Color32[] AddColorsToMesh(int count, HeatPoint pt) { Color32[] colors = new Color32[count]; Color color; if (m_MaskOption == k_RadiusMasking && IsOutsideRadius(pt)) { color = s_GhostColor; } else { float pct = pt.density / m_MaxDensity; if (float.IsInfinity(pct)) { pct = 0f; } color = GradientUtils.PickGradientColor(m_Gradient, pct); } for (int b = 0; b < count; b++) { colors[b] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); } return(colors); }
private void Generate1DHeatMap() { // Get source list object[] source = this._sourceList.GetVisible().ToArray(); // Generate heatmap values HeatPoint[] tsrc = new HeatPoint[source.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < source.Length; n++) { var vis = source[n]; HeatPoint heat = new HeatPoint(); heat.XSource = vis; heat.XIndex = n; heat.ZValue = this.GetRow(vis); tsrc[n] = heat; } // Sort if specified if (this._sort) { tsrc = tsrc.OrderBy(z => z.ZValue).ToArray(); } this._heatMap = new HeatPoint[tsrc.Length, 1]; for (int n = 0; n < tsrc.Length; n++) { this._heatMap[n, 0] = tsrc[n]; } }
private void pictureBox1_Render(object sender, RenderEventArgs e) { int w = this._heatMap.GetLength(0); int h = this._heatMap.GetLength(1); Bitmap bmp = e.Bitmap; Rectangle all = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); BitmapData bdata = bmp.LockBits(all, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); int size = bdata.Height * bdata.Stride; byte[] data = new byte[size]; for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++) { int i = (x * 3) + (y * bdata.Stride); HeatPoint hm = this.ScreenToHeatMap(new Point(x, y)); Color c = !hm.IsEmpty ? hm.ZColour : this._oorColour; data[i + 0] = c.B; data[i + 1] = c.G; data[i + 2] = c.R; } } // Marshal to avoid unsafe code... Marshal.Copy(data, 0, bdata.Scan0, data.Length); bmp.UnlockBits(bdata); }
private void DrawHeatPoint(Graphics Canvas, HeatPoint HeatPoint, int Radius) { // Create points generic list of points to hold circumference points List <Point> CircumferencePointsList = new List <Point>(); // Create an empty point to predefine the point struct used in the circumference loop Point CircumferencePoint; // Create an empty array that will be populated with points from the generic list Point[] CircumferencePointsArray; // Calculate ratio to scale byte intensity range from 0-255 to 0-1 float fRatio = 1F / Byte.MaxValue; // Precalulate half of byte max value byte bHalf = Byte.MaxValue / 2; // Flip intensity on it's center value from low-high to high-low int iIntensity = (byte)(HeatPoint.Intensity - ((HeatPoint.Intensity - bHalf) * 2)); // Store scaled and flipped intensity value for use with gradient center location float fIntensity = iIntensity * fRatio; // Loop through all angles of a circle // Define loop variable as a double to prevent casting in each iteration // Iterate through loop on 10 degree deltas, this can change to improve performance for (double i = 0; i <= 360; i += 10) { // Replace last iteration point with new empty point struct CircumferencePoint = new Point(); // Plot new point on the circumference of a circle of the defined radius // Using the point coordinates, radius, and angle // Calculate the position of this iterations point on the circle CircumferencePoint.X = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.X + Radius * Math.Cos(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i))); CircumferencePoint.Y = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.Y + Radius * Math.Sin(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i))); // Add newly plotted circumference point to generic point list CircumferencePointsList.Add(CircumferencePoint); } // Populate empty points system array from generic points array list // Do this to satisfy the datatype of the PathGradientBrush and FillPolygon methods CircumferencePointsArray = CircumferencePointsList.ToArray(); // Create new PathGradientBrush to create a radial gradient using the circumference points PathGradientBrush GradientShaper = new PathGradientBrush(CircumferencePointsArray); // Create new color blend to tell the PathGradientBrush what colors to use and where to put them ColorBlend GradientSpecifications = new ColorBlend(3); // Define positions of gradient colors, use intesity to adjust the middle color to // show more mask or less mask GradientSpecifications.Positions = new float[3] { 0, fIntensity, 1 }; // Define gradient colors and their alpha values, adjust alpha of gradient colors to match intensity GradientSpecifications.Colors = new Color[3] { Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White), Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black) }; // Pass off color blend to PathGradientBrush to instruct it how to generate the gradient GradientShaper.InterpolationColors = GradientSpecifications; // Draw polygon (circle) using our point array and gradient brush Canvas.FillPolygon(GradientShaper, CircumferencePointsArray); }
bool FilterPoint(HeatPoint pt) { if (pt.time < m_StartTime || pt.time > m_EndTime) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
void createHeatLine(double startX, double startY, int len, double slope, int type) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HeatPoint hp = new HeatPoint(); hp.Xloc = startX + 0.001 * i; hp.Yloc = startY + 0.001 * i * slope; hp.instant = DateTime.Now; hp.Type = type; myDb.HeatPoints.Add(hp); } }
// GET api/<controller> public string Get(Double x, Double y, int Type) { HeatPoint hp = new HeatPoint(); EmataContext myDb = new EmataContext(); hp.Xloc = x; hp.Yloc = y; hp.Type = Type; hp.instant = DateTime.Now; myDb.HeatPoints.Add(hp); myDb.SaveChanges(); return("Thanks !"); }
// float m_CollapseDensity = 0f; HeatPoint Aggregate(HeatPoint pt, Dictionary <Vector3, HeatPoint> collapsePoints) { HeatPoint retv = pt; if (collapsePoints.ContainsKey(pt.position)) { retv = collapsePoints[pt.position]; retv.density += pt.density; } // m_CollapseDensity = Mathf.Max(retv.density, m_MaxDensity); collapsePoints[pt.position] = retv; return(retv); }
public async void WebView_ScriptNotify(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.NotifyEventArgs e) { if (e.Value.Contains("tap") && !IsOnStart && recordSettings.Touches) { if (currentRecordScreen == null) { currentRecordScreen = new RecordScreenModel(previousUrl, await DoCaptureWebView()); } float x; float y; string[] arr = e.Value.Split(new char[] { ':' }); if (!float.TryParse(arr[1], out x)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ErrorX"); } if (!float.TryParse(arr[2], out y)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ErrorY"); } int iX = (int)Math.Round(x); int iY = (int)Math.Round(y); HeatPoint hp = new HeatPoint(iX, iY); currentRecordScreen.ListPoints.Add(hp); if (!_webview.Source.AbsoluteUri.Equals(currentRecordScreen.UriPage)) { int indexFind = _screens.FindIndex(s => s.UriPage.Equals(currentRecordScreen.UriPage)); if (indexFind != -1) { _screens[indexFind].ListPoints = currentRecordScreen.ListPoints; } else { _screens.Add(currentRecordScreen); } indexFind = _screens.FindIndex(s => s.UriPage.Equals(_webview.Source.AbsoluteUri)); if (indexFind != -1) { currentRecordScreen = _screens[indexFind]; } else { currentRecordScreen = null; previousUrl = _webview.Source.AbsoluteUri; } } } }
string BuildText(HeatPoint pt) { string text = "Position x: " + pt.position.x; text += " y: " + pt.position.y; text += " z: " + pt.position.z + "\n"; text += "Rotation x: " + pt.position.x; text += " y: " + pt.position.y; text += " z: " + pt.position.z + "\n"; text += "Destination x: " + pt.destination.x; text += " y: " + pt.destination.y; text += " z: " + pt.destination.z + "\n"; text += "Time: " + pt.time + "\n"; text += "Density: " + pt.density; return(text); }
/// <summary> /// Inspects the given matrix and sets the series to this matrix M. /// </summary> /// <param name="M">The matrix to investigate.</param> public override void AddPoints(MatrixValue M) { var p = data; var min = double.MaxValue; var max = double.MinValue; for (var i = 1; i <= M.DimensionX; i++) { for (var j = 1; j <= M.DimensionY; j++) { var value = M[j, i].Abs(); p.Add(new HeatPoint { Row = j, Column = i, Magnitude = value }); if (value > max) { max = value; } else if (value < min) { min = value; } } } var gap = max - min; for (var i = 0; i != p.Count; i++) { p[i] = new HeatPoint { Column = p[i].Column, Row = p[i].Row, Magnitude = (p[i].Magnitude - min) / gap } } ; Minimum = min; Maximum = max; MinX = 1; MaxX = M.DimensionX; MinY = 1; MaxY = M.DimensionY; }
Color32[] AddColorsToMesh(int count, HeatPoint pt) { Color32[] colors = new Color32[count]; float pct = (pt.density / m_MaxDensity); if (float.IsInfinity(pct)) { pct = 0f; } Color color = PickGradientColor(pct); for (int b = 0; b < count; b++) { colors[b] = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); } return(colors); }
bool FilterPoint(HeatPoint pt) { if (pt.time < m_StartTime || pt.time > m_EndTime) { return(false); } if (m_MaskOption == k_RadiusMasking) { return(true); } return (pt.position.x >= m_LowX && pt.position.x <= m_HighX && pt.position.y >= m_LowY && pt.position.y <= m_HighY && pt.position.z >= m_LowZ && pt.position.z <= m_HighZ); }
string BuildText(HeatPoint pt) { string text = "Position x: " + pt.position.x; text += " y: " + pt.position.y; text += " z: " + pt.position.z + "\n"; text += "Rotation x: " + pt.position.x; text += " y: " + pt.position.y; text += " z: " + pt.position.z + "\n"; text += "Destination x: " + pt.destination.x; text += " y: " + pt.destination.y; text += " z: " + pt.destination.z + "\n"; text += "Time: " + pt.time + "\n"; string label = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pt.densityLabel)) ? "Density" : pt.densityLabel; text += label + ": " + pt.density; return(text); }
public static List <HeatPoint> Read(string filePath) { var result = new List <HeatPoint>(); using (var sr = new StreamReader(filePath)) { while (!sr.EndOfStream) { var vals = sr.ReadLine().Split(','); var point = new HeatPoint(); point.X = float.Parse(vals[0]); point.Y = float.Parse(vals[1]); point.W = float.Parse(vals[2]); result.Add(point); } } return(result); }
void OnSceneGUI() { if (m_Target.GetComponent <MeshCollider>() == null || m_Target.m_PointData == null) { return; } if (m_DisplayTime > 0) { m_DisplayTime--; Handles.BeginGUI(); string text = BuildText(m_Point); GUIContent content = new GUIContent(text); Vector2 size = m_TextStyle.CalcSize(content) * 1.05f; float xPos = m_LabelPosition.x > Screen.width * .5f ? m_LabelPosition.x - size.x - 10f : m_LabelPosition.x + 10f; float yPos = m_LabelPosition.y > Screen.height * .5f ? m_LabelPosition.y - size.y - 10f : m_LabelPosition.y + 10f; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(xPos, yPos, size.x, size.y), m_BgStyle); GUILayout.Label(content, m_TextStyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); } if (Event.current != null && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseMove) { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition); if (m_Target.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().Raycast(ray, out hit, float.MaxValue)) { int idx = hit.triangleIndex / m_Target.m_TrianglesPerShape; m_Point = m_Target.m_PointData[idx]; m_LabelPosition = Event.current.mousePosition; m_DisplayTime = m_MaxDisplayTime; } } }
private List <HeatPoint> RandomPoints(int width, int height, int count) { List <HeatPoint> result = new List <HeatPoint>(); var r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var x = r.Next(width); var y = r.Next(height); //var w = (float)r.NextDouble()/2; HeatPoint point = new HeatPoint { X = x, Y = y, W = 1 }; result.Add(point); } return(result); }
private void Generate2DHeatMap() { int n = this._source2D.ValueMatrix.NumRows; this._heatMap = new HeatPoint[n, n]; for (int y = 0; y < n; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) { HeatPoint hp = new HeatPoint( ); hp.XIndex = x; hp.XSource = this._source2D.ValueMatrix.Vectors[x].Peak; hp.YIndex = y; hp.YSource = this._source2D.ValueMatrix.Vectors[y].Peak; hp.ZValue = this._source2D.Values[x, y]; this._heatMap[x, y] = hp; } } }
private void pictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { HeatPoint h = this.ScreenToHeatMap(e.Location); if (h.IsEmpty) { this._lblSelection.Visible = false; this.toolStripStatusLabel3.Visible = false; return; } if (h.YSource == null || h.YSource == h.XSource) { this._sourceList.ActivateItem(h.XSource); } else { this.alphaToolStripMenuItem.Text = h.XSource.ToString(); this.alphaToolStripMenuItem.Tag = h.XSource; this.betaToolStripMenuItem.Text = h.YSource.ToString(); this.betaToolStripMenuItem.Tag = h.YSource; this.contextMenuStrip1.Show(this.pictureBox1, e.Location); } }
private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { HeatPoint h = this.ScreenToHeatMap(e.Location); if (h.IsEmpty) { this._lblSelection.Visible = false; this.toolStripStatusLabel3.Visible = false; return; } if (h.YSource == null) { this._lblSelection.Text = h.XSource.ToString() + " = (" + h.XIndex + ", " + h.ZValue + ")"; } else { this._lblSelection.Text = "{" + h.XSource.ToString() + ", " + h.YSource.ToString() + "} ( {" + h.XIndex + ", " + h.YIndex + " }, " + h.ZValue + ")"; } this.toolStripStatusLabel3.BackColor = h.ZColour; this._lblSelection.Visible = true; this.toolStripStatusLabel3.Visible = true; }
public static HeatPoint[,] Generate(int fromX, int fromY, bool draw, int breakOnX, int breakOnY) { var _mazeWidth = MazeData.MazeSize; var _mazeHeight = MazeData.MazeSize; //distMatrix = new int[_mazeWidth, _mazeHeight]; //precMatrix = new MazePoint[_mazeWidth, _mazeHeight]; var heatMatrix = new HeatPoint[_mazeWidth,_mazeHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) for (int j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) heatMatrix[i, j] = new HeatPoint(); var point = new MazePoint(fromX, fromY); var row = new LinkedList<MazePoint>(); row.AddFirst(point); var endPointFound = false; var count = 1; var newCount = -1; var index = -1; for (var curr = row.First; curr != null; curr = curr.Next) { index++; if (AppData.AppState == AppData.AppStates.Idle) break; if (index == count) newCount = row.Count; if (index == newCount) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) row.RemoveFirst(); index -= count; count = newCount - count; newCount = row.Count; } var adjPoints = MazeData.GetAdjPoints(curr.Value); foreach (var adjPoint in adjPoints) { MazePoint goToPoint; /*if (MazeData.MazeMatrix[adjPoint.X, adjPoint.Y] == CellState.HorWeave || MazeData.MazeMatrix[adjPoint.X, adjPoint.Y] == CellState.VertWeave) { goToPoint = new MazePoint(adjPoint.X + (adjPoint.X - curr.Value.X), adjPoint.Y + (adjPoint.Y - curr.Value.Y)); } else*/ goToPoint = adjPoint; if (row.Contains(goToPoint)) continue; row.AddLast(goToPoint); heatMatrix[goToPoint.X, goToPoint.Y].Preceding = curr.Value; heatMatrix[goToPoint.X, goToPoint.Y].Distance = heatMatrix[curr.Value.X, curr.Value.Y].Distance + 1; if (breakOnX > 0 && breakOnY > 0 && goToPoint.X == breakOnX && goToPoint.Y == breakOnY) { endPointFound = true; break; } } //if (AnimateCheckBox.Checked && Convert.ToInt32(DelayTextBox.Text) > 0) // Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(DelayTextBox.Text)); if (endPointFound) break; } /*for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) { switch (_mazeMatrix[i, j]) { case CellState.VertWeave: distMatrix[i, j] = (distMatrix[i + 1, j] + distMatrix[i - 1, j]) / 2; break; case CellState.HorWeave: distMatrix[i, j] = (distMatrix[i, j + 1] + distMatrix[i, j - 1]) / 2; break; } } }*/ if (!draw) return heatMatrix; var maxDist = 1; for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance > maxDist) maxDist = heatMatrix[i, j].Distance; for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) { if (MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j] == null || MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j].State == CellState.Wall) continue; var red = heatMatrix[i, j].Distance * 255 / maxDist; Color c; if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance < 1) c = MazeData.MazeColors[CellState.Entrance]; else if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance > maxDist - 1) c = MazeData.MazeColors[CellState.Furthest]; else c = Color.FromRgba(50 * 256 * 256 + 50 * 256 + red); MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j].Display = c; } } return heatMatrix; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the view of a given point /// </summary> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <param name="label"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override IChartPointView GetPointView(ChartPoint point, string label) { var pbv = (HeatPoint)point.View; if (pbv == null) { pbv = new HeatPoint { IsNew = true, Rectangle = new Rectangle() }; Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); } else { pbv.IsNew = false; point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); } pbv.Rectangle.Stroke = Stroke; pbv.Rectangle.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness; pbv.Rectangle.Visibility = Visibility; pbv.Rectangle.StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray; Panel.SetZIndex(pbv.Rectangle, Panel.GetZIndex(pbv.Rectangle)); if (Model.Chart.RequiresHoverShape && pbv.HoverShape == null) { pbv.HoverShape = new Rectangle { Fill = Brushes.Transparent, StrokeThickness = 0 }; Panel.SetZIndex(pbv.HoverShape, int.MaxValue); var wpfChart = (Chart)Model.Chart.View; wpfChart.AttachHoverableEventTo(pbv.HoverShape); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); } if (pbv.HoverShape != null) { pbv.HoverShape.Visibility = Visibility; } if (DataLabels) { pbv.DataLabel = UpdateLabelContent(new DataLabelViewModel { FormattedText = label, Point = point }, pbv.DataLabel); } if (!DataLabels && pbv.DataLabel != null) { Model.Chart.View.RemoveFromDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); pbv.DataLabel = null; } return(pbv); }
void CreatePoints() { if (hasData()) { // m_CollapseDensity = 0f; totalPoints = m_Data.Length; currentPoints = 0; var submaps = new List <List <HeatPoint> >(); int currentSubmap = 0; int verticesPerShape = RenderShapeMeshUtils.GetVecticesForShape(m_RenderStyle, m_Projection); // Filter & Aggregate Dictionary <Vector3, HeatPoint> collapsePoints = new Dictionary <Vector3, HeatPoint>(); List <HeatPoint> otherPoints = new List <HeatPoint>(); for (int a = 0; a < m_Data.Length; a++) { // FILTER FOR TIME & POSITION var pt = m_Data[a]; if (FilterPoint(pt)) { if (m_MaskOption == k_RadiusMasking && m_Projection == RenderProjection.FirstPerson && IsOutsideRadius(pt)) { Aggregate(pt, collapsePoints); } else { otherPoints.Add(pt); } } } HeatPoint[] dictData = collapsePoints.Values.ToArray(); HeatPoint[] filteredData = new HeatPoint[dictData.Length + otherPoints.Count]; dictData.CopyTo(filteredData, 0); otherPoints.CopyTo(filteredData, dictData.Length); // Arrange into submaps for (int a = 0; a < filteredData.Length; a++) { var pt = filteredData[a]; currentPoints++; if (submaps.Count <= currentSubmap) { submaps.Add(new List <HeatPoint>()); } submaps[currentSubmap].Add(pt); currentSubmap = (currentPoints * verticesPerShape) / k_VerticesPerMesh; } int neededSubmaps = submaps.Count; int currentSubmaps = m_GameObjects.Count; int addCount = neededSubmaps - currentSubmaps; if (addCount > 0) { // Add submaps if we need more for (int a = 0; a < addCount; a++) { int submapID = currentSubmaps + a; var go = new GameObject("Submap" + submapID); go.AddComponent <HeatmapSubmap>(); go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = new Mesh(); go.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; m_GameObjects.Add(go); } } else if (addCount < 0) { // Dispose of excess submaps for (var a = neededSubmaps; a < currentSubmaps; a++) { Transform trans = gameObject.transform.Find("Submap" + a); if (trans != null) { trans.parent = null; m_GameObjects.Remove(trans.gameObject); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(trans.gameObject); } } } //Render submaps for (var a = 0; a < m_GameObjects.Count; a++) { Mesh renderMesh = m_GameObjects[a].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; renderMesh.Clear(); renderMesh.subMeshCount = submaps[a].Count; RenderSubmap(m_GameObjects[a], submaps[a]); } m_RenderState = k_NotRendering; } }
bool IsOutsideRadius(HeatPoint pt) { return(Vector3.Distance(m_MaskSource, pt.position) > m_MaskRadius); }
public override IChartPointView GetPointView(IChartPointView view, ChartPoint point, string label) { var pbv = (view as HeatPoint); if (pbv == null) { pbv = new HeatPoint { IsNew = true, Rectangle = new Rectangle() }; BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.Rectangle, Shape.StrokeProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(StrokeProperty), Source = this }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.Rectangle, Shape.StrokeThicknessProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(StrokeThicknessProperty), Source = this }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.Rectangle, VisibilityProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(VisibilityProperty), Source = this }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.Rectangle, Panel.ZIndexProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(Panel.ZIndexProperty), Source = this }); BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.Rectangle, Shape.StrokeDashArrayProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(StrokeDashArrayProperty), Source = this }); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); } else { pbv.IsNew = false; point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); } if (Model.Chart.RequiresHoverShape && pbv.HoverShape == null) { pbv.HoverShape = new Rectangle { Fill = Brushes.Transparent, StrokeThickness = 0 }; Panel.SetZIndex(pbv.HoverShape, int.MaxValue); BindingOperations.SetBinding(pbv.HoverShape, VisibilityProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath(VisibilityProperty), Source = this }); var wpfChart = (Chart)Model.Chart.View; wpfChart.AttachHoverableEventTo(pbv.HoverShape); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); } if (DataLabels && pbv.DataLabel == null) { pbv.DataLabel = BindATextBlock(0); Panel.SetZIndex(pbv.DataLabel, int.MaxValue - 1); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); } if (pbv.DataLabel != null) { pbv.DataLabel.Text = label; } return(pbv); }
public static void AddHeatpoint(HeatPoint point) { heatPoints.Add(point); }
public static HeatPoint[,] Generate(int fromX, int fromY, bool draw, int breakOnX, int breakOnY) { var _mazeWidth = MazeData.MazeSize; var _mazeHeight = MazeData.MazeSize; //distMatrix = new int[_mazeWidth, _mazeHeight]; //precMatrix = new MazePoint[_mazeWidth, _mazeHeight]; var heatMatrix = new HeatPoint[_mazeWidth, _mazeHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) { heatMatrix[i, j] = new HeatPoint(); } } var point = new MazePoint(fromX, fromY); var row = new LinkedList <MazePoint>(); row.AddFirst(point); var endPointFound = false; var count = 1; var newCount = -1; var index = -1; for (var curr = row.First; curr != null; curr = curr.Next) { index++; if (AppData.AppState == AppData.AppStates.Idle) { break; } if (index == count) { newCount = row.Count; } if (index == newCount) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { row.RemoveFirst(); } index -= count; count = newCount - count; newCount = row.Count; } var adjPoints = MazeData.GetAdjPoints(curr.Value); foreach (var adjPoint in adjPoints) { MazePoint goToPoint; /*if (MazeData.MazeMatrix[adjPoint.X, adjPoint.Y] == CellState.HorWeave || * MazeData.MazeMatrix[adjPoint.X, adjPoint.Y] == CellState.VertWeave) * { * goToPoint = new MazePoint(adjPoint.X + (adjPoint.X - curr.Value.X), * adjPoint.Y + (adjPoint.Y - curr.Value.Y)); * } * else*/ goToPoint = adjPoint; if (row.Contains(goToPoint)) { continue; } row.AddLast(goToPoint); heatMatrix[goToPoint.X, goToPoint.Y].Preceding = curr.Value; heatMatrix[goToPoint.X, goToPoint.Y].Distance = heatMatrix[curr.Value.X, curr.Value.Y].Distance + 1; if (breakOnX > 0 && breakOnY > 0 && goToPoint.X == breakOnX && goToPoint.Y == breakOnY) { endPointFound = true; break; } } //if (AnimateCheckBox.Checked && Convert.ToInt32(DelayTextBox.Text) > 0) // Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(DelayTextBox.Text)); if (endPointFound) { break; } } /*for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) * { * for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) * { * switch (_mazeMatrix[i, j]) * { * case CellState.VertWeave: * distMatrix[i, j] = (distMatrix[i + 1, j] + distMatrix[i - 1, j]) / 2; * break; * case CellState.HorWeave: * distMatrix[i, j] = (distMatrix[i, j + 1] + distMatrix[i, j - 1]) / 2; * break; * } * } * }*/ if (!draw) { return(heatMatrix); } var maxDist = 1; for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) { if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance > maxDist) { maxDist = heatMatrix[i, j].Distance; } } } for (var i = 0; i < _mazeWidth; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _mazeHeight; j++) { if (MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j] == null || MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j].State == CellState.Wall) { continue; } var red = heatMatrix[i, j].Distance * 255 / maxDist; Color c; if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance < 1) { c = MazeData.MazeColors[CellState.Entrance]; } else if (heatMatrix[i, j].Distance > maxDist - 1) { c = MazeData.MazeColors[CellState.Furthest]; } else { c = Color.FromRgba(50 * 256 * 256 + 50 * 256 + red); } MazeData.MazeMatrix[i, j].Display = c; } } return(heatMatrix); }
private static void DrawHeatPoint(Graphics Canvas, HeatPoint HeatPoint, int Radius) { // Create points generic list of points to hold circumference points List<Point> CircumferencePointsList = new List<Point>(); // Create an empty point to predefine the point struct used in the circumference loop Point CircumferencePoint; // Create an empty array that will be populated with points from the generic list Point[] CircumferencePointsArray; // Calculate ratio to scale byte intensity range from 0-255 to 0-1 float fRatio = 1F / Byte.MaxValue; // Precalulate half of byte max value byte bHalf = Byte.MaxValue / 2; // Flip intensity on it's center value from low-high to high-low int iIntensity = (byte)(HeatPoint.Intensity - ((HeatPoint.Intensity - bHalf) * 2)); // Store scaled and flipped intensity value for use with gradient center location float fIntensity = iIntensity * fRatio; // Loop through all angles of a circle // Define loop variable as a double to prevent casting in each iteration // Iterate through loop on 10 degree deltas, this can change to improve performance for (double i = 0; i <= 360; i += 10) { // Replace last iteration point with new empty point struct CircumferencePoint = new Point(); // Plot new point on the circumference of a circle of the defined radius // Using the point coordinates, radius, and angle // Calculate the position of this iterations point on the circle CircumferencePoint.X = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.X + Radius * Math.Cos(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i))); CircumferencePoint.Y = Convert.ToInt32(HeatPoint.Y + Radius * Math.Sin(ConvertDegreesToRadians(i))); // Add newly plotted circumference point to generic point list CircumferencePointsList.Add(CircumferencePoint); } // Populate empty points system array from generic points array list // Do this to satisfy the datatype of the PathGradientBrush and FillPolygon methods CircumferencePointsArray = CircumferencePointsList.ToArray(); // Create new PathGradientBrush to create a radial gradient using the circumference points PathGradientBrush GradientShaper = new PathGradientBrush(CircumferencePointsArray); // Create new color blend to tell the PathGradientBrush what colors to use and where to put them ColorBlend GradientSpecifications = new ColorBlend(3); // Define positions of gradient colors, use intesity to adjust the middle color to // show more mask or less mask GradientSpecifications.Positions = new float[3] { 0, fIntensity, 1 }; // Define gradient colors and their alpha values, adjust alpha of gradient colors to match intensity GradientSpecifications.Colors = new Color[3] { Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White), Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(HeatPoint.Intensity, Color.Black) }; // Pass off color blend to PathGradientBrush to instruct it how to generate the gradient GradientShaper.InterpolationColors = GradientSpecifications; // Draw polygon (circle) using our point array and gradient brush Canvas.FillPolygon(GradientShaper, CircumferencePointsArray); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the view of a given point /// </summary> /// <param name="point"></param> /// <param name="label"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override IChartPointView GetPointView(ChartPoint point, string label) { var pbv = (HeatPoint)point.View; if (pbv == null) { pbv = new HeatPoint { IsNew = true, Rectangle = new Rectangle() }; Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); } else { pbv.IsNew = false; point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.Rectangle); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); point.SeriesView.Model.Chart.View .EnsureElementBelongsToCurrentDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); } pbv.Rectangle.Stroke = Stroke; pbv.Rectangle.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness; pbv.Rectangle.Visibility = Visibility; pbv.Rectangle.StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray; Canvas.SetZIndex(pbv.Rectangle, Canvas.GetZIndex(pbv.Rectangle)); if (Model.Chart.RequiresHoverShape && pbv.HoverShape == null) { pbv.HoverShape = new Rectangle { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent), StrokeThickness = 0 }; Canvas.SetZIndex(pbv.HoverShape, short.MaxValue); var uwpfChart = (Chart)Model.Chart.View; uwpfChart.AttachHoverableEventTo(pbv.HoverShape); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.HoverShape); } if (pbv.HoverShape != null) { pbv.HoverShape.Visibility = Visibility; } if (DataLabels && pbv.DataLabel == null) { pbv.DataLabel = UpdateLabelContent(new DataLabelViewModel { FormattedText = label, Instance = point.Instance }); Canvas.SetZIndex(pbv.DataLabel, short.MaxValue - 1); Model.Chart.View.AddToDrawMargin(pbv.DataLabel); } return(pbv); }
void PopulateMatrices(List <HeatPoint> map) { if (map == null) { return; } m_Properties = new List <MaterialPropertyBlock>(); m_Matrices = new List <Matrix4x4[]>(); Vector3 scale =; List <Vector4[]> colors = new List <Vector4[]>(); int index = 0; for (int a = 0; a < map.Count; a++) { int mod = a % k_ShapesPerDraw; if (mod == 0) { m_Properties.Add(new MaterialPropertyBlock()); m_Matrices.Add(new Matrix4x4[k_ShapesPerDraw]); colors.Add(new Vector4[k_ShapesPerDraw]); } Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; HeatPoint pt = map[a]; Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(pt.rotation); matrix.SetTRS(pt.position, quaternion, scale); m_Matrices[index][mod] = matrix; float pct = (pt.density / m_MaxDensity); colors[index][mod] = GradientUtils.PickGradientColor(m_Gradient, pct); if (a + 1 % k_ShapesPerDraw == 0) { index++; } } for (int a = 0; a < m_Properties.Count; a++) { if (colors[a] != null && colors[a].Length > 0) { m_Properties[a].SetVectorArray(m_ColorID, colors[a]); } index++; } // gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = materials; // gameObject.GetComponent<HeatmapSubmap>().m_PointData = map; // gameObject.GetComponent<HeatmapSubmap>().m_TrianglesPerShape = RenderShapeUtils.GetTrianglesForShape(m_RenderStyle); // // if (m_Tips) // { // if (gameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>() == null) // { // gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); // } // // go.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh; // } }
/// <summary> /// Inspects the given matrix and sets the series to this matrix M. /// </summary> /// <param name="M">The matrix to investigate.</param> public override void AddPoints(MatrixValue M) { var p = data; var min = double.MaxValue; var max = double.MinValue; for (var i = 1; i <= M.DimensionX; i++) { for (var j = 1; j <= M.DimensionY; j++) { var value = M[j, i].Abs(); p.Add(new HeatPoint { Row = j, Column = i, Magnitude = value }); if (value > max) max = value; else if (value < min) min = value; } } var gap = max - min; for (var i = 0; i != p.Count; i++) p[i] = new HeatPoint { Column = p[i].Column, Row = p[i].Row, Magnitude = (p[i].Magnitude - min) / gap }; Minimum = min; Maximum = max; MinX = 1; MaxX = M.DimensionX; MinY = 1; MaxY = M.DimensionY; }