/// <summary>
        /// The code which will run in a new thread after the game start time has passed in order
        /// to updated a started game to a PLAYING game state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The Game being updated</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The HubInterface used to to send live updates to users.</param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait">The number of milliseconds to sleep before the thread starts.</param>
        private static void Run_GameInPlayingState(Game game, int timeToWait, HubInterface hubInterface)
            //Sleep the thread until the game has reached the playing state

            //Get the updated game record
            GameDAL         gameDAL      = new GameDAL();
            Response <Game> gameResponse = gameDAL.GetGameByID(game.GameID);

            if (!gameResponse.IsSuccessful())

            //Confirm the game is in a starting state and the start time has elapsed
            if (gameResponse.Data.GameState != "STARTING")
            if (gameResponse.Data.StartTime.Value > DateTime.Now)

            Response response = gameDAL.SetGameState(game.GameID, "PLAYING");

            //Send updates to clients that the game has now officially begun
            if (response.IsSuccessful())
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult <Response> RemoveUnverifiedPlayer([FromForm] int playerID, [FromForm] int playerIDToRemove)
                //Create the player submitting the request
                Player playerMakingRequest = new Player(playerID);

                //Create the player to remove
                Player playerToRemove = new Player(playerIDToRemove);

                //Remove the unverified player
                Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().RemoveUnverifiedPlayer(playerMakingRequest, playerToRemove);

                //if the response was successful call the hub interface to update the clients
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);

                return(new Response(response.ErrorMessage, response.ErrorCode));
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response <int>(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult <Response <Game> > BeginGame([FromHeader] int playerID)
                //Create the player object and begin the game.
                Player          hostPlayer = new Player(playerID);
                Response <Game> response   = new GameDAL().BeginGame(hostPlayer);

                //If the response is successful schedule code to run to update the GameState after the time periods have passed
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);
                    ScheduledTasks.ScheduleGameInPlayingState(response.Data, hubInterface);
                    ScheduledTasks.ScheduleCompleteGame(response.Data, hubInterface);

                    //Update all clients that the game is now in a starting state and the game will be playing soon
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response <Game>(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
        /// <summary>
        /// Schedules a player to be re-enabled after a certain period of time after they have been disabled
        /// after being disabled for taking a photo outside of the playing zone in a BR game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player being re-enabled</param>
        /// <param name="totalMillisecondsDisabled">The number of milliseconds to wait for the thread to start.</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The Hub interface which will be used to send notifications / updates</param>
        public static void BR_SchedulePlayerReEnabled(Player player, HubInterface hubInterface, int totalMillisecondsDisabled)
            int timeToWait = totalMillisecondsDisabled;

            //Start the Method in a new thread
            Thread SchedulePlayerReEnabled = new Thread(
                () => Run_RenablePlayer(player, timeToWait, hubInterface)

        /// <summary>
        /// Schedules code to run in a new thread which will run after the FinishVotingTime has passed.
        /// The method checks to see if all players have voted on the image and if not, will
        /// update the image to be successful and make all votes a success. Then send out notifications
        /// to the affected players.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uploadedPhoto">The photo which was uploaded and being checked if voting has been completed.</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The Hub interface which will be used to send notifications / updates</param>
        public static void ScheduleCheckPhotoVotingCompleted(Photo uploadedPhoto, HubInterface hubInterface)
            //Get how long to wait for the task to run
            int timeToWait = GetTimeToWait(uploadedPhoto.VotingFinishTime);

            //Start the Method in a new thread
            Thread ScheduleReplenishAmmoThread = new Thread(
                () => Run_CheckPhotoVotingCompleted(uploadedPhoto, timeToWait, hubInterface)

        /// <summary>
        /// Schedules code to run in a new thread after the ammo replenish time has passed in order
        /// to increment the players ammo count.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerID">The ID of the player being updated.</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The HubInterface used to to send live updates to users.</param>
        public static void ScheduleReplenishAmmo(Player player, HubInterface hubInterface)
            //Get how long to wait for the task to run
            int timeToWait = GetTimeToWait(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(player.Game.ReplenishAmmoDelay));

            //Start the Method in a new thread
            Thread ScheduleReplenishAmmoThread = new Thread(
                () => Run_ReplenishAmmo(player, timeToWait, hubInterface)

        /// <summary>
        /// Schedules code to run in a new thread after the game finish time has passed in order
        /// to updated the game record to COMPLETED.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The Game being updated</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The HubInterface used to to send live updates to users.</param>
        public static void ScheduleCompleteGame(Game game, HubInterface hubInterface)
            //Get how long to wait for the task to run
            int timeToWait = GetTimeToWait(game.EndTime.Value);

            //Start the Method in a new thread
            Thread ScheduleCompleteGameThread = new Thread(
                () => Run_CompleteGame(game, timeToWait, hubInterface)

        /// <summary>
        /// The code which will run in a new thread after the ammo replenish time has passed in order
        /// to increment the players ammo count.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerID">The ID of the player being updated.</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The HubInterface used to to send live updates to users.</param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait">The number of milliseconds to sleep before the thread starts.</param>
        private static void Run_ReplenishAmmo(Player player, int timeToWait, HubInterface hubInterface)

            //Call the DataAccessLayer to increment the ammo count in the database
            PlayerDAL         playerDAL = new PlayerDAL();
            Response <Player> response  = playerDAL.ReplenishAmmo(player);

            if (response.IsSuccessful())
                //As the ammo has replenished, send out a notification and update client.
        /// <summary>
        /// The code which will run in a new thread after the game finish time has passed in order
        /// to updated the game record to COMPLETED.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The Game being updated</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The HubInterface used to to send live updates to users.</param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait">The number of milliseconds to sleep before the thread starts.</param>
        private static void Run_CompleteGame(Game game, int timeToWait, HubInterface hubInterface)

            //Call the DataAccessLayer to complete the game in the DB
            GameDAL  gameDAL  = new GameDAL();
            Response response = gameDAL.CompleteGame(game.GameID);

            //If the response was successful send out the game completed messages to players
            if (response.IsSuccessful())
                hubInterface.UpdateGameCompleted(game, false);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult <Response> Upload(PhotoUploadRequest request)
                //Build the photo object
                Photo uploadedPhoto = new Photo(request.latitude, request.longitude, request.imgUrl, request.takenByID, request.photoOfID);

                //Get the player object from the database
                Response <Player> getPlayerResponse = new PlayerDAL().GetPlayerByID(uploadedPhoto.TakenByPlayerID);
                if (!getPlayerResponse.IsSuccessful())
                    return(new Response(getPlayerResponse.ErrorMessage, getPlayerResponse.ErrorCode));

                Response <Photo> response;

                //Call the BR Upload business logic if the player is a BR player
                if (getPlayerResponse.Data.IsBRPlayer())
                    response = new PhotoDAL().SavePhoto(uploadedPhoto, true);

                //Otherwise, call the CORE business logic
                    response = new PhotoDAL().SavePhoto(uploadedPhoto, false);

                //If the response is successful we want to send live updates to clients and
                //email or text message notifications to not connected players
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);
                    ScheduledTasks.ScheduleCheckPhotoVotingCompleted(response.Data, hubInterface);
                return(new Response(response.ErrorMessage, response.ErrorCode));
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for the UseAmmo request, processes the CORE gamemode business logic for using a players ammo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player who is using the ammo</param>
        /// <returns>The updated player object outlining the new ammo count.</returns>
        private Response <Player> CORE_UseAmmoLogic(Player player)
            Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().UseAmmo(player);

            //If the response was successful schedule code to run in order to replenish the players ammo
            if (response.IsSuccessful())
                HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);
                ScheduledTasks.ScheduleReplenishAmmo(response.Data, hubInterface);

                //Compress the player object before sending back over the network
                response.Data.Compress(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// The code which will run after the disabled time has elapsed and the player will be re-enabled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait"></param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface"></param>
        private static void Run_RenablePlayer(Player player, int timeToWait, HubInterface hubInterface)
            //Wait for the specified time

            //Renable the player
            Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().BR_DisableOrRenablePlayer(player, 0);

            if (!response.IsSuccessful())

            //Call the hub to send an update that the player has now been re-enabled
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for the UseAmmo request, processes the BR gamemode businesss logic.
        /// Will confirm the player is within the playing radius, if not will disable the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">The player who is using the ammo</param>
        /// <param name="latitude">The latitude of the player.</param>
        /// <param name="longitude">The longitude of the player.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ActionResult <Response <Player> > BR_UseAmmoLogic(Player player, double latitude, double longitude)
            //Decrement the players ammo
            Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().UseAmmo(player);

            if (!response.IsSuccessful())

            player = response.Data;
            HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);

            //If the player is not within the zone disable the player
            if (!player.Game.IsInZone(latitude, longitude))
                //Calculate the the number of minutes the player will be disabled for
                int totalMinutesDisabled      = player.Game.CalculateDisabledTime();
                int totalMillisecondsDisabled = totalMinutesDisabled * 60 * 1000;

                //Disable the player
                response = new PlayerDAL().BR_DisableOrRenablePlayer(player, totalMinutesDisabled);
                if (!response.IsSuccessful())

                player = response.Data;

                //Call the hub to update the client that they are now disabled
                hubInterface.BR_UpdatePlayerDisabled(player, totalMinutesDisabled);

                //Schedule the player to be re-enabled
                ScheduledTasks.BR_SchedulePlayerReEnabled(player, hubInterface, totalMillisecondsDisabled);

                //Set the error code and message to indicate to the client that the player is now disabled.
                response.ErrorMessage = "Not inside the zone.";
                response.ErrorCode    = ErrorCodes.BR_NOTINZONE;

            //Schedule the ammo to be replenished
            ScheduledTasks.ScheduleReplenishAmmo(player, hubInterface);

            //Compress the player object before sending back over the network
            response.Data.Compress(true, true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult <Response> VoteOnPhoto([FromHeader] int playerID, [FromHeader] int voteID, [FromForm] string decision)
                //Get the player object from the database
                Response <Player> getPlayerResponse = new PlayerDAL().GetPlayerByID(playerID);
                if (!getPlayerResponse.IsSuccessful())
                    return(new Response(getPlayerResponse.ErrorMessage, getPlayerResponse.ErrorCode));

                Vote            vote = new Vote(voteID, decision, playerID);
                Response <Vote> response;

                //Vote on the photo
                response = new PhotoDAL().VoteOnPhoto(vote, getPlayerResponse.Data.IsBRPlayer());
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    //If the response's data is NULL that means the game is now completed for a BR game. Send live updates to complete the game
                    if (response.Data == null)
                        HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);
                        hubInterface.UpdateGameCompleted(getPlayerResponse.Data.Game, false);

                    //If the Photo's voting has now been completed send the notifications / updates
                    else if (response.Data.Photo.IsVotingComplete)
                        HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);
                return(new Response(response.ErrorMessage, response.ErrorCode));
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult <Response <Player> > JoinGame(JoinGameRequest request)
                //Create the player object who will be joining the game
                Player playerToJoin = new Player(request.nickname, request.imgUrl, request.contact);
                Game   gameToJoin   = new Game(request.gameCode);

                //Generate a verification code
                int verificationCode = Player.GenerateVerificationCode();

                //Call the data access layer to add the player to the database
                Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().JoinGame(gameToJoin, playerToJoin, verificationCode);

                //If the response was successful, send the verification code to the player and update the lobby list
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    string message = "Your CamTag verification code is: " + verificationCode;
                    string subject = "CamTag Verification Code";
                    response.Data.ReceiveMessage(message, subject);

                    //Call the hub interface to invoke client methods to update the clients that another player has joined
                    HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);

                    //Compress the player data before sending back over the network
                    response.Data.Compress(true, true, true);
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response <Player>(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult <Response> VerifyPlayer([FromForm] string verificationCode, [FromHeader] int playerID)
                Player playerToVerify = new Player(playerID);

                //Confirm the verification code is valid and return an error response if the verification code is invalid
                int code = Player.ValidateVerificationCode(verificationCode);
                if (code == -1)
                    return(new Response("The verification code is invalid. Must be an INT between 10000 and 99999.", ErrorCodes.DATA_INVALID));

                //Call the data access layer to confirm the verification code is correct.
                Response <Player> response = new PlayerDAL().ValidateVerificationCode(code, playerToVerify);

                //If the player was successfully verified, updated all the clients about a joined player.
                if (response.IsSuccessful())
                    HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);

            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult <Response> LeaveGame([FromHeader] int playerID)
                Player player = new Player(playerID);

                //Get the player who is leaving the game
                PlayerDAL         playerDAL         = new PlayerDAL();
                Response <Player> getPlayerResponse = playerDAL.GetPlayerByID(playerID);
                if (!getPlayerResponse.IsSuccessful())
                    return(new Response(getPlayerResponse.ErrorMessage, getPlayerResponse.ErrorCode));

                player = getPlayerResponse.Data;

                //Create the hub interface which will be used to send live updates to clients
                HubInterface hubInterface = new HubInterface(_hubContext);

                //If the player leaving the game is the host and the game is currently in the lobby kick all other players from the game
                //because only the host player can begin the game
                if (player.IsHost && player.Game.IsInLobby())
                    Response endLobbyResponse = new GameDAL().EndLobby(player.Game);

                    //If successfully kicked all players from the game send live updates to clients that they have been removed from the lobby
                    if (endLobbyResponse.IsSuccessful())

                    //Return and leave the method because there is nothing else to process at this point

                //Call the data access layer to remove the player from the game.
                bool isGameComplete   = false;
                bool isPhotosComplete = false;
                Response <List <Photo> > leaveGameResponse = playerDAL.LeaveGame(player, ref isGameComplete, ref isPhotosComplete);

                //Return the error response if an error occurred
                if (!leaveGameResponse.IsSuccessful())
                    return(new Response(leaveGameResponse.ErrorMessage, leaveGameResponse.ErrorCode));

                //Call the hub method to send out notifications to players that the game is now complete
                if (isGameComplete)
                    hubInterface.UpdateGameCompleted(player.Game, true);

                //Otherwise, if the photo list is not empty then photos have been completed and need to send out updates
                else if (isPhotosComplete)
                    foreach (var photo in leaveGameResponse.Data)

                //If the game is not completed send out the player left notification
                if (!isGameComplete)

                return(new Response(leaveGameResponse.ErrorMessage, leaveGameResponse.ErrorCode));
            //Catch any error associated with invalid model data
            catch (InvalidModelException e)
                return(new Response(e.Msg, e.Code));
            //Catch any unhandled / unexpected server errrors
        /// <summary>
        /// The code which will run in a new thread after the FinishVotingTime has passed.
        /// The method checks to see if all players have voted on the image and if not, will
        /// update the image to be successful and make all votes a success. Then send out notifications
        /// to the affected players.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uploadedPhoto">The photo which was uploaded and being checked if voting has been completed.</param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait">The number of milliseconds to wait for the thread to start.</param>
        /// <param name="hubInterface">The Hub interface which will be used to send notifications / updates</param>
        private static void Run_CheckPhotoVotingCompleted(Photo uploadedPhoto, int timeToWait, HubInterface hubContext)
            //Wait for the specified time

            //Get the updated photo record from the database
            Photo photo = new PhotoDAL().GetPhotoByID(uploadedPhoto.PhotoID);

            if (photo == null)

            //Confirm the game the photo is apart of is not completed, if completed leave the method
            if (photo.Game.IsCompleted())

            //Check to see if the voting has been completed for the photo.
            //If the voting has been completed exit the method
            if (photo.IsVotingComplete)

            //Otherwise, the game is not completed and the photo has not been successfully voted on by all players

            //Call the Data Access Layer to update the photo record to now be completed.
            PhotoDAL         photoDAL = new PhotoDAL();
            Response <Photo> response = photoDAL.VotingTimeExpired(photo.PhotoID, photo.TakenByPlayer.IsBRPlayer());

            //If the update was successful then send out the notifications to the affected players
            //Will send out in game notifications and text/email notifications
            if (response.IsSuccessful())
                //If the response's data is NULL that means the game is now completed. Send live updates to complete the game
                if (response.Data == null)
                    hubContext.UpdateGameCompleted(photo.Game, false);

                //Otherwise, update the players that voting has been completed