Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> HistoricalClimate(int search, int measures, IFormFile file)
            Message msg = null;

                if (file != null && file.Length > 0)
                    // Save a copy in the web site
                    await file.CopyToAsync(new FileStream(importPath + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "-weatherstation-historical-climate-ws-" + file.FileName, FileMode.Create));

                    // Read the file
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file.OpenReadStream());
                    string       line   = string.Empty;
                    int          lines  = 0;
                    IEnumerable <WeatherStation>       ws  = null;
                    List <HistoricalClimateViewImport> raw = new List <HistoricalClimateViewImport>();
                    string[] patterns = null;
                    string[] values   = null;
                    // Read the file
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        line = await reader.ReadLineAsync();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                            lines += 1;
                            // Reading the headers
                            if (lines == 1)
                                patterns = line.Split(',').Skip(2).ToArray();
                                // Searching the weather stations according of the parameter to seek
                                if (search == 1)
                                    ws = await db.weatherStation.listEnableByExtIDsAsync(patterns);
                                else if (search == 2)
                                    ws = await db.weatherStation.listEnableByNamesAsync(patterns);
                                // Fixed the values to view import historical climate
                                // The first two columns are the year and month
                                values = line.Split(',');
                                for (int i = 2; i < values.Length; i++)
                                    raw.Add(new HistoricalClimateViewImport()
                                        year   = int.Parse(values[0]),
                                        month  = int.Parse(values[1]),
                                        ext_id = search == 1 ? patterns[i - 2] : string.Empty,
                                        name   = search == 2 ? patterns[i - 2] : string.Empty,
                                        value  = double.Parse(values[i])
                    // Import to the database
                    WeatherStation      ws_entity;
                    HistoricalClimatic  hc_entity, hc_new;
                    MeasureClimatic     mc = (MeasureClimatic)measures;
                    List <ClimaticData> data;
                    // In this section it is filtered the data of the field loaded and the historical information is added to the data base.
                    // We first get the ids of the climate stations, then it is filtered the information of each year and each station.
                    // With this information we look for in the data base if it historical information stored, in case that it is not created in
                    // a new identity. It is filtered the information of every month in order to add the data to the field.
                    // At the end it is updated the information. If there is not a file, it is created as a new one.
                    var ws_patterns = search == 1 ? raw.Select(p => p.ext_id).Distinct() : raw.Select(p => p.name).Distinct();
                    foreach (var y in raw.Select(p => p.year).Distinct())
                        foreach (var ws_p in ws_patterns)
                            var ws_values = search == 1 ? raw.Where(p => p.ext_id == ws_p && p.year == y) : raw.Where(p => p.name == ws_p && p.year == y);
                            ws_entity = search == 1 ? ws.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ext_id == ws_p) : ws.FirstOrDefault(p => p.name == ws_p);
                            if (ws_entity != null)
                                hc_entity = await db.historicalClimatic.byYearWeatherStationAsync(y, ws_entity.id);

                                if (hc_entity == null)
                                    hc_new = new HistoricalClimatic()
                                        weather_station = ws_entity.id, year = y, monthly_data = new List <MonthlyDataStation>()
                                    hc_new = new HistoricalClimatic()
                                        id = hc_entity.id, weather_station = hc_entity.weather_station, year = y, monthly_data = hc_entity.monthly_data
                                var months = ws_values.Select(p => p.month);
                                foreach (var m in months)
                                    var monthlyData = hc_new.monthly_data.FirstOrDefault(p => p.month == m) ?? new MonthlyDataStation()
                                        month = m, data = new List <ClimaticData>()
                                    var restMonthlyData = hc_new.monthly_data.Where(p => p.month != m).ToList() ?? new List <MonthlyDataStation>();
                                    data = monthlyData.data.ToList();
                                    data.Add(ws_values.Where(p => p.month == m).Select(p => new ClimaticData()
                                        measure = mc, value = p.value
                                    monthlyData.data = data;
                                    hc_new.monthly_data = restMonthlyData;
                                // In case that the entity didn't exist, it will be created in the database
                                if (hc_entity == null)
                                    await db.historicalClimatic.insertAsync(hc_new);
                                    await db.historicalClimatic.updateAsync(hc_entity, hc_new);
                    msg = new Message()
                        content = "Historical Climate WS. The file was imported correctly. Records imported: (" + (lines - 1).ToString() + ")  rows",
                        type    = MessageType.successful
                    await writeEventAsync(msg.content, LogEvent.cre, new List <LogEntity>() { LogEntity.lc_weather_station, LogEntity.hs_historical_climatic });
                    msg = new Message()
                        content = "Historical Climate WS. An error occurred with the file imported", type = MessageType.error
                    await writeEventAsync(msg.content, LogEvent.err, new List <LogEntity>() { LogEntity.lc_weather_station });
            catch (Exception ex)
                await writeExceptionAsync(ex);

                msg = new Message()
                    content = "Historical Climate WS. An error occurred in the system, contact the administrator", type = MessageType.error
            // List climate variables
            await generateListMeasuresAndSourceAsync();

            ViewBag.message = msg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <bool> importHistoricalAsync(string path, MeasureClimatic mc, int search)
            StreamReader file;
            string       line  = string.Empty;
            int          lines = 0;
            IEnumerable <WeatherStation>       ws  = null;
            List <HistoricalClimateViewImport> raw = new List <HistoricalClimateViewImport>();

            string[] patterns = null;
            string[] values   = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Importing: " + path);
            // Read the file
            using (file = File.OpenText(path))
                // Read line
                Console.WriteLine("Loading data");
                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                        lines += 1;
                        // Reading the headers
                        if (lines == 1)
                            patterns = line.Split(',').Skip(2).ToArray();
                            // Searching the weather stations according of the parameter to seek
                            if (search == 1)
                                ws = await db.weatherStation.listEnableByExtIDsAsync(patterns);
                            else if (search == 2)
                                ws = await db.weatherStation.listEnableByNamesAsync(patterns);
                            // Fixed the values to view import historical climate
                            // The first two columns are the year and month
                            values = line.Split(',');
                            for (int i = 2; i < values.Length; i++)
                                raw.Add(new HistoricalClimateViewImport()
                                    year   = int.Parse(values[0]),
                                    month  = int.Parse(values[1]),
                                    ext_id = search == 1 ? patterns[i - 2] : string.Empty,
                                    name   = search == 2 ? patterns[i - 2] : string.Empty,
                                    value  = double.Parse(values[i])
                Console.WriteLine("Data loaded: " + raw.Count.ToString());
                // Import to the database
                WeatherStation      ws_entity;
                HistoricalClimatic  hc_entity, hc_new;
                List <ClimaticData> data;
                // In this section it is filtered the data of the field loaded and the historical information is added to the data base.
                // We first get the ids of the climate stations, then it is filtered the information of each year and each station.
                // With this information we look for in the data base if it historical information stored, in case that it is not created in
                // a new identity. It is filtered the information of every month in order to add the data to the field.
                // At the end it is updated the information. If there is not a file, it is created as a new one.
                var ws_patterns = search == 1 ? raw.Select(p => p.ext_id).Distinct() : raw.Select(p => p.name).Distinct();
                foreach (int y in raw.Select(p => p.year).Distinct())
                    foreach (string ws_p in ws_patterns)
                        Console.WriteLine("Processing: " + ws_p + " year: " + y.ToString());
                        var ws_values = search == 1 ? raw.Where(p => p.ext_id == ws_p && p.year == y) : raw.Where(p => p.name == ws_p && p.year == y);
                        ws_entity = search == 1 ? ws.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ext_id == ws_p) : ws.FirstOrDefault(p => p.name == ws_p);
                        if (ws_entity != null)
                            hc_entity = await db.historicalClimatic.byYearWeatherStationAsync(y, ws_entity.id);

                            if (hc_entity == null)
                                hc_new = new HistoricalClimatic()
                                    weather_station = ws_entity.id, year = y, monthly_data = new List <MonthlyDataStation>()
                                hc_new = new HistoricalClimatic()
                                    id = hc_entity.id, weather_station = hc_entity.weather_station, year = y, monthly_data = hc_entity.monthly_data
                            var months = ws_values.Select(p => p.month);
                            foreach (var m in months)
                                var monthlyData = hc_new.monthly_data.FirstOrDefault(p => p.month == m) ?? new MonthlyDataStation()
                                    month = m, data = new List <ClimaticData>()
                                var restMonthlyData = hc_new.monthly_data.Where(p => p.month != m).ToList() ?? new List <MonthlyDataStation>();
                                data = monthlyData.data.ToList();
                                data.Add(ws_values.Where(p => p.month == m).Select(p => new ClimaticData()
                                    measure = mc, value = p.value
                                monthlyData.data = data;
                                hc_new.monthly_data = restMonthlyData;
                            // In case that the entity didn't exist, it will be created in the database
                            if (hc_entity == null)
                                await db.historicalClimatic.insertAsync(hc_new);
                                await db.historicalClimatic.updateAsync(hc_entity, hc_new);
            Console.WriteLine("Import process has finished");