Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* Degroup at the end of E8: it is the inverse of E8InitialGroup.
         * The 256 4-bit elements in state.A are degrouped into the 1024-bit
         * state.H */
        private static void E8FinalDegroup(HashState state)
            byte[] tmp = new byte[256];

            for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                tmp[i]       = state.A[i << 1];
                tmp[i + 128] = state.A[(i << 1) + 1];

            /* Zero out the array H */
            Array.Clear(state.H, 0, state.H.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                byte t0 = (byte)((tmp[i] >> 3) & 1);
                byte t1 = (byte)((tmp[i] >> 2) & 1);
                byte t2 = (byte)((tmp[i] >> 1) & 1);
                byte t3 = (byte)((tmp[i] >> 0) & 1);

                state.H[i >> 3]         |= (byte)(t0 << (7 - (i & 7)));
                state.H[(i + 256) >> 3] |= (byte)(t1 << (7 - (i & 7)));
                state.H[(i + 512) >> 3] |= (byte)(t2 << (7 - (i & 7)));
                state.H[(i + 768) >> 3] |= (byte)(t3 << (7 - (i & 7)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void E8InitialGroup(HashState state)
            byte[] tmp = new byte[256];

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                /*t0 is the i-th bit of H, i = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 127*/
                byte t0 = (byte)((state.H[(i) >> 3] >> (7 - (i & 7))) & 1);

                /*t1 is the (i+256)-th bit of H*/
                byte t1 = (byte)((state.H[(i + 256) >> 3] >> (7 - (i & 7))) & 1);

                /*t2 is the (i+512)-th bit of H*/
                byte t2 = (byte)((state.H[(i + 512) >> 3] >> (7 - (i & 7))) & 1);

                /*t3 is the (i+768)-th bit of H*/
                byte t3 = (byte)((state.H[(i + 768) >> 3] >> (7 - (i & 7))) & 1);

                tmp[i] = (byte)((t0 << 3) | (t1 << 2) | (t2 << 1) | (t3 << 0));

            /* Padding the odd and even elements separately */
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                state.A[i << 1]       = tmp[i];
                state.A[(i << 1) + 1] = tmp[i + 128];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public byte[] Hash(byte[] input)
            HashState state = new HashState();


            Update(state, input);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 static void Mix(ref HashState s)
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 13);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 8);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 13);
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 12);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 16);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 5);
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 3);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 10);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 15);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static void Mix(ref HashState s)
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 13);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 8);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 13);
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 12);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 16);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 5);
     s.a -= s.b; s.a -= s.c; s.a ^= (s.c >> 3);
     s.b -= s.c; s.b -= s.a; s.b ^= (s.a << 10);
     s.c -= s.a; s.c -= s.b; s.c ^= (s.b >> 15);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Initialize()
            if (_state == HashState.Initial)
                _baseHash = SHA256.Create();

            _state = HashState.Initialized;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void GetHash(Span <byte> hashBuffer)
            Debug.Assert(_state == HashState.Initialized || _state == HashState.Done);
            Debug.Assert(hashBuffer.Length >= Sha256.DigestSize);

            if (_state == HashState.Initialized)
                _baseHash.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                _state = HashState.Done;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void R8(HashState state)
            byte[] tmp = new byte[256];

            /* The round constant expanded into 256 1-bit elements */
            byte[] roundConstantExpanded = new byte[256];

            /* Expand the round constant into 256 1-bit elements */
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                roundConstantExpanded[i] = (byte)((state.roundConstant[i >> 2] >> (3 - (i & 3))) & 1);

            /* Sbox layer, each constant bit selects one Sbox from S0 and S1 */
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                /* Constant bits are used to determine which Sbox to use */
                tmp[i] = S[roundConstantExpanded[i], state.A[i]];

            /* MDS Layer */
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 2)
                L(ref tmp[i], ref tmp[i + 1]);

            /* The following is the permutation layer P_8 */

            /* Initial swap Pi_8 */
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 4)
                byte t = tmp[i + 2];
                tmp[i + 2] = tmp[i + 3];
                tmp[i + 3] = t;

            /* Permutation P'_8 */
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                state.A[i]       = tmp[i << 1];
                state.A[i + 128] = tmp[(i << 1) + 1];

            /* Final swap Phi_8 */
            for (int i = 128; i < 256; i += 2)
                byte t = state.A[i];
                state.A[i]     = state.A[i + 1];
                state.A[i + 1] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static uint JenkinsHash(byte[] data)
     HashState s = new HashState();
     int len = data.Length;
     s.a = s.b = 0x9e3779b9;
     s.c = 0;
     int i = 0;
     while (i + 12 <= len)
         s.a += (uint)data[i++] |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
         s.b += (uint)data[i++] |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
         s.c += (uint)data[i++] |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
             ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
         Mix(ref s);
     s.c += (uint)len;
     if (i < len)
         s.a += data[i++];
     if (i < len)
         s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
     if (i < len)
         s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
     if (i < len)
         s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
     if (i < len)
         s.b += (uint)data[i++];
     if (i < len)
         s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
     if (i < len)
         s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
     if (i < len)
         s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
     if (i < len)
         s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
     if (i < len)
         s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
     if (i < len)
         s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
     Mix(ref s);
     return s.c;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /* Compression function F8 */
        private static void F8(HashState state)
            /* XOR the message with the first half of H */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                state.H[i] ^= state.buffer[i];

            /* Bijective function E8 */

            /* XOR the message with the last half of H */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                state.H[i + 64] ^= state.buffer[i];
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void FinalizeBuffer(HashState state, bool zeroInitial)
            /* Zero buffer */
            Array.Clear(state.buffer, 0, state.buffer.Length);

            if (zeroInitial)
                state.buffer[0] = 0x80;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                state.buffer[63 - i] = (byte)((state.dataBitLen >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <remarks>Assumes all characters are ASCII bytes (ie, &lt;=0xFF)</remarks>
        public static uint Hash(string buffer, uint seed = 0)
            Contract.Requires(buffer != null);

            int length = buffer.Length;
            int index  = 0;

            HashState state = new HashState(seed);

            for (; index + kBlockSize <= length;)
                state.ProcessBlock(buffer, ref index);

            state.ProcessFinalBlock(buffer, ref index, length);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <remarks>Assumes all characters are ASCII bytes (ie, &lt;=0xFF)</remarks>
        public static uint Hash(char[] buffer, uint seed = 0, int index = 0, int length = -1)
            Contract.Requires(buffer != null);

            if (length.IsNone())
                length = buffer.Length - index;

            HashState state = new HashState(seed);

            for (; index + kBlockSize <= length;)
                state.ProcessBlock(buffer, ref index);

            state.ProcessFinalBlock(buffer, ref index, length);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void UpdateRoundConstant(HashState state)
            byte[] tmp = new byte[64];

            /* Sbox layer */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                tmp[i] = S[0, state.roundConstant[i]];

            /* MDS layer */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 2)
                L(ref tmp[i], ref tmp[i + 1]);

            /* The following is the permutation layer P_6 */

            /* Initial swap Pi_6 */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 4)
                byte t = tmp[i + 2];
                tmp[i + 2] = tmp[i + 3];
                tmp[i + 3] = t;

            /* Permutation P'_6 */
            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                state.roundConstant[i]      = tmp[i << 1];
                state.roundConstant[i + 32] = tmp [(i << 1) + 1];

            /* Final swap Phi_6 */
            for (int i = 32; i < 64; i += 2)
                byte t = state.roundConstant[i];
                state.roundConstant[i]     = state.roundConstant[i + 1];
                state.roundConstant[i + 1] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static HashState ComputeHash(HashState currentState, uint[] messageScheduleArray)
            uint a = currentState.H0,
                 b = currentState.H1,
                 c = currentState.H2,
                 d = currentState.H3,
                 e = currentState.H4,
                 f = currentState.H5,
                 g = currentState.H6,
                 h = currentState.H7;

            for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                uint sigmaOne  = e.RotateRight(6) ^ e.RotateRight(11) ^ e.RotateRight(25);
                uint ch        = (e & f) ^ (~e & g);
                uint temp1     = h + sigmaOne + ch + Constants.K[i] + messageScheduleArray[i];
                uint sigmaZero = a.RotateRight(2) ^ a.RotateRight(13) ^ a.RotateRight(22);
                uint maj       = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c);
                uint temp2     = sigmaZero + maj;

                h = g;
                g = f;
                f = e;
                e = d + temp1;
                d = c;
                c = b;
                b = a;
                a = temp1 + temp2;

            return(new HashState {
                H0 = currentState.H0 + a,
                H1 = currentState.H1 + b,
                H2 = currentState.H2 + c,
                H3 = currentState.H3 + d,
                H4 = currentState.H4 + e,
                H5 = currentState.H5 + f,
                H6 = currentState.H6 + g,
                H7 = currentState.H7 + h,
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static byte[] Final(HashState state)
            /* Pad the message when dataBitLen is a multiple of 512 bits,
             * then process the padded block */
            if ((state.dataBitLen & 0x1ff) == 0)
                FinalizeBuffer(state, true);
                int index = (int)(state.dataBitLen & 0x1ff) >> 3;

                int offset = index;

                if ((state.dataInBuffer & 7) != 0)

                /* Set the rest of the buffer to zero */
                Array.Clear(state.buffer, offset, state.buffer.Length - offset);

                /* Pad and process the partial block when databitlen is not
                 * a multiple of 512 bits, then hash the padded blocks*/
                state.buffer[index] |= (byte)(1 << (int)(7 - (state.dataBitLen & 7)));


                FinalizeBuffer(state, false);

            byte[] output = new byte[32];

            /* Copy 32 bytes from state.H to output, at an offset of 96 in H */
            Buffer.BlockCopy(state.H, 96, output, 0, 32);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private static void E8(HashState state)
            /* Initialize the round constant */
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                state.roundConstant[i] = RoundConstantZero[i];

            /* Initial group at the beginning of E8, group the H value into
             * 4-bit elements and store them in A */

            /* 42 Rounds */
            for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++)

            /* Degroup at the end of E8: decompose the 4-bit elements of A into
             * the 1024 bit H */
Ejemplo n.º 18
        static public uint JenkinsHash(byte[] data)
            HashState s   = new HashState();
            int       len = data.Length;

            s.a = s.b = 0x9e3779b9;
            s.c = 0;
            int i = 0;

            while (i + 12 <= len)
                s.a += (uint)data[i++] |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
                s.b += (uint)data[i++] |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
                s.c += (uint)data[i++] |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 8) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 16) |
                       ((uint)data[i++] << 24);
                Mix(ref s);
            s.c += (uint)len;
            if (i < len)
                s.a += data[i++];
            if (i < len)
                s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
            if (i < len)
                s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
            if (i < len)
                s.a += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
            if (i < len)
                s.b += (uint)data[i++];
            if (i < len)
                s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
            if (i < len)
                s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
            if (i < len)
                s.b += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
            if (i < len)
                s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 8;
            if (i < len)
                s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 16;
            if (i < len)
                s.c += (uint)data[i++] << 24;
            Mix(ref s);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ProcessBlock(uint[] messageChunk)
            var messageSchedule = MessageScheduleCreator.CreateMessageSchedule(messageChunk);

            hashState = Transform.ComputeHash(hashState, messageSchedule);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /* Before hashing a message, initialize the hash state as H0 */
 private static void Init(HashState state)
     state.H[0] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Sha256BlockProcessor()
     hashState = Constants.InitialHashState;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /* Hash each 512-bit message block, except the last partial block */
        private static void Update(HashState state, byte[] input)
            ulong dataBitLen = (ulong)input.Length * 8;

            state.dataBitLen += dataBitLen;

            /* The starting address for the data to be compressed */
            ulong index = 0;

            /* If there is remaining data in the buffer, fill it to a full
             * message block first */

            /* We assume that the size of the data in the buffer is the
             * multiple of 8 bits if it is not at the end of a message */

            /* There is data in the buffer, but the incoming data is
             * insufficient for a full block */
            if ((state.dataInBuffer > 0) &&
                ((state.dataInBuffer + dataBitLen) < 512))
                int plus = 0;

                if ((dataBitLen & 7) != 0)
                    plus = 1;

                /* Copy (64 - dataInBuffer >> 3) bytes + plus from input to
                *  state.buffer at an offset of dataInBuffer >> 3 in buffer */
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 0, state.buffer,
                                 ((int)(state.dataInBuffer >> 3)),
                                 ((int)(64 - (state.dataInBuffer >> 3)) + plus));

                state.dataInBuffer += dataBitLen;
                dataBitLen          = 0;

            /* There is data in the buffer, and the incoming data is
             * sufficient for a full block */
            if ((state.dataInBuffer > 0) &&
                ((state.dataInBuffer + dataBitLen) >= 512))
                /* Copy (64 - dataInBuffer >> 3) bytes from input to
                 * state.buffer at an offset of dataInBuffer >> 3 in buffer */
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 0, state.buffer,
                                 (int)(state.dataInBuffer >> 3),
                                 (int)(64 - (state.dataInBuffer >> 3)));

                index = 64 - (state.dataInBuffer >> 3);

                dataBitLen -= (512 - state.dataInBuffer);


                state.dataInBuffer = 0;

            /* Hash the remaining full message blocks */
            for (; dataBitLen >= 512; index += 64, dataBitLen -= 512)
                /* Copy 64 bytes from input to buffer at an offset of index */
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input, (int)index, state.buffer, 0, 64);

            /* Store the partial block into buffer, assume that if part of the
             * last byte is not part of the message, then that part consists
             * of zero bits */
            if (dataBitLen > 0)
                int plus = 0;

                if ((dataBitLen & 7) != 0)
                    plus = 1;

                /* Copy (dataBitLen & 0x1ff >> 3 + plus) bytes from input to
                 * state.buffer, at an offset of index from input */
                Buffer.BlockCopy(input, (int)index, state.buffer, 0,
                                 (int)((dataBitLen & 0x1ff) >> 3) + plus);

                state.dataInBuffer = dataBitLen;