public ClientCredentialsResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
     base(response, ResponseType.Json)
     ClientId     = _responseJson.GetNamedString("client_id");
     ClientSecret = _responseJson.GetNamedString("client_secret");
     Expiration   = (long)_responseJson.GetNamedNumber("client_expiration");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static TextResponse ToMASResponse(HttpTextResponse response)
            var masResponse = new TextResponse()
                Headers      = new ReadonlyPropertyCollection(response.Headers),
                IsSuccessful = response.IsSuccessful,
                StatusCode   = response.StatusCode,
                Text         = response.Text

        public RequestTokenResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
            base(response, ResponseType.Json)
            AccessToken  = _responseJson.GetNamedString("access_token");
            TokenType    = _responseJson.GetNamedString("token_type");
            ExpiresIn    = (int)_responseJson.GetNamedNumber("expires_in");
            RefreshToken = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("refresh_token");
            Scope        = _responseJson.GetNamedString("scope");

            IdToken     = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("id_token");
            IdTokenType = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("id_token_type");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public JsonHttpResponseValidation(HttpTextResponse response)
            if (response == null)
                throw AssertionExceptionFactory.Create("Expected response to be an instance, but got NULL.");

            if (response.ContentType != "application/json")
                throw AssertionExceptionFactory.CreateForResponse(response, "Expected response content type to be '{0}', but got '{1}'.", NullString.IfNull(response.ContentType));

            Response = response;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public AuthorizationProvidersResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
            base(response, ResponseType.Json)
            // TODO not supported yet

            // Sample response below
//          {
//              "idp": "all",
//              "providers": [
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "facebook",
//                          "auth_url": ""
//                      }
//                  },
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "google",
//                          "auth_url": ""
//                      }
//                  },
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "salesforce",
//                          "auth_url": ""
//                      }
//                  },
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "linkedin",
//                          "auth_url": ""
//                      }
//                  },
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "enterprise",
//                          "auth_url": ""
//                      }
//                  },
//                  {
//                      "provider": {
//                          "id": "qrcode",
//                          "auth_url": "",
//                          "poll_url": ""
//                      }
//                  }
//              ]
//          }
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public UserInfoResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
            base(response, ResponseType.Json)
            Sub  = _responseJson.GetNamedString("sub");
            Name = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("name");
            if (Name == null)
                Name = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("given_name");
            FamilyName        = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("family_name");
            Nickname          = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("nickname");
            PerferredUsername = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("preferred_username");
            Email             = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("email");
            Phone             = _responseJson.GetStringOrNull("phone");

            var addressObj = _responseJson.GetNamedObject("address");

            if (addressObj != null)
                Address = new AddressResponseData(addressObj);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public RegisterResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
            base(response, ResponseType.PlainText)
            Certificate = response.Text;

            string deviceId;

            if (response.Headers.TryGetValue("device-identifier", out deviceId))
                DeviceIdentifier = deviceId;
            else if (response.Headers.TryGetValue("mag-identifier", out deviceId))
                DeviceIdentifier = deviceId;

            string deviceStatus;

            if (response.Headers.TryGetValue("device-status", out deviceStatus))
                DeviceStatus = deviceStatus;
 public UnregisterResponseData(HttpTextResponse response) :
     base(response, ResponseType.Json)
 internal InfluxDbClientException(HttpTextResponse response, string reason = null)
     : this(response.RequestMethod, response.StatusCode, response.RequestUri, reason ?? response.Reason, response.Content)
 { }
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private ErrorResult GetErrorResult(HttpTextResponse response)
     var errorResponse = Requester.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<InfluxDbErrorResponse>(response.Content);
     var errorResult = errorResponse?.Results.FirstOrDefault();
     return errorResult;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected virtual void EnsureSuccessful(HttpTextResponse response)
            if (!response.IsSuccess)
                throw new InfluxDbClientException(response);

            //InfluxDB reports 204 for awesomeness and 200 for "I understood the request, but something might have failed".
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)

            var errorResult = GetErrorResult(response);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorResult?.Error))
                throw new InfluxDbClientException(response, errorResult.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected virtual void EnsureSuccessfulRead(HttpTextResponse response)
     if (!response.IsSuccess)
         throw new InfluxDbClientException(response);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static HttpTextResponse TheResponse(this HttpTextResponse response, Action <HttpTextResponseValidation> should)
            should(new HttpTextResponseValidation(response));
