Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static HttpHandlerResult ExternalView(string name, object param)
            if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '\\')
                name = name.Replace("\\", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString());

            var filename = Path.GetFullPath(name);

            if (!File.Exists(filename))
                throw new ApplicationException($"External View '{filename}' could not be found!");

            string content;

            using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                    content = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var moustache = new HtmlEngine();

            content = moustache.Process(content, ToDictionary(param));

            return(new HttpHandlerResult {
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                StatusDescription = "OK.",
                Content = content,
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存Site文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=”FilePath”>路径</param>
        public static void SaveSiteMap(string FilePath)
            HtmlEngine save = new HtmlEngine();

            save.CreateFile(FilePath, GenerateSiteMapString());
            //System.IO.File.Write(FilePath, GenerateSiteMapString());//保存在指定目录下
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得一个文件的内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(string filename)
            string str  = "";
            string path = "/theme/system/" + filename;

            str = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成插件页面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pgconf"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="parentpath"></param>
        public static void CreatePluginPage(PluginConfig pgconf, string type, string parentpath)
            string WebPath   = Site.Instance.WebPath;
            string path      = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + type + "/page/" + parentpath;
            string filepath  = WebPath + "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + type + "/page/" + parentpath;
            string mediapath = "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + type;

            if (type == "admin")
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim()))
                    path      = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim() + "/page/" + parentpath;
                    filepath  = WebPath + "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim() + "/page/" + parentpath;
                    mediapath = "/plugin/" + pgconf.Assembly.ToLower() + "/systempage/" + RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim();
            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
            DirectoryInfo mydir = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            DirectoryInfo[] dirs = mydir.GetDirectories();
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
                CreatePluginPage(pgconf, type, parentpath + "/" + dir.Name);//递归全部文件夹
            FileInfo[] files    = mydir.GetFiles();
            string     content  = "";
            string     pagename = "";

            parentpath = parentpath.ToLower().Trim('/');

            string createpath = type;

            if (type == "admin")
                createpath = Site.Instance.AdminPath;
            else if (type == "supplier")
                createpath = Site.Instance.SupplierPath;
            //parentpath = parentpath.Substring(type.Length, parentpath.Length - type.Length);
            if (!Directory.Exists(System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/" + createpath))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/" + createpath);
            foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                pagename = f.Name.Replace(".html", ".aspx");
                pagename = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(WebPath + "/" + createpath + "/" + parentpath + "/" + pagename);
                content  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(filepath + "/" + f.Name);
                CreatAdminAspx(pagename, content, type, mediapath);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(Lebi_AdminSkin skin)
            string str  = "";
            string path = site.AdminPath + "/custom/skin/" + skin.Code + ".html";

            path = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(path);
            str  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static string AndroidPush(string token, string msg)
            //SystemLog.Add("AndroidPush: user_id=" + token + "&msg=" + msg +"");
            string url = RequestTool.GetConfigKey("AndroidPushAddress");

            url = url + "?user_id=" + token + "&msg=" + msg;
            string res = HtmlEngine.Get(url);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CreateSingleNewsTest2()
            HtmlEngine target = new HtmlEngine(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            int        newsId = 0;                // TODO: 初始化为适当的值

            string operateType = string.Empty;    // TODO: 初始化为适当的值

            target.CreateSingleNews(newsId, operateType);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static string GetHighlightedHtml(string definition, string source)
            var engine      = new HtmlEngine();
            var highlighter = new Highlighter(engine);
            var sourceHtml  = highlighter.Highlight(definition, source);

            sourceHtml = string.Format("<pre>{0}</pre>", sourceHtml);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(Lebi_Supplier_Skin skin)
            string str  = "";
            string path = skin.Path.TrimEnd('/') + "/index.html";

            path = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(path);
            str  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(Lebi_Theme theme, Lebi_Theme_Skin skin)
            string str  = "";
            string path = theme.Path_Files + "/" + skin.Path_Skin;

            path = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(path);
            str  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成后台|供应商文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">admin或supplier或前台文件夹名</param>
        /// <param name="parentpath"></param>
        public static string CreateAdmin(string type, string parentpath)
            string msg        = "";
            Site   site       = new Site();
            string content    = "";
            string createpath = type;

            if (type == "admin")
                createpath = site.AdminPath == "" ? "admin" : site.AdminPath;
            else if (type == "supplier")
                if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_gongyingshang"))
                createpath = site.SupplierPath == "" ? "supplier" : site.SupplierPath;
            else if (type == "front")
                createpath = "/";
                string path = "";
                path = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "theme/system/systempage/" + type + "/page/" + parentpath;
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                DirectoryInfo   mydir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                DirectoryInfo[] dirs  = mydir.GetDirectories();
                foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
                    CreateAdmin(type, parentpath + "/" + dir.Name);
                FileInfo[] files = mydir.GetFiles();
                foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                    content = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt("theme/system/systempage/" + type + "/page/" + parentpath + "/" + f.Name);
                    CreatAdminAspx(createpath + parentpath + "/" + f.Name.Replace(".html", ".aspx"), content, type, "");
                List <PluginConfig> plgs = Event.GetPluginConfig();
                foreach (PluginConfig plg in plgs)
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void CreateTemplatePageTest()
            HtmlEngine target     = new HtmlEngine(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            int        templateId = 63;               // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       expected   = false;            // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       actual;

            actual = target.CreateTemplatePage(templateId);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void CreateTemplatePageByChannelIdTest()
            HtmlEngine target    = new HtmlEngine(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            string     channelId = "001006";         // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       expected  = false;            // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       actual;

            actual = target.CreateTemplatePageByChannelId(channelId);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void GetTemplagePreviewTest()
            HtmlEngine target     = new HtmlEngine(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            int        templateId = 63;               // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            string     expected   = string.Empty;     // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            string     actual;

            actual = target.GetTemplagePreview(templateId, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取接口数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <param name="para"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string API(string action, string para)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            string str = HtmlEngine.Get(sb.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成域名绑定规则
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateURLRewrite_shop()
            HtmlEngine    save = new HtmlEngine();
            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sb1  = new StringBuilder();
            string        str  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt("httpd.ini");
            string        str1 = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(".htaccess");

            if (str == "")
            if (str1 == "")
                sb1.AppendLine("RewriteEngine On");
                sb1.AppendLine("RewriteCompatibility2 On");
                sb1.AppendLine("RepeatLimit 200");
            List <Lebi_Supplier> models = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetList("Domain!=''", "");

            if (models.Count == 0)
            //RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.shop0769.top$
            //RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.shop0769.com/shop/?id=11
            Lebi_Site site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel("1=1 order by Sort desc");

            if (site != null)
                foreach (Lebi_Supplier model in models)
                    //sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule //" + model.Domain + "(.*)$ /shop/?id=" + model.id + " [NC,N]");
                    //sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule //" + model.Domain + "/(.*) /$1/shop/?id=" + model.id + " [N,I]");

                    sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteCond Host ^" + model.Domain + "$");
                    sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule (.*) " + ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().HTTPServer + "://" + site.Domain + "/shop/?id=" + model.id + "$ [N,I]");

                    sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST} ^" + model.Domain + "$");
                    sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule ^(.*)$ " + ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().HTTPServer + "://" + site.Domain + "/shop/?id=" + model.id + " [NC,N]");
            save.CreateFile("httpd.ini", sb.ToString(), "ascii");
            save.CreateFile(".htaccess", sb1.ToString(), "ascii");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void CreateSingleNewsTest()
            HtmlEngine target      = new HtmlEngine(); // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            int        newsId      = 360;              // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            string     operateType = "edit";           // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       expected    = false;            // TODO: 初始化为适当的值
            bool       actual;

            actual = target.CreateSingleNews(newsId, operateType);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成页面皮肤
        /// 针对单个皮肤生成的情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CreateSkin()
            string Msg      = "";
            int    ThemeID  = 0;
            int    SkinID   = 0;
            string Content  = "";
            string SkinPath = ""; //皮肤路径
            string Path     = ""; //输入Path要包含路径及文件名

            SkinID = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0);
            Lebi_Theme_Skin skin = B_Lebi_Theme_Skin.GetModel(SkinID);
            Lebi_Theme      theme;

            if (skin == null)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}");
            ThemeID  = skin.Theme_id;
            theme    = B_Lebi_Theme.GetModel(ThemeID);
            SkinPath = theme.Path_Files + "/" + skin.Path_Skin;
            SkinPath = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(SkinPath);
            Content  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(SkinPath);
            List <Lebi_Language> langs = B_Lebi_Language.GetList("Theme_id=" + theme.id + "", "");

            if (langs.Count == 0)
                Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请在站点语言设置中关联此模板") + "\"}");
            Site site = new Site();

            foreach (Lebi_Language lang in langs)
                if (lang.Theme_id != ThemeID)
                Lebi_Site s = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel(lang.Site_id);
                if (s == null)
                    Path = lang.Path + "/" + skin.PageName;
                    Path = s.Path + lang.Path + "/" + skin.PageName;
                Msg = Shop.Bussiness.Theme.CreatAspx(s, lang, theme, skin, Path, Content);
            Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Msg + "\"}");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal bool CreateLines(Graphics g, bool fromStart, bool forceResize)
            int position = fromStart ? 0 : renderingIndex;

            ArrayList parameterPositions = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList parameterEnds      = new ArrayList();

            string fullText = this.ResolveParameterValues(content, parameterPositions, parameterEnds);
            string text     = section.Document.DesignMode ? content.Substring(position) : fullText.Substring(position);

            Rectangle bounds = this.Section.Document.DesignMode ? theRegion : Bounds;

            bounds.Inflate(-innerPadding, -innerPadding);

            Context previousContext = null;

            if (previousState != null && previousState.Context != null)
                previousContext = previousState.Context;

            Com.Delta.Print.Engine.Parse.Html.HtmlEngine engine = section.Document.DesignMode ? new Com.Delta.Print.Engine.Parse.Html.HtmlEngine(this, g, bounds, this.font, this.foregroundColor) : (previousContext == null ? new Com.Delta.Print.Engine.Parse.Html.HtmlEngine(this, g, bounds, this.font, this.foregroundColor) : new Com.Delta.Print.Engine.Parse.Html.HtmlEngine(this, g, bounds, previousContext.Font, previousContext.Color));

            engine.InitState(previousState, section.Document.DesignMode);
            int parsingLength = engine.Parse(text, lines);

            double minimalHeight = 0;

            foreach (TextLine line in lines)
                minimalHeight += line.Height;

            int netHeight = (int)minimalHeight + 2 * innerPadding + 2;

            if (forceResize)
                Bounds.Height = netHeight;

            this.previousState = engine;

            renderingIndex += parsingLength;

            return(renderingIndex < fullText.Length || engine.Residual != null || engine.ResidualText != string.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得一个文件的内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(string filename)
            string str  = "";
            string path = "/" + filename;

            if (filename.ToLower().Contains("web.config"))
                str = "";
                str = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得一个文件内的备注
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetRemark(string filename)
            string str  = "";
            string path = "/theme/system/" + filename;

            str = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);
            if (str.IndexOf("<!--") == 0)
                str = RegexTool.GetRegValue(str, @"<!--(.*?)-->");
                str = str.Trim() + "\r\n";
                //str = str.Replace("\r\n","");
                str = "";
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theme"></param>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetSkinStr(Lebi_AdminSkin skin)
            string str  = "";
            string path = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim()))
                path = site.AdminPath + "/custom/skin2/" + skin.Code + ".html";
                path = site.AdminPath + "/custom/skin/" + skin.Code + ".html";
            path = ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(path);
            str  = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a named view from the <see cref="ViewCollection"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the view.</param>
        /// <param name="param">Optional view-model object.</param>
        public static HttpHandlerResult View(HttpReceiverContext context, string name, object param = null)
            if (!context.Views.TryFind(name, out var content))
                throw new ApplicationException($"View '{name}' was not found!");

            var engine = new HtmlEngine(context.Views)
                UrlRoot = context.ListenerPath,

            content = engine.Process(content, param);

            return(new HttpHandlerResult {
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
                StatusDescription = "OK.",
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private string PostFiles(string fileName, string savepath, string name)
            if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("imageserver") && WebConfig.Instrance.UpLoadURL != "")
                    string url = WebConfig.Instrance.UpLoadURL;
                    if (url.Contains("?"))
                        url += "&filename=" + fileName;
                        url += "?filename=" + fileName;
                    if (WebConfig.Instrance.ImageServerKey != "")
                        url += "&key=" + WebConfig.Instrance.ImageServerKey;
                    string res = HtmlEngine.PostFile(url, ImageHelper.rootpath(savepath + name));
                    //api = jss.Deserialize<LBAPI>(res);
                    ImageHelper.DeleteImage(savepath + name);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return("{\"msg\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}");
            string     OldImage = savepath + name;
            string     size     = "";
            Lebi_Image model    = new Lebi_Image();

            model.Image     = OldImage;
            model.Keyid     = 0;
            model.Size      = size;
            model.TableName = "Product";
            return("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"img\":\"" + OldImage + "\",\"file\":\"" + fileName + "\"}");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取模板页面内容
        /// </summary>
        public void GetSkinContent()
            if (!EX_Admin.Power("theme_edit", "编辑模板"))
            string filename = RequestTool.RequestString("filename");
            string str      = "";
            string path     = site.WebPath + "/theme/system/" + filename;

            path = path.ToLower().Replace(".aspx", ".html");
            string FileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/" + path);

            if (File.Exists(FileName))
                str = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(path);
                str = "";
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// 付款操作
        /// 创建用户:shiyuankao
        /// 创建时间:2014-08-07
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderId">订单号</param>
        /// <param name="productName">商品名称</param>
        /// <param name="amount">支付金额</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        PayMessage Payment(UmsPayConfig config, Lebi_Order order, decimal amount)
            var message = new PayMessage()
                IsSuccess = true

            var now = DateTime.Now;
            // 参数组装
            var inParams = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "TransCode", "201201" },
                { "OrderTime", now.ToString("HHmmss") },
                { "OrderDate", now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") },
                { "MerOrderId", order.Code },
                { "TransType", "NoticePay" },
                { "TransAmt", (amount * 100).ToString("F0") },
                { "MerId", config.MerId },
                { "MerTermId", config.MerTermId },
                { "NotifyUrl", config.NotifyUrl },
                { "Reserve", order.Code },
                { "OrderDesc", order.Code },
                { "EffectiveTime", "0" }
            var signContent = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}{9}{10}", inParams["OrderTime"], inParams["EffectiveTime"], inParams["OrderDate"], inParams["MerOrderId"], inParams["TransType"], inParams["TransAmt"], inParams["MerId"], inParams["MerTermId"], inParams["NotifyUrl"], inParams["Reserve"], inParams["OrderDesc"]);
            var merSign     = RSAUtil.RSASign(signContent, config.PrivateKey);

            inParams.Add("MerSign", merSign);
            var jsonString = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inParams);

            //client.PostingData.Add("jsonString", jsonString);
            //var result = client.GetString();
            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection nv = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
            nv.Add("jsonString", jsonString);
            string result = HtmlEngine.Post(config.OrderUrl, nv);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                message.IsSuccess = false;
                message.Msg       = "调用支付下单接口无数据返回。";
            var dictionary = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(result);
            // 判断是否下单成功
            var respCode = dictionary["RespCode"];

            if (respCode != "00000")
                message.IsSuccess = false;
                message.Msg       = dictionary["RespMsg"];
            // 组装验签字符串
            var content = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", dictionary["MerOrderId"], dictionary["ChrCode"],
                                        dictionary["TransId"], dictionary["Reserve"].Trim(), dictionary["RespCode"], dictionary["RespMsg"].Trim());
            var r = RSAUtil.Verify(content, dictionary["Signature"], config.PublicKey);

            if (!r)
                message.IsSuccess = false;
                message.Msg       = "下单成功,返回数据签名验证失败。";
            var chrCode = dictionary["ChrCode"];
            var transId = dictionary["TransId"];

            inParams.Add("ChrCode", chrCode);
            inParams.Add("TransId", transId);
            merSign             = RSAUtil.RSASign(string.Format("{0}{1}", transId, chrCode), config.PrivateKey);
            inParams["MerSign"] = merSign;
            // 处理各个支付渠道对应的订单编码
            // 以下处理是根据自己业务处理,添加业务订单号
            if (!inParams.ContainsKey("OrderId"))
                inParams.Add("OrderId", inParams["MerOrderId"]);
            var data = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "MerSign", merSign },
                { "ChrCode", chrCode },
                { "TransId", transId },
                { "MerchantId", config.MerId }

            message.Data      = data;
            message.OtherData = inParams;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// 客服面板设置信息
        /// </summary>
        public void ServicePanel_Config()
            if (!Power("supplier_servicepanel_list", "客服面板"))
            Model.ServicePanel sp = new Model.ServicePanel();
            sp.X       = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X");
            sp.Y       = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y");
            sp.Theme   = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Theme");
            sp.Status  = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Status");
            sp.IsFloat = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat");
            sp.Style   = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style");
            string con = B_ServicePanel.ToJson(sp);
            //BaseConfig bconf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig();
            Lebi_Supplier model = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.id);

            if (model == null)
            model.ServicePanel = con;
            Log.Add("配置客服面板", "ServicePanel", CurrentSupplier.id.ToString(), CurrentSupplier, "");
            string temp = "";

            temp += "var ShopstartX = document.body.clientWidth-" + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X") + ";\n";
            if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "1" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var ShopstartY = " + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y") + ";\n";
            else if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "0" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var ShopstartY = " + RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Y") + ";\n";
            if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "1" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var verticalpos='fromtop';\n";
            else if (RequestTool.RequestSafeString("IsFloat") == "0" && RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Style") == "1")
                temp += "var verticalpos='frombottom';\n";
            temp += "var winWidth = 0;\n";
            temp += "function iecompattest(){\n";
            temp += "   return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!='BackCompat')? document.documentElement : document.body\n";
            temp += "}\n";

            temp += "function ShopServicePannelstaticbar(){\n";
            temp += "	if (window.innerWidth)\n";
            temp += "	winWidth = window.innerWidth;\n";
            temp += "	else if ((document.body) && (document.body.clientWidth))\n";
            temp += "	winWidth = document.body.clientWidth;\n";
            temp += "	if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth){winWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;}\n";
            temp += "	ShopstartX = winWidth-"+ RequestTool.RequestSafeString("X") + ";\n";
            temp += "	barheight=document.getElementById('divShopServicePannel').offsetHeight\n";
            temp += "	var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) || window.opera;\n";
            temp += "	var d = document;\n";
            temp += "	function ml(id){\n";
            temp += "		var el=d.getElementById(id);\n";
            temp += "		el.style.visibility='visible'\n";
            temp += "		if(d.layers)el.style=el;\n";
            temp += "		el.sP=function(x,y){this.style.left=x+'px';this.style.top=y+'px';};\n";
            temp += "		el.x = ShopstartX;\n";
            temp += "		if (verticalpos=='fromtop')\n";
            temp += "		el.y = ShopstartY;\n";
            temp += "		else{\n";
            temp += "		el.y = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight;\n";
            temp += "		el.y -= ShopstartY;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		return el;\n";
            temp += "	}\n";
            temp += "	window.ShopServicePannel=function(){\n";
            temp += "		if (verticalpos=='fromtop'){\n";
            temp += "		var pY = ns ? pageYOffset : iecompattest().scrollTop;\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.y += (pY + ShopstartY - ftlObj.y)/8;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		else{\n";
            temp += "		var pY = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight - barheight: iecompattest().scrollTop + iecompattest().clientHeight - barheight;\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.y += (pY - ShopstartY - ftlObj.y)/8;\n";
            temp += "		}\n";
            temp += "		ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y);\n";
            temp += "		setTimeout('stayTopLeft()', 10);\n";
            temp += "	}\n";
            temp += "	ftlObj = ml('ShopServicePannel');\n";
            temp += "	ShopServicePannel();\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if(typeof(HTMLElement)!='undefined'){\n";
            temp += "  HTMLElement.prototype.contains=function (obj)\n";
            temp += "  {\n";
            temp += "	  while(obj!=null&&typeof(obj.tagName)!='undefind'){\n";
            temp += "    if(obj==this) return true;\n";
            temp += "  	 obj=obj.parentNode;\n";
            temp += " 	  }\n";
            temp += "	  return false;\n";
            temp += "  }\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if (window.addEventListener)\n";
            temp += "window.addEventListener('load', ShopServicePannelstaticbar, false)\n";
            temp += "else if (window.attachEvent)\n";
            temp += "window.attachEvent('onload', ShopServicePannelstaticbar)\n";
            temp += "else if (document.getElementById)\n";
            temp += "window.onload=ShopServicePannelstaticbar;\n";
            temp += "window.onresize=ShopServicePannelstaticbar;\n";
            temp += "function ShopServicePannelOver(){\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('divShopServicePannel').style.width = '170px';\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "function ShopServicePannelOut(){\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "if(typeof(HTMLElement)!='undefined') \n";
            temp += "{\n";
            temp += "   HTMLElement.prototype.contains=function(obj)\n";
            temp += "   {\n";
            temp += "       while(obj!=null&&typeof(obj.tagName)!='undefind'){\n";
            temp += "       if(obj==this) return true;\n";
            temp += "       obj=obj.parentNode;\n";
            temp += "     }\n";
            temp += "          return false;\n";
            temp += "   };\n";
            temp += "}\n";
            temp += "function ShowShopServicePannel(theEvent){\n";
            temp += "  if (theEvent){\n";
            temp += "     var browser=navigator.userAgent;\n";
            temp += " 	if (browser.indexOf('Firefox')>0){\n";
            temp += "       if (document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').contains(theEvent.relatedTarget)) {\n";
            temp += "           return;\n";
            temp += "         }\n";
            temp += "      }\n";
            temp += "	    if (browser.indexOf('MSIE')>0 || browser.indexOf('Safari')>0){ //IE Safari\n";
            temp += "          if (document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').contains(event.toElement)) {\n";
            temp += "	          return;\n";
            temp += "          }\n";
            temp += "      }\n";
            temp += "   }\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelMenu').style.display = 'block';\n";
            temp += "   document.getElementById('ShopServicePannelOnline').style.display = 'none';\n";
            temp += "}";
            HtmlEngine save = new HtmlEngine();

            save.CreateFile("/supplier/js/user/ServicePanel" + CurrentSupplier.id + ".js", temp);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private string TestUpload()
            HttpFileCollection files    = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
            B_WaterConfig      bc       = new B_WaterConfig();
            WaterConfig        mx       = bc.LoadConfig();
            BaseConfig         conf     = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig();
            string             result   = "";
            string             name     = "";
            StringBuilder      strMsg   = new StringBuilder();
            string             savepath = GetPath(conf.UpLoadPath);

                for (int iFile = 0; iFile < files.Count; iFile++)
                    HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[iFile];
                    string         fileName, fileExtension;
                    fileName      = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);
                    fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                    if (conf.UpLoadSaveName == "" || conf.UpLoadSaveName == null)
                        conf.UpLoadSaveName = "0";
                    if (conf.UpLoadSaveName == "0")
                        name = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddssfff") + "_w$h_";
                        name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + "_w$h_";
                    name = conf.UpLoadRName + name + fileExtension;
                    int status = ImageHelper.SaveImage(postedFile, savepath, name);
                    if (status != 290)

                    if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("imageserver") && WebConfig.Instrance.UpLoadURL != "")
                            string res = HtmlEngine.PostFile(WebConfig.Instrance.UpLoadURL, ImageHelper.rootpath(savepath + name));
                            JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                            LBAPI api = jss.Deserialize <LBAPI>(res);
                            result = res;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            result = "{\"msg\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}";
                        string OldImage = savepath + name;
                        //string ImageBig = name.Replace("_w$h_", "_" + conf.ImageBigWidth + "$" + conf.ImageBigHeight + "_");
                        //string ImageMedium = name.Replace("_w$h_", "_" + conf.ImageMediumWidth + "$" + conf.ImageMediumHeight + "_");
                        //string ImageSmall = name.Replace("_w$h_", "_" + conf.ImageSmallWidth + "$" + conf.ImageSmallHeight + "_");
                        //string size = conf.ImageBigWidth + "$" + conf.ImageBigHeight + "," + conf.ImageMediumWidth + "$" + conf.ImageMediumHeight + "," + conf.ImageSmallWidth + "$" + conf.ImageSmallHeight;
                        //if (mx.OnAndOff == "1")
                        //    ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, "temp_" + name, Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageBigWidth), Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageBigHeight));
                        //    ImageHelper.MakeWater(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(savepath) + "temp_" + name, savepath, ImageBig, mx);
                        //    ImageHelper.DeleteImage(savepath + "temp_" + name);
                        //    ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, ImageBig, Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageBigWidth), Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageBigHeight));

                        //ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, ImageMedium, Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageMediumWidth), Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageMediumHeight));
                        //ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, ImageSmall, Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageSmallWidth), Convert.ToInt32(conf.ImageSmallHeight));

                        //string where = "id not in (select id from Lebi_ImageSize where (Width=" + conf.ImageBigWidth + " and Height=" + conf.ImageBigHeight + ") or (Width=" + conf.ImageMediumWidth + " and Height=" + conf.ImageMediumHeight + ") or (Width=" + conf.ImageSmallWidth + " and Height=" + conf.ImageSmallHeight + "))";
                        //List<Lebi_ImageSize> ss = B_Lebi_ImageSize.GetList(where, "");
                        //foreach (Lebi_ImageSize s in ss)
                        //    ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, name.Replace("_w$h_", "_" + s.Width + "$" + s.Height + "_"), s.Width, s.Height);
                        //    size += "," + s.Width + "$" + s.Height;
                        Lebi_Image model = new Lebi_Image();
                        model.Image     = savepath + name;
                        model.Keyid     = 0;
                        model.Size      = "";
                        model.TableName = "temp";

                        result = "{\"img\":\"" + OldImage + "\",\"msg\":\"OK\"}";
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                result = "{\"msg\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}";
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成地址重写规则
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateURLRewrite()
            StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();

            sb1.AppendLine("RewriteEngine On");
            sb1.AppendLine("RewriteCompatibility2 On");
            sb1.AppendLine("RepeatLimit 200");

            List <Lebi_Language>   langs  = B_Lebi_Language.GetList("", "Sort desc,id asc");
            List <Lebi_Theme_Page> models = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetList("Type_id_PublishType=123", "");
            string str1     = "";
            string str2     = "";
            string language = "";

            foreach (Lebi_Theme_Page model in models)
                if (model.PageParameter == "")
                    str1 = model.PageName;
                    str2 = model.StaticPath + "/" + model.StaticPageName;
                    str2 = ThemeUrl.CheckURL(str2);
                    str1 = str1.Trim('/');
                    str2 = str2.Trim('/');
                    str1 = str1.Replace(".", @"\.");
                    str2 = str2.Replace(".", @"\.");
                    foreach (Lebi_Language lang in langs)
                        Lebi_Site site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel(lang.Site_id);
                        if (site == null)
                            site = new Lebi_Site();
                        language = site.Path + lang.Path.TrimEnd('/');
                        language = language.Replace("//", "/");
                        if (language == "")
                        sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*) /$1" + language + "/" + str1 + " [N,I]");
                        sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule " + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*)$ " + language + "/" + str1 + " [NC,N]");
                    sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + str2 + "(.*) /$1" + str1 + " [N,I]");
                    sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /" + str2 + "(.*)$ /" + str1 + " [NC,N]");
                    //RewriteRule /CN/(.*)$ /CN/Basket\.aspx\?Basket\.html$1 [NC,N]
                    //RewriteRule /(.*)$ /Basket\.aspx\?Basket\.html$1 [NC,N]
                    str1 = model.PageName + @"\?" + model.PageParameter;
                    str2 = model.StaticPath + "/" + model.StaticPageName;
                    str2 = ThemeUrl.CheckURL(str2);
                    str1 = str1.Trim('/');
                    str2 = str2.Trim('/');
                    str1 = str1.Replace(".", @"\.");
                    str2 = str2.Replace(".", @"\.");
                    str1 = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(str1, @"{\d+}", ",");
                    str2 = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(str2, @"{\d+}", "(.*)");
                    string[] arr     = str1.Split(',');
                    int      j       = 1;
                    string   str_ini = "";
                    string   str_hta = "";
                    foreach (string ar in arr)
                        if (ar != "")
                            str_hta += ar + "$" + j;
                        if (ar != "")
                            str_ini += ar + "$" + j;
                    foreach (Lebi_Language lang in langs)
                        Lebi_Site site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel(lang.Site_id);
                        if (site == null)
                            site = new Lebi_Site();
                        language = site.Path + lang.Path.TrimEnd('/');
                        language = language.Replace("//", "/");
                        if (language == "")
                        sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*) /$1" + language + "/" + str_ini + " [N,I]");
                        sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule " + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*)$ " + language + "/" + str_hta + " [NC,N]");
                    sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + str2 + "(.*) /$1" + str_ini + " [N,I]");
                    sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /" + str2 + "(.*)$ /" + str_hta + " [NC,N]");
            List <Lebi_Pro_Type> tps   = B_Lebi_Pro_Type.GetList("", "");
            Lebi_Theme_Page      tpage = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetModel("Code='P_ProductCategory'");

            str1 = tpage.PageName + @"\?" + tpage.PageParameter;
            str1 = str1.Trim('/');
            str1 = str1.Replace(".", @"\.");
            str1 = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(str1, @"{\d+}", ",");
            string[] arr1     = str1.Split(',');
            string   str_ini1 = "";
            string   str_hta1 = "";

            //foreach (string ar in arr1)
            //    if (ar != "")
            //        str_hta1 += ar + "$" + j1;
            //    j1++;
            //    if (ar != "")
            //        str_ini1 += ar + "$" + j1;


            foreach (Lebi_Pro_Type tp in tps)
                str_hta1 = arr1[0] + tp.id;
                str_ini1 = arr1[0] + tp.id;
                foreach (Lebi_Language lang in langs)
                    if (Language.Content(tp.IsUrlrewrite, lang.Code) != "1")
                    str2 = Language.Content(tp.Url, lang.Code);
                    if (str2 == "")

                    str2 = ThemeUrl.CheckURL(str2);
                    str2 = str2.Trim('/');
                    str2 = str2.Replace(".", @"\.");
                    str2 = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(str2, @"{\d+}", "(.*)");

                    Lebi_Site site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel(lang.Site_id);
                    if (site == null)
                        site = new Lebi_Site();
                    language = site.Path + lang.Path.TrimEnd('/');
                    language = language.Replace("//", "/");
                    language = language.TrimEnd('/');
                    sb.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*) /$1" + language + "/" + str_ini1 + " [N,I]");
                    sb1.AppendLine(@"RewriteRule /(.*)" + language + "/" + str2 + "(.*)$ /$1" + language + "/" + str_hta1 + " [NC,N]");
            HtmlEngine save = new HtmlEngine();

            save.CreateFile("httpd.ini", sb.ToString(), "ascii");
            save.CreateFile(".htaccess", sb1.ToString(), "ascii");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行代码替换
        /// 在${...}$内
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strIn"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string DoCodeConvert(string strIn, string type, string webpath, string mediapath)
            strIn = DoLayout(strIn, type, webpath, mediapath);
            string[] PartArry   = RegexTool.GetSimpleRegResultArray(strIn, @"({[Mm][Oo][Dd]:.*?})");
            string   partTag    = "";
            string   partConten = "";
            string   partPara   = "";

            webpath = webpath.TrimEnd('/');
            Lebi_Theme_Skin partskin = new Lebi_Theme_Skin();

            foreach (string partStr in PartArry)
                partTag    = "";
                partConten = "";
                partPara   = "";
                if (partStr.Contains("("))
                    partTag  = RegexTool.GetRegValue(partStr, @"{[Mm][Oo][Dd]:(.*?)\(.*?}");
                    partPara = RegexTool.GetRegValue(partStr, @"{[Mm][Oo][Dd]:.*?\((.*?)\)}");
                    partTag = RegexTool.GetRegValue(partStr, @"{[Mm][Oo][Dd]:(.*?)}");
                if (partTag != "")

                    string[] plugins = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().PluginUsed.ToLower().Split(',');
                    foreach (string plugin in plugins)
                        partConten = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(webpath + "/plugin/" + plugin + "/systempage/" + type + "/block/" + partTag + ".html");
                        if (partConten == "")
                            partConten = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(webpath + "/plugin/" + plugin + "/block/" + partTag + ".html");
                        if (partConten != "")

                    if (partConten == "")
                        partConten = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(webpath + "/system/" + type + "/block/" + partTag + ".html"));
                    if (partConten == "")
                        partConten = HtmlEngine.ReadTxt(ThemeUrl.GetFullPath(webpath + "/system/block/" + partTag + ".html"));
                    if (partConten != "")
                        partConten = "<!--MOD_start:" + partTag + "-->\r\n" + DoCodeConvert(partConten, type, webpath, "") + "<!--MOD_end:" + partTag + "-->\r\n";
                        strIn      = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(strIn, @"{[Mm][Oo][Dd]:" + partTag + ".*?}", partConten);
            string str  = "";
            Type   t    = typeof(ShopPage);
            string temp = "";

            int[,] d = IndexFlagArry(strIn);//记录开始,结尾标记的数组
            if (d.Length > 0)
                int begin = 0;
                string[,] tempArry = new string[d.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, 2];//用于存放一个外层标记的临时数组
                for (int i = 0; i < d.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    temp          += RegexTool.GetSubString(strIn, begin, d[i, 0]) + "$$$" + i + "$$$";//挑选非标记部组合,将标记部分替换为$$$0$$$,$$$1$$$形式
                    begin          = d[i, 1] + 2;
                    tempArry[i, 0] = "$$$" + i + "$$$";
                    tempArry[i, 1] = RegexTool.GetSubString(strIn, d[i, 0] + 2, d[i, 1]);//截取不包含开始,结尾标记的块
                temp += RegexTool.GetSubString(strIn, begin, strIn.Length);
                str   = temp;//str已经替除了全部的标记块

                for (int i = 0; i < tempArry.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    temp = DoPart(tempArry[i, 1], type, webpath);
                    str  = str.Replace("$$$" + i + "$$$", temp);