Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void InitTestSuite(TestContext testContext)
     // simulate previous prefab build
     airline = new Airline(lat, lon);
     highway = new Highway(lat, lon);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref ColorChangeComponent colorChangeComponent, [ReadOnly] ref ColorComponent colorComponent)
            var mesh = Highway.GetRenderMeshes()[colorComponent.Value];

            CommandBuffer.SetSharedComponent(index, entity, new RenderMesh()
                mesh = mesh.mesh, material = mesh.material
            CommandBuffer.RemoveComponent <ColorChangeComponent>(index, entity);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        S = this;

        m_instantiatedComponents = new List <GameObject>();

        GameObject component = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(highwayComponent);

        component.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        component.transform.parent   = transform;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void SetupMaterials()
        _instance = this;
        const int materialCount = 10;

        _renderers = new RenderMesh[materialCount];
        for (var i = 0; i < materialCount; i++)
            var newMaterial = new Material(baseMaterial);
            newMaterial.color = color.Evaluate((float)i / materialCount);
            _renderers[i]     = new RenderMesh()
                mesh = carMesh, material = newMaterial
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void saveHighwayConfig()
            sceneSave.highwaySaveList = new List <HighwaySave>();

            for (int i = 0; i < scene.highwayList.Count; i++)
                HighwaySave highwaySave = new HighwaySave();
                Highway     h           = scene.highwayList[i];
                highwaySave.highwayID         = h.id;
                highwaySave.hasLeftSidewalk   = h.hasLeftSidewalk;
                highwaySave.hasRightSidewalk  = h.hasRightSideWalk;
                highwaySave.leftSidewalkSize  = h.leftSidewalkSize;
                highwaySave.rightSidewalkSize = h.rightSidewalkSize;
                highwaySave.waySize           = h.waySize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public ZenrinParser Load(string selectedFolder)
            Highways            = new List <Highway>();
            Interchanges        = new List <Interchange>();
            HighwayInterchanges = new List <HighwayInterchange>();
            _Folder             = new DirectoryInfo(selectedFolder);
            var targetFiles = _Folder.GetFiles("*.TXT", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList();
            var data        = new List <InterchangeParsed>();

            foreach (var tf in targetFiles)
                using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(tf.FullName))
                    using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis")))
                        using (var rodadCsv = new CachedCsvReader(reader, false, '\t'))
                            data.AddRange(rodadCsv.Select((s, i) =>
                                return(new InterchangeRaw
                                    FileName = tf.Name,
                                    RowNumber = i + 1,
                                    PrefectureCode = s.GetValue(0).ToString(),
                                    ZenrinTypeCode = s.GetValue(1).ToString(),
                                    PrefectureICSerial = s.GetValue(2).ToString(),
                                    HighwayKana = s.GetValue(6).ToString(),
                                    IC_Kana = s.GetValue(7).ToString(),
                                    HighwayKanji = s.GetValue(8).ToString(),
                                    IC_Kanji = s.GetValue(9).ToString(),
                                    Longitude = s.GetValue(17).ToString(),
                                    Latitude = s.GetValue(18).ToString(),
                                    DataDate = s.GetValue(30).ToString(),
            Highways            = Highway.ParseHighways(data);
            Interchanges        = Interchange.NormalizedInterchange(Highways);
            HighwayInterchanges = Interchanges.SelectMany(ic => ic.Highways.Select(h => new { Highway = h.Item1, SortOrder = h.Item2, Interchange = ic })).OrderBy(hi => hi.Highway.TempHighwayId).ThenBy(hi => hi.SortOrder)
                                  .Select(i => new HighwayInterchange {
                Interchange = i.Interchange, SortOrder = i.SortOrder, HighwayKana = i.Highway.HighwayKana, PrefectureCode = i.Highway.PrefectureCode, HighwayKanji = i.Highway.HighwayKanji, TempHighwayId = i.Highway.TempHighwayId
        public Highway ReturnTheFirstIntersectionPoint(string road)
            Highway start = new Highway(0, 0);
            Highway[] pieces = { start };
            Highway movement = pieces[pieces.Length - 1];

            foreach (char item in road)
                HighwayMovement(item, ref movement);
                  if (CeckForIntersection(movement, pieces))
                    return movement;
                    AddStepsToHighway(ref movement, ref pieces);
            return start;
Ejemplo n.º 8
            public void AddHighway(string s, string d, double w)
                Highway h = new Highway(s, d, w);


                if (!V.ContainsKey(s))
                    V.Add(s, new City());
                if (!V.ContainsKey(d))
                    V.Add(d, new City());
                if (!D.ContainsKey(s))
                    D.Add(s, new List <Highway>());
        public void HighwayMovement(char direction, ref Highway piece)
            switch (direction)
                case 'U':
                    piece = new Highway(piece.x + 1, piece.y);

                case 'D':
                    piece = new Highway(piece.x - 1, piece.y);

                case 'L':
                    piece = new Highway(piece.x, piece.y - 1);

                case 'R':
                    piece = new Highway(piece.x, piece.y + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 10

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PathMarker"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mcMapControl">The mc map control.</param>
        /// <param name="points">The points.</param>
        /// <param name="h">The h.</param>
        /// <param name="strToolTip">The string tool tip.</param>
        public PathMarker(GMapControl mcMapControl, IEnumerable <PointLatLng> points, Highway h, string strToolTip) :
            this.mcMapControl = mcMapControl;
            this.hType        = h;

            Label label = new Label
                Background      = Brushes.Yellow,
                Foreground      = Brushes.Black,
                BorderBrush     = Brushes.Black,
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(2),
                Padding         = new Thickness(3),
                FontSize        = 14,
                FontFamily      = new FontFamily("Courier New"),
                Content         = strToolTip

            this.popup = new Popup
                Placement = PlacementMode.Mouse,
                Child     = label


            if (this.Shape is Path path)
                path.IsHitTestVisible = true;
                path.Cursor           = Cursors.Cross;


            this.Shape.MouseLeftButtonUp   += MarkerControl_MouseLeftButtonUp;
            this.Shape.MouseLeftButtonDown += MarkerControl_MouseLeftButtonDown;

            this.Shape.MouseEnter += MarkerControl_MouseEnter;
            this.Shape.MouseLeave += MarkerControl_MouseLeave;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void fillMenu(string highwayID)
            fillLock = true;

            if (highwayEditMenu == null)
                highwayEditMenu = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.Find("HighwayEdit").gameObject;
            if (TThighwayID == null)
                TThighwayID   = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("Text_ID").GetComponent <Text>();
                TThighwayType = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("Text_Type").GetComponent <Text>();
                TThighwayName = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("Text_StreetName").GetComponent <Text>();

                IFhighwaySize       = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("InputField_Size").GetComponent <InputField>();
                TGleftSidewalk      = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("ToggleLeft").GetComponent <Toggle>();
                TGrightSidewalk     = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("ToggleRight").GetComponent <Toggle>();
                IFleftSidewalkSize  = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("InputField_LeftSize").GetComponent <InputField>();
                IFrightSidewalkSize = highwayEditMenu.transform.Find("Panel").Find("InputField_RightSize").GetComponent <InputField>();

            if (loadSaveMenu == null)
                loadSaveMenu = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.Find("LoadSave Menu").gameObject;
                lsm          = loadSaveMenu.GetComponent <LoadSaveMenu>();

            Highway highway = lsm.scene.highwayList.Find(item => item.id == highwayID);

            TThighwayID.text         = highway.id;
            TThighwayType.text       = highway.type.ToString("G");
            TThighwayName.text       = highway.name;
            IFhighwaySize.text       = highway.waySize.ToString();
            TGleftSidewalk.isOn      = highway.hasLeftSidewalk;
            TGrightSidewalk.isOn     = highway.hasRightSideWalk;
            IFleftSidewalkSize.text  = highway.leftSidewalkSize.ToString();
            IFrightSidewalkSize.text = highway.rightSidewalkSize.ToString();

            fillLock = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public string GetPrefix(PrefabAI ai, bool isOneWay, bool isSymmetric, float width, byte lanes, Randomizer rand, ushort segmentId, ushort seedId)
            Highway  highway = Highway.ANY;
            RoadType type    = RoadType.NONE;

            if (ai is RoadBaseAI baseAi)
                if (baseAi is DamAI)
                    type = RoadType.DAM;
                else if (baseAi is RoadBridgeAI)
                    type = RoadType.BRIDGE;
                else if (baseAi.IsUnderground())
                    type = RoadType.TUNNEL;
                    type = RoadType.GROUND;
                highway = baseAi.m_highwayRules ? Highway.TRUE : Highway.FALSE;
            if (type == RoadType.NONE)
                LogUtils.DoLog($"AI NAO IDENTIFICADA: {ai}");

            OneWay            wayVal            = isOneWay ? OneWay.TRUE : OneWay.FALSE;
            Symmetry          symVal            = isSymmetric ? Symmetry.TRUE : Symmetry.FALSE;
            LinkingType       linking           = LinkingType.NO_LINKING;
            SeedConfiguration seedConfiguration =
                (AdrNameSeedDataXml.Instance.NameSeedConfigs.TryGetValue(seedId, out AdrNameSeedConfig seedConf) && !(seedConf.HighwayParent is null) ? SeedConfiguration.HAS_HIGHWAY_TYPE : SeedConfiguration.NO_HIGHWAY_TYPE)
                | ((seedConf?.ForcedName).IsNullOrWhiteSpace()? SeedConfiguration.NO_FORCED_NAME : SeedConfiguration.HAS_FORCED_NAME);
            bool hasStart = true;
            bool hasEnd   = true;

            if (wayVal == OneWay.TRUE && lanes <= 2)
                SegmentUtils.GetSegmentRoadEdges(segmentId, true, true, true, out ComparableRoad startRef, out ComparableRoad endRef, out _);
                LogUtils.DoLog($"OneWay s={startRef}; e= {endRef}");
                if (startRef.segmentReference == 0 || endRef.segmentReference == 0)
                    hasStart = startRef.segmentReference != 0;
                    hasEnd   = endRef.segmentReference != 0;
                else if ((NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[startRef.segmentReference].Info.GetAI() is RoadBaseAI baseAiSource && baseAiSource.m_highwayRules) ||
                         (NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[endRef.segmentReference].Info.GetAI() is RoadBaseAI baseAiTarget && baseAiTarget.m_highwayRules))

                    switch (startRef.CompareTo(endRef))
                    case 1:
                        linking = LinkingType.FROM_BIG;

                    case 0:
                        linking = LinkingType.SAME_SIZE;

                    case -1:
                        linking = LinkingType.FROM_SMALL;

            List <RoadPrefixFileItem> filterResult = m_prefixes.Where(x =>
                                                                      (x.roadType & type) == type &&
                                                                      (x.oneWay & wayVal) == wayVal &&
                                                                      (x.symmetry & symVal) == symVal &&
                                                                      (x.highway & highway) == highway &&
                                                                      (wayVal == OneWay.FALSE || ((x.linking & linking) == linking)) &&
                                                                      (hasStart || !x.requireSource) &&
                                                                      (hasEnd || !x.requireTarget) &&
                                                                      x.minWidth <= width + 0.99f &&
                                                                      width + 0.99f < x.maxWidth &&
                                                                      x.minLanes <= lanes &&
                                                                      lanes < x.maxLanes &&
                                                                      (x.seedConfig & seedConfiguration) == seedConfiguration

            if (filterResult.Count == 0 && linking != LinkingType.NO_LINKING)
                filterResult = m_prefixes.Where(x =>
                                                (x.roadType & type) == type &&
                                                (x.oneWay & wayVal) == wayVal &&
                                                (x.symmetry & symVal) == symVal &&
                                                (x.highway & highway) == highway &&
                                                (wayVal == OneWay.FALSE || ((x.linking & LinkingType.NO_LINKING) == LinkingType.NO_LINKING)) &&
                                                (hasStart || !x.requireSource) &&
                                                (hasEnd || !x.requireTarget) &&
                                                x.minWidth <= width + 0.99f &&
                                                width + 0.99f < x.maxWidth &&
                                                x.minLanes <= lanes &&
                                                lanes < x.maxLanes &&
                                                (x.seedConfig & seedConfiguration) == seedConfiguration
            LogUtils.DoLog($"Results for: {type} O:{wayVal} S:{symVal} H:{highway} W:{width} L:{lanes} Lk:{linking} Hs:{hasStart} He:{hasEnd} Sc:{seedConfiguration} = {filterResult?.Count}");
            if (filterResult?.Count == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 13
 bool CeckForIntersection(Highway pieces, Highway[] movements)
     for (int i = 0; i < movements.Length; i++)
         if (pieces.x == movements[i].x && pieces.y == movements[i].y)
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void BuildButtonClick(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam)
            Debug.Log("Starting build");

            // generate Airplane line, north / south
            Airline airline = new Airline(lat, lon);

            foreach (Track track in airline.Tracks)
                foreach (Node node in track.Nodes)
            Debug.Log("Airline generated");

            Builds.Stream stream     = new Builds.Stream(lat, lon);
            int           unresolved = stream.Build();

            Debug.Log($"OSM canals fetched, {stream.Tracks.Count} tracks,  {unresolved} unresolved segments!");

            foreach (Track track in stream.Tracks)
                foreach (Node node in track.Nodes)
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(node.MapX, 0, node.MapY);
                    node.TerrainHeight = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(pos);

            Canal canal = new Canal(lat, lon);

            unresolved = canal.Build();

            Debug.Log($"OSM canals fetched, {canal.Tracks.Count} tracks,  {unresolved} unresolved segments!");

            foreach (Track track in canal.Tracks)
                foreach (Node node in track.Nodes)
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(node.MapX, 0, node.MapY);
                    node.TerrainHeight = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(pos);

            River river = new River(lat, lon);

            unresolved = river.Build();

            Debug.Log($"OSM rivers fetched, {river.Tracks.Count} tracks,  {unresolved} unresolved segments!");

            foreach (Track track in river.Tracks)
                foreach (Node node in track.Nodes)
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(node.MapX, 0, node.MapY);
                    node.TerrainHeight = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(pos);

            Highway highway = new Highway(lat, lon);

            unresolved = highway.Build();

            Debug.Log($"OSM highways fetched, {highway.Tracks.Count} tracks, {unresolved} unresolved segments!");

            foreach (Track track in highway.Tracks)
                foreach (Node node in track.Nodes)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void ParseWay(Way element)
            if (!firstWay)
                nids     = milestones.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                firstWay = true;

            string taghighway;

            if (!element.Tags.TryGetValue("highway", out taghighway))

            Highway tagHighwayEnum;

            if (!Highway.TryParse(taghighway, out tagHighwayEnum))
                if (!taghighway.Contains("_"))

                var split = taghighway.Split('_');
                if (!(split.Length == 2 &&
                      split[1] == "link" &&
                      Highway.TryParse(split[0], out tagHighwayEnum)))

            var intersect = Intersect(nids, element.Nodes.ToList());

            if (intersect.Count == 0)

            WayRoute route;

            string tagref;

            element.Tags.TryGetValue("ref", out tagref);

            string tagname;

            element.Tags.TryGetValue("name", out tagname);

            string tagdescription;

            element.Tags.TryGetValue("description", out tagdescription);

            if (tagname != "" && tagname == tagdescription)
                errors.Add(new RawError
                    Type    = ErrorType.SameNameAndDescription,
                    OsmType = OsmGeoType.Way,
                    Id      = (long)element.Id,
                    Desc    = tagname

            route = new WayRoute
                Id          = (long)element.Id,
                Ref         = tagref,
                Name        = tagname,
                Description = tagdescription,
                Highway     = tagHighwayEnum

            // привязование линии к точке
            foreach (var id in intersect)
                var index = milestones.BinarySearch(new Milestone {
                    Id = id
                var milestone = milestones[index];
                if (milestone.WayRoute == null)
                    milestone.WayRoute = route;
                else if (milestone.WayRoute.Highway < route.Highway)
                    milestone.WayRoute = route;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 void AddStepsToHighway(ref Highway piece, ref Highway[] array)
     Array.Resize(ref array, array.Length + 1);
     array[array.Length - 1] = piece;
        private void LoadStreets()

            string strFilename = $"{Tool.StartupPath}\\streets_bw.sqlite";

            RectLatLng bb = this.mcMapControl.ViewArea;

            //TODO: Check if the area is not to big ... But what is big ?

            SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder csbDatabase = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder
                DataSource = strFilename

            using (SQLiteConnection dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection(csbDatabase.ConnectionString))

                    //                                     0     1   2   3
                    //const string strSelectStatement = "select highway,ref,name,way from streets_bw where highway in ('motorway','motorway_link','trunk','trunk_link','primary','secondary','primary_link','secondary_link','residential')";
                    const string strSelectStatement = "select highway,ref,name,way from streets_bw";

                    uint iCounter = 0;

                    DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;

                    using (SQLiteCommand dbSelectCommand = new SQLiteCommand(strSelectStatement, dbConnection))
                        using (SQLiteDataReader dbResult = dbSelectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                            while (dbResult.Read())
                                Highway type = Highway.Unknown;

                                    type = (Highway)Enum.Parse(typeof(Highway), dbResult.GetString(0), true);
                                catch (Exception ex)

                                string strRef  = dbResult.GetStringOrNull(1);
                                string strName = dbResult.GetStringOrNull(2);

                                LineString way = (LineString)dbResult.GetGeometryFromWKB(3);

                                if (bb.Contains(way.Coordinate.ToPointLatLng()))
                                    List <PointLatLng> list = new List <PointLatLng>(way.Count);

                                    list.AddRange(way.Coordinates.Select(pos => pos.ToPointLatLng()));

                                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                        PathMarker mrWay = new PathMarker(this.mcMapControl, list, type, $"{( strName.IsNotEmpty() ? strName : "Unknown" )}{( strRef.IsNotEmpty() ? $" ({strRef})" : "" )}")
                                            Tag = type



                    DateTime dtStop = DateTime.Now;

                    MB.Information("Load {0} Ways In {1}.", iCounter, (dtStop - dtStart).ToHHMMSSString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        oldPosition = transform.position;

        /// TEST
        FollowRoad infos = gameObject.GetComponent<FollowRoad>();
        if (infos != null)
            road = infos.road;
            oldRoadCenter = Highway.PointOnPath(road.nodes.ToArray(), infos.percentage);