Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Start sending single message to client which token belongs to.
        public void Send(Message message, HostAsyncUserToken token)
            byte[] messageToSend = WoxalizerAdapter.SerializeToXml(message);
            Logger.WriteStr(" The message to be send: " + utf8.GetString(messageToSend));

            // encrypt message
            byte[] encryptedMsgData = EncryptionAdapter.Encrypt(messageToSend);

            SendMessage(token, encryptedMsgData);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void OnReceiveCompleted(HostCustomEventArgs args)
            if (args.Result is RequestMessage)
            else if (args.Result is ResponseMessage)
            else if (args.Result == null)
                // someone disconnected
                if (args.Token == _console)
                    Logger.WriteStr("- Console disconnected.");
                    _console = null;
                    Logger.WriteStr("- " + args.Token.Agent.Name + " disconnected.");
                    // mark it offline
                    lock (AgentListLock)
                        _agents[args.Token.Agent.ID].Agent.Status = (int)EAgentStatus.Offline;

                    if (_console != null)
                        //Console is connected so we should send update
                        var update = new AgentStatusUpdate {
                            status = (int)EAgentStatus.Offline
                        var updateMessage = new ResponseMessage()
                            Response = update,
                            AgentId  = args.Token.Agent.ID
                        _server.Send(updateMessage, _console);
                Logger.WriteStr(" ERROR:  Cannot determinate Message type!");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void LoadAgentsList()
            var agentlist = (List <Agent>)WoxalizerAdapter.LoadFromFile(AgentsFile);

            if (agentlist != null)
                Logger.WriteStr("Loaded known agents:");
                foreach (Agent agent in agentlist)
                    // change status to Offline
                    agent.Status = (int)EAgentStatus.Offline;

                    //add to List
                    var token = new HostAsyncUserToken();
                    token.Agent = agent;
                    _agents.Add(agent.ID, token);
                    Logger.WriteStr(" < #" + agent.ID + ": " + agent.Name + " >");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Transfers AcceptArgs to another SocketAsyncEventArgs object from the pool, and begins to receive data.
        private void ProcessAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs args)
            if (args.SocketError != SocketError.Success)
                Logger.WriteStr("Error while processing accept.");
                StartAccept(null, args.UserToken as Action <HostCustomEventArgs>);      //start new Accept socket

            Logger.WriteStr("Client connection accepted. Processing Accept from client " + args.AcceptSocket.RemoteEndPoint);

            // Get Arg from the Pool, for recieving
            SocketAsyncEventArgs readEventArgs = _argsReadWritePool.Pop();

            if (readEventArgs != null)
                // create user's token
                var token = new HostAsyncUserToken();
                readEventArgs.UserToken = token;
                token.Callback          = args.UserToken as Action <HostCustomEventArgs>;

                // store this object in token for fast reusing
                token.readEventArgs = readEventArgs;

                // Get the socket for the accepted client connection and put it into the readEventArg object user token
                token.Socket = args.AcceptSocket;
                readEventArgs.AcceptSocket = args.AcceptSocket;

                // Get another Arg from the Pool, for sending.
                SocketAsyncEventArgs writeEventArgs = _argsReadWritePool.Pop();

                if (writeEventArgs != null)
                    // point it's UserToken to the same token
                    writeEventArgs.UserToken    = token;
                    writeEventArgs.AcceptSocket = args.AcceptSocket;

                    // Link writeEventArgs to readEventArgs in the token
                    token.writeEventArgs = writeEventArgs;

                    // Initialize agent's data/info holder
                    token.Agent = new Agent();

                    // Start timer that sends keep-alive messages
                    token.KeepAliveTimer          = new KeepAliveTimer(token);
                    token.KeepAliveTimer.Elapsed += SendKeepAlive;

                    // As soon as the client is connected, post a receive to the connection, to get client's identification info
                    Logger.WriteStr("WARNING: There is no more SocketAsyncEventArgs available in write pool! Cannot continue. Close connection.");
                Logger.WriteStr("WARNING: There is no more SocketAsyncEventArgs available in read pool! Cannot continue. Close connection.");
                // increase maxNumberConnectedClients simaphore back because it has been decreased in StartAccept

            // Accept the next connection request. We'll reuse Accept SocketAsyncEventArgs object.
            args.AcceptSocket = null;
            StartAccept(args, args.UserToken as Action <HostCustomEventArgs>);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void ProcessReceivedMessageRequest(HostCustomEventArgs args)
            //server recieves requests only from Console!
            var message = (RequestMessage)args.Result;

            if (_console == null)
                _console = args.Token;

            if (message.Request is ListAgentsRequest)
                // send all agents list to console (icluding static agent info: name, ip, OS, etc...)
                var agentsResponse = new ListAgentsResponse()
                    Agents = new List <Agent>()

                for (var i = 0; i < _agents.Count; i++)

                var responseMessage = new ResponseMessage()
                    UniqueID = message.UniqueID,
                    Response = agentsResponse
                _server.Send(responseMessage, args.Token);
            else if (message.Request is WakeOnLanRequest)
                Agent  targetAgent = _agents[message.AgentId].Agent;
                string targetIp    = targetAgent.Data.IpConfig.IpAddress;
                string targetMask  = targetAgent.Data.IpConfig.NetMask;

                Logger.WriteStr("Recieved command to wake up agent " + targetAgent.Name);

                bool notFound = true;

                //look for client on the same subnet with target, which has Online status
                for (var i = 0; i < _agents.Count; i++)
                    //exclude itself
                    if (message.AgentId != i)
                        var agentToken = _agents[i];
                        if (NetworkHelper.IsOnSameNetwork(agentToken.Agent.Data.IpConfig.IpAddress,
                                                          agentToken.Agent.Data.IpConfig.NetMask, targetIp, targetMask) &&
                            agentToken.Agent.Status == (int)EAgentStatus.Online)
                            // send original message with MAC address to the found agent
                            _server.Send(message, agentToken);
                            notFound = false;
                            // exit loop

                if (notFound)  // there is no agent in the same subnet with target agent
                    Logger.WriteStr("Cannot wake up " + targetAgent.Name + " because there is no agent in the same subnet.");
                    // send unsuccessfull message back to console
                    var response        = new WakeOnLanResponse(false, ((WakeOnLanRequest)message.Request).RunId);
                    var responseMessage = new ResponseMessage()
                        Response = response,
                        AgentId  = message.AgentId
                    _server.Send(responseMessage, _console);
            else if (message.Request is BulkStaticRequest)
                //retrieve from local "database": it will speed up response.
                //(this data is not changes at least untill agent reconnects)
                var agentToken = _agents[message.AgentId];
                if (agentToken.Agent.Data.IpConfig != null && agentToken.Agent.Data.OS != null)
                    var response = new BulkStaticResponse()
                        IpConf = agentToken.Agent.Data.IpConfig,
                        OsInfo = agentToken.Agent.Data.OS
                    var responseMessage = new ResponseMessage()
                        Response = response,
                        AgentId  = message.AgentId
                    _server.Send(responseMessage, args.Token);
                    // nas no reqired info, so send request to client
                    _server.Send(message, agentToken);
                //match agent by agentId and redirect received Message Request to it, if it still is connected
                var agentToken = _agents[message.AgentId];
                if (agentToken.Socket != null)
                    // redirect to agent
                    _server.Send(message, agentToken);
                    // Agent is not connected so send update to console
                    if (_console != null)
                        var update = new AgentStatusUpdate {
                            status = (int)EAgentStatus.Offline
                        var updateMessage = new ResponseMessage()
                            Response = update,
                            AgentId  = message.AgentId
                        _server.Send(updateMessage, _console);