private APIDBContext MockAPIDbContext(int datarowstoadd = 1)
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <APIDBContext>()
            var context = new APIDBContext(options);

            for (int i = 1; i <= datarowstoadd; i++)
                var testhi = new HelpInstruction()
                    Id          = i,
                    ExternalId  = "test" + i,
                    HostKey     = "testhost" + i,
                    LookupKey   = "testkey" + i,
                    TooltipText = "test tooltip text" + i
        public static async void InitialiseData(IServiceProvider svcs)
            // but of a hack here but this just ensure that the db exists and that the basic data is configured
            // helps support basic ui tests as well as expected config for the admin web help instructions

            using (var servicescope = svcs.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
                var context = servicescope.ServiceProvider.GetService <APIDBContext>();
                await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

                if (!await context.HelpInstructions.AnyAsync(x => x.HostKey == "HelpInstructionSvc" && x.LookupKey == "Host"))
                    var hi1 = new HelpInstruction()
                        HostKey = "HelpInstructionSvc", LookupKey = "Host", TooltipText = "I am the host tooltip text!"
                    await context.HelpInstructions.AddAsync(hi1);
                if (!await context.HelpInstructions.AnyAsync(x => x.HostKey == "HelpInstructionSvc" && x.LookupKey == "LookupKey"))
                    var hi2 = new HelpInstruction()
                        HostKey = "HelpInstructionSvc", LookupKey = "LookupKey", TooltipText = "I am the lookup key tooltip text!"
                    await context.HelpInstructions.AddAsync(hi2);
                if (!await context.HelpInstructions.AnyAsync(x => x.HostKey == "HelpInstructionSvc" && x.LookupKey == "TooltipText"))
                    var hi3 = new HelpInstruction()
                        HostKey = "HelpInstructionSvc", LookupKey = "TooltipText", TooltipText = "I am the tooltip text tooltip text!"
                    await context.HelpInstructions.AddAsync(hi3);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();