Ejemplo n.º 1
 void Update()
     if (!boardRestrict)
         foreach (Vector3 vec in walles)
             Instantiate(wall, vec, initializingRotation);
         foreach (Vector3 vec in stones)
             Instantiate(stone, vec, initializingRotation);
         foreach (Vector3 vec in waters)
             Instantiate(water, vec, initializingRotation);
         boardRestrict = true;
     while (coinsToDraw.Count > 0)
         CoinInner c = coinsToDraw[0];
         GameObject game = Instantiate(coin, c.getPosition(), initializingRotation) as GameObject;
         //Send data to coin. So that it can work independently later
         game.SendMessage("setValues", new int[] { c.getTimeLeft(), c.getCoinValue() });
         UnityEngine.Debug.logger.Log("Coin   " + c.getX() + "," + c.getY() + " " + c.getCoinValue() + "  time" + c.getTimeLeft());
     while (healthToDraw.Count > 0)
         HealthInner c = healthToDraw[0];
         GameObject game = Instantiate(health, c.getPosition(), initializingRotation) as GameObject;
         //Send data to coin. So that it can work independently later
         game.SendMessage("setValues", c.getTimeLeft());
         UnityEngine.Debug.logger.Log("Health   " + c.getX() + "," + c.getY() + "  time" + c.getTimeLeft());
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void listen()
            // create listener with ip and port
            var listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 7000);

            // continous listening
            while (true)
                // We will store the textual representation of the bytes we receive.
                string value;

                // Accept the sender and take message as a stream.
                using (var networkStream = listener.AcceptTcpClient().GetStream())
                    // Create a memory stream to copy the message.

                    var bytes = new System.Collections.Generic.List <byte>();

                    int asw = 0;
                    while (asw != -1)
                        asw = networkStream.ReadByte();

                    // Convert bytes to text.
                    value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes.ToArray());
                String[] datas = value.Split(':');
                UnityEngine.Debug.logger.Log(datas[0] + "   " + value);
                // wall data
                if (datas[0].Equals("I"))
                    String walls = datas[2];
                    walles = getVecotors(walls);
                    String stone = datas[3];
                    stones = getVecotors(stone);
                    String water = datas[4].Trim();
                    //At the end String there are unwanter  characters. one is # and other is a unicode
                    water         = water.Substring(0, water.Length - 2);
                    waters        = getVecotors(water);
                    boardRestrict = false;
                // coin data
                else if (datas[0].ToUpper().Equals("C"))
                    String[] cod           = datas[1].Split(',');
                    Vector3  coinPosition  = new Vector3(Int32.Parse(cod[0]), -Int32.Parse(cod[1]));
                    int      coinCountTime = Int32.Parse(datas[2]);
                    datas[3] = datas[3].Trim();
                    datas[3] = datas[3].Substring(0, datas[3].Length - 2);
                    int       coinValue = Int32.Parse(datas[3]);
                    CoinInner o         = new CoinInner(coinPosition, coinValue, coinCountTime);
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.logger.Log("Coin   " + coinPosition.x+","+coinPosition.y+" "+coinValue+"  time"+coinCountTime);
                // health data
                else if (datas[0].ToUpper().Equals("L"))
                    String[] cod            = datas[1].Split(',');
                    Vector3  healthPosition = new Vector3(Int32.Parse(cod[0]), -Int32.Parse(cod[1]));
                    datas[2] = datas[2].Trim();
                    datas[2] = datas[2].Substring(0, datas[2].Length - 2);
                    int         healthCountTime = Int32.Parse(datas[2]);
                    HealthInner he = new HealthInner(healthPosition, healthCountTime);
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.logger.Log("Health   " + healthPosition.x + "," + healthPosition.y + " " + healthCountTime);
                // Call an external function (void) given.

                //else if (datas[0].ToUpper().Equals("P"))
                // Tank Status Update [Pn;x,y;d;shot;health;coins;points]

                /*var state = d.Split(';');
                 * var currentTank = tanks[int.Parse(state[0].Substring(1))];
                 * currentTank.x = int.Parse(state[1].Split(',')[0]);
                 * currentTank.y = int.Parse(state[1].Split(',')[1]);
                 * currentTank.direction = (Direction)int.Parse(state[2]);
                 * currentTank.isShot = int.Parse(state[3]) == 1;
                 * currentTank.health = int.Parse(state[4]);
                 * currentTank.coins = int.Parse(state[5]);
                 * currentTank.points = int.Parse(state[6]);*/
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occured");