public ActionResult EditRule(HiveId id)
            Mandate.ParameterNotEmpty(id, "id");

            //The rule Id consists of both the stylesheet Id and the rule name
            var idParts      = id.StringParts().ToList();
            var stylesheetId = idParts[0];
            var ruleName     = idParts.Count > 1 ? idParts[1] : "";

            ViewBag.IsNew = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ruleName);

            using (var uow = _hive.Create())
                var stylesheet = uow.Repositories.Get <Umbraco.Framework.Persistence.Model.IO.File>(new HiveId(stylesheetId));
                var rule       = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ruleName) ?
                                 StylesheetHelper.ParseRules(stylesheet).Single(x => x.Name.Replace(" ", "__s__") == ruleName) :
                                 new StylesheetRule()
                    StylesheetId = id

                var ruleModel = BackOfficeRequestContext.Application.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map <StylesheetRuleEditorModel>(rule);

        public ActionResult DeleteRule(HiveId id)
            Mandate.ParameterNotEmpty(id, "id");

            var idParts      = id.StringParts().ToList();
            var stylesheetId = idParts[0];
            var ruleName     = idParts[1];

            using (var uow = _hive.Create())
                var repo       = uow.Repositories;
                var stylesheet = repo.Get <Umbraco.Framework.Persistence.Model.IO.File>(new HiveId(stylesheetId));

                StylesheetHelper.ReplaceRule(stylesheet, ruleName, null);


            //return a successful JSON response
            return(Json(new { message = "Success" }));
        public ActionResult EditRule(HiveId id)
            Mandate.ParameterNotEmpty(id, "id");

            //The rule Id consists of both the stylesheet Id and the rule name
            var idParts = id.StringParts().ToList();
            var stylesheetId = idParts[0];
            var ruleName = idParts.Count > 1 ? idParts[1] : "";

            ViewBag.IsNew = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ruleName);

            using (var uow = _hive.Create())
                var stylesheet = uow.Repositories.Get<Umbraco.Framework.Persistence.Model.IO.File>(new HiveId(stylesheetId));
                var rule = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ruleName) ?
                    StylesheetHelper.ParseRules(stylesheet).Single(x => x.Name.Replace(" ", "__s__") == ruleName) :
                    new StylesheetRule() { StylesheetId = id };

                var ruleModel = BackOfficeRequestContext.Application.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map<StylesheetRuleEditorModel>(rule);

                return View(ruleModel);
        public ActionResult DeleteRule(HiveId id)
            Mandate.ParameterNotEmpty(id, "id");

            var idParts = id.StringParts().ToList();
            var stylesheetId = idParts[0];
            var ruleName = idParts[1];

            using (var uow = _hive.Create())
                var repo = uow.Repositories;
                var stylesheet = repo.Get<Umbraco.Framework.Persistence.Model.IO.File>(new HiveId(stylesheetId));

                StylesheetHelper.ReplaceRule(stylesheet, ruleName, null);


            //return a successful JSON response
            return Json(new { message = "Success" });