GetUpdateInformation() public static method

public static GetUpdateInformation ( string userAgent ) : UpdateInformationResponse
userAgent string
return UpdateInformationResponse
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string userAgentText;
        bool   runFromChecker = false;

        userAgent.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.UserAgent);

        if (Request.QueryString["realversion"] != null)
            userAgentText  = this.Request.QueryString["realversion"];
            runFromChecker = true;
            userAgentText = this.Request.UserAgent;

        UpdateInformationResponse response = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(userAgentText, this.Request.Browser.ClrVersion);

        userResult.Text      = response.Text;
        developerOnline.Text = String.Format(@"If your users have internet connectivity, the .NET Framework is only between {1} and {2} megs. Why such a wide range? Well, it depends on if they already have some version of .NET.
         If you point your users to the online setup for the {0}, that {3} MB download will automatically detect and download the smallest archive possible to get the job done.", Constants.DotNetOnline, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB - Constants.Version3OfflineMB, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB, Constants.DotNetOnlineMB);

        developerOfflineResult.Text = String.Format(@"If you are a developer and are distributing your code on CD or DVD, you might want to download the 
         {0} on your media. The download is about {1} MB", Constants.DotNetOffline, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB);
        getdotnet.Visible           = response.VersionCanBeDetermined;
        checkdotnet.Visible         = response.CanRunCheckApp;

        // Hide the 4.5 checker section if
        // (a) we can't determine the dotnet version or
        // (b) we're on an OS that doesn't support .Net or
        // (c) the user has already run the checker so we know exactly what version they're on.
        // Note that the checkdotnet section in the header will still be displayed as long as the OS supports it
        dotnet45.Visible = response.VersionCanBeDetermined && response.CanRunCheckApp && !runFromChecker;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        userAgent.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.UserAgent);
        if (Request.QueryString["realversion"] != null)
            userResult.Text = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(Request.QueryString["realversion"], Request.Browser.ClrVersion);
            userResult.Text = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(Request.UserAgent, Request.Browser.ClrVersion);
        developerOnline.Text = String.Format(@"If your users have internet connectivity, the .NET Framework is only between {1} and {2} megs. Why such a wide range? Well, it depends on if they already have some version of .NET.
         If you point your users to the online setup for the {0}, that {3} MB download will automatically detect and download the smallest archive possible to get the job done.", Constants.DotNetOnline, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB - Constants.Version3OfflineMB, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB, Constants.DotNetOnlineMB);

        developerOfflineResult.Text = String.Format(@"If you are a developer and are distributing your code on CD or DVD, you might want to download the 
         {0} on your media. The download is about {1} MB", Constants.DotNetOffline, Constants.DotNetOfflineMB);

        if (userResult.Text.Contains("can't")) //This is the worst thing I've ever done. We will fix it soon.
            getdotnet.Visible   = false;
            checkdotnet.Visible = true;

        if (userResult.Text.Contains("Mac") || userResult.Text.Contains("Linux")) //No, THIS is the worst thing I've ever done. We will fix it soon.
            getdotnet.Visible   = false;
            checkdotnet.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     if (context.Request.RequestType == "GET")
         var userAgent = context.Request["userAgent"];
         context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     if (context.Request.RequestType == "GET")
         var     userAgent   = context.Request["userAgent"];
         var     netVersions = userAgent.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Where(s => s.Contains(".NET CLR"));
         Version version     = GetNetVersion(netVersions);
         context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
         context.Response.Write(Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(userAgent, version));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CheckWindows10Shows46()
            // Arrange
            const string UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0";

            // Act
            string message = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(UserAgent).Text;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(Helpers.HasWindows10(UserAgent), "Windows 10 detection failed");
            StringAssert.Contains(message, "4.6", "Windows 10 must have at least 4.6");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        getdotnet.HRef = Constants.DotNet35Url;

        userAgent.Text  = "<strong>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.UserAgent) + "</strong>";
        userResult.Text = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(Request.UserAgent, Request.Browser.ClrVersion);

        developerOnline.Text        = String.Format(@"If your users have internet connectivity, the .NET Framework is only between 10 and 60 megs. Why such a wide range? Well, it depends on if they already have some version of .NET. 
         If you point your users to the online setup for the {0}, that 2.8 meg download will automatically detect and download the smallest archive possible to get the job done.", Constants.DotNet35Online);
        developerOfflineResult.Text = String.Format(@"If you are a developer and are distributing your code on CD or DVD, you might want to download the 
                  <a href=""{0}"">FULL OFFLINE .NET 3.5 installation</a> on your media. The download is about 200 megs, but again,
                  that contains all the different 50-60 meg installs that any one system might need.",
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CheckRealVersion()
            // Arrange
            const string UserAgent              = ".NET Version 1.0";
            const string RealVersion            = "4.5.1";
            const string CheckerApplicationText = "The .Net Checker application determined that you have";
            const string UnableToDetermineText  = "The application was not able to determine the exact version you have.";
            var          releaseKey             = 0;

            // Act
            string message = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(UserAgent, RealVersion, releaseKey).Text;

            // Assert
            StringAssert.StartsWith(message, CheckerApplicationText);
            StringAssert.Contains(message, RealVersion);
            Assert.IsFalse(message.Contains(UnableToDetermineText), "The '...not able to determine the exact version...' message should NOT appear if realVersion is present and releaseKey=0");

            foreach (var releaseVersion in Constants.ReleaseVersions)
                // Arrange
                releaseKey = releaseVersion.Key;

                // Act
                message = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(UserAgent, null, releaseKey).Text;

                // Assert
                StringAssert.StartsWith(message, CheckerApplicationText);
                StringAssert.Contains(message, releaseVersion.Value);
                Assert.IsFalse(message.Contains(UnableToDetermineText), "The '...not able to determine the exact version...' message should NOT appear if releaseKey is contained in Constants.ReleaseVersions");

                // Arrange
                releaseKey = releaseVersion.Key + 1;

                // Act
                message = Helpers.GetUpdateInformation(UserAgent, null, releaseKey).Text;

                // Assert
                StringAssert.StartsWith(message, CheckerApplicationText);
                StringAssert.Contains(message, releaseVersion.Value + " or greater");
                StringAssert.Contains(message, UnableToDetermineText, "The '...not able to determine the exact version...' message SHOULD appear if releaseKey is not contained in Constants.ReleaseVersions");