private void EditNotes(IAccount account) { ("Note: " + account.Notes).Message(); account.Notes = "Input new note: " .ReadLine(); "Note saved.".Message(); }
public static void GetAccountFundSalesStep( IAccount account, out System.Collections.Generic.IList<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales> result) { //Get a list of all fund sales for this contact Sage.Platform.RepositoryHelper<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales> f = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.GetRepositoryHelper<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales>(); Sage.Platform.Repository.ICriteria crit = f.CreateCriteria(); crit.Add(f.EF.Eq("AccountId", account.Id.ToString())); result = crit.List<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales>(); //Get distinct values //Calculate the total values double totalSales = (Double)(from h in result select h.TotalSales).Distinct().Sum(); double totalYTDGrossSales = (Double)(from h in result select h.TotalYTDGrossSales).Distinct().Sum(); double totalYTDNetSales = (Double)(from h in result select h.TotalYTDNetSales).Distinct().Sum(); //Add the totals to the the result set Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales totalItem = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.Create<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountFundSales>(); totalItem.RepName = "All"; totalItem.Sales = totalSales; totalItem.YTDGrossSales = totalYTDGrossSales; totalItem.YTDNetSales = totalYTDNetSales; result.Add (totalItem); }
public void EditAccount(IAccount account) { "Do you want to edit (T)ags, (F)ields, (N)otes or (D)elete the account?" .Option("t", () => EditTags(account)) .Option("f", () => EditFields(account)) .Option("n", () => EditNotes(account)) .Option("d", () => _parentSection.DeleteAccount(account)) .Choose(); if (!account.IsDirty) { return; } var saved = "The account has been edited, press (S) to save it: " .Option("s", () => { // ToDo: Save account "Account saved.".Message(); }) .Confirm(); if (saved) { return; } "Press (R) to revert the changes: " .Option("r", () => { //ToDo: Revert account "Account reverted.".Message(); }) .Choose(); }
bool IGroupSync.RemoveAccount(IAccount account) { if (account == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(account)); } IGroupMembership foundMembership = null; foreach (var item in this.AsInterface.GetAccountMemberships().Synchronously()) { if ((item as IInternalGroupMembership).AccountHref.Equals(account.Href, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foundMembership = item; } if (foundMembership != null) { break; } } if (foundMembership == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified account does not belong to this group."); } return foundMembership.Delete(); }
async Task<bool> IGroup.RemoveAccountAsync(IAccount account, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (account == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(account)); } IGroupMembership foundMembership = null; await this.AsInterface.GetAccountMemberships().ForEachAsync( item => { if ((item as IInternalGroupMembership).AccountHref.Equals(account.Href, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { foundMembership = item; } return foundMembership != null; }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (foundMembership == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified account does not belong to this group."); } return await foundMembership.DeleteAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); }
// ָ��Ϊǰһ�����ֵ���룬x%��� public override ICollection<StockOper> GetOper(DateTime day, IAccount account) { IStockData prevStockProp = stockHistory.GetPrevDayStock(day); if (prevStockProp == null) { Debug.WriteLine("StrategyPercent -- GetPrevDayStock ERROR: Cur Day: " + day.ToLongDateString()); return null; } ICollection<StockOper> opers = new List<StockOper>(); int stockCount = Transaction.GetCanBuyStockCount(account.BankRoll, prevStockProp.MinPrice); if (stockCount > 0) { StockOper oper = new StockOper(prevStockProp.MinPrice, stockCount, OperType.Buy); opers.Add(oper); } if (stockHolder.HasStock()) { double unitCost = stockHolder.UnitPrice; if (unitCost > 0) { StockOper oper2 = new StockOper(unitCost * (1 + winPercent), stockHolder.StockCount(), OperType.Sell); opers.Add(oper2); } } return opers; }
private void FinalizeUri() { _account = _account ?? _accountManager.DefaultAccount; IVoIPTransport transport = _account.Transport; _sb.AppendTransportSuffix(transport.TransportType); _call.SetAccount(_account.As<Account>()); }
public IMessageBuilder From(IAccount account) { _from = account ?? _accountManager.DefaultAccount; TransportType ttype = _from.Transport.TransportType; _builder.AppendTransportSuffix(ttype); return this; }
private bool Equals(IAccount other) { return string.Equals(Provider, other.Provider) && string.Equals(AccountId, other.AccountId) && string.Equals(DisplayName, other.DisplayName) && Equals(CurrentSession, other.CurrentSession); }
// Example of target method signature public static void MyConvertLeadToAccount(ILead lead, IAccount account) { //=============================================================== // This code doesn't work.... added it directly to LeadsearchandConvert //========================================================================== //foreach (ILeadWebsite tmpWebsite in lead.LeadWebsites) //{ // // Create Account Additional Website Record // Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountWebsite Acctwebsite = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.Create<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAccountWebsite >(); // Acctwebsite.Account = account; // Acctwebsite.Notes = tmpWebsite.Notes ; // Acctwebsite.WebAddress = tmpWebsite.WebAddress; // try // { // Acctwebsite.Save(); // } // catch (Exception) // { // //Exception But Continue // } //} }
public Transaction(IAccount account, IPayment payout, string currency) { Account = account; Payment = payout; Currency = currency; CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; }
private static IProfile GetProfile(IAccount account, PluginProfile legacyProfile) { var convertedProfileName = String.Format("{0} _re-converted_", legacyProfile.ProfileName); return account.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == convertedProfileName) ?? account.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == legacyProfile.ProfileName); }
public Account(int id, IAccount account) { Id = id; Email = account.Email; Password = account.Password; DomainName = account.DomainName; }
public void SetUp() { userCreds = new UserCredentials(Credentials.USERNAME, Credentials.API_KEY); connection = new Connection(userCreds); account = connection.Account; }
protected async override void SelectAccount(IAccount account) { var githubAccount = (BitbucketAccount) account; if (githubAccount.DontRemember) { ShowViewModel<AddAccountViewModel>(new AddAccountViewModel.NavObject { AttemptedAccountId = githubAccount.Id }); return; } try { IsLoggingIn = true; var client = await _loginService.LoginAccount(githubAccount); _applicationService.ActivateUser(githubAccount, client); } catch (Exception e) { DisplayAlert("Unable to login: " + e.Message); ShowViewModel<AddAccountViewModel>(new AddAccountViewModel.NavObject() { AttemptedAccountId = githubAccount.Id }); } finally { IsLoggingIn = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to try and add an account to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="newAccount">Account to add</param> public void AddAccount(IAccount newAccount) { if (accounts.Select(x => x).Any(x => x.Username == newAccount.Username)) throw new Exception(); newAccount.TableID = tableID++; accounts.Add(newAccount); }
public void PopulatedAccount(IAccount account, int days) { PopulateTweetsForLastTwoWeeks(account, days); account.TotalTweets = calculateTweetAggregates.CalculateTotalTweets(account); account.TotalNumberofTimesAnotherUserWasMentioned = calculateTweetAggregates.CalculateTotalNumberofTimesAnotherUserWasMentioned(account); }
public FlistService(IAccount model, IEventAggregator eventagg, IBrowseThings browser, IGetTickets ticketService, IFriendRequestService requestService) { this.browser = browser; this.ticketService = ticketService; this.requestService = requestService; try { this.model = model.ThrowIfNull("model"); events = eventagg.ThrowIfNull("eventagg"); events.GetEvent<LoginEvent>().Subscribe(GetTicket, ThreadOption.BackgroundThread); events.GetEvent<UserCommandEvent>().Subscribe(HandleCommand, ThreadOption.BackgroundThread); events.GetEvent<CharacterSelectedLoginEvent>().Subscribe(args => selectedCharacter = args); // fix problem with SSL not being trusted on some machines ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.HandleException(ex); } }
public void Initialise_Test() { _transactionRepository = new Mock<ITransactionRepository>(); _statementPrinter = new Mock<IStatementPrinter>(); _account = new Account(_transactionRepository.Object, _statementPrinter.Object); }
public void TransferFunds(IAccount fromAccnt, IAccount toAccnt, double amount) { //customer can use the transfer service which implement the ITransferFunds Interface //Future:this is good place to check for Authorization of customer for $ transfer before method call CustomerTransferFunds initiateTransfer = new CustomerTransferFunds(); initiateTransfer.Account_To_Account_Transfer(this, fromAccnt, toAccnt, amount); }
public PrivateRepositoryQuotaExceededUserError(IAccount account, string errorMessage, string errorCauseOrResolution = null) : base(errorMessage, errorCauseOrResolution) { UserErrorIcon = StockUserErrorIcon.Error; UsedPrivateSlots = account.OwnedPrivateRepos; AvaliblePrivateSlots = account.PrivateReposInPlan; }
public IAccount GetDefaultAccount() { if (defaultAccount == null || accounts1.ContainsKey(defaultAccount.Id) == false) { defaultAccount = accounts1.First((a) => true); if (defaultAccount != null) { accounts1.ForEach( (other) => { if (other.Id < defaultAccount.Id) defaultAccount = other; }); } else { int id = AddAccount(new Account() { DomainName = @"officesip.local", }); defaultAccount = accounts1.GetValue(id); } } return defaultAccount; }
private static IProfile GetProfile(IAccount account, PluginProfile legacyProfile) { var convertedProfileName = String.Concat(legacyProfile.ProfileName, "_converted"); return account.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == convertedProfileName) ?? account.Profiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == legacyProfile.ProfileName); }
public static IObservable<RecoveryOptionResult> Throw(IAccount account) { var errorMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "You are using {0} out of {1} private repositories.", account.OwnedPrivateRepos, account.PrivateReposInPlan); return Throw(new PrivateRepositoryQuotaExceededUserError(account, errorMessage)); }
private DirectorySearchResponse Search(ServiceSoap1 service, DirectorySearchRequest request, IAccount account) { var count = service.MaxResults > request.MaxResults ? request.MaxResults : service.MaxResults; string givenName, givenEmail; if (request.SearchTerms.TryGetValue(@"givenName", out givenName) == false) givenName = string.Empty; if (request.SearchTerms.TryGetValue(@"givenEmail", out givenEmail) == false) givenEmail = string.Empty; var result = new List<DirectorySearchItem>(count); var moreAvailable = false; for (int i = 0; i < userz.Count; i++) { if (Search(account, userz[i], givenName, givenEmail, count, result)) { moreAvailable = true; break; } } return new DirectorySearchResponse() { Items = result, MoreAvailable = moreAvailable, }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FchatService" /> class. /// Chat connection is used to communicate with F-Chat using websockets. /// </summary> /// <param name="user"> /// The user. /// </param> /// <param name="eventagg"> /// The eventagg. /// </param> /// <param name="socket"></param> /// <param name="provider"></param> public FchatService(IAccount user, IEventAggregator eventagg, WebSocket socket, ITicketProvider provider) { this.socket = socket; this.provider = provider; Account = user.ThrowIfNull("user"); events = eventagg.ThrowIfNull("eventagg"); events.GetEvent<CharacterSelectedLoginEvent>() .Subscribe(ConnectToChat, ThreadOption.BackgroundThread, true); errsThatDisconnect = new[] { Constants.Errors.NoLoginSlots, Constants.Errors.NoServerSlots, Constants.Errors.KickedFromServer, Constants.Errors.SimultaneousLoginKick, Constants.Errors.BannedFromServer, Constants.Errors.BadLoginInfo, Constants.Errors.TooManyConnections, Constants.Errors.UnknownLoginMethod }; InitializeLog(); autoPingTimer.Elapsed += (s, e) => TrySend(Constants.ClientCommands.SystemPing); autoPingTimer.Start(); staggerTimer = new Timer(GetNextConnectDelay()); // first reconnect is 5 seconds staggerTimer.Elapsed += (s, e) => DoReconnect(); }
// ����㷨��ָ��Ϊǰһ�����ֵ���룬���ֵ��� public override ICollection<StockOper> GetOper(DateTime day, IAccount account) { IStockData prevStock = stockHistory.GetPrevDayStock(day); if (prevStock == null) { Debug.WriteLine("StrategyMinMax -- GetPrevDayStock ERROR: Cur Day: " + day.ToLongDateString()); //Debug.Assert(false); return null; } ICollection<StockOper> opers = new List<StockOper>(); int stockCount = Transaction.GetCanBuyStockCount(account.BankRoll, prevStock.MinPrice); if (stockCount > 0) { StockOper oper = new StockOper(prevStock.MinPrice, stockCount, OperType.Buy); opers.Add(oper); } if (stockHolder.HasStock()) { StockOper oper2 = new StockOper(prevStock.MaxPrice, stockHolder.StockCount(), OperType.Sell); opers.Add(oper2); } return opers; }
public Transfer(float amount, IAccount from, IAccount to) { From = from; To = to; Amount = amount; History = new List<IOperationHistory>(); }
public Account(IAccount other) { Id = other.Id; Email = other.Email; Password = other.Password; DomainName = other.DomainName; }
static void Main(string[] args) { IAccount [] accounts = new IAccount[MAX_CUST]; accounts[0] = new CustomerAccount("Phuong"); accounts[0].payInFunds(100); Console.WriteLine("Balance "+ accounts[0].Balance); accounts[1] = new BabyAccount("KKY","Nanterre"); accounts[1].payInFunds(20); accounts[1].withdrawFunds(9); accounts[1].Name = "KKYPhuong"; Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].printWarning()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[1].ToString()); Console.WriteLine(accounts[0].Equals(accounts[1])); Console.WriteLine(accounts[1].Equals(accounts[0])); //Delegate CalculateFee calc; //declare an instance of delegate calc = new CalculateFee(RipOffFee); // map/call the ripofffee method calc(-1); //execute the method calc = new CalculateFee(FriendlyFee); calc(-1); //Bank SGBank myBank = new SGBank(); myBank.storeAccount(accounts[0]); myBank.storeAccount(accounts[1]); IAccount found = myBank.findAccount("Phuong"); Console.WriteLine(found.ToString()); string d = Console.ReadLine(); }
public Web3Geth(IAccount account, string url = @"http://localhost:8545/", ILog log = null, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeader = null) : base(account, url, log, authenticationHeader) { }
public Web3Geth(IAccount account, IClient client) : base(account, client) { }
/// <summary> /// deposit the given account into the account named /// </summary> /// <param name="accountName"></param> /// <param name="amount"></param> public void Deposit(string accountName, decimal amount) { IAccount acc = FindAccount(accountName); acc.AddTransaction(amount); }
/// <summary> /// find the reward points of the given account /// </summary> /// <param name="accountName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetRewardPoints(string accountName) { IAccount acc = FindAccount(accountName); return(acc.RewardPoints); }
/// <summary> /// find the balance of the given account /// </summary> /// <param name="accountName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal GetAccountBalance(string accountName) { IAccount acc = FindAccount(accountName); return(acc.Balance); }
/// <summary> /// create a new account /// </summary> /// <param name="accountName"></param> /// <param name="accountType"></param> public void CreateAccount(string accountName, AccountType accountType) { IAccount newAccount = AccountFactory.CreateAccount(accountType); accountsDictionary.Add(accountName, newAccount); }
public void TransferTo(IAccount account, double amount) { Withdraw(amount); account.Deposit(amount); Commit(); }
// TODO: refactor (see ActivityDetails) private void SetTacoDefaults() { // check to see if TACO values are passed in the querystring first - this takes precedence SetLeadDivVisible(false); if (GetParam("aid") != null) { Activity.AccountId = GetParam("aid"); if (GetParam("cid") != null) { Activity.ContactId = GetParam("cid"); } if (GetParam("oid") != null) { Activity.OpportunityId = GetParam("oid"); } if (GetParam("tid") != null) { Activity.TicketId = GetParam("tid"); } if (GetParam("lid") != null) { SetLeadDivVisible(true); Activity.LeadId = GetParam("lid"); ILead lead = EntityFactory.GetById <ILead>(Activity.LeadId); if (lead != null) { Activity.AccountName = lead.Company; Activity.LeadName = lead.LeadNameLastFirst; Activity.ContactName = lead.LeadNameLastFirst; } } } else { bool found = false; foreach (Sage.Platform.Application.EntityHistory hist in EntityContext.EntityHistory) { string entityType = hist.EntityType.Name; switch (entityType) { case "IAccount": found = true; IAccount account = EntityFactory.GetById <IAccount>(hist.EntityId.ToString()); Activity.AccountId = account.Id.ToString(); Activity.AccountName = account.AccountName; foreach (Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IContact accountContact in account.Contacts) { if ((bool)accountContact.IsPrimary) { Activity.ContactId = accountContact.Id.ToString(); Activity.ContactName = accountContact.LastName + ", " + accountContact.FirstName; break; } } break; case "IContact": found = true; IContact contact = EntityFactory.GetById <IContact>(hist.EntityId.ToString()); Activity.ContactId = contact.Id.ToString(); Activity.ContactName = contact.LastName + ", " + contact.FirstName; Activity.AccountId = contact.Account.Id.ToString(); Activity.AccountName = contact.Account.AccountName; break; case "IOpportunity": found = true; IOpportunity opportunity = EntityFactory.GetById <IOpportunity>(hist.EntityId.ToString()); Activity.OpportunityId = opportunity.Id.ToString(); Activity.OpportunityName = opportunity.Description; Activity.AccountId = opportunity.Account.Id.ToString(); Activity.AccountName = opportunity.Account.AccountName; foreach (Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IOpportunityContact oppContact in opportunity.Contacts) { if ((bool)oppContact.IsPrimary) { Activity.ContactId = oppContact.Contact.Id.ToString(); Activity.ContactName = oppContact.Contact.LastName + ", " + oppContact.Contact.FirstName; break; } } break; case "ITicket": found = true; ITicket ticket = EntityFactory.GetById <ITicket>(hist.EntityId.ToString()); Activity.TicketId = ticket.Id.ToString(); Activity.TicketNumber = ticket.AlternateKeyPrefix + "-" + ticket.AlternateKeySuffix; Activity.AccountId = ticket.Account.Id.ToString(); Activity.AccountName = ticket.Account.AccountName; Activity.ContactId = ticket.Contact.Id.ToString(); Activity.ContactName = ticket.Contact.LastName + ", " + ticket.Contact.FirstName; break; case "ILead": found = true; ILead lead = EntityFactory.GetById <ILead>(hist.EntityId.ToString()); if (lead != null) { Activity.LeadId = hist.EntityId.ToString(); Activity.LeadName = lead.LeadNameLastFirst; Activity.ContactName = lead.LeadNameLastFirst; Activity.AccountName = lead.Company; } SetLeadDivVisible(true); break; } if (found) { break; } } } }
private static void DisplaySignedInAccount(IAccount account) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine($"{account.Username} successfully signed-in"); }
public static void InitializeAccount(IAccount account) { //account.SetCapital(20); // умова, що задовільняє об’єкти обох класів account.SetCapital(200); // умова, що не задовільняє об’єкт класу MicroAccount Console.WriteLine(account.Capital); }
public AuthResult(string accessToken, bool isExtendedLifeTimeToken, string uniqueId, DateTimeOffset expiresOn, DateTimeOffset extendedExpiresOn, string tenantId, IAccount account, string idToken, IEnumerable <string> scopes, Guid correlationId) : base(accessToken, isExtendedLifeTimeToken, uniqueId, expiresOn, extendedExpiresOn, tenantId, account, idToken, scopes, correlationId) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CloseAccountOutput"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">IAccount object.</param> public CloseAccountOutput(IAccount account) { this.AccountId = account.Id; }
public User(string username, IAccount account) { this.Username = username; this.account = account; }
public OpenUserWindowCommand(IAccount account) { this._account = account; }
public IOAuth2Request CreateRequest(string method, string accessTokenParameterName, Uri url, IDictionary <string, string> parameters, IAccount account) { var request = new CustomOAuth2Request(method, url, parameters, new Account(account.Username, account.Properties, account.Cookies)); request.AccessTokenParameterName = accessTokenParameterName; return(new PlatformOAuth2Request(request)); }
public override void GetAccountChanges(IAccount acnt) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Tells if the account is a consumer account /// </summary> /// <param name="account">Account</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the application supports MSA+AAD and the home tenant id of the account is the MSA tenant. <c>false</c> /// otherwise (in particular if the app is a single-tenant app, returning <c>false</c> enables MSA accounts which are guest /// of a directory</returns> private static bool IsConsumerAccount(IAccount account) { const string msaTenantId = "9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad"; return((Tenant == "common" || Tenant == "consumers") && account?.HomeAccountId.TenantId == msaTenantId); }
public Debit(IAccount account, PositiveMoney amountToWithdraw, DateTime transactionDate) { AccountId = account.Id; Amount = amountToWithdraw; TransactionDate = transactionDate; }
public static Task <IAccount> CreateAccountAsync(IInternalAsyncDataStore dataStore, string accountsHref, IAccount account, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => dataStore.CreateAsync(accountsHref, account, cancellationToken);
public static IAccount CreateAccount(IInternalSyncDataStore dataStoreSync, string accountsHref, IAccount account) => dataStoreSync.Create(accountsHref, account);
public static Task <IAccount> CreateAccountAsync(IInternalAsyncDataStore dataStore, string accountsHref, IAccount account, Action <AccountCreationOptionsBuilder> creationOptionsAction, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var builder = new AccountCreationOptionsBuilder(); creationOptionsAction(builder); var options = builder.Build(); return(dataStore.CreateAsync(accountsHref, account, options, cancellationToken)); }
public static IAccount CreateAccount(IInternalSyncDataStore dataStoreSync, string accountsHref, IAccount account, Action <AccountCreationOptionsBuilder> creationOptionsAction) { var builder = new AccountCreationOptionsBuilder(); creationOptionsAction(builder); var options = builder.Build(); return(dataStoreSync.Create(accountsHref, account, options)); }
public async Task Update(IAccount account, ICredit credit) { await _context.Credits.AddAsync((EntityFrameworkDataAccess.Credit) credit); }
public virtual async ValueTask <AuthenticationResult> AcquireTokenSilentAsync(string[] scopes, IAccount account, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { IPublicClientApplication client = await GetClientAsync(async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return(await client.AcquireTokenSilent(scopes, account).ExecuteAsync(async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the account for which the token will be retrieved. This method is mutually exclusive /// with <see cref="WithLoginHint(string)"/>. If both are used, an exception will be thrown /// </summary> /// <param name="account">Account to use for the interactive token acquisition. See <see cref="IAccount"/> for ways to get an account</param> /// <returns>The builder to chain the .With methods</returns> public AcquireTokenInteractiveParameterBuilder WithAccount(IAccount account) { CommonParameters.AddApiTelemetryFeature(ApiTelemetryFeature.WithAccount); Parameters.Account = account; return(this); }
public async Task Update(IAccount account, IDebit debit) { await _context.Debits.AddAsync((EntityFrameworkDataAccess.Debit) debit); }
private void AddAccount(string accountId, IAccount account) { Accounts.Add(account); accountsByName.Add(accountId, account); }
/// <summary> /// 设置当前操作员账号。 /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> public void SetAccount(IAccount account) { this.m_Account = account; }
internal AccountViewModel(IAccount account) { _account = account; }
/// <summary> /// Loads the marketing. /// </summary> private void LoadResponses() { try { ISession session = SessionFactoryHolder.HolderInstance.CreateSession(); try { if (EntityContext != null && EntityContext.EntityType == typeof(IAccount)) { IAccount account = EntityFactory.GetRepository <IAccount>().Get(EntityContext.EntityID); StringBuilder qry = new StringBuilder(); qry.Append("Select contact, response.ResponseDate, response.Interest, response.Status, response.InterestLevel, "); qry.Append("response.LeadSource, campaign.CampaignName, response.Id "); qry.Append("From TargetResponse as response "); qry.Append("Join response.Contact as contact "); qry.Append("Left Join response.Campaign as campaign "); qry.Append("Where contact.Account.Id = :accountId"); if (grdResponses.AllowSorting) { qry.Append(GetOrderByClause()); } IQuery q = session.CreateQuery(qry.ToString()); q.SetAnsiString("accountId", account.Id.ToString()); IList result; using (new SparseQueryScope()) { result = q.List(); } System.Data.DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ContactId"); dt.Columns.Add("Contact"); System.Data.DataColumn col = new DataColumn("ResponseDate", typeof(DateTime)); dt.Columns.Add(col); dt.Columns.Add("Interest"); dt.Columns.Add("Status"); dt.Columns.Add("InterestLevel"); dt.Columns.Add("LeadSource"); dt.Columns.Add("Campaign"); dt.Columns.Add("ResponseId"); if (result != null) { foreach (object[] data in result) { dt.Rows.Add(((IContact)data[0]).Id, data[0], ConvertData(data[1]), data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]); } } grdResponses.DataSource = dt; grdResponses.DataBind(); } } finally { SessionFactoryHolder.HolderInstance.ReleaseSession(session); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); throw; } }