Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void UpdateList(HumanController humanController)
        this.humanController = humanController;

        endTurnButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate() { this.humanController.EndTurn(); });

        content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(content.sizeDelta.x, 100 * humanController.friendlies.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < activeButtons.Count; ++i)

        MeshRenderer mr;

        for (int i = 0; i < humanController.friendlies.Count; ++i)
            mr = humanController.friendlies[i].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            if (mr == null)
                humanController.friendlies[i].GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().material.SetInt("_Highlighted", 0);
                mr.material.SetInt("_Highlighted", 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < humanController.friendlies.Count; ++i)
            Character c = humanController.friendlies[i];

            if (c.hasHadTurn)

            Button characterInfoButton = Instantiate(characterInfoButtonPrefab, content);
            characterInfoButton.transform.position += new Vector3(0, (-100 * activeButtons.Count), 0);

            Text[]  textFields    = characterInfoButton.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();
            Image[] images        = characterInfoButton.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(true);
            Image[] abilityImages = { images[1], images[2], images[3], images[4], images[5], images[6] };

            textFields[0].text = c.Name;
            textFields[1].text = "Health: " + c.currentHealth.ToString() + " / " + c.MaxHealth.ToString();
            textFields[2].text = "Major Abilities: " + c.numMajorAbilities.ToString() + " / " + c.maxMajorAbilities.ToString();
            textFields[3].text = "Minor Abilities: " + c.numMinorAbilities.ToString() + " / " + c.maxMinorAbilities.ToString();

            for (int j = 0; j < c.abilities.Count && j < 6; ++j)
                abilityImages[j].sprite = c.abilities[j].sprite;

            int index = i;
            characterInfoButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { SelectCharacter(index); });
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void Start()
     humanController = GetComponent <HumanController>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private object IOnGetClientMove(HumanController controller, Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort stateFlags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info)
            if (float.IsNaN(origin.x) || float.IsInfinity(origin.x) ||
                float.IsNaN(origin.y) || float.IsInfinity(origin.y) ||
                float.IsNaN(origin.z) || float.IsInfinity(origin.z))
                Interface.Oxide.LogInfo($"Banned {controller.netUser.displayName} [{controller.netUser.userID}] for sending bad packets (possible teleport hack)");
                BanList.Add(controller.netUser.userID, controller.netUser.displayName, "Sending bad packets (possible teleport hack)");
                controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.ConnectionBanned, true);
                return false;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void OnGUI()
            if (!WorldEditor.Instance.Enabled)

                Vector3 playerloc = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(transform.localPosition);

                if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                    Collider collider    = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider;
                    bool     hascollider = false;
                    if (collider != null)
                        hascollider = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate

                    GUI.Label(new Rect(0, Screen.height - 100, Screen.width, 20), "POS:"
                              + SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate
                              + " ROT:" + SpawnedObject
                              + " Size:" +
                              + " Col: " +
                              hascollider, style2);

                string prefab = "";
                if (ShowList)
                    int selectedItemIndex = comboBoxControl.Show();
                    if (comboBoxList[selectedItemIndex] != null)
                        prefab = comboBoxList[selectedItemIndex].text;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 60, 140, 90), "Object Spawn");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height - Screen.height + 10, 200, 30),
                          string.Format("<b><color=#298A08>" + prefab + "</color></b> "));

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 120, 20), "Fly (" + flySpeed + ")"))
                    _fly = !_fly;
                    if (_fly)
                        this.localPlayerClient = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer();
                        this.controllable      = this.localPlayerClient.controllable;
                        this.localCharacter    = this.controllable.character;
                        this.localController   = this.localCharacter.controller as HumanController;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 80, 120, 20), "Spawn"))
                        TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                        SpawnedObject  = TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                        SpawnedObject.Create(prefab, WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[prefab],
                                             new Vector3(playerloc.x + 10f, playerloc.y, playerloc.z + 10f),
                                             new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
                                             new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f));
                        Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Failed to create prefab!");
                        // ignore

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 100, 120, 20), "Destroy"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject = null;
                        TempGameObject = null;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 120, 120, 20), "Player loc"))
                    var b = File.Exists(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                    string text = "";

                    if (!b)
                        File.Create(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                        text = File.ReadAllText(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                    text += "X: " + playerloc.x + ", Y: " + playerloc.y + ", Z: " + playerloc.z + "\r\n";
                        RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory + "\\RB_Data\\WorldEditor\\PlayerLocation.txt", text);

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 170, 140, 120), "File Manager");
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 190, 120, 20), "SAVE CURRENT"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        string line = "" + WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[SpawnedObject.Name] + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.Name + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 210, 120, 20), "SAVEALL"))
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                        string line = "" + x.Name + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 230, 120, 20), "CLEAR & SAVEALL"))
                    File.WriteAllText(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, string.Empty);
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                        string line = "" + WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[x.Name] + ":" + x.Name + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 250, 120, 20), "CLEAR & DESTROY"))
                    File.WriteAllText(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, string.Empty);
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)


                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 270, 120, 20), "LOAD FILE"))
                    var last = SpawnedObject;
                    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

                        string[] pares = line.Split(':');

                        var nombre = pares[0];
                        var loc    = pares[1];
                        var qua    = pares[2];
                        var siz    = pares[3];

                        // Position
                        string[] locsplit = loc.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    posx     = float.Parse(locsplit[0]);
                        float    posy     = float.Parse(locsplit[1]);
                        float    posz     = float.Parse(locsplit[2]);

                        // Quaternion
                        string[] quasplit = qua.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    quax     = float.Parse(quasplit[0]);
                        float    quay     = float.Parse(quasplit[1]);
                        float    quaz     = float.Parse(quasplit[2]);
                        float    quaw     = float.Parse(quasplit[3]);

                        // Size
                        string[] sizsplit = siz.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    sizx     = float.Parse(sizsplit[0]);
                        float    sizy     = float.Parse(sizsplit[1]);
                        float    sizz     = float.Parse(sizsplit[2]);

                        TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                        SpawnedObject  = TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                        SpawnedObject.Create(nombre, WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[nombre],
                                             new Vector3(posx, posy, posz), new Quaternion(quax, quay, quaz, quaw),
                                             new Vector3(sizx, sizy, sizz));

                    SpawnedObject = last;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 310, 140, 120), "Object Control");

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 330, 120, 20), "To Me"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position = playerloc;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 350, 120, 20), "Reset Rot"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 370, 120, 20), "Collider"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        Collider collider = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider;
                        if (collider != null)
                            SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider.enabled =

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 390, 120, 20), "Select Object"))
                    if (RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer != null)
                        if (WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects.Count == 0)
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "We got no spawned objects buddy!");

                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test12");
                        var     player     = RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer;
                        Vector3 pos        = player.controllable.character.transform.position;
                        Vector3 eyesOrigin = player.controllable.character.eyesOrigin;
                        Vector3 direction  = player.controllable.character.eyesRay.direction;

                        RaycastHit[] hitArray = Physics.RaycastAll(eyesOrigin, direction, 60f);

                        LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle obj = null;
                        float dist = float.MaxValue;

                        RaycastHit closesthit = new RaycastHit();
                        closesthit.distance = -1;
                        float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test1233333");
                        foreach (var hit in hitArray)
                            if (hit.distance < hitdist)
                                closesthit = hit;
                                hitdist    = hit.distance;

                        if (closesthit.distance >= 0f)
                            foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "dist2");
                                    float dist2 = Vector3.Distance(closesthit.transform.position,

                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "playerdist");
                                    float playerdist = Vector3.Distance(pos, x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position);

                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "boom");
                                    if (dist2 < dist && playerdist <= 60f)
                                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "boom2");
                                        dist = dist2;
                                        obj  = x;
                                    // probably hit a rust object, avoid it.

                        if (obj != null)
                            SpawnedObject = obj;
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Found the closest object to you hopefully.");
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Couldn't find anything.");

                    /*RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test1");
                     * if (RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer != null)
                     * {
                     *  RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test12");
                     *  var player = RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer;
                     *  Vector3 eyesOrigin = player.controllable.character.eyesOrigin;
                     *  Vector3 direction = player.controllable.character.eyesRay.direction;
                     *  RaycastHit[] hitArray = Physics.RaycastAll(eyesOrigin, direction, 60f);
                     *  foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitArray)
                     *  {
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test32 " + hit.collider.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>());
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test32 " + hit.collider.gameObject);
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test3 " + hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>());
                     *      if (hit.collider != null && hit.collider.gameObject != null && hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>() != null)
                     *      {
                     *          RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test4 " + hit.collider.gameObject.name);
                     *          var data = hit.collider.gameObject
                     *              .GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>();
                     *          SpawnedObject = data.BundleClass;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 410, 120, 20), "Toggle Animation"))
                    if (SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.animation.isPlaying)

                const string a = "LIST (LControl + LAlt)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "POSx + (NUMPAD 1)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSx - (NUMPAD 2)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSz + (NUMPAD 4)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSz - (NUMPAD 5)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSy + (NUMPAD 7)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSy - (NUMPAD 8)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "ROTx + (UP)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTx - (DOWN)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTy + (LEFT)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTy - (RIGTH)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "ROTz + (NUMPAD 3)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTz - (NUMPAD Intro)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "SIZE + (NUMPAD *)" + "\n" +
                                 "SIZE - (NUMPAD -)";
                GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 430, 600, 600), a);
            catch (Exception ex)
                RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("Error", "Something is wrong with the gui: " + ex);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void Start()
     human = GetComponentInParent <HumanController>();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void MotorHacks()
            HumanController localController = HackLocal.LocalController;
            Character       localCharacter  = HackLocal.LocalCharacter;
            CCMotor         ccmotor         = localController.ccmotor;

            if (ccmotor != null)
                if (!this.defaultJumping.HasValue)
                    this.defaultJumping = new CCMotor.Jumping?(ccmotor.jumping.setup);
                    ccmotor.minTimeBetweenJumps      = 0.1f;
                    ccmotor.jumping.setup.baseHeight = this.defaultJumping.Value.baseHeight * CVars.Misc.JumpModifer;
                if (!this.defaultMovement.HasValue)
                    this.defaultMovement = new CCMotor.Movement?(ccmotor.movement.setup);
                    ccmotor.movement.setup.maxForwardSpeed       = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxForwardSpeed * CVars.Misc.SpeedModifer / 10f;
                    ccmotor.movement.setup.maxSidewaysSpeed      = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxSidewaysSpeed * CVars.Misc.SpeedModifer / 10f;
                    ccmotor.movement.setup.maxBackwardsSpeed     = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxBackwardsSpeed * CVars.Misc.SpeedModifer / 10f;
                    ccmotor.movement.setup.maxGroundAcceleration = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxGroundAcceleration * CVars.Misc.SpeedModifer / 10f;
                    ccmotor.movement.setup.maxAirAcceleration    = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxAirAcceleration * CVars.Misc.SpeedModifer / 10f;
                    if (CVars.Misc.NoFallDamage)
                        ccmotor.movement.setup.maxFallSpeed = 17f;
                        ccmotor.movement.setup.maxFallSpeed = this.defaultMovement.Value.maxFallSpeed;
                if (CVars.Misc.FlyHack)
                    ccmotor.velocity = Vector3.zero;
                    Vector3 forward = localCharacter.eyesAngles.forward;
                    Vector3 right   = localCharacter.eyesAngles.right;
                    if (!ChatUI.IsVisible())
                        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
                            ccmotor.velocity += forward * (ccmotor.movement.setup.maxForwardSpeed * 3f);
                        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                            ccmotor.velocity -= forward * (ccmotor.movement.setup.maxBackwardsSpeed * 3f);
                        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
                            ccmotor.velocity -= right * (ccmotor.movement.setup.maxSidewaysSpeed * 3f);
                        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
                            ccmotor.velocity += right * (ccmotor.movement.setup.maxSidewaysSpeed * 3f);
                        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
                            ccmotor.velocity += Vector3.up * (this.defaultMovement.Value.maxAirAcceleration * 3f);
                    if (ccmotor.velocity == Vector3.zero)
                        ccmotor.velocity += Vector3.up * (ccmotor.settings.gravity * Time.deltaTime * 0.5f);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void AddToFightList(HumanController human)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void ProcessInput(ref HumanController.InputSample sample)
     bool flag;
     bool flag1;
     CCMotor.InputFrame movementScale = new CCMotor.InputFrame();
     float single;
     float single1;
     CCMotor cCMotor = base.ccmotor;
     if (!cCMotor)
         flag1 = false;
         flag = true;
         flag = cCMotor.isGrounded;
         flag1 = cCMotor.isSliding;
         if (!flag && !flag1)
             sample.sprint = false;
             sample.crouch = false;
             sample.aim = false;
             sample.info__crouchBlocked = false;
             if (!this.wasInAir)
                 this.wasInAir = true;
                 this.magnitudeAir = cCMotor.input.moveDirection.magnitude;
                 this.midairStartPos = base.transform.position;
             this.lastFrameVelocity = cCMotor.velocity;
         else if (this.wasInAir)
             this.wasInAir = false;
             this.magnitudeAir = 1f;
             this.landingSpeedPenaltyTime = 0f;
             if (base.transform.position.y < this.midairStartPos.y && Mathf.Abs(base.transform.position.y - this.midairStartPos.y) > 2f)
             this.lastFrameVelocity = Vector3.zero;
             this.midairStartPos = Vector3.zero;
         bool flag2 = (sample.crouch ? true : sample.info__crouchBlocked);
         movementScale.jump = sample.jump;
         movementScale.moveDirection.x = sample.strafe;
         movementScale.moveDirection.y = 0f;
         movementScale.moveDirection.z = sample.walk;
         movementScale.crouchSpeed = (!sample.crouch ? 1f : -1f);
         if (movementScale.moveDirection == Vector3.zero)
             this.sprinting = false;
             this.exitingSprint = false;
             this.sprintTime = 0f;
             this.crouchTime = (!sample.crouch ? 0f : this.controlConfig.curveCrouchMulSpeedByTime.GetEndTime());
             this.magnitudeAir = 1f;
             float single2 = movementScale.moveDirection.magnitude;
             if (single2 < 1f)
                 movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection / single2;
                 single2 = single2 * single2;
                 movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * single2;
             else if (single2 > 1f)
                 movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection / single2;
             if (HumanController.InputSample.MovementScale < 1f)
                 if (HumanController.InputSample.MovementScale <= 0f)
                     movementScale.moveDirection = Vector3.zero;
                     movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * HumanController.InputSample.MovementScale;
             Vector3 vector3 = movementScale.moveDirection;
             vector3.x = vector3.x * this.controlConfig.sprintScaleX;
             vector3.z = vector3.z * this.controlConfig.sprintScaleY;
             if (!sample.sprint || flag2 || sample.aim)
                 sample.sprint = false;
                 single = -Time.deltaTime;
                 single = Time.deltaTime * this.sprintInMulTime;
             movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection + (vector3 * this.controlConfig.curveSprintAddSpeedByTime.EvaluateClampedTime(ref this.sprintTime, single));
             single1 = (!flag2 ? -Time.deltaTime : Time.deltaTime * this.crouchInMulTime);
             movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * this.controlConfig.curveCrouchMulSpeedByTime.EvaluateClampedTime(ref this.crouchTime, single1);
             movementScale.moveDirection = base.transform.TransformDirection(movementScale.moveDirection);
             if (!this.wasInAir)
                 movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * this.controlConfig.curveLandingSpeedPenalty.EvaluateClampedTime(ref this.landingSpeedPenaltyTime, Time.deltaTime);
                 float single3 = movementScale.moveDirection.magnitude;
                 if (!Mathf.Approximately(single3, this.magnitudeAir))
                     movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection / single3;
                     movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * this.magnitudeAir;
         if (DebugInput.GetKey(KeyCode.H))
             movementScale.moveDirection = movementScale.moveDirection * 100f;
         cCMotor.input = movementScale;
         if (cCMotor.stepMode == CCMotor.StepMode.Elsewhere)
     Character character = base.idMain;
     Crouchable crouchable = character.crouchable;
     if (character)
         Angle2 angle2 = base.eyesAngles;
         Angle2 angle21 = base.eyesAngles;
         angle2.yaw = Mathf.DeltaAngle(0f, angle21.yaw + sample.yaw);
         angle2.pitch = base.ClampPitch(angle2.pitch + sample.pitch);
         base.eyesAngles = angle2;
         ushort num = character.stateFlags.flags;
         if (crouchable)
             crouchable.LocalPlayerUpdateCrouchState(cCMotor, ref sample.crouch, ref sample.info__crouchBlocked, ref this.crouch_smoothing);
         int num1 = (!sample.aim ? 0 : 4) | (!sample.sprint ? 0 : 2) | (!sample.attack ? 0 : 8) | (!sample.attack2 ? 0 : 256) | (!sample.crouch ? 0 : 1) | (sample.strafe != 0f || sample.walk != 0f ? 64 : 0) | (!LockCursorManager.IsLocked() ? 128 : 0) | (!flag ? 16 : 0) | (!flag1 ? 0 : 32) | (!this.bleeding ? 0 : 512) | (!sample.lamp ? 0 : 2048) | (!sample.laser ? 0 : 4096) | (!sample.info__crouchBlocked ? 0 : 1024);
         character.stateFlags = num1;
         if (num != num1)
     this.crouch_was_blocked = sample.info__crouchBlocked;
     if (sample.inventory)
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 void Awake()
     positions       = new List <Vector3>();
     humanController = GetComponent <HumanController>();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void InvokeInputItemPostFrame(object item, ref HumanController.InputSample sample)
     IHeldItem heldItem = item as IHeldItem;
     if (heldItem != null)
         heldItem.ItemPostFrame(ref sample);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public object InvokeInputItemPreFrame(ref HumanController.InputSample sample)
     IHeldItem heldItem = this.inputItem as IHeldItem;
     if (heldItem != null)
         heldItem.ItemPreFrame(ref sample);
     return heldItem;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void OnPlayerMove(HumanController hc, Vector3 v, int p, ushort p2,
                          uLink.NetworkMessageInfo networkMessageInfo, Util.PlayerActions action)
     this.Invoke("On_PlayerMove", new object[] { hc, v, p, p2, networkMessageInfo, action });
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void Add(HumanController human)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void NoRecoil()
            if (CVars.Misc.NoRecoil)
                HumanController localController     = ESP_UpdateOBJs.LocalController;
                InventoryItem   currentEquippedItem = Local.GetCurrentEquippedItem(localController);
                if ((currentEquippedItem != null) && !(currentEquippedItem is MeleeWeaponItem <MeleeWeaponDataBlock>))
                    BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock> item2 = currentEquippedItem as BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock>;
                    if (item2 != null)
                        defaultBulletRange    = item2.datablock.bulletRange;
                        defaultRecoilPitchMin = item2.datablock.recoilPitchMin;
                        defaultRecoilPitchMax = item2.datablock.recoilPitchMax;
                        defaultRecoilYawMin   = item2.datablock.recoilYawMin;
                        defaultRecoilYawMax   = item2.datablock.recoilYawMax;
                        defaultAimSway        = item2.datablock.aimSway;
                        defaultAimSwaySpeed   = item2.datablock.aimSwaySpeed;

                        //item2.datablock.bulletRange = 300f;
                        item2.datablock.recoilPitchMin = 0f;
                        item2.datablock.recoilPitchMax = 0f;
                        item2.datablock.recoilYawMin   = 0f;
                        item2.datablock.recoilYawMax   = 0f;
                        item2.datablock.aimSway        = 0f;
                        item2.datablock.aimSwaySpeed   = 0f;
                CameraMount componentInChildren = localController.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>();
                if (componentInChildren != null)
                    HeadBob component = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>();
                    if (component != null)
                        defaultAimRotationScalar          = component.aimRotationScalar;
                        defaultViewModelRotationScalar    = component.viewModelRotationScalar;
                        component.aimRotationScalar       = 0f;
                        component.viewModelRotationScalar = 0f;
                if (defaultBulletRange == 0f)
                    HumanController localController     = ESP_UpdateOBJs.LocalController;
                    InventoryItem   currentEquippedItem = Local.GetCurrentEquippedItem(localController);
                    if ((currentEquippedItem != null) && !(currentEquippedItem is MeleeWeaponItem <MeleeWeaponDataBlock>))
                        BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock> item2 = currentEquippedItem as BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock>;
                        if (item2 != null)
                            defaultBulletRange    = item2.datablock.bulletRange;
                            defaultRecoilPitchMin = item2.datablock.recoilPitchMin;
                            defaultRecoilPitchMax = item2.datablock.recoilPitchMax;
                            defaultRecoilYawMin   = item2.datablock.recoilYawMin;
                            defaultRecoilYawMax   = item2.datablock.recoilYawMax;
                            defaultAimSway        = item2.datablock.aimSway;
                            defaultAimSwaySpeed   = item2.datablock.aimSwaySpeed;
                    CameraMount componentInChildren = localController.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>();
                    if (componentInChildren != null)
                        HeadBob component = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>();
                        if (component != null)
                            defaultAimRotationScalar       = component.aimRotationScalar;
                            defaultViewModelRotationScalar = component.viewModelRotationScalar;
                    HumanController localController     = ESP_UpdateOBJs.LocalController;
                    InventoryItem   currentEquippedItem = Local.GetCurrentEquippedItem(localController);
                    if ((currentEquippedItem != null) && !(currentEquippedItem is MeleeWeaponItem <MeleeWeaponDataBlock>))
                        BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock> item2 = currentEquippedItem as BulletWeaponItem <BulletWeaponDataBlock>;
                        if (item2 != null)
                            //item2.datablock.bulletRange = defaultBulletRange;
                            item2.datablock.recoilPitchMin = defaultRecoilPitchMin;
                            item2.datablock.recoilPitchMax = defaultRecoilPitchMax;
                            item2.datablock.recoilYawMin   = defaultRecoilYawMin;
                            item2.datablock.recoilYawMax   = defaultRecoilYawMax;
                            item2.datablock.aimSway        = defaultAimSway;
                            item2.datablock.aimSwaySpeed   = defaultAimSwaySpeed;
                    CameraMount componentInChildren = localController.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>();
                    if (componentInChildren != null)
                        HeadBob component = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>();
                        if (component != null)
                            component.aimRotationScalar       = defaultAimRotationScalar;
                            component.viewModelRotationScalar = defaultViewModelRotationScalar;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Initialise()
            Root = new Root();
            ConfigFile cf = new ConfigFile();

            cf.Load("Resources.cfg", "\t:=", true);

            ConfigFile.SectionIterator seci = cf.GetSectionIterator();

            while (seci.MoveNext())
                ConfigFile.SettingsMultiMap settings = seci.Current;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in settings)
                    ResourceGroupManager.Singleton.AddResourceLocation(pair.Value, pair.Key, seci.CurrentKey);

            if (!Root.RestoreConfig())
                if (!Root.ShowConfigDialog())

            Root.RenderSystem.SetConfigOption("VSync", "Yes");
            RenderWindow = Root.Initialise(true, "Kolejny epicki erpeg");  // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Nazwa okna gry.


            SceneManager            = Root.CreateSceneManager(SceneType.ST_GENERIC);
            Camera                  = SceneManager.CreateCamera("MainCamera");
            Viewport                = RenderWindow.AddViewport(Camera);
            Camera.NearClipDistance = 0.1f;
            Camera.FarClipDistance  = 1000.0f;
            Camera.AspectRatio      = ((float)RenderWindow.Width / (float)RenderWindow.Height);

            MOIS.ParamList pl = new MOIS.ParamList();
            IntPtr         windowHnd;

            RenderWindow.GetCustomAttribute("WINDOW", out windowHnd);
            pl.Insert("WINDOW", windowHnd.ToString());

            InputManager = MOIS.InputManager.CreateInputSystem(pl);

            Keyboard = (MOIS.Keyboard)InputManager.CreateInputObject(MOIS.Type.OISKeyboard, true);
            Mouse    = (MOIS.Mouse)InputManager.CreateInputObject(MOIS.Type.OISMouse, true);

            NewtonWorld    = new World();
            NewtonDebugger = new Debugger(NewtonWorld);

            GameCamera    = new GameCamera();
            ObjectManager = new ObjectManager();

            MaterialManager = new MaterialManager();

            Items                   = new Items();
            PrizeManager            = new PrizeManager(); //////////////////// @@ Brand nju staff. Nawet trochę działa :Δ
            CharacterProfileManager = new CharacterProfileManager();
            Quests                  = new Quests();
            NPCManager              = new NPCManager();

            Labeler         = new TextLabeler(5);
            Random          = new Random();
            HumanController = new HumanController();

            TypedInput = new TypedInput();

            SoundManager = new SoundManager();

            Dialog        = new Dialog();
            Mysz          = new MOIS.MouseState_NativePtr();
            Conversations = new Conversations();

            TriggerManager = new TriggerManager();

            Engine.Singleton.Keyboard.KeyPressed += new MOIS.KeyListener.KeyPressedHandler(TypedInput.onKeyPressed);
            Mouse.MouseReleased += new MOIS.MouseListener.MouseReleasedHandler(MouseReleased);

            IngameConsole = new IngameConsole();
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("dupa", "soundOddawajPiec");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("tp", "ZejscieDoPiwnicy");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("exit", "Exit", "Wychodzi z gry. Ale odkrywcze. Super. Musze sprawdzic jak sie zachowa konsola przy duzej dlugosci linii xD llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("play", "playSound", "Odtwarza dzwiek. Skladnia: play <sciezka do pliku>. Np. play other/haa.mp3");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("map", "ChangeMap");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("save", "SaveGame");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("load", "LoadGame");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("help", "ConsoleHelp");
            IngameConsole.AddCommand("h", "CommandHelp");
Ejemplo n.º 16
    protected Vector2 GetDirectionToTargetForMovement()
        Vector2 direction = Vector2.zero;

        closestHumanDistanceSqr = 9999;
        closestLightDistanceSqr = 9999;

        bool biasUpNode    = true;
        bool biasRightNode = true;

        bool canTurnOffLight = true;

        Node selfNode = map.GetNode(playerController.GetPosition());

        Vector2 targetPosition = Vector2.zero;
        Vector2 toTarget       = Vector2.zero;
        Vector2 selfPosition   = playerController.GetPosition();

        Vector2 totalAwayFromHuman = new Vector2();
        Vector2 totalToTiles       = new Vector2();

        // Have to get these each time because some players may die and then they leave the array
        GameObject[] players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
        GameObject[] lights  = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Light");

        for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; ++i)
            HumanController hc = players[i].GetComponent <HumanController>();
            if (hc != null)
                targetPosition = hc.GetPosition();
                toTarget       = targetPosition - selfPosition;

                Vector2 newTargetDirection = Vector2.zero;
                bool    canSeeTarget       = FindIfTargetIsVisible(targetPosition, toTarget, ref newTargetDirection, ignoreLightLanternProjectileLayerMask);

                Node  targetNode             = map.GetNode(targetPosition);
                float distanceToNewTargetSqr = 0;

                if (canSeeTarget)
                    // Use - because we want to move away from the target
                    direction          -= newTargetDirection.normalized * directionToTargetWeight;
                    totalAwayFromHuman -= newTargetDirection.normalized * directionToTargetWeight;

                    // Bias the node selection to be as away from the target as you can get
                    // only do this if you can see the target or you'll get stuck in between nodes
                    biasUpNode    = toTarget.y < 0 ? true : false;
                    biasRightNode = toTarget.x < 0 ? true : false;

                    distanceToNewTargetSqr = toTarget.sqrMagnitude;
                    distanceToNewTargetSqr = Mathf.Pow(selfNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] * map.unitSize, 2);

                // If a human is too close to this AI then turning off a light could end up in them getting caught, so don't do it
                if (distanceToNewTargetSqr < minimumDistanceFromHumansSqr)
                    canTurnOffLight = false;

                if (closestHumanDistanceSqr > distanceToNewTargetSqr)
                    directionToAttack       = toTarget;
                    closestHumanDistanceSqr = distanceToNewTargetSqr;

                Node destination  = selfNode;
                int  bestDistance = selfNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y];

                Node leftNode              = selfNode;
                Node rightNode             = selfNode;
                Node upNode                = selfNode;
                Node downNode              = selfNode;
                int  leftNodeBestDistance  = -1;
                int  rightNodeBestDistance = -1;
                int  upNodeBestDistance    = -1;
                int  downNodeBestDistance  = -1;

                // Pick the next best node beside you to go to
                if (selfNode.l != Node.Connection.Wall)
                    leftNode             = map.GetNode(selfNode.x - 1, selfNode.y);
                    leftNodeBestDistance = leftNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y];

                    if (leftNode.d != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        leftNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(leftNode.x, leftNode.y - 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], leftNodeBestDistance);
                    if (leftNode.u != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        leftNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(leftNode.x, leftNode.y + 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], leftNodeBestDistance);
                    if (leftNode.l != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        leftNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(leftNode.x - 1, leftNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], leftNodeBestDistance);
                if (selfNode.u != Node.Connection.Wall)
                    upNode             = map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y + 1);
                    upNodeBestDistance = upNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y];

                    if (upNode.r != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        upNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(upNode.x + 1, upNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], upNodeBestDistance);
                    if (upNode.u != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        upNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(upNode.x, upNode.y + 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], upNodeBestDistance);
                    if (upNode.l != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        upNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(upNode.x - 1, upNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], upNodeBestDistance);
                if (selfNode.d != Node.Connection.Wall)
                    downNode             = map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y - 1);
                    downNodeBestDistance = downNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y];

                    if (downNode.r != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        downNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(downNode.x + 1, downNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], downNodeBestDistance);
                    if (downNode.d != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        downNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(downNode.x, downNode.y - 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], downNodeBestDistance);
                    if (downNode.l != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        downNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(downNode.x - 1, downNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], downNodeBestDistance);
                if (selfNode.r != Node.Connection.Wall)
                    rightNode             = map.GetNode(selfNode.x + 1, selfNode.y);
                    rightNodeBestDistance = rightNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y];

                    if (rightNode.d != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        rightNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(rightNode.x, rightNode.y - 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], rightNodeBestDistance);
                    if (rightNode.u != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        rightNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(rightNode.x, rightNode.y + 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], rightNodeBestDistance);
                    if (rightNode.r != Node.Connection.Wall)
                        rightNodeBestDistance = Mathf.Max(map.GetNode(rightNode.x + 1, rightNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y], rightNodeBestDistance);

                // If we have a bias up then check that one first so that the AI is more likely to keep going up (since equality will fail the check)
                if (biasUpNode)
                    if (upNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = upNode;
                        bestDistance = upNodeBestDistance;
                    if (downNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = downNode;
                        bestDistance = downNodeBestDistance;
                    if (downNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = downNode;
                        bestDistance = downNodeBestDistance;
                    if (upNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = upNode;
                        bestDistance = upNodeBestDistance;

                // If we have a bias right then check that one first so that the AI is more likely to keep going right (since equality will fail the check)
                if (biasRightNode)
                    if (rightNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = rightNode;
                        bestDistance = rightNodeBestDistance;
                    if (leftNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = leftNode;
                        bestDistance = leftNodeBestDistance;
                    if (leftNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = leftNode;
                        bestDistance = leftNodeBestDistance;
                    if (rightNodeBestDistance > bestDistance)
                        destination  = rightNode;
                        bestDistance = rightNodeBestDistance;

                /*Debug.Log("RightDist:" + rightNodeBestDistance +
                 *  ", UpDist:" + upNodeBestDistance +
                 *  ", DownDist:" + downNodeBestDistance +
                 *  ", LeftDist:" + leftNodeBestDistance);*/
                direction    += ((map.GetRealNodePosition(destination.x, destination.y) - selfPosition).normalized) * directionToBestTileWeight;
                totalToTiles += ((map.GetRealNodePosition(destination.x, destination.y) - selfPosition).normalized) * directionToBestTileWeight;

        if (canTurnOffLight)
            for (int i = 0; i < lights.Length; ++i)
                LightController lc = lights[i].GetComponent <LightController>();
                // Don't go for any lights that are off
                if (lc != null && lc.On() && !lc.IsLantern())
                    targetPosition = lc.gameObject.transform.position;
                    toTarget       = targetPosition - selfPosition;

                    Vector2 newTargetDirection = Vector2.zero;
                    bool    canSeeTarget       = FindIfTargetIsVisible(targetPosition, toTarget, ref newTargetDirection, ignoreLanternProjectileLayerMask);
                    if (canSeeTarget && toTarget.sqrMagnitude < closestLightDistanceSqr)
                        closestLightDistanceSqr = toTarget.sqrMagnitude;
                        direction = newTargetDirection;
                        Node targetNode = map.GetNode(targetPosition);
                        // Add one to the target distance calculation because if they are on the same node it will count as 0
                        float targetDistanceSqr = Mathf.Pow((selfNode.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] + 1) * map.unitSize, 2);
                        if (targetDistanceSqr < closestLightDistanceSqr)
                            Node destination = selfNode;

                            // Pick the next best node beside you to go to
                            if (selfNode.l != Node.Connection.Wall && map.GetNode(selfNode.x - 1, selfNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] < destination.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y])
                                destination = map.GetNode(selfNode.x - 1, selfNode.y);
                            if (selfNode.d != Node.Connection.Wall && map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y - 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] < destination.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y])
                                destination = map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y - 1);
                            if (selfNode.u != Node.Connection.Wall && map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y + 1).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] < destination.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y])
                                destination = map.GetNode(selfNode.x, selfNode.y + 1);
                            if (selfNode.r != Node.Connection.Wall && map.GetNode(selfNode.x + 1, selfNode.y).distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y] < destination.distances[targetNode.x, targetNode.y])
                                destination = map.GetNode(selfNode.x + 1, selfNode.y);

                            direction = map.GetRealNodePosition(destination.x, destination.y) - selfPosition;
                            closestLightDistanceSqr = targetDistanceSqr;

        // If the AI is moving into the wall then offset their direction
        //Vector2 directionAwayFromWall = GetDirectionAwayFromObstacles(direction.normalized);
        //Vector2 moveDirection = direction;
        direction += GetDirectionAwayFromObstacles(direction.normalized);
        //Debug.Log("Overall: " + direction + ", ToTiles: " + totalToTiles + ", AwayFromHumans: " + totalAwayFromHuman + ", AwayFromWall: " + directionAwayFromWall);

Ejemplo n.º 17
 public int GetSpot(bool isAvailable = true)
     return(HumanController.GetSpot(isAvailable, this.Mark));
Ejemplo n.º 18
    void Update()
        var close = getCloseHumans();

        //talk with someone
        if (currentState == CharState.Idle)
            if (timeInThisState() > timeToStartWalking)

        if (currentState == CharState.Walking)
            lastWalkingOrientation = transform.forward;

            //talk with someone
            if (timeInThisState() > 6f)
                if (close.Count > 0)
                    var success = close.First().otherWantsToTalk(this);
                    if (success)
                        other = close.First();

            //exit condition
            if (agent.remainingDistance == Mathf.Infinity || (!agent.pathPending && agent.remainingDistance < walkThreshold))

        //while talking, look at the other character
        if (currentState == CharState.Talking)
            transform.forward = Vector3.Lerp(lastWalkingOrientation, (other.transform.position - transform.position), timeInThisState() * 5f);

            //stop talking
            if (timeInThisState() > timeTalking)
                animator.SetBool("Talking", false);

        //pass from scared to running
        if (currentState == CharState.Scared && timeInThisState() > 2f)
            var nextPosition = transform.position + (transform.position - duckPosition).normalized * walkRadius;

            lastPathChange = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            lastPosition   = transform.position;

            NavMeshHit hit;
            NavMesh.SamplePosition(nextPosition, out hit, walkRadius, 1);

            if (debugMode)


            animator.SetBool("Scared", false);

        //pass from running to idle
        if (currentState == CharState.Running)
            if (agent.remainingDistance == Mathf.Infinity ||
                (!agent.pathPending && agent.remainingDistance < walkThreshold) ||
                timeInThisState() > 15f)
                animator.SetBool("Running", false);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        // Token: 0x06000001 RID: 1 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250
        public void OnGUI()
            bool flag = !PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer() || !PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable;

            if (flag)
                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg    = true;
                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom      = 60f;
                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds = 10f;
                Zoom.On = false;
                bool flag2 = !Zoom.On && ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds >= 0f;
                if (flag2)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(600f, 200f, 116f, 54f), ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.Messagy, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
                    ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.counterseconds -= Time.deltaTime;
                    bool flag3 = !Zoom.On && ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg;
                    if (flag3)
                        ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.onlytimemsg = false;
                        bool flag4 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer() || (PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable&& Zoom.On);
                        if (flag4)
                            ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = false;
                            ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = false;
                            bool key = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0);
                            if (key)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = true;
                            bool key2 = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1);
                            if (key2)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = true;
                            bool keyUp = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse0);
                            if (keyUp)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 = false;
                            bool keyUp2 = Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Mouse1);
                            if (keyUp2)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 = false;
                        bool flag5 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 && !ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 && Zoom.On;
                        if (flag5)
                            Inventory component = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <Inventory>();
                            bool flag6 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 60f;
                            if (flag6)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 60f;
                            bool flag7 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 0f;
                            if (flag7)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 0f;
                            bool flag8 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom >= 20f;
                            if (flag8)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom - Time.deltaTime - 0.3f;
                            bool flag9 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 20f;
                            if (flag9)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom - Time.deltaTime - 0.05f;
                            bool flag10 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 0f;
                            if (flag10)
                                HumanController component2          = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <HumanController>();
                                CameraMount     componentInChildren = component2.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>();
                                bool            flag11 = componentInChildren != null;
                                if (flag11)
                                    HeadBob component3 = componentInChildren.GetComponent <HeadBob>();
                                    bool    flag12     = component3 != null;
                                    if (flag12)
                                        CameraFX mainCameraFX = CameraFX.mainCameraFX;
                                        bool     flag13       = mainCameraFX != null;
                                        if (flag13)
                                            mainCameraFX.SetFieldOfView(ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom, 1f);
                        bool flag14 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse0 && !ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.mouse1 && Zoom.On;
                        if (flag14)
                            Inventory component4 = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <Inventory>();
                            bool flag15 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 60f;
                            if (flag15)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 60f;
                            bool flag16 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 0f;
                            if (flag16)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = 0f;
                            bool flag17 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom >= 20f;
                            if (flag17)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom + Time.deltaTime + 0.3f;
                            bool flag18 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom < 20f;
                            if (flag18)
                                ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom + Time.deltaTime + 0.05f;
                            bool flag19 = ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom > 0f;
                            if (flag19)
                                HumanController component5           = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer().controllable.GetComponent <HumanController>();
                                CameraMount     componentInChildren2 = component5.GetComponentInChildren <CameraMount>();
                                bool            flag20 = componentInChildren2 != null;
                                if (flag20)
                                    HeadBob component6 = componentInChildren2.GetComponent <HeadBob>();
                                    bool    flag21     = component6 != null;
                                    if (flag21)
                                        CameraFX mainCameraFX2 = CameraFX.mainCameraFX;
                                        bool     flag22        = mainCameraFX2 != null;
                                        if (flag22)
                                            mainCameraFX2.SetFieldOfView(ZoomGUIRustNoWipe.levelzoom, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void Start()
     monster = transform.parent.GetComponentInParent <MonsterController>();
     human   = monster.humanController;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public bool HumanIsDead(HumanController human)
     return(human == null);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // Unselects the current human, and selects the new one.
 private void selectNewObject(RaycastHit hitInfo)
     _selected.state = HumanState.Unselected;
     _selected       = hitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <HumanController>();
     _selected.state = HumanState.Selected;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void Awake() => _humanController = GetComponent <HumanController>();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 void Update()
     if (_playerTurn.Value)
         timer -= Time.deltaTime;
         _timer.SetText("Time Remaining: " + Mathf.RoundToInt(timer));
         if (timer < 10 && !playBeat)
             playBeat = true;
         if (timer < 0)
         // Then the LMB is clicked, raycast to check what has been hit.
         if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit();
             bool       hit     = Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hitInfo);
             // Move the selected human to that tile.
             if (hit && hitInfo.transform.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"))
                 Node tile = hitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Node>();
                 if (!_selected)
                 if (tile.type == NodeType.Building)
                     Debug.Log("Invalid Tile Selected");
                 if (GridManager.current.graph[tile.pos.x, tile.pos.z].occupied)
                     Debug.Log("There is already a human on this tile.");
                 // Retrieves the distance using the A* Pathfinding project.
                 int distance = GridManager.current.findDistance(_selected.transform.position, tile.pos);
                 if ((actionPoints.Value - distance) < 0)
                     Debug.Log("Exceeding number of moves!");
                     actionPoints.Value -= distance;
                     _ap.SetText("Moves Remaining: {0}", actionPoints.Value);
                     // Sets the current tile to unoccupied and sets the new tile as occipied.
                     GridManager.current.graph[(int)_selected.transform.position.x, (int)_selected.transform.position.z].occupied = false;
                     _selected.moveHuman(new Vector3(tile.pos.x, 0.6f, tile.pos.z));
                     GridManager.current.graph[tile.pos.x, tile.pos.z].occupied = true;
                 // Select the human that was clicked.
             else if (hit && hitInfo.transform.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Human"))
                 if (!_selected)
                     _selected = hitInfo.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <HumanController>();
                 if (_selected == hitInfo.transform.gameObject)
                 Debug.Log("Not it Chief");
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && !gameOver)
     if (gameOver)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    bool calculateInverseKinematics()
        Matrix4x4 lowerBodyMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 upperBodyMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 upperRightArmMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 lowerRightArmMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 upperLeftArmMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 lowerLeftArmMatrix;

        HumanAngleConfig IKConfig = new HumanAngleConfig(
            Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.identity,
            Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.identity);

        // get target position
        Vector3 targetPos = target.position;

        // calculate lowerbodyJoint
        Vector3 lowerBodyPosition = humanController.position;
        Vector3 heading           = targetPos - lowerBodyPosition;

        float headingAngle = getAngle(heading.z, heading.x) - 90.0f;

        IKConfig.lowerBodyQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f, headingAngle, 0f);

        Quaternion maxTorsobBendQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -20f);

        lowerBodyMatrix     = Matrix4x4.Translate(lowerBodyPosition) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.lowerBodyQuat);
        upperBodyMatrix     = lowerBodyMatrix * humanController.upperBodyOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(maxTorsobBendQuat);
        upperRightArmMatrix = upperBodyMatrix * humanController.upperRightArmOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat);

        // get the distance between shoulder joint and target object after
        // the figure has rotated towards its target object
        float shoulderTargetDistance = (targetPos - HumanController.getTranslation(

        Debug.Log("shoulder target distance: " + shoulderTargetDistance);

        // if the distance is above the threshold distance quit the function
        if (shoulderTargetDistance > armLength)
            Debug.Log("Distance: " + shoulderTargetDistance + " is too far from right shoulder!");
            IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat = Quaternion.identity;
            IKConfig.lowerRightArmJointQuat = Quaternion.identity;
            IKConfig.upperBodyQuat          = Quaternion.identity;
            ikConfig = IKConfig;

        upperBodyMatrix     = lowerBodyMatrix * humanController.upperBodyOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperBodyQuat);
        upperRightArmMatrix = upperBodyMatrix * humanController.upperRightArmOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat);
        float defaultPoseToTargetDistance = (targetPos - HumanController.getTranslation(upperRightArmMatrix)).magnitude;

        float torsoBendAngle = 0f;

        if (defaultPoseToTargetDistance > armLength)
            Debug.Log("Calculating torsobend");

            // calculate torsobend
            Vector3 hipPosition          = HumanController.getTranslation(upperBodyMatrix);
            Vector3 hipTargetDistVec     = targetPos - hipPosition;
            float   hipTargetDist        = hipTargetDistVec.magnitude;  // c-side
            float   torsoHeight          = HumanController.torsoHeight; // b-side
            float   projectedArmDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(                  // a-side
                (2 * HumanController.armSegmentLength) * (2 * HumanController.armSegmentLength) -
                HumanController.armOffset * HumanController.armOffset) - 0.05f;
            //Debug.Log("Projected distance: " + projectedArmDistance);

            // get alpha via cosin formula: gamma = arccos( (a^2+b^2-c^2) / 2ab)
            float alphaAngle = Mathf.Acos(
                (Mathf.Pow(torsoHeight, 2f) + Mathf.Pow(hipTargetDist, 2f) - Mathf.Pow(projectedArmDistance, 2f)) /
                (2f * torsoHeight * hipTargetDist)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            Debug.Log("AlphaAngle: " + alphaAngle);

            Vector3 normalizedHipTargetDistVec = Vector3.Normalize(hipTargetDistVec);
            float   betaAngle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, normalizedHipTargetDistVec)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            torsoBendAngle = betaAngle - alphaAngle;
            torsoBendAngle = torsoBendAngle > maxTorsoBendAngle ? maxTorsoBendAngle : torsoBendAngle;

            Debug.Log("torsoangle: " + torsoBendAngle);
            IKConfig.upperBodyQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, -torsoBendAngle);
            upperBodyMatrix        = lowerBodyMatrix * humanController.upperBodyOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperBodyQuat);
            upperRightArmMatrix    = upperBodyMatrix * humanController.upperRightArmOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat);

        // calculate shoulder swing joint
        Vector3 shoulderPos = HumanController.getTranslation(upperRightArmMatrix);
        Vector3 direction   = targetPos - shoulderPos;

        float rightArmSwing = getAngle(direction.z, direction.x) - headingAngle - 90.0f;

        ikConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat = IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f, rightArmSwing, 0f);
        upperRightArmMatrix             = upperBodyMatrix * humanController.upperRightArmOffsetMatrix * Matrix4x4.Rotate(IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat);

        // recalculated necessary values after changing first joint
        shoulderPos = HumanController.getTranslation(upperRightArmMatrix);
        direction   = targetPos - shoulderPos;

        // calculate distance between shoulder point and target object
        float distance = Vector3.Distance(shoulderPos, targetPos);

        // recalculate direction after baseJoint might have changed
        Vector2 directionInXZPlane = new Vector2(direction.x, direction.z);

        // get gamma and alpha angle in isosceles triangle
        gamma = Mathf.Acos(1.0f - ((distance * distance) / (2 * armSegment * armSegment)));
        gamma = gamma * 180.0f / Mathf.PI;
        alpha = (180.0f - gamma) / 2.0f;

        Vector2 directionGrappingPlane = new Vector2(directionInXZPlane.magnitude, direction.y);
        //Debug.Log("XZ-Y-Plane: " + directionGrappingPlane);
        float upperArmAngle = getAngle(directionGrappingPlane.x, directionGrappingPlane.y);

        //Debug.Log("The atan2 upperArmAngle is: " + upperArmAngle);

        upperArmAngle = upperArmAngle + 90.0f - alpha;

        float lowerArmAngle = 180.0f - gamma;

        //Debug.Log("Distance to object is: " + distance);
        //Debug.Log("The baseAngle is: " + getAngle(direction.z, direction.x));
        //Debug.Log("The upperArmAngle is: " + upperArmAngle);
        //Debug.Log("The lowerArmAngle is; " + lowerArmAngle);

        IKConfig.upperRightArmJointQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, torsoBendAngle) * Quaternion.Euler(0f, rightArmSwing, upperArmAngle);
        IKConfig.lowerRightArmJointQuat = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, lowerArmAngle);

        ikConfig = IKConfig;

Ejemplo n.º 26
 void Start()
Ejemplo n.º 27
 static void OnPlayerMove(HumanController hc, Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort stateFlags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info, Util.PlayerActions action)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public static bool GetClientVerify(HumanController controller, ref Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort flags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info)
     if (RustProtect)
         UserData bySteamID = Users.GetBySteamID(controller.netUser.userID);
         if (bySteamID == null)
             foreach (string str in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.NoUserdata", controller.netUser))
                 Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str, null, 0f);
             controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true);
         if ((origin == Vector3.zero) && (((info.sender.externalIP == "") || controller.netUser.admin) || Exclude.Contains(controller.netUser.userID)))
             bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0;
         if (bySteamID.ProtectTime == 0f)
             if (server.log > 2)
                 Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protection Key Sended [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: ProtectKey=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", ProtectionKey) }));
             bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0;
             bySteamID.ProtectTime = Time.time;
             flags = 0x8000;
             float num = 0f;
             controller.networkView.RPC("ReadClientMove", info.sender, new object[] { Vector3.zero, ProtectionKey, (ushort)0x8000, num });
         if ((origin == Vector3.zero) && (flags == 0x7fff))
             if (server.log > 2)
                 Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Protect Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: Data=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) }));
             bySteamID.ProtectKickData = bySteamID.ProtectKickData.Add <int>(encoded);
         if ((origin == Vector3.zero) && (flags == 0x8000))
             bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0;
             bySteamID.ProtectTime = Time.time;
             if (bySteamID.ProtectKickData.Length > 0)
                 bySteamID.ProtectKickName = Helper.Int32ToString(bySteamID.ProtectKickData);
                 bySteamID.ProtectKickData = new int[0];
             if (server.log > 2)
                 Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Protect Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: Checksum=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) }));
             if (((encoded != ProtectionHash) && !controller.netUser.admin) && ((Time.time > ProtectionUpdateTime) && !Config.Loading))
                 string str2 = "Unknown Kick Reason.";
                 if (bySteamID.ProtectKickName != "")
                     foreach (string str3 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.CheatsFound", controller.netUser))
                         Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str3, null, 0f);
                     str2 = "Detected a forbidden \"" + bySteamID.ProtectKickName + "\".";
                     foreach (string str4 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.BrokenClient", controller.netUser))
                         Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str4, null, 0f);
                     str2 = "Incorrect a CRC(" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) + ") received from client.";
                 Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protect Kick [", controller.netUser.displayName, ":", controller.netUser.userID, "]: ", str2 }), true);
                 controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true);
             if (bySteamID.ProtectKickName != "")
                 bySteamID.ProtectKickName = "";
         if (((bySteamID.ProtectTick > RustProtectMaxTicks) && (Time.time > ProtectionUpdateTime)) && !Config.Loading)
             foreach (string str5 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.NotProtected", controller.netUser))
                 Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str5, null, 0f);
             Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protect Kick [", controller.netUser.displayName, ":", controller.netUser.userID, "]: No packets from client protection for very long time." }), true);
             if (server.log > 2)
                 Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Kick Details: ProtectTick=", bySteamID.ProtectTick, ", SendRate=", NetCull.sendRate, ", Time=", Time.time, ", Protection.UpdateTime=", ProtectionUpdateTime }), true);
             controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true);
         if (server.log > 2)
             Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Default Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: origin=", (Vector3)origin, ", encoded=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded), ", flags=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", flags) }));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private object OnGetClientMove(HumanController controller, Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort stateFlags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info)
            if (float.IsNaN(origin.x) || float.IsInfinity(origin.x) ||
                float.IsNaN(origin.y) || float.IsInfinity(origin.y) ||
                float.IsNaN(origin.z) || float.IsInfinity(origin.z))
                Interface.Oxide.LogInfo($"Kicked {controller.netUser.displayName} [{controller.netUser.userID}] for sending bad packets for GetClientMove.");
                controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true);
                return false;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void SetFollower(HumanController follower)
     pullController.follower = follower;
Ejemplo n.º 31
    // Awake
    protected override void Awake()

        // Controller
        controller = new HumanController(this);

        // Input manager
        inputManager = InputManager.instance;
        buttons = new HumanController.InputButtons(inputManager);

        // Make the camera follow me
        var cameraModes = GameObject.Find("CameraModes");
        cameraModes.transform.parent = myTransform;
        cameraModes.transform.localPosition = Cache.vector3Zero;
        cameraModes.transform.localRotation = Cache.quaternionIdentity;

        // Assign values
        camPivot = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CamPivot");
        cameraMode = camPivot.GetComponent<CameraMode>();
        crossHair = GetComponent<CrossHair>();

        // Set main player
        Player.main = this;
        Player.main.isVisible = true;

        // Destroy
        onDestroy += () => {
            Player.main = null;

        // ChangeParty
        onChangeParty += UpdateCameraYRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public static void Recycle(HumanController human)