Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void OrganizeAssets()
            // if selection is a folder, organize all assets in that folder, but not in any children folders.
            if (Selection.objects.Length == 1 && IsAssetAFolder(Selection.activeObject))
                // for each asset in selected folder, organize it.

                // put all assets in folder in this list
                List <HoratiusAssetInfo> assetsWithKnownTypes = GetAllAssetsInSelectedFolders();

                foreach (var assetInfo in assetsWithKnownTypes)
            // else, organize selected assets only, and put them in folders within their parent folder (or the root)
                foreach (var objSelected in Selection.objects)
                    var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(objSelected);
                    var assetInfo = new HoratiusAssetInfo(objSelected, assetPath, objSelected.GetType());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  puts each asset from folder in the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <HoratiusAssetInfo> GetAllAssetsInSelectedFolders()
            List <HoratiusAssetInfo> assetsWithKnownTypes = new List <HoratiusAssetInfo>();

            foreach (var objSelected in Selection.objects)
                if (IsAssetAFolder(objSelected))
                    // taken from http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/234935/how-do-i-enumerate-the-contents-of-an-asset-folder.html

                    string sAssetFolderPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(objSelected);
                    // Construct the system path of the asset folder
                    string sDataPath   = Application.dataPath;
                    string sFolderPath = sDataPath.Substring(0, sDataPath.Length - 6) + sAssetFolderPath;
                    // get the system file paths of all the files in the asset folder
                    string[] aFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(sFolderPath);
                    // enumerate through the list of files loading the assets they represent and getting their type

                    foreach (string sFilePath in aFilePaths)
                        string sAssetPath = sFilePath.Substring(sDataPath.Length - 6);
                        //Debug.Log("Path: " + sAssetPath);

                        Object objAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(sAssetPath, typeof(Object));

                        if (objAsset == null)
                            if (sAssetPath.EndsWith(".meta"))
                                //Debug.Log("Type: Meta file");
                                //Debug.Log("Type: Null asset");
                            var hai = new HoratiusAssetInfo(objAsset, sAssetPath, objAsset.GetType());
                            //Debug.Log("Type: " + objAsset.GetType().Name + " a.k.a. " + hai.assetType);

                    // add folder too
                    assetsWithKnownTypes.Add(new HoratiusAssetInfo(objSelected, AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(objSelected), objSelected.GetType()));
                    var hai = new HoratiusAssetInfo(objSelected, AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(objSelected), objSelected.GetType());

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void OrganizeAsset(HoratiusAssetInfo assetInfo)
            // highest level idea: put asset in a folder named according to the asset type.
            // if asset is already in such a folder, leave it, and move all other assets around it in appropriate folders, outside of the current folder.

            // is current folder of any known type?
            if (assetInfo.assetType != HoratiusAssetKnownTypes.Folder)
                // using backslashes or forward slashes?

                string folderName        = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetInfo.path);
                string directoryOfFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(folderName);
                folderName = folderName.Remove(0, directoryOfFolder.Length > 0 ? directoryOfFolder.Length + 1 : 0);


                // if folder is named like a reserved type folder such as Materials or Prefabs
                if (AssetTypeToFolder.Values.Contains(folderName))
                    Debug.LogError("Folder name " + folderName + " at " + directoryOfFolder + " is reserved. Please rename!");
                    // reorganize assets into sibling folders outside of the current folder, and only keep appropriate assets inside
                    // folder name is fine. move asset into folder appropriately named. if not exists, create.
                    var appropriateFolderPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(directoryOfFolder, folderName), AssetTypeToFolder[assetInfo.assetType]);

                    if (!Directory.Exists(appropriateFolderPath))
                        // if directory with same name but lowercase exists, rename to correct case

                    // move asset there
                    AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(assetInfo.path, appropriateFolderPath + "/" + assetInfo.fileName);