private void AssignReviewAndTasksToOIM(RigOapChecklist checklist)
            string oimPassport = adminCustomRepository.GetByName("OIM")?.Value;
            var    oimUser     = peopleService.GetByLogin(oimPassport);

            if (oimPassport != null && oimUser != null)
                irmaTaskService.Add(new IrmaTask()
                    Source           = "Oap",
                    SourceId         = checklist.Id.ToString(),
                    SourceUrl        = string.Format("/Oap/MasterOversight/List/{0}", checklist.Id), // Needs improvement - Does not have access to the MVC routing from the api
                    AssigneeId       = oimUser.Id,
                    Comment          = string.Format("Master Oversight checklist {0} has been submitted and is available for your review", checklist.RigChecklistUniqueId),
                    AssignedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Status           = "Open"

                int rigId;
                reviewService.Add(new IrmaReview()
                    ReviewerPassportId = oimUser.Id,
                    //  RigId = rigId,
                    SourceForm   = "Oap",
                    SourceFormId = checklist.Id.ToString(),