Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ReadToMatch()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            StringReader   sr;

            // Found
            input  = "abcabc-->  ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("abcabc", reader.ReadTo("-->"));
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', sr.Read());

            // Not found
            input  = "abcabc--  ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("abcabc--  ", reader.ReadTo("-->"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, sr.Read());

            // Found with multiple matches
            input  = "abcabc---->";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("abcabc--", reader.ReadTo("-->"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, sr.Read());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task TestGetTextReaderAsync_ForEncoding(string url, string expectedTitle, ClientOptions options = null)
            ClientOptions optionsToUse = options == null ? HtmlClient.Options : options;
            XmlDocument   doc1         = new XmlDocument();

            System.Text.Encoding initialEncoding   = null;
            EncodingConfidence   initialConfidence = EncodingConfidence.Tentative;

            System.Text.Encoding finalEncoding   = null;
            EncodingConfidence   finalConfidence = EncodingConfidence.Tentative;

            // Get the Html asynchronously and Parse it into an Xml Document
            using (HtmlTextReader textReader = await HtmlClient.GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(url, optionsToUse)) {
                initialEncoding   = textReader.CurrentEncoding;
                initialConfidence = textReader.CurrentEncodingConfidence;

                HtmlParser.DefaultParser.Parse(doc1, textReader, new ParserOptions {
                    BaseUrl = url

                finalEncoding   = textReader.CurrentEncoding;
                finalConfidence = textReader.CurrentEncodingConfidence;

            string title1 = doc1.SelectSingleNode("//title/text()").InnerText;

            Console.WriteLine("Crawled: " + url + ", title: " + title1 + ", default: " + optionsToUse.DefaultEncoding.WebName + " (detect=" + optionsToUse.DetectEncoding + "), inital: " + initialEncoding.WebName + " (" + initialConfidence + "), final: " + finalEncoding.WebName + " (" + finalConfidence + ")");

            // Compare the titles of the pages to see if the encoding is picking up consistently between
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTitle, title1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal static KeyValuePair <string, ParseState>[] ReadAll(HtmlTextReader reader)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, ParseState> > toks = new List <KeyValuePair <string, ParseState> >();

            while (reader.ParseState != ParseState.Done)
                toks.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, ParseState>(reader.ReadNext(), reader.ParseState));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <XmlDocument> LoadXHtmlDocAsync(string url)
            XmlDocument xhtmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Get the Html asynchronously and Parse it into an Xml Document
            using (HtmlTextReader htmlReader = await HtmlClient.GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(url))
                this.Parser.Parse(xhtmlDoc, htmlReader, new ParserOptions {
                    BaseUrl = url

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a TextReader that detects the underlying stream's endoding. Allows clients to stream the
        /// retured content using a TextReader. This method is similar in purpose to GetStreamAsync, however, GetStreamAsync
        /// doesn't detect the Stream's encoding as GetStringAsync does.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpClient"></param>
        public static async Task <HtmlTextReader> GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(string url, ClientOptions options)
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            ClientOptions  optionsToUse = options == null ? HtmlClient.Options : options;
            Uri            uri          = new Uri(url);

            // See if the url pointed to a file. If so, return a reader with a file stream
            // under the hood.
            if (uri.IsFile)
                FileStream fs     = File.OpenRead(uri.AbsolutePath);
                HtmlStream stream = new HtmlStream(fs);
                reader = new HtmlTextReader(stream, options.DefaultEncoding, EncodingConfidence.Tentative);
                reader.OriginatingUrl = url;

            // Set a user agent if one was specified
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionsToUse.UserAgent))
                HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", optionsToUse.UserAgent);

            // Get the Http response (only read the headers at this point) and ensure succes
            HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await HttpClient.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // If there is no content to return, return an empty HtmlTextReader
            HttpContent content = responseMessage.Content;

            if (content == null)
                reader = new HtmlTextReader(String.Empty);
                reader = await content.GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(optionsToUse.DefaultEncoding, optionsToUse.DetectEncoding);

            // Store some metadata on the reader. Could be used by a parser.
            reader.OriginatingUrl = url;
            foreach (var header in content.Headers)
                reader.OriginatingHttpHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(header.Key, string.Join(";", header.Value)));

Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the reader is positioned on a node that has a bgColor="#ff99cb" attribute.
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsBgColorFF99CB(HtmlTextReader reader)
     if (reader.HasAttributes)
         for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)
             if (String.Compare("bgColor", reader.GetAttributeName(i), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
                 String.Compare("#ff99cb", reader.GetAttributeValue(i).ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ReadAttrName()
            string         input;
            StringReader   sr;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            string         output;

            // no whitespace
            input  = "class='red' ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeName();
            Assert.AreEqual("class", output);
            Assert.AreEqual('=', (char)reader.Peek());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeValue, reader.ParseState);

            // whitespace
            input  = "   class='red' ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeName();
            Assert.AreEqual("class", output);
            Assert.AreEqual('=', (char)reader.Peek());

            // whitespace
            input  = "   class   = 'red' ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeName();
            Assert.AreEqual("class", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', (char)reader.Peek());

            // whitespace
            input  = "   class   = \"red\" ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeName();
            Assert.AreEqual("class", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', (char)reader.Peek());

            // missing attr. the rest is val
            input  = "   =red foo=bar ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeName();
            Assert.AreEqual("=red", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', (char)reader.Peek());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ReadText()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            string         output;

            // Text to a comment
            input  = "Hello Text<!-- a comment";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Text", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Comment, reader.ParseState);

            // Text to a comment with whitespace
            input  = "   Hello Text<!-- a comment";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("   Hello Text", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Comment, reader.ParseState);

            // Text to an open tag
            input  = "Hello Text<A>";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Text", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.OpenTag, reader.ParseState);

            // Text to an open tag (bad character for tag, so treated as text)
            input  = "Hello Text<1>";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Text<1>", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Done, reader.ParseState);

            // Text to a close tag
            input  = "Hello Text</A>";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Text", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.CloseTag, reader.ParseState);

            // Text to a close tag (bad char)
            input  = "Hello Text</_>";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadText();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello Text", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Comment, reader.ParseState);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static string ReadAllAttributes(string input)
            StringBuilder  output = new StringBuilder();
            StringReader   sr     = new StringReader(input);
            HtmlTextReader reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);

            while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                string name  = reader.ReadAttributeName();
                string value = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    output.Append(output.Length > 0 ? " " : "");
                    output.Append(name + "='" + value + "'");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void ReadNext()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            StringReader   sr;

            // Basic open close tag with text
            input  = " <a href='www.foobar.com'>Click me</a> ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);

            // Starts in text
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState);

            // There was no text, so should be empty
            Assert.AreEqual(" ", reader.ReadNext());

            // Open tag
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.OpenTag, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual("a", reader.ReadNext());

            // href
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeName, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual("href", reader.ReadNext());

            // www.foobar.com
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeValue, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual("www.foobar.com", reader.ReadNext());

            // Need to keep reading attributes until we get an empty one
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeName, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, reader.ReadNext());

            // Click me
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual("Click me", reader.ReadNext());

            // Close tag
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.CloseTag, reader.ParseState);
            Assert.AreEqual("a", reader.ReadNext());

            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <int> DownloadPageUsingGetAsTextReaderAsync(string url)
            using (HtmlTextReader reader = await HtmlClient.GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(url))
                int c         = 0;
                int charsRead = 0;
                while (true)
                    c = reader.BaseReader.Read();
                    if (c < 0)

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ReadScript()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            StringReader   sr;

            // Basic open close tag with text
            input  = "<Script type='javascript'> console.log('<a>some tag</a>') </script>";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.OpenTag, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("script", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeName, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("type", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeValue, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("javascript", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.AttributeName, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual(" console.log('<a>some tag</a>') ", reader.ReadRCData("script"));
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState); Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadNext());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Done, reader.ParseState);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the reader is positioned on an assessment item IMG tag and sets srcIndex to the index of the
 /// src attribute.
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsAITag(HtmlTextReader reader, out int srcIndex)
     if (reader.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element &&
         String.Compare(reader.Name, "img", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
         if (reader.HasAttributes)
             for (int i = 0; i < reader.AttributeCount; i++)
                 if (String.Compare("src", reader.GetAttributeName(i), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 &&
                     srcIndex = i;
     srcIndex = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static async Task <HtmlTextReader> GetHtmlTextReaderAsync(this HttpContent content, Encoding defaultEncoding, bool detectEncoding)
            // Try to get the stream's encoding from the Response Headers, or fall back on default.
            // We will also try to detect the encoding from the Byte Order Mark if there is no encoding supplied
            // by the headers. If both of these fail, the Parser should look for an encoding in the <meta> tags of
            // the html itself.
            Encoding encoding = defaultEncoding;

            // Try to detect the encoding from Http Headers
            bool gotEncodingFromHttpHeaders = false;

            if (detectEncoding)
                var    contentHeaders = content.Headers;
                string charset        = (contentHeaders.ContentType != null) ? contentHeaders.ContentType.CharSet : null;
                encoding = EncodingUtils.GetEncoding(charset);
                gotEncodingFromHttpHeaders = encoding != null;
                encoding = (encoding == null ? defaultEncoding : encoding);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Detected encoding: charset: " + charset + ", got encoding from headers: " + gotEncodingFromHttpHeaders);

            // Out of band encoding can be either passed in by clients, or found in the http headers...
            bool gotEncodingFromOutOfBandSource   = !detectEncoding || gotEncodingFromHttpHeaders;
            EncodingConfidence encodingConfidence = gotEncodingFromOutOfBandSource ? EncodingConfidence.Certain : EncodingConfidence.Tentative;

            // If encoding was NOT supplied out of band, then we will try to detect it from the stream's BOM
            bool tryToDetectEncodingFromByteOrderMark = (encodingConfidence == EncodingConfidence.Tentative);

            // Get the stream from the network
            Stream networkStream = await content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // If we are still tentative about the encoding, pop the stream into a wrapper that let's us re-wind.
            Stream baseStream = (encodingConfidence == EncodingConfidence.Tentative) ? new HtmlStream(networkStream) : networkStream;

            // Return a HtmlTextReader with the encoding as detected so far...
            HtmlTextReader htmlReader = new HtmlTextReader(baseStream, encoding, encodingConfidence);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the requested view into the output stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context within which to render the page.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When this method returns the <paramref name="context"/> OutputStream will contain
        /// the rendered file.
        /// <p>
        /// The following methods and properties must be return valid values from
        /// the <paramref name="context"/>:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>EmbeddedUiResourcePath, must be non-null</li>
        /// <li>FormElementId</li>
        /// <li>GetInputStream</li>
        /// <li>OutputStream</li>
        /// <li>View</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </p>
        /// <p>
        /// Additionally, if the following properties are set, they will be used:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>FormElementAction</li>
        /// <li>HiddenControls</li>
        /// <li>ScriptToRender</li>
        /// </ul>
        /// </p>
        /// All other properties on <paramref name="context"/> are ignored.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">The requested file attachment can't be found.</exception>
        public override void Render(RloRenderContext context)
            AIResources.Culture = LocalizationManager.GetCurrentCulture();

            // string is the key (which is AssessmentItem.Id_AssessmentItem.Type)
            // int is the ordinal (0 based) which is the number of times the key has been processed
            Dictionary <string, int> assessmentItems = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // The most common case is that the file is in the package
            Stream inputStream = null;

            AssessmentItemManager.DataModelContext = context;
            LearningDataModel learningDataModel = context.LearningDataModel;

                int srcIndex; // represents the index of the "src" attribute on an <img> node.
                // If this is the first time the page is being rendered, parse the page and determine
                // the interactions on the page.
                if (context.View == SessionView.Execute)
                    if (!GetPageHasBeenVisited(learningDataModel))
                        using (inputStream = context.GetInputStream())
                            // If the file being requested is the default file for the current activity,
                            if (context.IsResourceEntryPoint)
                                // find all the assessment items (<IMG> tags that contain the text "mslamrk" as part of the src attribute.)
                                using (HtmlTextReader reader = new HtmlTextReader(inputStream))
                                    while (reader.Read())
                                        if (IsAITag(reader, out srcIndex))
                                                AssessmentItem         ai       = AssessmentItem.Parse(reader.GetAttributeValue(srcIndex));
                                                AssessmentItemRenderer renderer = AssessmentItemManager.GetRenderer(ai);
                                            catch (FormatException)
                                                // skip this one.  This is mirrored below in the 2nd pass.

                // must get the input stream again since it may not be possible to seek back to the beginning
                using (inputStream = context.GetInputStream())
                    if (context.Response != null)
                        // Clear the output response

                    // If the file being requested is the default file for the current activity,
                    if (context.IsResourceEntryPoint)
                        if (context.View == SessionView.Execute)
                            // Set ExitMode to suspend so that when a student exits the activity it is left in a suspended state.
                            // This way if the activity is reactivated, the student's previous answers are intact.
                            learningDataModel.NavigationRequest.ExitMode = ExitMode.Suspended;

                        DetachableStream detachable = new DetachableStream(context.OutputStream);
                        // Parse through the input stream again, this time rendering into the output as we go.
                        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(detachable))
                            using (HtmlTextReader reader = new HtmlTextReader(inputStream))
                                while (reader.Read())
                                    if (IsAITag(reader, out srcIndex))
                                            AssessmentItem         ai       = AssessmentItem.Parse(reader.GetAttributeValue(srcIndex));
                                            AssessmentItemRenderer renderer = AssessmentItemManager.GetRenderer(ai);
                                            if (assessmentItems.ContainsKey(ai.RenderKey))
                                                assessmentItems[ai.RenderKey] += 1;
                                                assessmentItems.Add(ai.RenderKey, 0);
                                        catch (FormatException)
                                            // skip this one.  This is mirrored above in the 1st pass.
                                        HandleNode(reader, writer);
                            // don't allow closing the StreamWriter to close the context.OutputStream.

                        // set the response type
                        // for a non-entry-point file, copy the file directly to the output stream

            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                // This means the requested file is not in the package. That's not necessarily a problem, since it
                // may be a request for an attachment.

            // We got here because the file is not in the package. In that case, render it if it is a file attachment
            int beginAttachmentInfo = context.RelativePath.IndexOf("/~RLO/", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (beginAttachmentInfo != -1)
                // attachmentInfo should be of the form <interactionId>/<attachmentIndex>, so split it into the parts
                string attachmentInfo = context.RelativePath.Substring(beginAttachmentInfo + 6);

                RenderFileAttachment(context, attachmentInfo);
                // This means the requested file is not in the package, nor is it a request for an attachment.
                throw new FileNotFoundException(AIResources.FileNotFound);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns "true" if the reader's node is named the supplied name, case-insensitive.
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsNamed(HtmlTextReader reader, string name)
     return(0 == String.Compare(reader.Name, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void ReadComment()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            string         output;

            // Full comment
            input  = "--Hello comment--> asdfaf";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment", output);

            // Full comment
            input  = "--Hello \n\tcomment--> asdfaf";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello \n\tcomment", output);

            // Full comment
            input  = "--Hello -> comment--> asdfaf";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello -> comment", output);

            // Full comment
            input  = "--Hello - comment--> asdfaf";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello - comment", output);

            // Full comment
            input  = "--Hello -- comment--> asdfaf";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello -- comment", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "Hello comment";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "Hello comment>";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "Hello comment>   ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "Hello comment--";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment--", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "Hello comment-";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello comment-", output);

            // Basic
            input  = "-Hello comment->";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadComment();
            Assert.AreEqual("-Hello comment-", output);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests the RloHandler to do whatever is required to exit from the current activity.
        /// This request may only be issued when the session is in Execute view and is not active -- it is
        /// either Completed or Abandoned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context within which the command is processed</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method should only be called for the <c>SessionView.Execute</c> view.  However,
        /// no checks are done internally to verify this - if this is called with other views,
        /// unexpected results will occur.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void ProcessSessionEnd(RloDataModelContext context)
            LearningDataModel learningDataModel = context.LearningDataModel;

            // Set ExitMode to suspend so that when a student exits the activity it is left in a suspended state.
            // This way if the activity is reactivated, the student's previous answers are intact.
            learningDataModel.NavigationRequest.ExitMode = ExitMode.Suspended;
            // If the page has never been visited, "visit" it.
            if (!GetPageHasBeenVisited(learningDataModel))
                AssessmentItemManager.DataModelContext = context;
                // Get the input stream containing the primary file from the resource associated with the
                // current activity in the session.
                using (Stream inputStream = context.GetInputStream())
                    // find all the assessment items (<IMG> tags that contain the text "mslamrk" as part of the src attribute.)
                    using (HtmlTextReader reader = new HtmlTextReader(inputStream))
                        int srcIndex;
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if (IsAITag(reader, out srcIndex))
                                    AssessmentItem         ai       = AssessmentItem.Parse(reader.GetAttributeValue(srcIndex));
                                    AssessmentItemRenderer renderer = AssessmentItemManager.GetRenderer(ai);
                                catch (FormatException)
                                    // skip this one.
            // If the page has never been autograded, call ProcessSessionEnd on the form data processors
            if (!GetPageHasBeenAutograded(learningDataModel))
                AssessmentItemManager.ProcessFormContext = new RloProcessFormDataContext(SessionView.Execute, learningDataModel);
                float?totalPoints = null;
                foreach (Interaction interaction in learningDataModel.Interactions)
                    FormDataProcessor processor = m_assessmentItemMgr.GetFormDataProcessor(interaction);
                    // must check that processor is non null, since GetFormDataProcessor() can return null.
                    // If it is null, any item score associated with this interaction is not totalled into
                    // EvaluationPoints.
                    if (processor != null)
                        if (interaction.Evaluation.Points.HasValue)
                            if (totalPoints.HasValue)
                                totalPoints += interaction.Evaluation.Points;
                                totalPoints = interaction.Evaluation.Points;
                learningDataModel.EvaluationPoints = totalPoints;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ReadAttrNameAndVal()
            string         input;
            StringReader   sr;
            HtmlTextReader reader;

            input  = "class='red' ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            input  = "class = \"red\" ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            input  = "   class =red ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            input  = "   class =  red ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            input  = "   class =  'red' ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            // Make sure forward slashes are skipped in the right places...
            input  = " /class = /red ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("/red", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            // Make sure forward slashes are skipped in the right places...
            input  = " class/ = red ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadAttributeValue());
            Assert.AreEqual("=", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadAttributeValue());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual("", reader.ReadAttributeValue());

            // Make sure forward slashes are skipped in the right places...
            input  = " /class /= /red ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            Assert.AreEqual("class", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, reader.ReadAttributeValue());
            Assert.AreEqual("=", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, reader.ReadAttributeValue());
            Assert.AreEqual("red", reader.ReadAttributeName());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, reader.ReadAttributeValue());
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void ReadUnquotedAttribute()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            string         output;

            // no whitespace
            input  = "=abc";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Starting whitespace
            input  = "  =abc";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Starting whitespace
            input  = "  \t\n\r=abc";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Ending whitespace
            input  = "=abc  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Whitespace start and end
            input  = "  = abc  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Whitespace start and end
            input  = "  =\t\n\rabc \n\r";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Whitespace end tag in the middle. Ensure
            // we don't consume the char.
            input = "=  abc>def  ";
            StringReader sr = new StringReader(input);

            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);
            Assert.AreEqual('d', (char)reader.Peek());
            Assert.AreEqual(ParseState.Text, reader.ParseState);

            // Ensure we don't consume the last space.
            input  = "  =abcdef ";
            sr     = new StringReader(input);
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", output);
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', (char)reader.Peek());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void ReadQuotedAttribute()
            string         input;
            HtmlTextReader reader;
            string         output;

            // Ensure we parse to end of single quotes...
            input  = " ='abc'  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Ensure we parse to end of double quotes...
            input  = " =\"abc\"  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc", output);

            // Ignore double quotes in the middle
            input  = " ='abc\"def'  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc\"def", output);

            // Ignore end tag in the middle of quotes
            input  = " ='abc>def'  ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc>def", output);

            // Parse until end of string with open quote
            input  = "= 'abcdef ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef ", output);

            // Parse until end of string with open quote
            input  = "= \"abcdef ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef ", output);

            // Not checking whitespace inside quotes
            input  = " =\"abcdef ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef ", output);

            // Ignore single quotes in the middle of double quotes
            input  = " =\"abc'def\" ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc'def", output);

            // Ignore end tag in the middle of quotes
            input  = " =\"abc>def\" ";
            reader = new HtmlTextReader(new StringReader(input));
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abc>def", output);

            // Ensure we don't consume the >.
            input = "  ='abcdef'>";
            StringReader sr = new StringReader(input);

            reader = new HtmlTextReader(sr);
            output = reader.ReadAttributeValue();
            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef", output);
            Assert.AreEqual('>', (char)reader.Peek());
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Output the current node, or the changes required to the current node by the rendering code, to the writer.
        /// &lt;img&gt; nodes representing assessment items are handled elsewhere.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleNode(HtmlTextReader reader, StreamWriter writer)
            AIResources.Culture = LocalizationManager.GetCurrentCulture();

            RloRenderContext context = AssessmentItemManager.RenderContext;

            if (reader.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element)
                if (IsNamed(reader, "body"))
                    const string ecs        = " ECS_ViewType=\"{0}\" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 bottommargin=0 ";
                    const string form       = "<form NAME=\"{0}\" {1}METHOD=\"post\" ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" style=\"height:100%; width:100%; border:none; margin:0\">";
                    const string hidDetach  = "<INPUT Name=\"hidDetach\" TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" value=\"0\">";
                    StringWriter bodyWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string body = bodyWriter.ToString();
                    switch (context.View)
                    case SessionView.Execute:
                        // update the <body> to include ECS_ViewType attribute and margin attributes
                        body = body.Insert(5, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ecs, "2"));

                    case SessionView.RandomAccess:
                        // update the <body> to include ECS_ViewType attribute and margin attributes
                        body = body.Insert(5, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ecs, "6"));

                    case SessionView.Review:
                        // update the <body> to include ECS_ViewType attribute and margin attributes
                        body = body.Insert(5, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ecs, "4"));

                                               form, "frmPage", " "));

                    WriteFormHiddenControls(writer, context.FormHiddenControls);
                // if ShowReviewerInformation is false, check all table elements for a bgColor="#ff99cb"
                // and remove them from display.
                else if (!context.ShowReviewerInformation && IsNamed(reader, "table") && IsBgColorFF99CB(reader))
            else if (reader.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.EndElement)
                // insert a script section before the </head>
                if (IsNamed(reader, "head"))
                    switch (context.View)
                    case SessionView.Execute:

                    case SessionView.RandomAccess:
                        // Security issue, FormElementId must be javascript safe.
                        writer.Write(m_headGradingViewScript.Replace("<%=FormId%>", "frmPage"));

                    case SessionView.Review:
                else if (IsNamed(reader, "body"))
                    // insert any RloRenderContext.ScriptToRender and the </form> before the </body>
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ScriptToRender))