Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively searches for a bone given the name and returns it if found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rParent">Parent to search through</param>
        /// <param name="rBoneName">Bone to find</param>
        /// <returns>Transform of the bone or null</returns>
        public static Transform FindTransform(this Transform rThis, HumanBodyBones rBone)
            Animator lAnimator = rThis.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
            if (lAnimator != null) { return lAnimator.GetBoneTransform(rBone); }

            return null;
		public override void Reset()
			gameObject = null;
			bone = HumanBodyBones.Hips;
			boneAsString = new FsmString(){UseVariable=false};
			boneGameObject = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static GameObject SpawnRagdoll(Actor actor, HumanBodyBones originPart, HumanBodyBones keptPart)
            GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate(RagdollSpawner.rd);
            Animator anim = obj.GetComponent<Animator>();
            SyncBones(actor.transform.Find("ScientistSkeleton"), obj.transform.Find("ScientistSkeleton"));
            anim.GetBoneTransform(originPart).localScale = ScaleDown * Vector3.one;
            anim.GetBoneTransform(keptPart).localScale = ScaleUp * Vector3.one;

            return obj;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    IKLimb CreateIKLimb(string name, 
	                  Transform baseT, 
	                  Transform jointT, 
	                  Transform tipT, 
	                  IKLimb.HandRotations rotationPolicy = IKLimb.HandRotations.KeepLocalRotation, 
	                  HumanBodyBones falseBaseParent = HumanBodyBones.LastBone,
	                  HumanBodyBones elbowParent = HumanBodyBones.LastBone, 
	                  Vector3 elbowOffset = default(Vector3)
        //Create the IKLimb GameObject
        GameObject go = new GameObject ();
        go.name = "IKLimb" + name;
        go.transform.parent = transform;
        IKLimb limb = go.AddComponent<IKLimb> ();

        //Create the IKLimb Joint Target GameObject
        GameObject jointTarget = new GameObject (name + "JointTarget");
        if(elbowParent != HumanBodyBones.LastBone){
            jointTarget.transform.parent = animator.GetBoneTransform(elbowParent);
            jointTarget.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            jointTarget.transform.parent = this.transform;
            jointTarget.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        if(elbowOffset != Vector3.zero){
            jointTarget.transform.localPosition += elbowOffset;

        //Create the IKLimb Tip Target GameObject
        GameObject tipTarget = new GameObject (name + "TipTarget");
        tipTarget.transform.parent = this.transform;
        tipTarget.transform.position = tipT.position;
        tipTarget.transform.rotation = tipT.rotation;

        //Assign all the values to the IKLimb
        if (falseBaseParent != HumanBodyBones.LastBone) {
            GameObject fbp = new GameObject("FalseBaseParent");
            fbp.transform.parent = animator.GetBoneTransform(falseBaseParent);
            limb.upperArm = fbp.transform;
            limb.upperArm = baseT;
        limb.forearm = jointT;
        limb.hand = tipT;
        limb.elbowTarget = jointTarget.transform;
        limb.target = tipTarget.transform;
        limb.handRotationPolicy = rotationPolicy;
        return limb;
		static void AddBoneLine( HumanBodyBones bone, BoneLine bone_line, params object[] args )
			if( args.Length < 3 || bone == HumanBodyBones.Hips )
			Material mat = (Material)args[0];
			float parent_width = (float)args[1];
			float child_width = (float)args[2];
			if( bone >= HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal && bone <= HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal )
				bone_line.AddRenderer( mat, parent_width / 3.0f, child_width / 3.0f, bone_line.transform.parent, bone_line.transform );
				bone_line.AddRenderer( mat, parent_width, child_width, bone_line.transform.parent, bone_line.transform );
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the index of the muscle that has the humanBodyBone target (works only with a Humanoid avatar).
        /// </summary>
        public int GetMuscleIndex(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBone)
            if (!CheckIfInitiated()) return -1;

            if (targetAnimator == null) {
                Debug.LogWarning("PuppetMaster 'Target Root' has no Animator component on it nor on it's children.", transform);
                return -1;
            if (!targetAnimator.isHuman) {
                Debug.LogWarning("PuppetMaster target's Animator does not belong to a Humanoid, can hot get human muscle index.", transform);
                return -1;

            var bone = targetAnimator.GetBoneTransform(humanBodyBone);
            if (bone == null) {
                Debug.LogWarning("PuppetMaster target's Avatar does not contain a bone Transform for " + humanBodyBone, transform);
                return -1;

            return GetMuscleIndex(bone);
	// set rotation for bone in animator
	static void SetRotation( Animator animator, HumanBodyBones bone, Vector3 rotation, float lerp_ratio )
		Transform t = animator.GetBoneTransform( bone );
		if( t != null )
			Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Slerp( t.localRotation, Quaternion.Euler( rotation ), lerp_ratio );
			if( !float.IsNaN( rot.x ) && !float.IsNaN( rot.y ) && !float.IsNaN( rot.z ) && !float.IsNaN( rot.w ) )
				t.localRotation = rot;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Transform GetBodyPart(HumanBodyBones bone) => Animator.GetBoneTransform(bone);
//	private bool GetModelBoxHeight(ref float height, ref float width)
//	{
//		SkinnedMeshRenderer renderer = GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
//		if (renderer && bodyScaleTransform)
//		{
//			renderer.updateWhenOffscreen = true;
//			Bounds bounds = renderer.localBounds;
//			Vector3 scale = bodyScaleTransform.localScale;
//			//renderer.updateWhenOffscreen = false;
//			height = bounds.size.z / scale.y;
//			width = bounds.size.x / scale.x;
//			return true;
//		}
//		return false;
//	}

    private bool GetModelBoneLength(Animator animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones baseJoint, HumanBodyBones endJoint, ref float length)
        length = 0f;

        if (animatorComponent)
            Transform joint1 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(baseJoint);
            Transform joint2 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(endJoint);

            if (joint1 && joint2)
                length = (joint2.position - joint1.position).magnitude;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void BoneSynchronize(HumanBodyBones bone, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
            if (animator != null && bone != HumanBodyBones.LastBone)
                var t = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone);
                if (t != null)
                    if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftIndexProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftMiddleProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftRingProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal ||

                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightIndexProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightLittleProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightMiddleProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightRingProximal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbDistal ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbIntermediate ||
                        bone == HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal)
                        if (!HandPoseSynchronizeCutoff)
                            BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, false, false);
                    else if (bone == HumanBodyBones.LeftEye ||
                             bone == HumanBodyBones.RightEye)
                        if (!EyeBoneSynchronizeCutoff)
                            BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, false, false);
                        BoneSynchronizeSingle(t, ref bone, ref pos, ref rot, BonePositionFilterEnable, BoneRotationFilterEnable);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // Token: 0x06004FFA RID: 20474 RVA: 0x001B5178 File Offset: 0x001B3578
 public Quaternion GetTPoseRotation(HumanBodyBones bone)
	// set position for bone in animator
	static void SetPosition( Animator animator, HumanBodyBones bone, Vector3 position, float lerp_ratio )
		Transform t = animator.GetBoneTransform( bone );
		if( t != null )
			// calculate position when we have scale
			position.Scale( new Vector3( 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.x, 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.y, 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.z ) );
			Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp( t.localPosition, position, lerp_ratio );
			if( !float.IsNaN( pos.x ) && !float.IsNaN( pos.y ) && !float.IsNaN( pos.z ) )
				t.localPosition = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public MuscleLimit GetMuscleLimit(Avatar avatar, HumanBodyBones humanoidIndex)
            if (humanoidIndex < 0)
            var serializedObject = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(avatar);
            int skeletonIndex    = -1;

            if (humanoidIndex <= HumanBodyBones.Jaw || humanoidIndex == HumanBodyBones.UpperChest)
                int humanId = -1;
                if (humanoidIndex <= HumanBodyBones.Chest)
                    humanId = (int)humanoidIndex;
                else if (humanoidIndex <= HumanBodyBones.Jaw)
                    humanId = (int)humanoidIndex + 1;
                    humanId = 9;
                var pHumanBoneIndexArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Avatar.m_Human.data.m_HumanBoneIndex");
                if (pHumanBoneIndexArray == null || !pHumanBoneIndexArray.isArray || humanId < 0 || humanId >= pHumanBoneIndexArray.arraySize)
                skeletonIndex = pHumanBoneIndexArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(humanId).intValue;
            else if (humanoidIndex <= HumanBodyBones.LeftLittleDistal)
                int handId = (int)humanoidIndex - (int)HumanBodyBones.LeftThumbProximal;
                var pHandBoneIndexArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Avatar.m_Human.data.m_LeftHand.data.m_HandBoneIndex");
                if (pHandBoneIndexArray == null || !pHandBoneIndexArray.isArray || handId < 0 || handId >= pHandBoneIndexArray.arraySize)
                skeletonIndex = pHandBoneIndexArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(handId).intValue;
            else if (humanoidIndex <= HumanBodyBones.RightLittleDistal)
                int handId = (int)humanoidIndex - (int)HumanBodyBones.RightThumbProximal;
                var pHandBoneIndexArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Avatar.m_Human.data.m_RightHand.data.m_HandBoneIndex");
                if (pHandBoneIndexArray == null || !pHandBoneIndexArray.isArray || handId < 0 || handId >= pHandBoneIndexArray.arraySize)
                skeletonIndex = pHandBoneIndexArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(handId).intValue;
            var pNodeArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Avatar.m_Human.data.m_Skeleton.data.m_Node");

            if (pNodeArray == null || !pNodeArray.isArray || skeletonIndex < 0 || skeletonIndex >= pNodeArray.arraySize)
            var pNode = pNodeArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(skeletonIndex);

            if (pNode == null)
            var axedId = pNode.FindPropertyRelative("m_AxesId").intValue;

            if (axedId < 0)
            var pAxesArray = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Avatar.m_Human.data.m_Skeleton.data.m_AxesArray");

            if (pAxesArray == null || !pAxesArray.isArray || axedId < 0 || axedId >= pAxesArray.arraySize)
            var pAxes = pAxesArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(axedId);

            if (pAxes == null)
            Vector3 min = new Vector3(pAxes.FindPropertyRelative("m_Limit.m_Min.x").floatValue,
                                      pAxes.FindPropertyRelative("m_Limit.m_Min.z").floatValue) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            Vector3 max = new Vector3(pAxes.FindPropertyRelative("m_Limit.m_Max.x").floatValue,
                                      pAxes.FindPropertyRelative("m_Limit.m_Max.z").floatValue) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            return(new MuscleLimit()
                min = min, max = max
Ejemplo n.º 14
    // private method

    private void _ConvertAnim_original(string newClipAssetPath)
        // 0. prepare
        if (!m_Animator.isHuman)
            Dbg.LogWarn("MuscleClipConverterEditor._ConvertAnim: Need to change to Humanoid rig first!");

        m_SMR = m_Animator.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        if (m_SMR == null)
            Dbg.LogWarn("MuscleClipConverterEditor._ConvertAnim: failed to find SMR under {0}", m_Animator.name);

#if !U5
        var ainfos = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimationClipState(0); //only effect after Update is called
        var ainfos = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);   //only effect after Update is called
        AnimationClip         clip        = ainfos[0].clip;
        AnimationClipSettings clipSetting = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip);

        //    var bindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip);
        //    foreach( var b in bindings)
        //    {
        //        Dbg.Log("path: {0}, prop: {1}", b.path, b.propertyName);
        //    }

        Transform animatorTr = m_Animator.transform;
        Transform hipsBone   = null;
        CurveDict curveDict  = new CurveDict();

        float SAMPLE_RATE = clip.frameRate;
        float clipLen     = clip.length;

        Matrix4x4 animatorInitW2LMat = animatorTr.worldToLocalMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 hipsInitW2LMat     = Matrix4x4.identity;

        List <Transform> boneLst = new List <Transform>();
        for (HumanBodyBones boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < HumanBodyBones.LastBone; ++boneIdx)
            Transform tr = m_Animator.GetBoneTransform(boneIdx);
            //Dbg.Log("Map: {0}->{1}", boneIdx, tr);
            if (tr != null)
                if (boneIdx == HumanBodyBones.Hips)
                    hipsBone       = tr;
                    hipsInitW2LMat = hipsBone.parent.worldToLocalMatrix;
                    //clipSetting.level = -hipsBone.localPosition.y; // set Y offset
                    clipSetting.keepOriginalPositionY = false; //use RootNode position
        Transform[] bones = boneLst.ToArray();

        // init curves for each bone
        for (int idx = 0; idx < bones.Length; ++idx)
            Transform oneBone = bones[idx];
            string    trPath  = AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(oneBone, animatorTr);

            var curves = new _Curves();
            curves.relPath = trPath;

            curveDict.Add(oneBone, curves);

        // init rootmotion curve
            var curves = new _Curves();
            curveDict.Add(animatorTr, curves);

        AnimatorStateInfo curStateInfo = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
        float             nt           = curStateInfo.normalizedTime;
        m_Animator.Update(-nt * clipLen); //revert to 0 time

        {                                 // 1. bake animation info into curve on all bones transform
            float time      = 0f;
            float deltaTime = 1f / (SAMPLE_RATE);
            for (;
                 time <= clipLen || Mathf.Approximately(time, clipLen);
                //Dbg.Log("nt = {0}", m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime);

                // bone
                for (int idx = 0; idx < bones.Length; ++idx)
                    Transform oneBone = bones[idx];
                    _Curves   curves  = curveDict[oneBone];

                    if (oneBone == hipsBone)
                        continue; //skip the HipsBone. This is to add rootMotion matrix on hips, so Legacy is right
                    Vector3    pos = oneBone.localPosition;
                    Quaternion rot = oneBone.localRotation;

                    curves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                    curves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                    curves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                    curves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                    curves.PX.AddKey(time, pos.x);
                    curves.PY.AddKey(time, pos.y);
                    curves.PZ.AddKey(time, pos.z);

                // root motion process
                    { //on Animator transform
                        Vector3 pos = /*animatorTr.localPosition*/ animatorTr.position;
                        Vector3 fwd = animatorTr.forward;
                        Vector3 up  = animatorTr.up;

                        _Curves rootMotionCurves = curveDict[animatorTr];
                        Vector3 lpos             = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyPoint(pos);
                        Vector3 lfwd             = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(fwd);
                        Vector3 lup = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(up);

                        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(lfwd, lup);

                        rootMotionCurves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                        rootMotionCurves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                        rootMotionCurves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                        rootMotionCurves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                        rootMotionCurves.PX.AddKey(time, lpos.x);
                        rootMotionCurves.PY.AddKey(time, lpos.y);
                        rootMotionCurves.PZ.AddKey(time, lpos.z);

                    { //on hips transform
                        if (hipsBone != null)
                            Vector3 pos = hipsBone.position;
                            Vector3 fwd = hipsBone.forward;
                            Vector3 up  = hipsBone.up;

                            _Curves hipsCurves = curveDict[hipsBone];
                            Vector3 lpos       = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyPoint(pos);
                            Vector3 lfwd       = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(fwd);
                            Vector3 lup        = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(up);

                            //Dbg.Log("time: {0}, lpos: {1}", time, lpos.ToString("F2"));

                            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(lfwd, lup);

                            hipsCurves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                            hipsCurves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                            hipsCurves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                            hipsCurves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                            hipsCurves.PX.AddKey(time, lpos.x);
                            hipsCurves.PY.AddKey(time, lpos.y);
                            hipsCurves.PZ.AddKey(time, lpos.z);

                if (!Mathf.Approximately(time + deltaTime, clipLen))
                    time += deltaTime;
                    m_Animator.Update(deltaTime - 0.005f); //keep it in the range, if go beyond, something bad could happen
                    time += deltaTime - 0.005f;
        } //end of 1.

        { // 2. set animation clip and store in AssetDatabase
            AnimationClip newClip = new AnimationClip();
            newClip.frameRate   = SAMPLE_RATE;
            newClip.localBounds = clip.localBounds;

            // set bone curves
            for (var ie = curveDict.GetEnumerator(); ie.MoveNext();)
                var curves = ie.Current.Value;
                if (ie.Current.Key == animatorTr)
                { //root motion
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.x", curves.PX);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.y", curves.PY);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.z", curves.PZ);

                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.x", curves.X);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.y", curves.Y);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.z", curves.Z);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.w", curves.W);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", curves.X);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", curves.Y);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", curves.Z);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", curves.W);

                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curves.PX);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curves.PY);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curves.PZ);

            // 2.1 copy the unmapped curves to new clip( not mapped by Muscle clip )
            _CopyOtherCurves(newClip, clip);

            // some setting work

#if !U5
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(newClip, m_AnimType);
            RCall.CallMtd("UnityEditor.AnimationUtility", "SetAnimationClipSettings", null, newClip, clipSetting);
            if (m_AnimType == ModelImporterAnimationType.Legacy)
                newClip.legacy = true;
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(newClip, clipSetting);

            EUtil.SaveAnimClip(newClip, newClipAssetPath);

            EUtil.ShowNotification("Converted to: " + m_AnimType +
                                   (hipsBone != null ? ("\nroot=" + AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(hipsBone, animatorTr)) : ""),
        } //end of 2.

        // 3. clean job
        curveDict = null;

        Dbg.Log("Converted: {0}", newClipAssetPath);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void changeBone(HumanBodyBones b)
     bone       = b;
     savedValue = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone).localRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Bone(HumanBodyBones from, HumanBodyBones to, float radius)
     JointFrom = from;
     JointTo   = to;
     Radius    = radius;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static VRMBone FromHumanBodyBone(this HumanBodyBones human)
     return(EnumUtil.TryParseOrDefault <VRMBone>(human.ToString(), VRMBone.unknown));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private static void INTERNAL_CALL_SetBoneLocalRotationInternal(Animator self, HumanBodyBones humanBoneId, ref Quaternion rotation)
     throw new NotImplementedException("なにこれ");
 Transform GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones humanBone)
     return(GetComponentInParent <Animator> ().GetBoneTransform(humanBone));
     //return transform.FindDeepChild(MakehumanMappings.mappings.human [System.Array.IndexOf (MakehumanMappings.mappings.boneType, humanBone)].boneName);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 void UpdateFinger(
     int noiseSeed, bool thumb, bool right,
     HumanBodyBones bone1, HumanBodyBones bone2, HumanBodyBones bone3)
     var a = thumb ? Vector3.up : Vector3.forward;
     var r = thumb ? _noiseToThumbRotation : _noiseToFingerRotation;
     var n = _noise2.Value01(noiseSeed) * (right ? -1 : 1);
     var q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(r * n, a);
     _animator.SetBoneLocalRotation(bone1, q);
     _animator.SetBoneLocalRotation(bone2, q);
     _animator.SetBoneLocalRotation(bone3, q);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the muscle weights for the muscle that has the humanBodyBone target (works only with a Humanoid avatar) and all it's child muscles (when called on the upper arm, will set weights for the upper arm, forearm and hand of the same limb).
        /// </summary>
        public void SetMuscleWeightsRecursive(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBone, float muscleWeight, float pinWeight = 1f, float mappingWeight = 1f, float muscleDamper = 1f)
            if (!CheckIfInitiated()) return;

            int index = GetMuscleIndex(humanBodyBone);
            if (index == -1) return;
            SetMuscleWeightsRecursive(index, muscleWeight, pinWeight, mappingWeight, muscleDamper);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void RepairBone(HumanBodyBones bone)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts our Unity bone id into the name equivalent
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rBoneName">Name of the human bone</param>
 /// <returns>String representing the human bone name or an empty string if it isn't found</returns>
 public static string GetHumanBodyBoneName(HumanBodyBones rBoneID)
     string lBoneName = "Unity " + rBoneID.ToString();
     return lBoneName;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  *  repairs a bone, if dismemebred
 public void RepairBone(HumanBodyBones bone)
     dismemberedBones[bone] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="feetPositions"></param>
 /// <param name="foot"></param>
 private void AdjustFeetTarget(ref Vector3 feetPositions, HumanBodyBones foot)
     feetPositions   = anim.GetBoneTransform(foot).position;
     feetPositions.y = transform.position.y + heightFromGroundRaycast;
		static void RemoveBoneLine( HumanBodyBones bone, BoneLine bone_line, params object[] args )
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static bool BoneIsPhysicsBone(HumanBodyBones bone)
     return(Bone2Index(bone) != -1);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public void SetBoneLocalRotation(HumanBodyBones humanBoneId, Quaternion rotation)
     this.SetBoneLocalRotationInternal(humanBoneId, rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 // Token: 0x06004FF9 RID: 20473 RVA: 0x001B516A File Offset: 0x001B356A
 public bool HasTPoseBone(HumanBodyBones bone)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_SetBoneLocalRotationInternal(Animator self, HumanBodyBones humanBoneId, ref Quaternion rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 // Token: 0x06004FFB RID: 20475 RVA: 0x001B5186 File Offset: 0x001B3586
 public Vector3 GetTPosePosition(HumanBodyBones bone)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public Transform GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones humanBoneId)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
         *      set the velocities we calculated in late update for each animated bone
         *      on the actual ragdoll
        void SetPhysicsVelocities(float deltaTime)
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(ragdoll.RootBone().transform.up, Vector3.up);

            float maxVelocityForGravityAdd2 = profile.maxGravityAddVelocity * profile.maxGravityAddVelocity;

            float fallDecayCurveSample = 1f - fallDecay;             //set up curves backwards... whoops

            // for each physics bone...
            for (int i = 0; i < Ragdoll.bonesCount; i++)
                HumanBodyBones unityBone = Ragdoll.humanBones[i];

                RagdollTransform bone = ragdoll.GetBone(unityBone);

                if (ragdoll.BoneDismembered(bone))

                if (bone.rigidbody.isKinematic)

                Vector3 ragdollBoneVelocty = bone.rigidbody.velocity;

                // get the manually set bone decay value
                float boneDecay = boneDecays[unityBone];

                 *      calculate the force decay based on the overall fall decay and the bone profile's
                 *      fall force decay curve
                float forceDecay = Mathf.Clamp01(profile.boneData[unityBone].fallForceDecay.Evaluate(fallDecayCurveSample));

                //subtract manual decay
                forceDecay = Mathf.Clamp01(forceDecay - boneDecay);

                // if we're flipped to extremely, stop trying to follow anim
                // makes it look like it's 'gliding' forward in superman stance
                if (dot < profile.loseFollowDot)
                    forceDecay = 0;

                // if we're still using some force to follow
                if (forceDecay != 0)
                    Vector3 animVelocity = animationVelocityTrackers[i].velocity;

                     *      if animation velocity is below threshold magnitude, add some gravity to it
                    if (animVelocity.sqrMagnitude < maxVelocityForGravityAdd2)
                        animVelocity.y = Physics.gravity.y * deltaTime;

                     *      if bone decay was manually set to make room for external velocities,
                     *      use the most extreme component of each vector as the "target animated" velocity
                    if (boneDecay != 0)
                        animVelocity = MaxAbs(ragdollBoneVelocty, animVelocity);

                    // set the velocity on the ragdoll rigidbody (based on the force decay)
                    bone.rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.Lerp(ragdollBoneVelocty, animVelocity, forceDecay);

                if (i != 0)
                     *      calculate the force decay based on the overall fall decay and the bone profile's
                     *      fall force decay curve
                    float torqueDecay = Mathf.Clamp01(profile.boneData[unityBone].fallTorqueDecay.Evaluate(fallDecayCurveSample));

                    //subtract manual decay
                    torqueDecay = Mathf.Clamp01(torqueDecay - boneDecay);

                     *      handle joints target for the ragdoll joints
                    HandleJointFollow(bone, profile.maxTorque * torqueDecay, i);

		static void AddRigidBody( HumanBodyBones bone, Rigidbody rigidbody, object[] args )
			rigidbody.useGravity = false;
			rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public extern Transform GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones humanBoneId);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Anchors the mount point to the specified bone, essencially making
        /// this mount point a child of the bone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rBoneName">Bone name to anchor to or empty string to anchor to the root</param>
        public void AnchorTo(HumanBodyBones rHumanBodyBoneID)
            if (rHumanBodyBoneID < 0) { return; }
            if (rHumanBodyBoneID > HumanBodyBones.LastBone) { return; }

            _BoneName = "";
            Transform lParentTransform = _Owner.transform;

            if (_Anchor == null) { _Anchor = new GameObject(); }

            Animator lAnimator = _Owner.GetComponent<Animator>();
            if (lAnimator != null)
                lParentTransform = lAnimator.GetBoneTransform(rHumanBodyBoneID);
                if (lParentTransform != null)
                    _BoneName = MountPoints.GetHumanBodyBoneName(rHumanBodyBoneID);

            // Parent the mount point to this new transform. We don't
            // change it's position or rotation since we may need an offset.
            _Anchor.transform.parent = lParentTransform;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 internal void SetBoneLocalRotationInternal(HumanBodyBones humanBoneId, Quaternion rotation)
     Animator.INTERNAL_CALL_SetBoneLocalRotationInternal(this, humanBoneId, ref rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 38
    // is soccerball close enough to Limb
    public bool CloseEnough(Vector3 SoccerballPosition, string Limb, float MixDis = 0.1f)
        HumanBodyBones[] RightHandArray = new HumanBodyBones[]

        HumanBodyBones[] LeftHandArray = new HumanBodyBones[]

        HumanBodyBones[] RightFootArray = new HumanBodyBones[]

        HumanBodyBones[] LeftFootArray = new HumanBodyBones[] {

        HumanBodyBones[] Array;
        if (Limb.Equals("左手"))
            Array = LeftHandArray;
        else if (Limb.Equals("右手"))
            Array = RightHandArray;
        else if (Limb.Equals("左脚"))
            Array = LeftFootArray;
            Array = RightFootArray;

        foreach (HumanBodyBones point in Array)
            Vector3 position    = _Animator.GetBoneTransform(point).position;
            float   disance_now = (position - SoccerballPosition).sqrMagnitude;
            if (disance_now < MixDis)

Ejemplo n.º 39
 private void SetupIKLimbHandle(ref FullBodyIKJob.IKLimbHandle handle, HumanBodyBones top, HumanBodyBones middle, HumanBodyBones end)
     handle.top    = m_Animator.BindStreamTransform(m_Animator.GetBoneTransform(top));
     handle.middle = m_Animator.BindStreamTransform(m_Animator.GetBoneTransform(middle));
     handle.end    = m_Animator.BindStreamTransform(m_Animator.GetBoneTransform(end));
Ejemplo n.º 40
		public Transform GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones humanBoneId){}
        // remove bone line by animator
        //static NSH.OnRemoveBoneComponent<BoneLine>	delegate_remove_bone_line = new NSH.OnRemoveBoneComponent<BoneLine>( RemoveBoneLine );

        static void RemoveBoneLine(HumanBodyBones bone, BoneLine bone_line, params object[] args)
 public void Add(HumanBodyBones key, HumanBodyBones parentKey, Vector3 headPosition, Quaternion headRotation)
     Add(key, _Skeleton[parentKey], headPosition, headRotation);
Ejemplo n.º 43
    private bool GetModelBoneLength(Animator animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones baseJoint, HumanBodyBones endJoint, ref float length)
        length = 0f;

            Transform joint1 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(baseJoint);
            Transform joint2 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(endJoint);

            if(joint1 && joint2)
                length = (joint2.position - joint1.position).magnitude;
                return true;

        return false;
 public void UpdateRotation(HumanBodyBones key, Quaternion localRotation)
     _Skeleton[key].localRotation = localRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        static void DrawBoneProfileNeighbors(SerializedProperty neighborsProp, Rect position, HumanBodyBones baseBone)
            if (GUI.Button(position, new GUIContent("Neighbors", "Define which bones count as neighbors for other bones (for the bone decay system)"), EditorStyles.miniButton))
                int neighborsLength = neighborsProp.arraySize;
                System.Func <HumanBodyBones, bool> containsBone = (b) => {
                    int bi = (int)b;
                    for (int i = 0; i < neighborsLength; i++)
                        if (neighborsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).enumValueIndex == bi)
                System.Func <HumanBodyBones, int> indexOf = (b) => {
                    int bi = (int)b;
                    for (int i = 0; i < neighborsLength; i++)
                        if (neighborsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).enumValueIndex == bi)

                System.Action <HumanBodyBones> removeBone = (b) => { neighborsProp.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(indexOf(b)); };

                System.Action <HumanBodyBones> addBone = (b) => {
                    neighborsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(neighborsLength).enumValueIndex = (int)b;

                GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
                for (int i = 0; i < Ragdoll.bonesCount; i++)
                    HumanBodyBones hb = Ragdoll.humanBones[i];
                    if (hb == baseBone)

                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(hb.ToString()), containsBone(hb),
                                 (b) => {
                        HumanBodyBones hb2 = (HumanBodyBones)b;
                        if (containsBone(hb2))
                    }, hb);

                // display the menu
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public static VRMBone FromHumanBodyBone(this HumanBodyBones human)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public Segment(Animator animator, HumanBodyBones bone1, HumanBodyBones bone2)
     _joint1 = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone1);
     _joint2 = animator.GetBoneTransform(bone2);
     _length = (_joint1.position - _joint2.position).magnitude;
	static void SetScale( Animator animator, HumanBodyBones bone, float size, float referenceSize )
		Transform t = animator.GetBoneTransform( bone );
		if( t != null && bone <= HumanBodyBones.Jaw )
			float ratio = size / referenceSize;
			Vector3 newScale = new Vector3( ratio, ratio, ratio );
			newScale.Scale( new Vector3( 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.x, 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.y, 1.0f / t.parent.lossyScale.z ) );
			if( ValidateVector3( newScale ) )
				t.localScale = newScale;
//			for( int i = 0; i < t.childCount; ++i )
//			{
//				t.GetChild( i ).localScale = new Vector3( 1.0f / t.lossyScale.x, 1.0f / t.lossyScale.y, 1.0f / t.lossyScale.z );
//			}
			//Debug.Log( string.Format( "bone {0} reference {1} received {2} ratio {3}", bone, referenceSize, size, newScale.x ) );