.ContainsKey("ImageSignature"))
                    goto IL_01c7;
                goto end_IL_0094;
                result = null;
                string text      = "PublicStaging/staging.dimage";
                string imagePath = "/private/var/mobile/Media/" + text;
                fileStream = new FileStream(deviceImagePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                byte[] array = File.ReadAllBytes(deviceImageSignaturePath);
                switch (diskImageUploadMode)
                case DiskImageUploadMode.UploadImage:
                    GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(fileStream);
                    mobileImageMounter.mobile_image_mounter_upload_image(client2, "Developer", uint.Parse(fileStream.Length.ToString()), array, ushort.Parse(array.Length.ToString()), MounterUploadCallback, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value));

                case DiskImageUploadMode.AFC:
                    ReadOnlyCollection <string> fileInformation;
                    if (afc.afc_get_file_info(client3, "PublicStaging", out fileInformation) != 0 || afc.afc_make_directory(client3, "PublicStaging") != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to create directory 'PublicStaging' on the device.");
                    ulong handle = 0uL;
                    if (afc.afc_file_open(client3, text, AfcFileMode.FopenWronly, ref handle) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to create file '" + text + "'.");
                    uint   num    = 0u;
                    byte[] array2 = new byte[8192];
                        num = (uint)fileStream.Read(array2, 0, array2.Length);
                        if (num != 0)
                            uint bytesWritten = 0u;
                            uint num2;
                            for (num2 = 0u; num2 < num; num2 += bytesWritten)
                                if (afc.afc_file_write(client3, handle, array2, num, ref bytesWritten) != 0)
                                    afc.afc_file_close(client3, handle);
                                    throw new Exception("An AFC write error occurred.");
                            if (num2 != num)
                                afc.afc_file_close(client3, handle);
                                throw new Exception("The developer image was not written completely.");
                    }while (num != 0);
                    afc.afc_file_close(client3, handle);
                if (mobileImageMounter.mobile_image_mounter_mount_image(client2, imagePath, array, ushort.Parse(array.Length.ToString()), "Developer", out result) != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to mount developer image.");
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary2 = PlistReader.ReadPlistDictFromNode(result);
                if (!dictionary2.ContainsKey("Status") || dictionary2["Status"] as string != "Complete")
                    object obj  = dictionary2.ContainsKey("Status") ? dictionary2["Status"] : "N/A";
                    string str  = (obj != null) ? obj.ToString() : null;
                    object obj2 = dictionary2.ContainsKey("Error") ? dictionary2["Error"] : "N/A";
                    throw new Exception("Mount failed with status: " + str + " and error: " + ((obj2 != null) ? obj2.ToString() : null));
                end_IL_0094 :;
                if (fileStream != null)
                if (result != null)
                if (client3 != null)
                if (client2 != null)
                if (service != null)
                if (client != null)
                if (device != null)