public void LoginAs(string username, string password = "") { if (!browser.HasDialog("")) { browser.Visit("/Home/Contact"); } DateTime exitTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15); while (DateTime.Now <= exitTime) { if (browser.HasDialog("")) { SendKeys.SendWait(username); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); SendKeys.Send("[TAB]"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); SendKeys.Send(password); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); SendKeys.Send("[ENTER]"); } if (!browser.HasDialog("")) { break; } } HpgAssert.False(browser.HasDialog("")); }
public void MySortBy(string columnName, string order = "ASCENDING") { SuperTest.WriteReport("Sorting by " + columnName + " " + order); HpgElement headerLink = new HpgElement(browser.FindId("myIdeasTable").FindLink(columnName)); HpgAssert.Exists(headerLink, "Verify header link exists"); headerLink.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20000); if (order.ToLower().Contains("desc")) { //Sort Descending while (!browser.Location.ToString().ToLower().Contains("desc")) { //Keep clicking until URL contains "desc" headerLink.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } else { //Sort Ascending while (browser.Location.ToString().ToLower().Contains("desc")) { //Keep clicking until URL does not contain "desc" headerLink.Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } }
public void GoToPackageIdea(int ideaNumber) { browser.Visit("/QualifiedIdea/Create/" + ideaNumber.ToString()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); HpgAssert.AreEqual(ideaNumber.ToString(), browser.FindId("Idea_IdeaId").Text.Trim(), "Verify Package Idea Page is displayed"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Idea " + ideaNumber); }
public void AddLinks(Dictionary <string, string> links, bool openCloseDialog = false) { if (openCloseDialog) { ShowRMIAddLinks(); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> link in links) { AddLink(link.Key, link.Value); } if (openCloseDialog) { AddLinksDialogSaveButton.Click(2); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AddLinksDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } AddLinksDialogSaveButton.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(AddLinksDialog.Element.Missing(), "RMI Add Links dialog is no longer present"); } }
public void GoToIdeaNumber(string ideaNumber) { browser.Visit("/Idea/Details/" + ideaNumber); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); HpgAssert.AreEqual(ideaNumber, browser.FindXPath("//div[@id='StandardDetails']/h3[.='Idea Number']/following-sibling::p[1]").Text.Trim(), "Verify Idea Detail Page is displayed"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Idea " + ideaNumber); }
public void GotoDashboard() { browser.Visit("/Dashboard"); WaitForThrobber(600); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "My Dashboard", "Verify Dashboard is loaded"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Dashboard"); }
/// <summary> /// Clicks submit, verifys success dialog, accepts success dialog. /// </summary> public void SubmitIdea() { SubmitSubmitButton.Click(); //HpgAssert.True(browser.HasContent("Your Idea was submitted successfully.", new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2) }), "Verify success message is present"); HpgAssert.AreEqual("submitted", browser.FindId("status").Text.Trim().ToLower(), "Verify idea was submitted successfully"); //browser.AcceptModalDialog(); }
public void GotoHomePage() { browser.Visit("/"); WaitForThrobber(); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "Streetwise", "Verify Home Page is loaded"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Home Page"); }
public void CheckRetry(HpgElement checkbox, int retryTimes = 3, int SecondsBetween = 1, bool assertion = true) { for (int i = 0; i < retryTimes; i++) { try { AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Checking box (#" + (i + 1).ToString() + ")"); checkbox.Element.Now(); checkbox.Element.Hover(); checkbox.Element.Check(); if (checkbox.Element.Selected) { break; } checkbox.Element.SendKeys(OpenQA.Selenium.Keys.Space); if (checkbox.Element.Selected) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(SecondsBetween * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Error checking box - " + e.Message); } } if (assertion) { HpgAssert.True(checkbox.Element.Selected, "Checkbox is checked"); } }
public void EnterSavings(SavingsRow row, decimal value) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (EditDialog.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } new HpgElement(row.Actions.Element.FindXPath(".//a")).Click(); } HpgAssert.True(EditDialog.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) }), "Verify Edit Savings dialog is open"); EnterSavingsTextBox.Type(value.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (EditDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } EnterSavingsSaveButton.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(EditDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) }), "Verify Edit Savings dialog is no longer open"); }
public void SubmitToSME(string smeName) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AssignToSMEDialog.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } SubmitButton.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(AssignToSMEDialog.Element.Exists(), "Assign To SME dialog is present"); SMEDropDown.SelectListOptionByText(smeName); AssignToSMESubmit.Click(3); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AssignToSMEDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } AssignToSMESubmit.Click(3); } HpgAssert.True(AssignToSMEDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) }), "Assign to SME dialog is no longer present"); }
public void GotoSubmitAnIdea() { TabSubmitAnIdea.Click(); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "Submit an Idea", "Verify 'Submit Idea' page is loaded"); WaitForThrobber(); HpgAssert.True(browser.FindId("ideaSubmit").Exists(), "Verify 'Submit Idea' page is loaded"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Submit Idea page"); }
public void GotoAllIdeas() { //TabAllIdeas.Click(); browser.Visit("/Idea/GetAllIdeas"); //TODO: Change to an ID after the pages have been updated with IDs WaitForThrobber(240); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "All Ideas", "Verify 'All Ideas' page is loaded"); }
public void GotoMyIdeas() { //TabMyIdeas.Element.Hover(); //TabMyIdeas.Click(); browser.Visit("/Idea/GetMyIdeas"); WaitForThrobber(); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "My Ideas", "Verify 'My Ideas' page is loaded"); }
public new void UnCheck() { if (!Element.FindXPath("i")["class"].ToLower().Trim().Equals("icon-check-empty")) { Element.Click(); } HpgAssert.True(Element.FindXPath("i")["class"].ToLower().Trim().Equals("icon-check-empty"), string.Format("Checked a CheckBox({0})", Element.Text)); SuperTest.WriteReport(string.Format("Unchecked a CheckBox({0})", Element.Text)); }
public void SubmitIdea(int ideaNumber) { //int rAff = ExecuteStatement( // string.Format( // "INSERT INTO HPG_IdeaManagementSBX.dbo.QualifiedIdeas ([IdeaId] ,[Title] ,[Description] ,[StatusId] ,[MembershipTypeId] ,[CategoryId] ,[DepartmentId] ,[ImpactLevel] ,[EffortLevel] ,[PublishedDate] ,[CreatedDate] ,[UpdatedDate]) VALUES ({0}), (SELECT [Title] FROM Ideas WHERE IdeaID = {0}), (SELECT [Description] FROM Ideas WHERE IdeaID = {0}), 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, GETDATE(), GETDATE(), GETDATE());", // ideaNumber)); int rAff = ExecuteStatement("UPDATE Ideas SET StatusID = 2 WHERE IdeaId = " + ideaNumber.ToString() + ";"); HpgAssert.AreEqual("1", rAff.ToString(), "Verify 1 record (idea) updated to Accepted"); }
public void OpenEmailDialog() { LinkEmail.Click(); WaitForThrobber(); if (!browser.FindId("emailDialog").Exists()) { LinkEmail.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(browser.FindId("emailDialog").Exists(), "Email Dialog is open"); }
public void AssertBaseElements() { HpgAssert.Exists(HealthtrustLogo, "The Healthtrust logo could not be found."); HpgAssert.Exists(HomeButton, "The home button could not be found."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(TabPublishedIdeas.Text, "PUBLISHED IDEAS", "The 'Published Ideas' tab is missing or not displayed correctly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(TabAllIdeas.Text, "ALL IDEAS", "The 'All Ideas' tab is missing or not displayed correctly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(TabMyIdeas.Text, "MY IDEAS", "The 'My Ideas' tab is missing or not displayed correctly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(TabSubmitAnIdea.Text, "SUBMIT AN IDEA", "The 'Submit an Idea' tab is missing or not displayed correrctly."); HpgAssert.Exists(pageFooter, "The footer is missing or not displayed properly."); }
public void AssertPageElements(ExecuteAutomationLogin executeAutomationLogin) { HpgAssert.AreEqual(executeAutomationLogin.LoginLink.Text, "LOGIN"); HpgAssert.AreEqual(executeAutomationLogin.PageTitle.Text, "Execute Automation Selenium Test Site"); HpgAssert.AreEqual(executeAutomationLogin.LoginTitle.Text, "Login"); HpgAssert.AreEqual(executeAutomationLogin.UserNameLbl.Text, "UserName "); HpgAssert.AreEqual(executeAutomationLogin.PasswordLbl.Text, "Password "); HpgAssert.Exists(executeAutomationLogin.UserNameTxtFld); HpgAssert.Exists(executeAutomationLogin.PasswordTxtFld); HpgAssert.Exists(executeAutomationLogin.LoginBtn); }
public void SoftDeleteIdeas(int[] IdeaIDs, bool validate = true) { if (IdeaIDs.Any()) { int raff = ExecuteStatement("UPDATE Ideas SET Deleted = 'TRUE' WHERE IdeaId IN (" + string.Join(",", IdeaIDs) + ");"); if (validate) { HpgAssert.AreEqual(IdeaIDs.Count().ToString(), raff.ToString(), "Verify all records were marked as deleted."); } } }
/// <summary> /// Verifies all attachments supplied in fileList dictionary parameter are present and href links are correct /// </summary> /// <param name="fileList">Dictionary containing linkname / filepath</param> public void VerifyAttachmentsArePresent(Dictionary <string, string> fileList) { List <HpgElement> attachments = GetAllAttachments(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> fileToTest in fileList) { HpgElement a = attachments.First(b => b.Text.Trim().Equals(fileToTest.Key)); HpgAssert.True(a.Element.Exists(), "Verify attachment '" + fileToTest.Key + "' is present"); HpgAssert.Contains(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(a.Element["href"]), fileToTest.Value.Split('\\').Last(), "Verify attachment file is correct"); } }
public void VerifyLinksArePresent(Dictionary <string, string> linksList) { List <HpgElement> links = GetAllLinks(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> linkToTest in linksList) { HpgElement a = links.First(b => b.Text.Trim().Equals(linkToTest.Key)); HpgAssert.True(a.Element.Exists(), "Verify link '" + linkToTest.Key + "' is present"); HpgAssert.Contains(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(a.Element["href"]), linkToTest.Value, "Verify link URL is correct"); } }
public void GoToPublishedIdeaNumber(string ideaNumber) { SendKeys.SendWait("{ESC}"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ESC}"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); browser.Now(); //browser.Visit("/Idea/Published/" + ideaNumber); browser.Visit("QualifiedIdea/Details/" + ideaNumber); browser.FindId("QualifiedIdea_IdeaId").Now(); //HpgAssert.True(browser.FindXPath(".//*[@id='content']/div[4]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/h2").Text.Trim().StartsWith(ideaNumber), "Verify Published Idea Detail Page is displayed"); HpgAssert.True(browser.FindId("QualifiedIdea_IdeaId").Text.Trim().Equals(ideaNumber), "Verify Published Idea Detail Page is displayed"); AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Navigated to Published Idea " + ideaNumber); }
public void goHomeHCADev(bool useCredentials) { AutomationCore.base_tests.BaseTest.WriteReport("Loggin into"); OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver rwd = ((OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver)browser.Native); rwd.Manage().Cookies.DeleteAllCookies(); SuperTest.SessConfiguration.AppHost = ""; rwd.Manage().Window.Size = new Size(800, 600); rwd.Manage().Window.Maximize(); browser.Visit(""); HeaderLoginLink.Click(); HpgAssert.False(browser.HasDialog(""), "Verify no dialog is present"); HpgAssert.Contains(pageHeader.Text, "Home Page", "Verify 'Home Page' is loaded"); }
//public void EditPage() //{ // for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // { // if (EditButton.Element.Exists(new Options() {Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)})) // { // EditButton.Click(); // } // if (SaveDropDown.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2) })) // { // break; // } // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); // } // HpgAssert.True(EditButton.Element.Missing(), "Verify Edit Button was pressed and is no longer present."); // HpgAssert.True(SaveDropDown.Element.Exists(), "Verify Multifunction Save button is now present"); //} public void DisplaySoCDialog(int view) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (socDialog.Exists()) { break; } EditSoCButton(view).Click(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } HpgAssert.True(socDialog.Exists(), "Verify SoC dialog is present"); }
public void AssertPageElements() { HpgAssert.Exists(login.HealthtrustLogo, "The Healthtrust logo is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.CoretrustLogo, "The Coretrust logo is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(login.LoginTxt.Text, "Login", "The 'Login' text is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(login.EmailOrUserIDTxt.Text, "Email or User ID", "The 'Email or User ID' text is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.UserNameTxtField, "The username text field is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(login.PasswordTxt.Text, "Password Forgot password?", "The 'Password' text is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(login.ForgotPasswordLnk.Text, "Forgot password?", "The 'Forgot Password' text is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.PasswordTxtField, "The Password text field is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.RememberEmailOrUserIDCheckBox, "The 'Remember Email or User ID' check box is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.AreEqual(login.RememberEmailOrUserIDTxt.Text, "Remember Email or User ID", "The 'Remember Email or User ID' check box is missng or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.loginButton, "The Login button is missing or not displayed properly."); HpgAssert.Exists(login.Footer, "The Footer is missing or does not exist."); }
public void ShowAdditionalInfoTab() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (RMIDiv.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } AdditionalInfoTab.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(RMIDiv.Element.Exists(), "Additional Information (RMI) tab is shown"); }
public void RMIShowAddLinks() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AddLinksDialog.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } RMIResponseAddLinks.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(AddLinksDialog.Element.Exists(), "RMI Add Links dialog is present"); }
public void ShowRMIAddAttachments() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AddAttachmentsDialog.Element.Exists(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } RMIAddAttachments.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(AddAttachmentsDialog.Element.Exists(), "Request More Info - Add Attachments dialog is present"); }
public void RMISaveAttachmentsAndClose() { AddAttachmentsDialogSaveButton.Click(2); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (AddAttachmentsDialog.Element.Missing(new Options() { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) })) { break; } AddAttachmentsDialogSaveButton.Click(2); } HpgAssert.True(AddAttachmentsDialog.Element.Missing(), "Request More Info - Attachments are saved and dialog is no longer present"); }