Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Sys_Login_Check(HttpContext context)
            string LoginName     = StringHelper.NullToStr(Filter.FilterData(context.Request["LoginName"]));
            string LoginPassword = StringHelper.NullToStr(Filter.FilterData(context.Request["LoginPassword"]));
            string SecretCode    = StringHelper.NullToStr(Filter.FilterData(context.Request["SecretCode"]));
            string retMsg        = "";

            if (SecretCode != "123456")
                retMsg = "error01";

            string tableName = "Sys_Admin";
            string sqlWhere  = " and AUserName='******' and APassWord='******'";
            string showField = "top 1 Id,DutyID";

            DataTable dt = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData(showField, tableName, sqlWhere).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("Fadmin");
                cookie["DutyId"]   = dt.Rows[0]["DutyID"].ToString();
                cookie["UserName"] = LoginName;
                cookie["PassWord"] = LoginPassword;

                HoneyWell.Model.Sys_Logs logs = new HoneyWell.Model.Sys_Logs();
                logs.ID         = 0;
                logs.DutyId     = Utils.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["DutyID"].ToString());
                logs.LoginName  = LoginName;
                logs.TitleName  = "用户登录";
                logs.Depicts    = "系统后台登陆,会员名为:" + LoginName + "";
                logs.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
                logs.IpAddress  = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                logs.MoreCol1   = "";
                logs.MoreCol2   = "";
                new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Logs().Add(logs);

                retMsg = "success";
                retMsg = "error02";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            string tableName  = "Sys_Coupon";
            string showField  = " ID,CType,CName,CCode,CSum,CDeduction,StartingTime,EndTime,IssueNum";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            if (ONumber != "")
                strWhere += " and ONumber =" + ONumber + "";

            string tableName = "Sys_Shopping";
            string showField = " ID,SName,SSmallPic,SFormat,SMarket,SRetail,SQuantity,SSum";

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData(showField, tableName, strWhere);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void BindType()
            ListItem item1 = new ListItem("==请选择==", "");
            ListItem item2 = new ListItem("==请选择==", "");

            DataTable dt = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData("TCode,TName", "Sys_Type", "and TLevel=1 order by ID desc").Tables[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text  = dt.Rows[i]["TName"].ToString();
                item.Value = dt.Rows[i]["TCode"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void BindModel()
            string    strWhere  = "and ONumber='" + Number + "'";
            string    tableName = "Sys_Invoice";
            string    showField = " ID";
            DataTable dt        = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData(showField, tableName, strWhere).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                BLL.Sys_Invoice   sys_BLL   = new BLL.Sys_Invoice();
                Model.Sys_Invoice sys_Model = sys_BLL.GetModel(Utils.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()));
                ONumber = sys_Model.ONumber;
                ICode   = sys_Model.ICode;
                IGainGround       = sys_Model.IGainGround;
                ITaxNumber        = sys_Model.ITaxNumber;
                txtIRemarks.Value = sys_Model.IRemarks;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            if (Phone != "")
                strWhere       += " and Phone like '%" + Phone + "%'";
                txt_Phone.Value = Phone;

            if (txt_ONumber.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and ONumber like '%" + txt_ONumber.Value.Trim() + "%'";

            if (txtOType.SelectedValue.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and OType =" + txtOType.SelectedValue.Trim() + "";

            if (txt_IType.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and IType =" + txt_IType.Value.Trim() + "";

            if (txtOStatus.SelectedValue.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and OStatus =" + txtOStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() + "";

            string tableName  = "Sys_Orders";
            string showField  = " ID,Phone,ONumber,OType,CCompany,SNumber,OFee,OFare,OCope,OActuallyPaid,IType,OStatus,CreateTime";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = "";

            if (txtCState.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
                strWhere += "and CState='" + txtCState.SelectedValue.Trim() + "'";

            strWhere += " and CCode ='" + CCode + "'";
            string tableName  = "Sys_Coupon_Details";
            string showField  = " ID,CCode,CSmallCode,CTime,CState,ReceiveUser,ReceiveTime";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            if (txt_FCode.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and FCode like '%" + txt_FCode.Value.Trim() + "%'";
            if (Code != "")
                strWhere       += " and FCode like '%" + Code + "%'";
                txt_FCode.Value = Code;

            if (txt_FName.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and FName like '%" + txt_FName.Value.Trim() + "%'";
            if (Name != "")
                strWhere       += " and FName like '%" + Name + "%'";
                txt_FName.Value = Name;

            if (Pageindex != "")
                MyPager.Pageindex = Utils.ToInt(Pageindex);

            string tableName  = "Sys_Focus";
            string showField  = " ID,FCode,FName,FOrder,CreateUser,CreateTime";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            if (txt_Phone.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and Phone like '%" + txt_Phone.Value.Trim() + "%'";
            if (Phone != "")
                strWhere       += " and Phone like '%" + Phone + "%'";
                txt_Phone.Value = Phone;

            if (txt_ONumber.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and ONumber like '%" + txt_ONumber.Value.Trim() + "%'";

            if (txtRStatus.SelectedValue.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and RStatus =" + txtRStatus.SelectedValue.Trim() + "";

            string tableName  = "Sys_Return";
            string showField  = " ID,Phone,ONumber,RReason,RATime,RReply,RReplyTime,RStatus";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = " ";

            if (txt_Name.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and Name like '%" + txt_Name.Value.Trim() + "%' or NickName like '%" + txt_Name.Value.Trim() + "%'";

            if (txt_Phone.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and Phone like '%" + txt_Phone.Value.Trim() + "%'";
            if (Phone != "")
                strWhere       += " and Phone like '%" + Phone + "%'";
                txt_Phone.Value = Phone;

            if (txtSex.SelectedValue.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and Sex =" + txtSex.SelectedValue.Trim() + "";

            string tableName  = "Sys_Users";
            string showField  = " ID,Name,NickName,Phone,DateBirth,Sex,Email,CreateTime";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public string GetType(string PTypeMain, string PTypeSmall)
            string    Name      = "";
            string    tableName = "Sys_Type";
            string    showField = "TName";
            string    strWhere1 = "and TCode='" + PTypeMain + "'";
            string    strWhere2 = "and TCode='" + PTypeSmall + "'";
            DataTable dt1       = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData(showField, tableName, strWhere1).Tables[0];

            if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataTable dt2 = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().SelectData(showField, tableName, strWhere2).Tables[0];
                if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Name += dt1.Rows[0]["TName"].ToString();
                    Name += "--" + dt2.Rows[0]["TName"].ToString();
                    Name = dt1.Rows[0]["TName"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void pageBind()
            string strWhere = "";

            if (hfPTypeMain.Value.Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and PTypeMain ='" + hfPTypeMain.Value + "'";
            if (Ptypemain != "")
                strWhere += " and PTypeMain ='" + Ptypemain + "'";
            if (hfPTypeSmall.Value.Length > 0)
                strWhere += "and PTypeSmall ='" + hfPTypeSmall.Value + "'";
            if (Ptypesmall != "")
                strWhere += " and PTypeSmall ='" + Ptypesmall + "'";

            if (txt_PName.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and PName like '%" + txt_PName.Value.Trim() + "%'";
            if (Pname != "")
                strWhere       += " and PName like '%" + Pname + "%'";
                txt_PName.Value = Pname;

            if (txt_PRecommend.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and PRecommend ='" + txt_PRecommend.SelectedValue.Trim() + "'";
            if (Precommend != "")
                strWhere += " and PRecommend = '" + Precommend + "'";
                txt_PRecommend.SelectedValue = Precommend;

            if (txt_PShelf.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
                strWhere += " and PShelf ='" + txt_PShelf.SelectedValue.Trim() + "'";
            if (Pshelf != "")
                strWhere += " and PShelf = '" + Pshelf + "'";
                txt_PShelf.SelectedValue = Pshelf;

            if (Pageindex != "")
                MyPager.Pageindex = Utils.ToInt(Pageindex);

            string tableName  = "Sys_Product";
            string showField  = " ID,PTypeMain,PTypeSmall,PName,PSmallPic,PMarket,PRetail,PStock,PRecommend,PShelf,ModifyTime";
            string orderField = "ID";
            int    count      = 0;

            DataSet ds = new HoneyWell.BLL.Sys_Public().GetList(tableName, showField, orderField, MyPager.Pagesize, MyPager.Pageindex + 1, 0, strWhere, out count);

            rptLoop.DataSource = ds;
            MyPager.Count = count;