Ejemplo n.º 1
                static private LNS.Query GetDateRangeQuery (QueryPart_DateRange part, out HitFilter hit_filter)
                        string field_name;
                        if (part.Key == QueryPart_DateRange.AllPropertiesKey)
                                field_name = TypeToWildcardField (PropertyType.Date);
                        else if (part.Key == QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey)
                                field_name = "Timestamp";
                                field_name = PropertyToFieldName (PropertyType.Date, part.Key);

                        // FIXME: We could optimize this and reduce the size of our range
                        // queries if we actually new the min and max date that appear in
                        // any properties in the index.  We would need to inspect the index to
                        // determine that at start-up, and then track it as new documents
                        // get added to the index.
                        if (part.StartDate < lower_bound)
                                part.StartDate = lower_bound;
                        if (part.EndDate > upper_bound || part.EndDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                                part.EndDate = upper_bound;

                        // Swap the start and end dates if they come in reversed.
                        if (part.StartDate > part.EndDate) {
                                DateTime swap;
                                swap = part.StartDate;
                                part.StartDate = part.EndDate;
                                part.EndDate = swap;

                        // Set up our hit filter to cull out the bad dates.
                        DateRangeHitFilter drhf;
                        drhf = new DateRangeHitFilter ();
                        drhf.Key = part.Key;
                        drhf.StartDate = part.StartDate;
                        drhf.EndDate = part.EndDate;
                        hit_filter = new HitFilter (drhf.HitFilter);

                        Logger.Log.Debug ("Building new date range query");
                        Logger.Log.Debug ("Start: {0}", part.StartDate);
                        Logger.Log.Debug ("End: {0}", part.EndDate);

                        int y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2;
                        y1 = part.StartDate.Year;
                        m1 = part.StartDate.Month;
                        d1 = part.StartDate.Day;
                        y2 = part.EndDate.Year;
                        m2 = part.EndDate.Month;
                        d2 = part.EndDate.Day;

                        LNS.BooleanQuery top_level_query;
                        top_level_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                        // A special case: both the start and the end of our range fall
                        // in the same month.
                        if (y1 == y2 && m1 == m2) {
                                LNS.Query ym_query;
                                ym_query = NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1);

                                // If our range only covers a part of the month, do a range query on the days.
                                if (d1 != 1 || d2 != DateTime.DaysInMonth (y2, m2)) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (ym_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, d1, d2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                } else {
                                        top_level_query.Add (ym_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                        } else {

                                // Handle a partial month at the beginning of our range.
                                if (d1 > 1) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, d1, DateTime.DaysInMonth (y1, m1)), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                                        if (m1 == 13) {
                                                m1 = 1;

                                // And likewise, handle a partial month at the end of our range.
                                if (d2 < DateTime.DaysInMonth (y2, m2)) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y2, m2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, 1, d2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                                        if (m2 == 0) {
                                                m2 = 12;

                                // Generate the query for the "middle" of our period, if it is non-empty
                                if (y1 < y2 || ((y1 == y2) && m1 <= m2))
                                        top_level_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1, y2, m2),

                        return top_level_query;
Ejemplo n.º 2
                // search_subset_uris is a list of Uris that this search should be
                // limited to.
                static protected void QueryPartToQuery (QueryPart     abstract_part,
                                                        bool          only_build_primary_query,
                                                        ArrayList     term_list,
                                                        QueryPartHook query_part_hook,
                                                        out LNS.Query primary_query,
                                                        out LNS.Query secondary_query,
                                                        out HitFilter hit_filter)
                        primary_query = null;
                        secondary_query = null;

                        // By default, we assume that our lucene queries will return exactly the
                        // matching set of objects.  We need to set the hit filter if further
                        // refinement of the search results is required.  (As in the case of
                        // date range queries, for example.)  We essentially have to do this
                        // to make OR queries work correctly.
                        hit_filter = true_hit_filter;

                        // The exception is when dealing with a prohibited part.  Just return
                        // null for the hit filter in that case.  This works since
                        // prohibited parts are not allowed inside of OR queries.
                        if (abstract_part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Prohibited)
                                hit_filter = null;

                        if (abstract_part == null)

                        // Run the backend hook first.
                        // This gives a chance to modify create new queries based on
                        // backend specific properties

                        if (query_part_hook != null)
                                abstract_part = query_part_hook (abstract_part);

                        if (abstract_part == null)

                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Text) {
                                QueryPart_Text part = (QueryPart_Text) abstract_part;

                                if (! (part.SearchFullText || part.SearchTextProperties))

                                LNS.BooleanQuery p_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                LNS.BooleanQuery s_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                                bool added_subquery = false;

                                if (part.SearchFullText) {
                                        LNS.Query subquery;
                                        subquery = StringToQuery ("Text", part.Text, term_list);
                                        if (subquery != null) {
                                                p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                                added_subquery = true;

                                        // FIXME: HotText is ignored for now!
                                        // subquery = StringToQuery ("HotText", part.Text);
                                        // if (subquery != null) {
                                        //    p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                        //    added_subquery = true;
                                        // }

                                if (part.SearchTextProperties) {
                                        LNS.Query subquery;
                                        subquery = StringToQuery ("PropertyText", part.Text, term_list);
                                        if (subquery != null) {
                                                p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                                // Properties can live in either index
                                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                                        s_query.Add (subquery.Clone () as LNS.Query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                                added_subquery = true;

                                        // The "added_subquery" check is to handle the situation where
                                        // a part of the text is a stop word.  Normally, a search for
                                        // "hello world" would break down into this query:
                                        // (Text:hello OR PropertyText:hello OR PropertyKeyword:hello)
                                        // AND (Text:world OR PropertText:world OR PropertyKeyword:world)
                                        // This fails with stop words, though.  Let's assume that "world"
                                        // is a stop word.  You would end up with:
                                        // (Text:hello OR PropertyText:hello OR PropertyKeyword:hello)
                                        // AND (PropertyKeyword:world)
                                        // Which is not what we want.  We'd want to match documents that
                                        // had only "hello" without also having a keyword "world".  In
                                        // this case, don't create the PropertyKeyword part of the query,
                                        // since it would be included in the larger set if it weren't
                                        // required anyway.
                                        if (added_subquery) {
                                                Term term;
                                                term = new Term ("PropertyKeyword", part.Text.ToLower ()); // make sure text is lowercased
                                                // FIXME: terms are already added in term_list. But they may have been tokenized
                                                // The term here is non-tokenized version. Should this be added to term_list ?
                                                // term_list is used to calculate scores
                                                if (term_list != null)
                                                        term_list.Add (term);
                                                subquery = new LNS.TermQuery (term);
                                                p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                                // Properties can live in either index
                                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                                        s_query.Add (subquery.Clone () as LNS.Query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                        } else {
                                                // Reset these so we return a null query
                                                p_query = null;
                                                s_query = null;

                                primary_query = p_query;
                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                        secondary_query = s_query;


                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Wildcard) {
                                QueryPart_Wildcard part = (QueryPart_Wildcard) abstract_part;

                                LNS.BooleanQuery p_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                LNS.BooleanQuery s_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                                Term term;
                                LNS.Query subquery;

                                // Lower case the terms for searching
                                string query_string_lower = part.QueryString.ToLower ();

                                // Search text content
                                if (! part.PropertyOnly) {
                                    term = new Term ("Text", query_string_lower);
                                    subquery = new LNS.WildcardQuery (term);
                                    p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                    term_list.Add (term);

                                // Search text properties
                                term = new Term ("PropertyText", query_string_lower);
                                subquery = new LNS.WildcardQuery (term);
                                p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                // Properties can live in either index
                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                        s_query.Add (subquery.Clone () as LNS.Query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                term_list.Add (term);

                                if (! part.PropertyOnly) {
                                    // Search property keywords
                                    term = new Term ("PropertyKeyword", query_string_lower);
                                    term_list.Add (term);
                                    subquery = new LNS.WildcardQuery (term);
                                    p_query.Add (subquery, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                    // Properties can live in either index
                                    if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                        s_query.Add (subquery.Clone () as LNS.Query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                                primary_query = p_query;
                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                        secondary_query = s_query;


                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_DateRange) {

                                QueryPart_DateRange part = (QueryPart_DateRange) abstract_part;

                                // FIXME: We don't handle prohibited queries with sub-date
                                // accuracy.  For example, if we say we prohibit matches
                                // between 5 May 2007 at 2 PM and 8 May at 5 AM, we'll
                                // miss any matches that happen between midnight and 2 PM
                                // on 5 May 2007 and between midnight and 5 AM on 8 May.

                                primary_query = GetDateRangeQuery (part, out hit_filter);
                                // Date properties can live in either index
                                if (! only_build_primary_query && primary_query != null)
                                        secondary_query = primary_query.Clone () as LNS.Query;


                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Or) {
                                QueryPart_Or part = (QueryPart_Or) abstract_part;

                                // Assemble a new BooleanQuery combining all of the sub-parts.
                                LNS.BooleanQuery p_query;
                                p_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                                LNS.BooleanQuery s_query = null;
                                if (! only_build_primary_query)
                                        s_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                                primary_query = p_query;
                                secondary_query = s_query;

                                OrHitFilter or_hit_filter = null;

                                foreach (QueryPart  sub_part in part.SubParts) {
                                        LNS.Query p_subq, s_subq;
                                        HitFilter sub_hit_filter; // FIXME: This is (and must be) ignored
                                        // FIXME: Any subpart in an OR which has a hit filter won't work
                                        // correctly, because we can't tell which part of an OR we matched
                                        // against to filter correctly.  This affects date range queries.
                                        QueryPartToQuery (sub_part, only_build_primary_query,
                                                          term_list, query_part_hook,
                                                          out p_subq, out s_subq, out sub_hit_filter);
                                        if (p_subq != null)
                                                p_query.Add (p_subq, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                        if (s_subq != null)
                                                s_query.Add (s_subq, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                        if (sub_hit_filter != null) {
                                                if (or_hit_filter == null)
                                                        or_hit_filter = new OrHitFilter ();
                                                or_hit_filter.Add (sub_hit_filter);

                                if (or_hit_filter != null)
                                        hit_filter = new HitFilter (or_hit_filter.HitFilter);


                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Uri) {
                                QueryPart_Uri part = (QueryPart_Uri) abstract_part;

                                // Do a term query on the Uri field.
                                // This is probably less efficient that using a TermEnum;
                                // but this is required for the query API where the uri query
                                // can be part of a prohibited query or a boolean or query.
                                Term term;
                                term = new Term ("Uri", UriFu.UriToEscapedString (part.Uri));
                                if (term_list != null)
                                        term_list.Add (term);
                                primary_query = new LNS.TermQuery (term);

                                // Query only the primary index

                        if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Property) {
                                QueryPart_Property part = (QueryPart_Property) abstract_part;

                                string field_name;
                                if (part.Key == QueryPart_Property.AllProperties)
                                        field_name = TypeToWildcardField (part.Type);
                                        field_name = PropertyToFieldName (part.Type, part.Key);

                                // Details of the conversion here depends on BeagrepAnalyzer::TokenStream
                                if (part.Type == PropertyType.Text)
                                        primary_query = StringToQuery (field_name, part.Value, term_list);
                                else {
                                        Term term;
                                        // FIXME: Handle date queries for other date fields
                                        if (part.Type == PropertyType.Internal || field_name.StartsWith ("prop:k:" + Property.PrivateNamespace))
                                                term = new Term (field_name, part.Value);
                                                term = new Term (field_name, part.Value.ToLower ());
                                        if (term_list != null)
                                                term_list.Add (term);
                                        primary_query = new LNS.TermQuery (term);

                                // Properties can live in either index
                                if (! only_build_primary_query && primary_query != null)
                                        secondary_query = primary_query.Clone () as LNS.Query;


                        throw new Exception ("Unhandled QueryPart type! " + abstract_part.ToString ());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void Add (HitFilter hit_filter)
         all.Add (hit_filter);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public NotHitFilter (HitFilter original)
         this.original = original;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void GenerateQueryResults(IndexReader primary_reader,
                                                 IndexReader secondary_reader,
                                                 BetterBitArray primary_matches,
                                                 IQueryResult result,
                                                 ICollection query_term_list,
                                                 int max_results,
                                                 HitFilter hit_filter,
                                                 string index_name)
            int num_hits;

            if (Debug)
                Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Initially handed {1} matches", index_name, primary_matches.TrueCount);

            if (primary_matches.TrueCount <= max_results)
                if (Debug)
                    Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Initial count is within our limit of {1}", index_name, max_results);
                num_hits = primary_matches.TrueCount;
                if (Debug)
                    Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Number of hits is capped at {1}", index_name, max_results);
                num_hits = max_results;

            Stopwatch total, d, e;

            total = new Stopwatch();
            d     = new Stopwatch();
            e     = new Stopwatch();


            ArrayList final_list_of_hits = null;

            // This is used only for scoring
            Dictionary <int, Hit> hits_by_id = new Dictionary <int, Hit> (num_hits);

            int total_number_of_matches = primary_matches.TrueCount;

            if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
                final_list_of_hits = ScanRecentDocs(primary_reader,
                                                    ref total_number_of_matches,

            if (final_list_of_hits == null)
                final_list_of_hits = FindRecentResults(primary_reader,
                                                       ref total_number_of_matches,


            ScoreHits(hits_by_id, primary_reader, query_term_list);
            hits_by_id = null;


            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Scored hits in {1}", index_name, d);


            // 25 hits seems to be the sweet spot: anything lower
            // and serialization overhead gets us, higher takes
            // longer to send out.
            const int MAX_QUEUED_HITS = 25;
            int       sent_index      = 0;

            // Break up the hits into reasonably sized chunks for
            // sending over the wire.
            for (int i = 0; i < final_list_of_hits.Count; ++i)
                // Flush our hits
                if (i > 0 && i % MAX_QUEUED_HITS == 0)
                    result.Add(final_list_of_hits.GetRange(0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS));
                    final_list_of_hits.RemoveRange(0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS);
                    i -= MAX_QUEUED_HITS;

            // Flush the remaining hits
            result.Add(final_list_of_hits, total_number_of_matches);
            final_list_of_hits = null;


            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Hit filters executed and results sent in {1}", index_name, e);


            if (Debug)
                Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}: GenerateQueryResults time statistics:", index_name);
                //Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:   Short circuit {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, a == null ? "N/A" : a.ToString (), a == null ? 0.0 : 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                //Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:     Create docs {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                //Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:    Hit assembly {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}:     Scored hits {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}:    Results sent {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Logger.Log.Debug(">>> {0}:           TOTAL {1,6}", index_name, total);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Add (HitFilter hit_filter)
         if (hit_filter == true_hit_filter)
                 contains_known_true = true;
         all.Add (hit_filter);
Ejemplo n.º 7

        // Returns the lists of terms in the query
        private ArrayList AssembleQuery(Query query,
                                        QueryPartHook query_part_hook,
                                        HitFilter hit_filter,
                                        out ArrayList primary_required_part_queries,
                                        out ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries,
                                        out LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query,
                                        out LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query,
                                        out AndHitFilter all_hit_filters)
            primary_required_part_queries   = null;
            secondary_required_part_queries = null;
            primary_prohibited_part_query   = null;
            secondary_prohibited_part_query = null;

            all_hit_filters = new AndHitFilter();
            if (hit_filter != null)

            ArrayList term_list = new ArrayList();

            foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts)
                LNS.Query primary_part_query;
                LNS.Query secondary_part_query;
                HitFilter part_hit_filter;
                                 false,                  // we want both primary and secondary queries
                                 part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Required ? term_list : null,
                                 out primary_part_query,
                                 out secondary_part_query,
                                 out part_hit_filter);

                if (primary_part_query == null)

                switch (part.Logic)
                case QueryPartLogic.Required:
                    if (primary_required_part_queries == null)
                        primary_required_part_queries   = new ArrayList();
                        secondary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList();

                    if (part_hit_filter != null)


                case QueryPartLogic.Prohibited:
                    if (primary_prohibited_part_query == null)
                        primary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery();
                    primary_prohibited_part_query.Add(primary_part_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                    if (secondary_part_query != null)
                        if (secondary_prohibited_part_query == null)
                            secondary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery();
                        secondary_prohibited_part_query.Add(secondary_part_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                    if (part_hit_filter != null)
                        NotHitFilter nhf;
                        nhf = new NotHitFilter(part_hit_filter);
                        all_hit_filters.Add(new HitFilter(nhf.HitFilter));


Ejemplo n.º 8

        public void DoQuery(Query query,
                            IQueryResult result,
                            ICollection search_subset_uris,                  // should be internal uris
                            QueryPartHook query_part_hook,
                            HitFilter hit_filter)
            if (Debug)
                Logger.Log.Debug("###### {0}: Starting low-level queries", IndexName);

            Stopwatch total, a, b, c, d, e, f;

            total = new Stopwatch();
            a     = new Stopwatch();
            b     = new Stopwatch();
            c     = new Stopwatch();
            d     = new Stopwatch();
            e     = new Stopwatch();
            f     = new Stopwatch();


            ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
            ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;

            LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
            LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;

            AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;

            ArrayList term_list;

            // Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries

            term_list = AssembleQuery(query,
                                      out primary_required_part_queries,
                                      out secondary_required_part_queries,
                                      out primary_prohibited_part_query,
                                      out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
                                      out all_hit_filters);

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Building queries took {1}", IndexName, a);

            // If we have no required parts, give up.
            if (primary_required_part_queries == null)


            // Now that we have all of these nice queries, let's execute them!

            IndexReader primary_reader;

            LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
            IndexReader       secondary_reader;

            LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;

            // Create the searchers that we will need.
            if (!BuildSearchers(out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher))

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Readers/searchers built in {1}", IndexName, b);

            // Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.

            // Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
            LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;

                                  out primary_whitelist,
                                  out secondary_whitelist);

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Whitelists and blacklists built in {1}", IndexName, c);

            // Now run the low level queries against our indexes.

            BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;

            if (primary_required_part_queries != null)
                if (secondary_searcher != null)
                    primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex(primary_searcher,
                    primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries(primary_searcher,

            if (Debug)
                Logger.Log.Debug("###### {0}: Low-level queries finished in {1}", IndexName, d);

            // Only generate results if we got some matches
            if (primary_matches != null && primary_matches.ContainsTrue())
                                     new HitFilter(all_hit_filters.HitFilter),


            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Query results generated in {1}", IndexName, e);

            // Finally, we clean up after ourselves.

            CloseSearchers(primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Readers/searchers released in {1}", IndexName, f);

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug("###### {0}: Query time breakdown:", IndexName);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:    Build queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, a, 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:      Got readers {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:       Whitelists {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:          Queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:    Gen'd Results {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:   Reader cleanup {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, f, 100 * f.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
                Log.Debug("###### {0}:            TOTAL {1,6}", IndexName, total);

                Logger.Log.Debug("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // There are two ways we can determine the max_results
        // most recent items:
        // One is to instantiate Lucene documents for each of
        // the document IDs in primary_matches.  This is a
        // fairly expensive operation.
        // The other is to walk through the list of all
        // document IDs in descending time order.  This is
        // a less expensive operation, but adds up over time
        // on large data sets.
        // We can walk about 2.5 docs for every Document we
        // instantiate.  So what we'll do, if we have more
        // matches than available hits, is walk (m * 1.25)
        // docs to see if we can fill out the top 100 hits.
        // If not, we'll fall back to creating documents
        // for all of them.

        private static ArrayList ScanRecentDocs(IndexReader primary_reader,
                                                IndexReader secondary_reader,
                                                BetterBitArray primary_matches,
                                                Dictionary <int, Hit> hits_by_id,
                                                int max_results,
                                                ref int total_number_of_matches,
                                                HitFilter hit_filter,
                                                string index_name)
            Stopwatch a = new Stopwatch();


            TermDocs  docs               = primary_reader.TermDocs();
            TermEnum  enumerator         = primary_reader.Terms(new Term("InvertedTimestamp", String.Empty));
            ArrayList results            = new ArrayList(max_results);
            int       docs_found         = 0;
            int       docs_walked        = 0;
            int       hit_filter_removed = 0;
            int       max_docs           = (int)(primary_matches.TrueCount * 1.25);

            Term     term;
            TermDocs secondary_term_docs = null;

            if (secondary_reader != null)
                secondary_term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs();

                term = enumerator.Term();

                if (term.Field() != "InvertedTimestamp")


                while (docs.Next() &&
                       docs_found < max_results &&
                       docs_walked < max_docs)
                    int doc_id = docs.Doc();

                    if (primary_matches.Get(doc_id))
                        Document doc = primary_reader.Document(doc_id);
                        Hit      hit = CreateHit(doc, secondary_reader, secondary_term_docs);

                        // If we have a HitFilter, apply it.
                        if (hit_filter != null && !hit_filter(hit))
                            if (Debug)
                                Log.Debug("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);
                        hits_by_id [doc_id] = hit;
                        // Add the result, last modified first

            } while (enumerator.Next() &&
                     docs_found < max_results &&
                     docs_walked < max_docs);

            if (secondary_term_docs != null)

            // If we've found all the docs we can return in a subset!
            // Fantastic, we've probably short circuited a slow search.
            if (docs_found != max_results)
                // Otherwise bad luck! Not all docs found
                // Start afresh - this time traversing all results
                results = null;
                // Adjust total_number_of_matches. We need to do this to avoid scenarios like the following:
                // max_hits = 100. Matched 100 results. But hit filter removed 30. So 70 results will be returned.
                // We want to avoid saying "Showing top 70 of 100". Note that since we are not passing
                // every document in the index through the hit_filter, when we say "Showing top 100 of 1234", the
                // 1234 could actually be much less. But since max_hits was 100, that will not mislead the user.
                total_number_of_matches -= hit_filter_removed;

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Walked {1} items, populated an enum with {2} items in {3}", index_name, docs_walked, docs_found, a);

                if (docs_found == max_results)
                    Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Successfully short circuited timestamp ordering!", index_name);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static ArrayList   FindRecentResults(IndexReader primary_reader,
                                                     IndexReader secondary_reader,
                                                     BetterBitArray primary_matches,
                                                     Dictionary <int, Hit> hits_by_id,
                                                     int max_results,
                                                     ref int total_number_of_matches,
                                                     HitFilter hit_filter,
                                                     string index_name)
            Stopwatch b = new Stopwatch();


            int      count = 0;
            Document doc;

            ArrayList all_docs  = null;
            TopScores top_docs  = null;
            TermDocs  term_docs = null;

            if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
                top_docs = new TopScores(max_results);
                all_docs = new ArrayList(primary_matches.TrueCount);

            if (secondary_reader != null)
                term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs();

            for (int match_index = primary_matches.Count; ; match_index--)
                // Walk across the matches backwards, since newer
                // documents are more likely to be at the end of
                // the index.
                match_index = primary_matches.GetPreviousTrueIndex(match_index);
                if (match_index < 0)


                doc = primary_reader.Document(match_index, fields_timestamp_uri);

                // Check the timestamp --- if we have already reached our
                // limit, we might be able to reject it immediately.
                string timestamp_str;
                long   timestamp_num = 0;

                timestamp_str = doc.Get("Timestamp");
                if (timestamp_str == null)
                    Logger.Log.Warn("No timestamp on {0}!", GetUriFromDocument(doc));
                    timestamp_num = Int64.Parse(doc.Get("Timestamp"));
                    if (top_docs != null && !top_docs.WillAccept(timestamp_num))

                // Get the actual hit now
                // doc was created with only 2 fields, so first get the complete lucene document for primary document.
                // Also run our hit_filter now, if we have one. Since we insist of returning max_results
                // most recent hits, any hits that would be filtered out should happen now and not later.
                Hit hit = CreateHit(primary_reader.Document(match_index), secondary_reader, term_docs);
                if (hit_filter != null && !hit_filter(hit))
                    if (Debug)
                        Log.Debug("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);

                hits_by_id [match_index] = hit;

                // Add the document to the appropriate data structure.
                // We use the timestamp_num as the score, so high
                // scores correspond to more-recent timestamps.
                if (all_docs != null)
                    top_docs.Add(timestamp_num, hit);

            if (term_docs != null)


            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug(">>> {0}: Instantiated and scanned {1} documents in {2}", index_name, count, b);

            if (all_docs != null)
                // Sort results before sending
Ejemplo n.º 11

		public void DoQuery (Query               query,
				     IQueryResult        result,
				     ICollection         search_subset_uris, // should be internal uris
				     QueryPartHook       query_part_hook,
				     HitFilter           hit_filter)
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Starting low-level queries", IndexName);

			Stopwatch total, a, b, c, d, e, f;

			total = new Stopwatch ();
			a = new Stopwatch ();
			b = new Stopwatch ();
			c = new Stopwatch ();
			d = new Stopwatch ();
			e = new Stopwatch ();
			f = new Stopwatch ();

			total.Start ();
			a.Start ();

			ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
			ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;

			LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
			LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;

			AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;

			ArrayList term_list;

			// Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries

			term_list = AssembleQuery (query,
				out primary_required_part_queries,
				out secondary_required_part_queries,
				out primary_prohibited_part_query,
				out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
				out all_hit_filters);

			a.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Building queries took {1}", IndexName, a);

			// If we have no required parts, give up.
			if (primary_required_part_queries == null)

			b.Start ();
			// Now that we have all of these nice queries, let's execute them!

			IndexReader primary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
			IndexReader secondary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;

			// Create the searchers that we will need.
			if (! BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher))

			b.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers built in {1}", IndexName, b);

			// Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
			c.Start ();

			// Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
			LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
			CreateQueryWhitelists (search_subset_uris,
				out primary_whitelist,
				out secondary_whitelist);

			c.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Whitelists and blacklists built in {1}", IndexName, c);

			// Now run the low level queries against our indexes.
			d.Start ();

			BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;

			if (primary_required_part_queries != null) {

				if (secondary_searcher != null)
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (primary_searcher,
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries (primary_searcher,


			d.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Low-level queries finished in {1}", IndexName, d);

			e.Start ();
			// Only generate results if we got some matches
			if (primary_matches != null && primary_matches.ContainsTrue ()) {
				GenerateQueryResults (primary_reader,
						      new HitFilter (all_hit_filters.HitFilter),

			e.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query results generated in {1}", IndexName, e);

			// Finally, we clean up after ourselves.

			f.Start ();
			CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
			f.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers released in {1}", IndexName, f);

			total.Stop ();
			if (Debug) {
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query time breakdown:", IndexName);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Build queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, a, 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:      Got readers {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:       Whitelists {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:          Queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Gen'd Results {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:   Reader cleanup {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, f, 100 * f.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:            TOTAL {1,6}", IndexName, total);

				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);

Ejemplo n.º 12
		private static ArrayList   FindRecentResults (IndexReader	    primary_reader,
							      IndexReader	    secondary_reader,
							      BetterBitArray	    primary_matches,
							      Dictionary<int, Hit>  hits_by_id,
							      int		    max_results,
							      ref int		    total_number_of_matches,
							      HitFilter		    hit_filter,
							      string		    index_name)
			Stopwatch b = new Stopwatch ();
			b.Start ();
			int count = 0;
			Document doc;

			ArrayList all_docs = null;
			TopScores top_docs = null;
			TermDocs term_docs = null;

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
				top_docs = new TopScores (max_results);
				all_docs = new ArrayList (primary_matches.TrueCount);

			if (secondary_reader != null)
				term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs ();

			for (int match_index = primary_matches.Count; ; match_index --) {
				// Walk across the matches backwards, since newer
				// documents are more likely to be at the end of
				// the index.
				match_index = primary_matches.GetPreviousTrueIndex (match_index);
				if (match_index < 0)


				doc = primary_reader.Document (match_index, fields_timestamp_uri);

				// Check the timestamp --- if we have already reached our
				// limit, we might be able to reject it immediately.
				string timestamp_str;
				long timestamp_num = 0;

				timestamp_str = doc.Get ("Timestamp");
				if (timestamp_str == null) {
					Logger.Log.Warn ("No timestamp on {0}!", GetUriFromDocument (doc));
				} else {
					timestamp_num = Int64.Parse (doc.Get ("Timestamp"));
					if (top_docs != null && ! top_docs.WillAccept (timestamp_num))

				// Get the actual hit now
				// doc was created with only 2 fields, so first get the complete lucene document for primary document.
				// Also run our hit_filter now, if we have one. Since we insist of returning max_results
				// most recent hits, any hits that would be filtered out should happen now and not later.
				Hit hit = CreateHit (primary_reader.Document (match_index), secondary_reader, term_docs);
				if (hit_filter != null && ! hit_filter (hit)) {
					if (Debug)
						Log.Debug ("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);
					total_number_of_matches --;

				hits_by_id [match_index] = hit;

				// Add the document to the appropriate data structure.
				// We use the timestamp_num as the score, so high
				// scores correspond to more-recent timestamps.
				if (all_docs != null)
					all_docs.Add (hit);
					top_docs.Add (timestamp_num, hit);

			if (term_docs != null)
				term_docs.Close ();

			b.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Instantiated and scanned {1} documents in {2}", index_name, count, b);

			if (all_docs != null) {
				// Sort results before sending
				all_docs.Sort ();
				return all_docs;
			} else {
				return top_docs.TopScoringObjects;
Ejemplo n.º 13

		// Returns the lists of terms in the query
		private ArrayList AssembleQuery (Query			query,
						 QueryPartHook		query_part_hook,
					    	 HitFilter		hit_filter,
					    	 out ArrayList		primary_required_part_queries,
					    	 out ArrayList		secondary_required_part_queries,
					    	 out LNS.BooleanQuery	primary_prohibited_part_query,
					    	 out LNS.BooleanQuery	secondary_prohibited_part_query,
						 out AndHitFilter	all_hit_filters)
			primary_required_part_queries = null;
			secondary_required_part_queries = null;
			primary_prohibited_part_query = null;
			secondary_prohibited_part_query = null;

			all_hit_filters = new AndHitFilter ();
			if (hit_filter != null)
				all_hit_filters.Add (hit_filter);

			ArrayList term_list = new ArrayList ();

			foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts) {
				LNS.Query primary_part_query;
				LNS.Query secondary_part_query;
				HitFilter part_hit_filter;
				QueryPartToQuery (part,
						  false, // we want both primary and secondary queries
						  part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Required ? term_list : null,
						  out primary_part_query,
						  out secondary_part_query,
						  out part_hit_filter);

				if (primary_part_query == null)

				switch (part.Logic) {
				case QueryPartLogic.Required:
					if (primary_required_part_queries == null) {
						primary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
						secondary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
					primary_required_part_queries.Add (primary_part_query);
					secondary_required_part_queries.Add (secondary_part_query);
					if (part_hit_filter != null)
						all_hit_filters.Add (part_hit_filter);

				case QueryPartLogic.Prohibited:
					if (primary_prohibited_part_query == null)
						primary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
					primary_prohibited_part_query.Add (primary_part_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

					if (secondary_part_query != null) {
						if (secondary_prohibited_part_query == null)
							secondary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
						secondary_prohibited_part_query.Add (secondary_part_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

					if (part_hit_filter != null) {
						NotHitFilter nhf;
						nhf = new NotHitFilter (part_hit_filter);
						all_hit_filters.Add (new HitFilter (nhf.HitFilter));


			return term_list;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		// There are two ways we can determine the max_results
		// most recent items:  
		// One is to instantiate Lucene documents for each of
		// the document IDs in primary_matches.  This is a
		// fairly expensive operation.
		// The other is to walk through the list of all
		// document IDs in descending time order.  This is
		// a less expensive operation, but adds up over time
		// on large data sets.
		// We can walk about 2.5 docs for every Document we
		// instantiate.  So what we'll do, if we have more
		// matches than available hits, is walk (m * 1.25)
		// docs to see if we can fill out the top 100 hits.
		// If not, we'll fall back to creating documents
		// for all of them.

		private static ArrayList ScanRecentDocs (IndexReader	    primary_reader,
						    IndexReader		    secondary_reader,
						    BetterBitArray	    primary_matches,
						    Dictionary<int, Hit>    hits_by_id,
						    int			    max_results,
						    ref int		    total_number_of_matches,
						    HitFilter		    hit_filter,
						    string		    index_name)
			Stopwatch a = new Stopwatch ();
			a.Start ();

			TermDocs docs = primary_reader.TermDocs ();
			TermEnum enumerator = primary_reader.Terms (new Term ("InvertedTimestamp", String.Empty));
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList (max_results);
			int docs_found = 0;
			int docs_walked = 0;
			int hit_filter_removed = 0;
			int max_docs = (int) (primary_matches.TrueCount * 1.25);

			Term term;
			TermDocs secondary_term_docs = null;
			if (secondary_reader != null)
				secondary_term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs ();

			do {
				term = enumerator.Term ();
				if (term.Field () != "InvertedTimestamp")

				docs.Seek (enumerator);

				while (docs.Next ()
				       && docs_found < max_results
				       && docs_walked < max_docs) {
					int doc_id = docs.Doc ();

					if (primary_matches.Get (doc_id)) {
						Document doc = primary_reader.Document (doc_id);
						Hit hit = CreateHit (doc, secondary_reader, secondary_term_docs);

						// If we have a HitFilter, apply it.
						if (hit_filter != null && ! hit_filter (hit)) {
							if (Debug)
								Log.Debug ("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);
							hit_filter_removed ++;
						hits_by_id [doc_id] = hit;
						// Add the result, last modified first
						results.Add (hit);
			} while (enumerator.Next ()
				 && docs_found < max_results
				 && docs_walked < max_docs);

			docs.Close ();
			if (secondary_term_docs != null)
				secondary_term_docs.Close ();

			// If we've found all the docs we can return in a subset!
			// Fantastic, we've probably short circuited a slow search.
			if (docs_found != max_results) {
				// Otherwise bad luck! Not all docs found
				// Start afresh - this time traversing all results
				results = null;
			} else {
				// Adjust total_number_of_matches. We need to do this to avoid scenarios like the following:
				// max_hits = 100. Matched 100 results. But hit filter removed 30. So 70 results will be returned.
				// We want to avoid saying "Showing top 70 of 100". Note that since we are not passing
				// every document in the index through the hit_filter, when we say "Showing top 100 of 1234", the
				// 1234 could actually be much less. But since max_hits was 100, that will not mislead the user.
				total_number_of_matches -= hit_filter_removed;

			a.Stop ();
			if (Debug) {
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Walked {1} items, populated an enum with {2} items in {3}", index_name, docs_walked, docs_found, a);
				if (docs_found == max_results)
					Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Successfully short circuited timestamp ordering!", index_name);

			return results;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		private static void GenerateQueryResults (IndexReader       primary_reader,
							  IndexReader       secondary_reader,
							  BetterBitArray    primary_matches,
							  IQueryResult      result,
							  ICollection       query_term_list,
							  int               max_results,
							  HitFilter         hit_filter,
							  string            index_name)
			int num_hits;

			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Initially handed {1} matches", index_name, primary_matches.TrueCount);

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount <= max_results) {
				if (Debug)
					Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Initial count is within our limit of {1}", index_name, max_results);
				num_hits = primary_matches.TrueCount;
			} else {
				if (Debug)
					Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Number of hits is capped at {1}", index_name, max_results);
				num_hits = max_results;

			Stopwatch total, d, e;
			total = new Stopwatch ();
			d = new Stopwatch ();
			e = new Stopwatch ();

			total.Start ();

			ArrayList final_list_of_hits = null;

			// This is used only for scoring
			Dictionary<int, Hit> hits_by_id = new Dictionary<int, Hit> (num_hits);

			int total_number_of_matches = primary_matches.TrueCount;

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
				final_list_of_hits = ScanRecentDocs (primary_reader,
					ref total_number_of_matches,

			if (final_list_of_hits == null)
				final_list_of_hits = FindRecentResults (primary_reader,
					ref total_number_of_matches,

			d.Start ();

			ScoreHits (hits_by_id, primary_reader, query_term_list);
			hits_by_id = null;

			d.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Scored hits in {1}", index_name, d);

			e.Start ();

			// 25 hits seems to be the sweet spot: anything lower
			// and serialization overhead gets us, higher takes
			// longer to send out.
			const int MAX_QUEUED_HITS = 25;
			int sent_index = 0;

			// Break up the hits into reasonably sized chunks for
			// sending over the wire.
			for (int i = 0; i < final_list_of_hits.Count; ++i) {
				// Flush our hits
				if (i > 0 && i % MAX_QUEUED_HITS == 0) {
					result.Add (final_list_of_hits.GetRange (0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS));
					final_list_of_hits.RemoveRange (0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS);
					i -= MAX_QUEUED_HITS;

			// Flush the remaining hits
			result.Add (final_list_of_hits, total_number_of_matches);
			final_list_of_hits = null;

			e.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Hit filters executed and results sent in {1}", index_name, e);

			total.Stop ();

			if (Debug) {
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: GenerateQueryResults time statistics:", index_name);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:   Short circuit {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, a == null ? "N/A" : a.ToString (), a == null ? 0.0 : 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:     Create docs {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:    Hit assembly {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:     Scored hits {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:    Results sent {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:           TOTAL {1,6}", index_name, total);