Ejemplo n.º 1
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        float nearestDistance = -1.0f; // camera never hit if return with this value;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        // draw lines in the editor to make it easier to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -camera.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, Color.cyan);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, Color.cyan);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, Color.cyan);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, Color.cyan);

        // finding the nearest point
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        // check bumper
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -camera.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlanAtNear(to);

        // Draw lines in the editer to make it easier to visualize

        /*Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -camera.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
         * Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
         * Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
         * Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
         * Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
         * Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
         * Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
         * Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
         * Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);*/

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Enemy")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Enemy")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Enemy")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Enemy")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Enemy")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDist = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        //Calculate those clip points
        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        #region Drawing Lines Pyramid for Camera Clipping
        //Draw lines in editor to make it easy to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, (to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane), Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);

        //Drawing Box
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        Camera     cam = GetComponent <Camera>();

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -cam.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -cam.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

    // If nothing is hit, then it returns -1
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        float      nearestDistance = -1f;
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        // Calculate points for clipPlanePoints
        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        // Debugging
        // Draw lines in the editor to make it easier to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);

        // Get the nearest Distance for when one of the linecast points hits something between the parent and camera
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && !IsCameraIgnoreOcclusion(hitInfo))
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && !IsCameraIgnoreOcclusion(hitInfo))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && !IsCameraIgnoreOcclusion(hitInfo))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && !IsCameraIgnoreOcclusion(hitInfo))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera> ().nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && !IsCameraIgnoreOcclusion(hitInfo))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks the camera points.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The camera points.</returns>
    /// <param name="from">From.</param>
    /// <param name="to">To.</param>
    private float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var _nearestDistance = -1.0f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo, mask))
            _nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo, mask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < _nearestDistance || _nearestDistance == -1)            // Is it closer that previous nearDistance?
                _nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo, mask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < _nearestDistance || _nearestDistance == -1)            // Is it closer that previous nearDistance?
                _nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo, mask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < _nearestDistance || _nearestDistance == -1)            // Is it closer that previous nearDistance?
                _nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -myCamera.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo, mask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < _nearestDistance || _nearestDistance == -1)            // Is it closer that previous nearDistance?
                _nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 7
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        //If there is no collision then its -1.
        //Any value other than -1 indicates collision

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        //Take to point and calculate clip plane
        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        //Draw lines in the editor to make it easier to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 8
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        // Draw Lines in the editor to make it easier to visualize
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft);

        // ### ADDED && to ignore bullets sucksssss #######################################################################
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" &&
            hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag != "bullet")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" &&
            hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag != "bullet")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" &&
            hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag != "bullet")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" &&
            hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag != "bullet")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, (to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane), out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player" &&
            hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag != "bullet")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 9
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.upperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
            clipPos         = hitInfo.point;
            clipPos.y       = (from + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane).y;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance < 0)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
                clipPos         = hitInfo.point;
                clipPos.y       = (from + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane).y;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance < 0)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
                clipPos         = hitInfo.point;
                clipPos.y       = (from + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane).y;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance < 0)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
                clipPos         = hitInfo.point;
                clipPos.y       = (from + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane).y;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * this.GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Player")
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance < 0)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;
                clipPos         = hitInfo.point;
                clipPos.y       = (from + transform.forward * playerCamera.nearClipPlane).y;

Ejemplo n.º 10
    //Realiza la misma función que CheckCameraPoints, solo que utilizando el reactángulo de visión de la cámara en los dos extremos
    private float CheckCameraPoints2(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        var nearestDistance = -1f;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;         //aqui almacenaremos info sobre lo que hemos chocado

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints  = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);
        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints2 = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(from);         //cogemos el rectangulo de vision

        //Dibujamos 4 lineas que van desde el lookAt hasta ĺos 4 puntos de la cámara
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.upperRight, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, Color.red);

        //Dibujamos el rectángulo de visión de la cámara
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.upperRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, Color.red);

        //Dibujamos el rectángulo de visión 2 de la cámara
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints2.upperRight, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.upperRight, clipPlanePoints2.lowerRight, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints2.lowerLeft, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints2.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints2.upperLeft, Color.red);

        //Comprobamos que hemos dado a algo que no es la layermask
        if (Physics.Linecast(clipPlanePoints2.upperLeft, clipPlanePoints.upperLeft, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        //Si le hemos dado a algo mas cercano, cambiamos la distancia mas cercana
        if (Physics.Linecast(clipPlanePoints2.lowerLeft, clipPlanePoints.lowerLeft, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        //Si le hemos dado a algo mas cercano, cambiamos la distancia mas cercana
        if (Physics.Linecast(clipPlanePoints2.upperRight, clipPlanePoints.upperRight, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        //Si le hemos dado a algo mas cercano, cambiamos la distancia mas cercana
        if (Physics.Linecast(clipPlanePoints2.lowerRight, clipPlanePoints.lowerRight, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        //Si le hemos dado a algo mas cercano, cambiamos la distancia mas cercana
        if (Physics.Linecast(from + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 11
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        float nearestDistance = -1f;
        int   layerMask       = 1 << collisionLayermask;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints CPP = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        //Draw lines in the editor to make it easier to visualize this was my mechanism to debug or test blah blah blah

        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, Color.red);

        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.BottomLeft, CPP.BottomLeft + transform.forward * 0.1f);
        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.BottomRight, CPP.BottomRight + transform.forward * 0.1f);
        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.UpperLeft, CPP.UpperLeft + transform.forward * 0.1f);
        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.UpperRight, CPP.UpperRight + transform.forward * 0.1f);

        Debug.DrawLine(from, CPP.BottomLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, CPP.BottomRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, CPP.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, CPP.UpperRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.UpperRight, CPP.UpperLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.BottomRight, CPP.BottomLeft);

        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.UpperRight, CPP.BottomRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(CPP.UpperLeft, CPP.BottomLeft);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, CPP.BottomLeft, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, CPP.BottomRight, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, CPP.UpperLeft, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, CPP.UpperRight, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -GetComponent <Camera>().nearClipPlane, out hitInfo, layerMask))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 12
    //Checking here from and to the "pyramid" of N.C.P. and ProtoLookAt
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        //series of comparisons, IF any of the 5 determined points is hit, what is
        //nearest of desired target for cam.

        //nearest distance can never be -1. It can be 0, but not less than that.
        //If this returns any other value than -1, there is a collision
        var nearestDistance = -1f; //if this is coming out, there has not been a collision.

        //Linecast is similar to raycast. Raycast also needed for check

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        //let's calculate the clipPoints of plane. By calling helper :D HELP! HELPER!
        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneNear(to);

        //Draw Lines in editor for visualization. To see the actual rays.
        //JUST DEBUGGING!!! Visible in editing-mode while running game.
        Debug.DrawLine(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane, Color.green); //from = protoLookAt, to is a point in space... oo..
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.UpRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.LowRight);
//still debugging....
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.UpRight, clipPlanePoints.LowRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowRight, clipPlanePoints.LowLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.LowLeft, clipPlanePoints.UpLeft);

        //Throwing lines to check for collision.
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Proto")
            nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowLeft, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Proto")
            //if this point is closer to collision than the previous point, then this becomes the nearest distance.
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.UpRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Proto")
            //if this point is closer than the previous point, then this becomes the nearest distance.
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.LowRight, out hitInfo) && hitInfo.collider.tag != "Proto")
            //if this point is closer than the previous point, then this becomes the nearest distance.
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

        //This is the bumper-point behind the camera. This actually should never happen.
        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to + transform.forward * -Camera.main.nearClipPlane))
            //  if this point is closer than the previous point, then this becomes the nearest distance.
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDistance || nearestDistance == -1)
                nearestDistance = hitInfo.distance;

Ejemplo n.º 13
    float CheckCameraPoints(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
        float nearestDist = -1;

        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        Helper.ClipPlanePoints clipPlanePoints = Helper.ClipPlaneAtNear(to);

        //Draw line in editor for debug purposes

        Debug.DrawLine(from, to - transform.forward * cam.nearClipPlane, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.bottomLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.bottomRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.topLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(from, clipPlanePoints.topRight);

        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.bottomLeft, clipPlanePoints.bottomRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.topLeft, clipPlanePoints.topRight);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.topLeft, clipPlanePoints.bottomLeft);
        Debug.DrawLine(clipPlanePoints.topRight, clipPlanePoints.bottomRight);

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.bottomLeft, out hitInfo, collisionLayers))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.topLeft, out hitInfo, collisionLayers))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.bottomRight, out hitInfo, collisionLayers))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, clipPlanePoints.topRight, out hitInfo, collisionLayers))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;

        if (Physics.Linecast(from, to - transform.forward * cam.nearClipPlane, out hitInfo, collisionLayers))
            if (hitInfo.distance < nearestDist || nearestDist == -1)
                nearestDist = hitInfo.distance;
