Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static ApiAccessToken GetOrCreate(int userId)
        var tokens = TableHelper.GetListFromRawQuery <ApiAccessToken>(String.Format(
                                                                          "SELECT * FROM ApiAccessTokens WHERE UserId = {0} AND ExpiresDate >= '{1}'", userId, AppSettings.ServerTime.ToDBString()));

        ApiAccessToken result = null;

        if (tokens.Count > 0)
            result = tokens[0];
            result             = new ApiAccessToken();
            result.UserId      = userId;
            result.ExpiresDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
            result.Token       = HashingManager.SHA512HMAC(HashingManager.GenerateMD5(userId + DateTime.Now.ToString()),
                                                           HashingManager.SHA256(AppSettings.Offerwalls.UniversalHandlerPassword + userId + DateTime.Now));

 private static string GetSHA512HMAC(string SpecialParams)
                                      string.Format("version=1&key={0}&format=json&cmd=", AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinPaymentsApiKey) + SpecialParams));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void ProcessRequest()
            string strRequest = context.Request.GetFromBodyString();

            var jsonString    = string.Empty;
            var operationType = string.Empty;

                HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
                using (StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream))
                    jsonString = inputStream.ReadToEnd();

                var o                = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params;
                var merchant_id      = AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinPaymentsYourMerchantID;
                var secret           = AppSettings.Cryptocurrencies.CoinPaymentsIPNSecret;
                var hmac             = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HMAC"];
                var merchant         = o["merchant"].ToString();
                var myhmac           = HashingManager.SHA512HMAC(secret, jsonString);
                var transactionId    = o["txn_id"];
                var originalCurrency = o["currency1"]; //The original currency/coin submitted in your button. Note: Make sure you check this, a malicious user could have changed it manually.
                var args             = o["invoice"];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hmac))
                    throw new MsgException("No HMAC signature sent");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonString))
                    throw new MsgException("Error reading POST data");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(merchant))
                    throw new MsgException("No Merchant ID passed");

                if (merchant != merchant_id)
                    throw new MsgException("Invalid Merchant ID");

                if (myhmac.ToUpper() != hmac.ToUpper())
                    throw new MsgException("HMAC signature does not match");


                //IPN process
                operationType = o["ipn_type"].ToString();

                if (operationType == "simple")
                    var commandName = o["custom"];
                    var assembly    = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IIpnHandler));
                    var type        = assembly.GetType(commandName, true, true);
                    var command     = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IIpnHandler;
                    var splitedArgs = args.Split(ButtonGenerationStrategy.ArgsDelimeter);
                    var user        = new Member(splitedArgs[0]);

                    var amount        = o["amount1"]; //The total amount of the payment in your original currency/coin.
                    var intStatus     = Convert.ToInt32(o["status"]);
                    var status        = intStatus >= 100 ? true : false;
                    var buyerCurrency = o["currency2"];
                    var buyerAmount   = o["amount2"];
                    var currencyInfo  = string.Format("{0}: {1}", buyerCurrency, buyerAmount);

                    //Wallet deposit
                    if (command is WalletDepositCryptocurrencyIpnHandler && Money.IsCryptoCurrency(originalCurrency) && AppSettings.Site.CurrencyCode != originalCurrency && status)
                        var Cryptocurrency = CryptocurrencyFactory.Get(originalCurrency);

                        if (Cryptocurrency.DepositTarget == DepositTargetBalance.Wallet)
                            Cryptocurrency.TryDepositCryptocurrency(user, Decimal.Parse(amount), transactionId, currencyInfo);

                    if (status)
                        command.HandleCoinPayments(args, transactionId, amount, currencyInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)