Ejemplo n.º 1
 public KeyEvent()
     scanCode = 0;
     injectedKey = false;
     altKeyPressed = false;
     keyPress = false;
     sentFromLibrary = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public KeyEvent()
     scanCode        = 0;
     virtualCode     = 0;
     hookMessage     = HookMessage.HM_None;
     extendedKey     = false;
     injectedKey     = false;
     altKeyPressed   = false;
     keyPress        = false;
     sentFromLibrary = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static int hook(int scanCode, int virtualCode, HookMessage message, HookFlags flags, IntPtr param)
            KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent();

            keyEvent.scanCode    = scanCode;
            keyEvent.virtualCode = virtualCode;
            keyEvent.hookMessage = message;

            int nFlags = (int)flags;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_ExtendedKey) > 0)
                keyEvent.extendedKey = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_AltKeyPressed) > 0)
                keyEvent.altKeyPressed = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_InjectedKey) > 0)
                keyEvent.injectedKey = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_KeyPress) > 0)
                keyEvent.keyPress = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_SentFromLibrary) > 0)
                keyEvent.sentFromLibrary = true;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static int hook(int scanCode, int virtualCode, HookMessage message, HookFlags flags, IntPtr param)
            KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent();
            keyEvent.scanCode = scanCode;
            keyEvent.virtualCode = virtualCode;
            keyEvent.hookMessage = message;

            int nFlags = (int)flags;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_ExtendedKey) > 0)
                keyEvent.extendedKey = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_AltKeyPressed) > 0)
                keyEvent.altKeyPressed = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_InjectedKey) > 0)
                keyEvent.injectedKey = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_KeyPress) > 0)
                keyEvent.keyPress = true;

            if ((nFlags & (int)HookFlags.HF_SentFromLibrary) > 0)
                keyEvent.sentFromLibrary = true;


            return hookReturnValue;
            /// <summary>   Custom window procedure. </summary>
            /// <param name="hWnd">     The window. </param>
            /// <param name="msg">      The message. </param>
            /// <param name="wParam">   The parameter. </param>
            /// <param name="lParam">   The parameter. </param>
            /// <returns>   An IntPtr. </returns>

            private IntPtr CustomWndProc(IntPtr hWnd, HookMsgType msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
                var m = new HookMessage(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

                //Deactivated means there are zero callbacks and destroyed means that the WM_DESTROY message
                // has already been processed and there is no need to call our custom logic.  I think there
                // are a few messages that can still come in after WM_DESTROY, such as WM_NCDESTROY that is
                // sent after all child Windows have been destroyed.  Note that we try to unhook our custom
                // logic upon a WM_DESTROY by replacing it with the original WndProc but race conditions
                // could affect that timing.
                if (_isDeActivated || _isDestroyed)
                    return(CallWindowProc(_originalWndProc, m.HWnd, (uint)m.HookMsgType, m.WParam, m.LParam));

                //Grab a copy of the callbacks so we do not remain inside the lock while we are looping through
                // and calling back into unknown code that could (but hopefully not) be lengthy.  In rare race
                // conditions this could cause a slight delay in the amount of time it takes to "UnRegister"
                // a callback if code desired to do so.
                // TODO Window Procedure Performance Evaluation
                // Note that the performance of this design should be considered carefully.  Although it makes
                // it flexible to be able to add callbacks to a Window throughout the application, the fact
                // that I am locking inside of a hot function is cause for careful thought.  Atop of locking,
                // I am copying the current callbacks into another local variable.  Since Window procedures
                // can cause recursion by design, that could lead to a stack overflow if the Size of
                // the RegisteredWndProcCallbacks grew.  If an application only intended to attach one
                // callback at any given time, this could be simplified greatly.
                WndProcCallback[]? callbacksCopy = null;
                lock (_callbacksLocker)
                    callbacksCopy = RegisteredWndProcCallbacks.ToArray();

                if (callbacksCopy != null)
                    //Loop through all callbacks until one callback handles the message or we exhaust all
                    // items in the loop.  If a callback handles the message we can return the result so
                    // long as it is not a DESTROY message, then we need to unhook.
                    foreach (var callback in callbacksCopy)
                        if (!callback(ref m))

                        if (msg != HookMsgType.DESTROY)


                //This one makes me nervous, keep an eye on it.  Of the many examples I happened upon, they
                // were re-hooking the WndProc with the original loop and for that reason I will do the
                // same.  If you are seeing exceptions, this could be a race condition of some sort.
                if (msg == HookMsgType.DESTROY)

                //Note that this is still called after we call Destroy to unhook this routine because
                // it needs to receive the DESTROY message or else the window will not close.  Also
                // notice that we are sending the values inside  of the local HookMessage rather than
                // the ones that came into this CustomWndProc.  This lets other callbacks change the
                // parameter values if needed.
                return(CallWindowProc(_originalWndProc, m.HWnd, (uint)m.HookMsgType, m.WParam, m.LParam));