public void Deserialize_UnknownTagThrowsWhenStrictModeEnabled() { string xml = @" <HOPS> <HOP> <NAME>Goldings, East Kent</NAME> <VERSION>1</VERSION> <ALPHA>5.0</ALPHA> <AMOUNT>0.0638</AMOUNT> <USE>Dry Hop</USE> <TIME>60.0</TIME> <NOTES>Great all purpose UK hop for ales, stouts, porters</NOTES> </HOP> <UNKNOWN_TAG>UNKNOWN TAG</UNKNOWN_TAG> </HOPS>"; Mock <IStreamFactory> streamFactory = new Mock <IStreamFactory>(); using (MemoryStream ms = CommonUtilities.GetTestXmlStream(xml)) { streamFactory.Setup(f => f.GetFileStream(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <FileMode>())).Returns(ms); IBeerXMLSerializer s = new XDocumentBeerXMLSerializer() { StreamFactory = streamFactory.Object, StrictModeEnabled = true }; // test is successful if this does not throw Hops step = (Hops)s.Deserialize(It.IsAny <string>()); } }
private void AddHopsIngredient(Hops hops) { HopsIngredientDataModel hopsIngredient = HopsUtility.CreateHopsIngredient(hops, CurrentRecipe.RecipeId); hopsIngredient.Amount = m_settings.HopsAmount; hopsIngredient.PropertyChanged += CurrentRecipe.Ingredient_PropertyChanged; CurrentRecipe.HopsIngredients.Add(hopsIngredient); }
public static HopsIngredientDataModel CreateHopsIngredient(Hops hopsInfo, int recipeId) { HopsIngredientDataModel hopsIngredient = null; using (SQLiteConnection connection = DatabaseUtility.GetNewConnection()) { hopsIngredient = CreateHopsIngredient(hopsInfo, recipeId, connection); connection.Close(); } return hopsIngredient; }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string msg = null; var h = new Hops(); h.Name = NameTextBox.Text; h.Country = CountryTextBox.Text; h.Substitutes = SubstTextBox.Text; h.Purpose = PurposeComboBox.Text; if (!ParseMaxMinAcid(h.AlphaAcid, AlphaAcidTextBox.Text)) { msg = "Please state a valid float value for Alpha acid"; } if (!ParseMaxMinAcid(h.BetaAcid, BetaAcidTextBox.Text)) { msg = "Please state a valid float value for Beta acid"; } if (!ParseMaxMinAcid(h.CoHumulone, coHumTextBox.Text)) { msg = "Please state a valid float value for cohumulone"; } if (msg != null) { MessageBox.Show(msg); return; } try { Repo.AddHops(h); RefreashListview(); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // Reset GUI AddButton.Content = "Add"; NameTextBox.Text = String.Empty; coHumTextBox.Text = String.Empty; BetaAcidTextBox.Text = String.Empty; AlphaAcidTextBox.Text = String.Empty; CountryTextBox.Text = String.Empty; SubstTextBox.Text = String.Empty; PurposeComboBox.Text = String.Empty; }
public void GetBitternessTest() { Hops fuggles = new Hops("Fuggles", new HopsCharacteristics(4.50f, 2.00f), "Test Notes", "UK"); HopsIngredient fugglesInRecipe = new HopsIngredient(fuggles) { Amount = 1f, Form = HopsForm.Leaf, Use = HopsUse.Boil, FlavorType = HopsFlavorType.Bittering, Time = 60 }; Hops goldings = new Hops("Goldings", new HopsCharacteristics(5.00f, 3.50f), "Test Notes", "UK"); HopsIngredient goldingsInRecipe = new HopsIngredient(goldings) { Amount = 1f, Form = HopsForm.Pellet, Use = HopsUse.Boil, FlavorType = HopsFlavorType.Aroma, Time = 15 }; List<HopsIngredient> hopsUsed = new List<HopsIngredient>() { fugglesInRecipe, goldingsInRecipe }; int bitterness = BitternessUtility.GetBitterness(hopsUsed, 5f, 1.054f); Assert.AreEqual(23, bitterness); }
float CalculateIBUs(int hopIndex, float hopQuantity, float waterVolume, float hoptime, float wortGravity) { float IBUout = 0; Hops hops = companyInventory.availableHops[hopIndex]; float alphaacids = hops.alphaacids; float aaRating = (alphaacids * hopQuantity * 1000) / (waterVolume * 1000); float bignessFactor = 1.65f * Mathf.Pow(0.000125f, (wortGravity - 1f)); float boilTimeFactor = (1 - Mathf.Exp(-0.04f * hoptime)) / 4.15f; IBUout = aaRating * boilTimeFactor * bignessFactor; //This is all from and should be roughly correct return(IBUout); }
public IActionResult Update(string oid, [FromBody] Hops hops) { var hopsDb = _hopsRepository.Find(x => x.Oid == new Guid(oid)); hopsDb.Name = hops.Name; hopsDb.Description = hops.Description; hopsDb.Link = hops.Link; hopsDb.Vendor = hops.Vendor; _hopsRepository.Update(hopsDb); _unitOfWork.Complete(); return(Ok(hopsDb)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for Packet /// </summary> /// <param name="Src">Source-Node</param> /// <param name="Dest">Destination-Node</param> /// <param name="T">TTL</param> /// <param name="ExpRes">Expected Result</param> public Packet(Hardwarenode Src, Hardwarenode Dest, int T, bool ExpRes) { Source = Src; Destination = Dest; if (Source == null || Destination == null) { Result.ErrorId = Result.Errors.SourceDestinationNull; Result.Res = Result.ResultStrings[(int)Result.ErrorId]; Result.SendError = true; } Ttl = T; ExpectedResult = ExpRes; Hops.Add(Source); }
public void Hops_Valid_NonEmpty() { Hops hops = new Hops(); Mock <Hop> hop = GetMockHop(); hop.Setup(s => s.IsValid(ref It.Ref <ValidationCode> .IsAny)).Returns(true); hops.Add(hop.Object); ValidationCode errorCode = ValidationCode.SUCCESS; // need to suppress the type check because moq uses a different type Assert.IsTrue(hops.IsValidRecordSet(ref errorCode, suppressTypeCheck: true)); }
public void Hops_Invalid_BadType() { Hops hops = new Hops(); Mock <Hop> hop = GetMockHop(); hop.Setup(s => s.IsValid(ref It.Ref <ValidationCode> .IsAny)).Returns(true); hops.Add(hop.Object); ValidationCode errorCode = ValidationCode.SUCCESS; // do not suppress type check. Since moq uses a different type anyway, // there is no need to test with a different IRecord type Assert.IsFalse(hops.IsValidRecordSet(ref errorCode, suppressTypeCheck: false)); }
/// <summary> /// Sends this packet to the destination. /// </summary> /// <returns>The Returnpacket if sending to destination was successfull or null</returns> public Packet Send() { ValidationInfo valInfo = new ValidationInfo { NextNodeIp = null, Res = Result, Source = Source as Workstation }; while (!Hops[Hops.Count - 1].Equals(Destination) && valInfo.Res.ErrorId == 0 && Ttl > 0) { List <Hardwarenode> nextNodes = Hops[Hops.Count - 1].Send(Destination, tags, valInfo); if (nextNodes != null) { if (nextNodes[nextNodes.Count - 1].Receive(tags, valInfo, Destination)) { Ttl--; } foreach (Hardwarenode n in nextNodes) { Hops.Add(n); } } } Result = valInfo.Res; if (!Hops[Hops.Count - 1].Equals(Destination) && Ttl == 0) { //TTL Error Result.ErrorId = Result.Errors.TtlError; Result.Res = Result.ResultStrings[(int)Result.ErrorId]; Result.SendError = true; } if (Result.ErrorId == 0 && tags.Count != 0) { //Layer Error Result.ErrorId = Result.Errors.CustomLayerError; Result.Res = String.Format(Result.ResultStrings[(int)Result.ErrorId], tags.Keys.First()); Result.LayerError = new CustomLayer(tags.Keys.First(), 0); Result.SendError = false; } if (Result.ErrorId == 0) { return(new Packet(Destination, Source, Ttl, ExpectedResult)); } return(null); }
internal static HopsIngredientDataModel CreateHopsIngredient(Hops hopsInfo, int recipeId, SQLiteConnection connection) { using (SQLiteCommand insertCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { insertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO HopsIngredients (amount, time, type, form, use, hopsInfo) VALUES(0, 0, 'Bittering', 'Leaf', 'Boil', (SELECT id FROM Hops WHERE name = @name))"; insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", hopsInfo.Name); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } HopsIngredientDataModel hopsIngredient = new HopsIngredientDataModel(hopsInfo, DatabaseUtility.GetLastInsertedRowId(connection)); using (SQLiteCommand insertJunctionCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { insertJunctionCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO HopsInRecipe (hopsIngredient, recipe) VALUES(@hopsIngredientId, @recipeId)"; insertJunctionCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("hopsIngredientId", hopsIngredient.HopsId); insertJunctionCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("recipeId", recipeId); insertJunctionCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return hopsIngredient; }
public void AddHops(Hops aHop) { var hopInRepoFound = hopses.Any(x => x.Name == aHop.Name); if (hopInRepoFound) { // Try to remove it if we find it. var hopInRepo = hopses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == aHop.Name); hopses.Remove(hopInRepo); // Always add whatever has been updated. This will cause duplicate data in some situations. // This implies that name is not allowed to be changed during update. Improvement ... TODO hopses.Add(aHop); } else { hopses.Add(aHop); } Persist(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Recipe"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type.</param> /// <param name="style">The style.</param> /// <param name="brewer">The brewer.</param> /// <param name="batchSize">Size of the batch.</param> /// <param name="boilSize">Size of the boil.</param> /// <param name="boilTime">The boil time.</param> /// <param name="hops">The hops.</param> /// <param name="fermentables">The fermentables.</param> /// <param name="miscs">The miscs.</param> /// <param name="yeasts">The yeasts.</param> /// <param name="waters">The waters.</param> /// <param name="mash">The mash.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="version">The version.</param> public Recipe( RecipeType type, Style style, string brewer, double batchSize, double boilSize, double boilTime, Hops hops, Fermentables fermentables, Miscs miscs, Yeasts yeasts, Waters waters, Mash mash, string name, int version = Constants.DEFAULT_BEER_XML_VERSION) : base(name, version) { Validation.ValidateGreaterThanZero(batchSize); Validation.ValidateGreaterThanZero(boilSize); Validation.ValidateGreaterThanZero(boilTime); Validation.ValidateNotNull(style); Validation.ValidateNotNull(hops); Validation.ValidateNotNull(fermentables); Validation.ValidateNotNull(miscs); Validation.ValidateNotNull(yeasts); Validation.ValidateNotNull(waters); Validation.ValidateNotNull(mash); this.Type = type; this.Style = style; this.Brewer = brewer; this.Batch_Size = batchSize; this.Boil_Size = boilSize; this.Boil_Time = boilTime; this.Hops = hops; this.Fermentables = fermentables; this.Miscs = miscs; this.Yeasts = yeasts; this.Waters = waters; this.Mash = mash; }
public string ToMarkdown() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(this.GenerateHeader()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("## Grain"); sb.AppendLine(); if (Grains.Any()) { sb.AppendLine("| Name | Amount %|"); sb.AppendLine("| ---- | ------: |"); foreach (var grain in Grains) { sb.AppendLine(grain.ToMarkdown()); } sb.AppendLine(); } if (Hops.Any()) { sb.AppendLine("## Hops"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("| Name | Amount | Time |"); sb.AppendLine("| ---- | -----: | ---: |"); foreach (var hop in Hops) { sb.AppendLine(hop.ToMarkdown()); } sb.AppendLine(); } sb.AppendLine("## Yeast"); sb.AppendLine(Yeast); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("## Notes"); sb.AppendLine(Notes); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void RemoveHops(Hops aHop) { hopses.Remove(aHop); Persist(); }
internal static IEnumerable<HopsIngredientDataModel> GetHopsIngredientsForRecipe(int recipeId, SQLiteConnection connection) { using (SQLiteCommand selectIngredientsCommand = connection.CreateCommand()) { selectIngredientsCommand.CommandText = "SELECT, HopsIngredients.amount, HopsIngredients.time, HopsIngredients.type, HopsIngredients.form,, Hops.alpha, HopsIngredients.use, Hops.notes, Hops.beta, Hops.hsi, Hops.origin, HopsIngredients.dryHopTime FROM HopsIngredients " + "JOIN HopsInRecipe ON HopsInRecipe.hopsIngredient = AND HopsInRecipe.recipe = @recipeId " + "JOIN Hops ON = HopsIngredients.hopsInfo"; selectIngredientsCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("recipeId", recipeId); using (SQLiteDataReader reader = selectIngredientsCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { HopsCharacteristics characteristics = new HopsCharacteristics(reader.GetFloat(6), reader.GetFloat(9)) { Hsi = reader.GetFloat(10) }; Hops hopsInfo = new Hops(reader.GetString(5), characteristics, reader.GetString(8), reader.GetString(11)); string dryHopTimeValue = reader[12].ToString(); int? dryHopTime = dryHopTimeValue.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : (int?) int.Parse(dryHopTimeValue); yield return new HopsIngredientDataModel(hopsInfo, reader.GetInt32(0)) { Amount = reader.GetFloat(1), Time = reader.GetInt32(2), FlavorType = EnumConverter.Parse<HopsFlavorType>(reader[3].ToString()), Form = EnumConverter.Parse<HopsForm>(reader[4].ToString()), Use = EnumConverter.Parse<HopsUse>(reader.GetString(7)), DryHopTime = dryHopTime }; } } } }
public IActionResult Insert([FromBody] Hops hops) { _hopsRepository.Insert(hops); _unitOfWork.Complete(); return(Ok(hops)); }
public HopsIngredientDataModel(Hops hopsInfo, int hopsId) { m_hopsInfo = hopsInfo; m_hopsId = hopsId; }
private void HopsComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Hops var = (Hops)HopsComboBox.SelectedItem; AlphaAcidTextBox.Text = var.AlphaAcid.GetAphaAcid().ToString(); }
public void Hops_Valid_Empty() { Hops hops = new Hops(); Assert.IsTrue(hops.IsValid()); }
public HopsIngredient(Hops hopsInfo) { m_hopsInfo = hopsInfo; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Hops var = (Hops)HopsComboBox.SelectedItem; hop = new HopAddition(); if (var == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a hop in the drop down menu"); return; } hop.Hop = var; var stage = (HopAdditionStage)StageComboBox.SelectedItem; hop.Stage = stage; int timeMinutes; if (int.TryParse(TimeDurationTextBox.Text, out timeMinutes)) { hop.Duration = timeMinutes; } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Unable to interpreter {0} as a integer value. Please provide a correct integer value in Time", TimeDurationTextBox.Text)); } float amount; if (float.TryParse(AmountTextBox.Text, out amount)) { if (UnitCheckBox.IsChecked == false) { hop.Bitterness = (int)Math.Round(amount, 0); hop.AmountUnit = HopAmountUnitE.IBU; } else { hop.Amount = Math.Round(amount, 2); hop.AmountUnit = HopAmountUnitE.GRAMS_PER_LITER; } } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Unable to interpreter {0} as a float value. Please provide a correct float value in Part", AmountTextBox.Text)); } float alphaAcid; if (float.TryParse(AlphaAcidTextBox.Text, out alphaAcid)) { HopAcids acid = new HopAcids(); acid.Min = alphaAcid; hop.AlphaAcid = acid; } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Unable to interpreter {0} as a float value. Please provide a correct float value in Part", AlphaAcidTextBox.Text)); } this.Close(); }