Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ExecuteTasks(HashSet<EndRequestTask> tasks)
            var tasksGroupedByType = tasks.GroupBy(task => task.GetType())
                .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.ToHashSet());

            foreach (var type in tasksGroupedByType.Keys.OrderByDescending(GetExecutionPriority))
                if (OnRequestExecutionTypes.ContainsKey(type) && OnRequestExecutionTypes[type] != null)
                    var requestBase = _kernel.Get(OnRequestExecutionTypes[type]) as ExecuteEndRequestBase;
                    if (requestBase != null)
                        var data = tasksGroupedByType[type].Select(task => task.BaseData).ToHashSet();

                    new Exception(
                            "Could not process tasks of type {0}. Please create a valid executor for the type",
 public static void SomeFunction()
     Dictionary<int, int> dict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     dict.Add(4, 3);
     foreach(int key in dict.Keys)
     foreach(int val in dict.Values)
     foreach(var kv in dict)
         Console.WriteLine(kv.Key + " " + kv.Value);
     var dict2 = dict.ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.Value);
     var vals = dict.Values;
     HashSet<int> hash = new HashSet<int>();
     foreach(int hashItem in hash)
     var z = hash.Select(o => 3).ToArray();
     var g = hash.GroupBy(o => o).Select(o => o.Count()).Min();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Item GetVinhoRecomendado(int idCliente)
            var vinhosComprados = new HashSet <Item>();

            _compras.Where(compra => compra.Cliente.Id == idCliente).ToList()
            .ForEach(compra => vinhosComprados.UnionWith(compra.Itens));

            var vinhoPreferido = vinhosComprados?.GroupBy(item => new { item.Variedade, item.Categoria })
                                 ?.OrderByDescending(item => item.Count())
                                 ?.Select(item => item.Key).FirstOrDefault();

            var vinhosNuncaComprados = _itens.Where(item => !vinhosComprados.Contains(item))
                                       .OrderByDescending(item => item.Preco);

            var vinhoRecomendado = vinhosNuncaComprados?
                                   .Where(item => item.Variedade == vinhoPreferido?.Variedade &&
                                          item.Categoria == vinhoPreferido?.Categoria)

            if (vinhoRecomendado == null)
                vinhoRecomendado = vinhosNuncaComprados?
                                   .Where(item => item.Variedade == vinhoPreferido?.Variedade ||
                                          item.Categoria == vinhoPreferido?.Categoria)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task DeleteInDestination(HashSet<Tuple<string, string, string>> src,
                                               HashSet<Tuple<string, string, string>> dst)

            int n = 0;

            // group by table + partition
            foreach (var batch1 in dst.GroupBy(x => x.Item1 + x.Item2))
                CloudTable dstTable = _dstClient.GetTableReference(batch1.First().Item1);

                if (_token.IsCancellationRequested)

                foreach (var batch2 in batch1.Batch(100))
                    if (_token.IsCancellationRequested)

                    var op = new TableBatchOperation();

                    foreach (var tuple in batch2)
                        op.Delete(new TableEntity(tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3) {ETag = "*"});

                    await dstTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(op, _token);

                    n += Math.Min(op.Count, 100);
                    Console.WriteLine("deleted {0} rows", n);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolver context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencyBehavior">behavior for non-target packages</param>
        /// <param name="targetIds">packages to install or update</param>
        /// <param name="requiredPackageIds">packages required in the solution</param>
        /// <param name="packagesConfig">existing packages</param>
        /// <param name="preferredVersions">preferred package versions or the installed version of a package</param>
        /// <param name="availablePackages">all packages from the gather stage</param>
        public PackageResolverContext(DependencyBehavior dependencyBehavior,
            IEnumerable<string> targetIds,
            IEnumerable<string> requiredPackageIds,
            IEnumerable<Packaging.PackageReference> packagesConfig,
            IEnumerable<PackageIdentity> preferredVersions,
            IEnumerable<SourcePackageDependencyInfo> availablePackages)
            if (targetIds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetIds));

            if (requiredPackageIds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requiredPackageIds));

            if (packagesConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packagesConfig));

            if (preferredVersions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(preferredVersions));

            if (availablePackages == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(availablePackages));

            DependencyBehavior = dependencyBehavior;
            TargetIds = new HashSet<string>(targetIds, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            RequiredPackageIds = new HashSet<string>(requiredPackageIds, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            PackagesConfig = packagesConfig;
            PreferredVersions = new HashSet<PackageIdentity>(preferredVersions, PackageIdentity.Comparer);
            AvailablePackages = availablePackages;

            Debug.Assert(PreferredVersions.GroupBy(p => p.Id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                .All(group => group.Count() == 1), "duplicate preferred ids");
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public void HiloCannotGoDown()
			using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
					"Raven/Hilo/Users", null,
					new RavenJObject
						{"Max", 32}
					new RavenJObject());

				var hiLoKeyGenerator = new HiLoKeyGenerator("Users", 32);

				var ids = new HashSet<long> { hiLoKeyGenerator.NextId(store.DatabaseCommands) };

					"Raven/Hilo/Users", null,
					new RavenJObject
						{"Max", 12}
					new RavenJObject());

				for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
					Assert.True(ids.Add(hiLoKeyGenerator.NextId(store.DatabaseCommands)), "Failed at " + i);

				var list = ids.GroupBy(x => x).Select(g => new
					Count = g.Count()
				}).Where(x => x.Count > 1).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void DoWatcherChanged(object state)
                if (IsCompiling)
                    _changeWatchingTimer.Change(_settupInfo.ScriptChangedDelay, Timeout.Infinite);
                HashSet <string> tmp = new HashSet <string>();
                var changedFiles     = Interlocked.Exchange <HashSet <string> >(ref _changedFiles, tmp);
                _changeWatchingTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

                HashSet <string> localChangedFiles = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var file in changedFiles)
                    //check file changed for md5 encode.
                    if (_runtimeDomain.Scope.VerifyScriptHashCode(file))
                TraceLog.WriteLine("Update script file count:{0}.", localChangedFiles.Count);
                if (localChangedFiles.Count == 0)
                bool hasModelFile = false;
                var changeGroup = localChangedFiles.GroupBy(t =>
                    if (!hasModelFile && _runtimeDomain.Scope.IsModelScript(t))
                        hasModelFile = true;
                                  .OrderBy(t => t.Key);

                bool isLoop = true;
                foreach (var group in changeGroup)
                    if (!isLoop)

                    string ext = group.Key.ToLower();
                    switch (ext)
                    case ".cs":
                        //star compile
                        if (hasModelFile)
                            TraceLog.WriteLine("{1} {0} compile start...", "model script", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
                            var scope = InitScriptRuntimeScope();

                            PrintCompiledMessage("model script", scope != null && scope.ModelAssembly != null ? scope.ModelAssembly.FullName : "null");
                            isLoop = false;
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isCompiling, 1) == 0)
                                    var str = group.Last();

                                    TraceLog.WriteLine("{1} {0} compile start...", "csharp script", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));

                                    _runtimeDomain.MainInstance = (dynamic)_runtimeDomain.Scope.Execute(_settupInfo.ScriptMainProgram, typeName: _settupInfo.ScriptMainTypeName);
                                    //   _runtimeDomain.MainInstance.Start(_runtimeDomain.MainArgs);
                                    PrintCompiledMessage("csharp script");
                                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isCompiling, 0);
                                TraceLog.WriteLine("{1} {0} has not compiled in other thread.", "csharp script", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));


                    case ".py":
                        PrintCompiledMessage("python script");

                    case ".lua":
                        PrintCompiledMessage("lua script");

                        throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Script type \"{0}\" not supported.", ext));
                    DoScriptLoaded(ext, group.ToArray());
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.WriteError("DoWatcherChanged error:{0}", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static string GetTypescript(List <Assembly> assemblies)
            var types = assemblies.Distinct().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes()).Where(x => filterType(x, AllowGeneric)).OrderBy(x => x.Namespace)
                        .GroupBy(x => GetNameWithoutGenericArity(x.ToString()))
                        .Select(x => x.OrderByDescending(x => x.GetGenericArguments().Length).First())
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var nsStack = new Stack <string>();
            var n       = "\n";

            string spaces(int depth = 0)
                if ((nsStack.Count + depth) == 0)
                return(new String(' ', (nsStack.Count + depth) * 2));

            foreach (var type in types)
                var lastNs = nsStack.Count > 0 ? nsStack.Peek() : "";
                var ns     = type?.Namespace ?? "";
                while (lastNs != ns)
                    if (nsStack.Count == 0 || ns.Contains(lastNs + "."))
                        // Go deeper
                        var nsName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastNs) ? ns : ns.Replace(lastNs + ".", "");
                        var splits = nsName.Split('.');

                        var curName = lastNs;
                        foreach (var split in splits)
                            var topLevel     = nsStack.Count == 0;
                            var declareOrNot = topLevel ? "declare " : "";
                            curName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curName) ? split : $"{curName}.{split}";
                            sb.Append($"{spaces()}export {declareOrNot}namespace {split} {{{n}");
                        lastNs = ns;
                        lastNs = nsStack.Count > 0 ? nsStack.Peek() : "";

                if (type == null)

                var bl  = spaces();
                var bl1 = spaces(1);

                if (type.IsEnum)
                    sb.Append($"{bl}export enum {getTypesScriptType(type, false, true)} {{{n}");
                    var fields = type.GetFields().Where(x => x.Name != "value__");

                    foreach (var info in fields)
                        sb.Append($"{bl1}{info.Name} = {getTypeScriptValue(info.GetRawConstantValue())},{n}");
                    sb.Append($"{bl}{(ExportAsClass && !type.IsInterface ? "export class" : "export interface")} {getTypesScriptType(type, false, true, AllowGeneric, " = any")} {{{n}");

                    if (ExportAsClass)
                        var ctors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Where(x =>
                                                                                                            !x.GetParameters().Any(p => p.ParameterType.IsByRef || p.ParameterType.IsPointer));
                        foreach (var info in ctors)

                    var props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                                .Where(x => !x.IsSpecialName &&
                                       x.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0 &&
                    var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                                 .Where(x => !x.IsSpecialName &&
                    var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                                  .Where(x => !x.IsSpecialName &&
                                         !(x.ReturnType.IsByRef || x.ReturnType.IsPointer) &&
                                         !x.GetParameters().Any(p => p.ParameterType.IsByRef || p.ParameterType.IsPointer) &&

                    var methodsGrouped = methods.GroupBy(x => x.Name);

                    foreach (var info in props)

                    foreach (var info in fields)

                    //foreach (var info in methodsGrouped)
                    //    sb.Append($"{bl1}{getTypeScriptString(info)}{n}");

                    foreach (var info in methods)


            var importGroups = Imports.GroupBy(x => ImportNamespaces[x]);

            return($"//{n}" +
                   $"// Types in assemblies: {string.Join(", ", assemblies.Select(x => x.GetName().Name))}{n}" +
                   $"// Generated {DateTime.Now}{n}" +
                   $"//{n}" +
                   $"{string.Join(n, importGroups.Select(x => $"import {{ {string.Join(",", x)} }} from './{x.Key}';"))}{n}" +
                   n +
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes orders for a turn.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ExecuteOrders()
            bool didStuff = false;

            if (AreOrdersOnHold)

            UnspentRate = Rate;
            var  empty         = new ResourceQuantity();
            var  builtThisTurn = new HashSet <IConstructable>();
            bool done          = false;

            while (!done && Orders.Any() && (Owner.StoredResources > empty || UpcomingSpending.IsEmpty))
                var numOrders      = Orders.Count;
                var spentThisRound = new ResourceQuantity();

                foreach (var order in Orders.Cast <IConstructionOrder>().ToArray())
                    if (order == null)
                        // WTF
                    var reasonForNotBuilding = GetReasonForBeingUnableToConstruct(order.Template);
                    if (reasonForNotBuilding != null)
                        // can't build that here!
                        Owner.Log.Add(Container.CreateLogMessage(order.Template + " cannot be built at " + this + " because " + reasonForNotBuilding, LogMessages.LogMessageType.Error));
                        var oldProgress = new ResourceQuantity(order.Item?.ConstructionProgress);
                        var newProgress = new ResourceQuantity(order.Item?.ConstructionProgress);
                        if (newProgress < (order.Item?.Cost ?? new ResourceQuantity()) && newProgress == oldProgress && order == Orders.Last())
                            done = true;                             // made no progress and nothing else to try and build
                        if (order.CheckCompletion(this))
                            // upgrade facility orders place their own facilities
                            if (!(order is UpgradeFacilityOrder))
                            if (AreRepeatOrdersEnabled)
                                var copy = order.Copy <IConstructionOrder>();
                            if (order.Item is Ship || order.Item is Base)
                                // trigger ship built happiness changes
                                Owner.TriggerHappinessChange(hm => hm.AnyShipConstructed);
                                if (Container is Planet p)
                                    p.Colony.TriggerHappinessChange(hm => hm.ShipConstructed);
                            if (order.Item is Facility)
                                // trigger facility built happiness changes
                                if (Container is Planet p)
                                    p.Colony.TriggerHappinessChange(hm => hm.FacilityConstructed);

                didStuff = true;

                if (!AreRepeatOrdersEnabled)
                    done = true;
            foreach (var g in builtThisTurn.GroupBy(i => i.Template))
                if (g.Count() == 1)
                    Owner.Log.Add(g.First().CreateLogMessage(g.First() + " has been constructed at " + Name + ".", logMessageType: LogMessages.LogMessageType.ConstructionComplete));
                    Owner.Log.Add(g.First().CreateLogMessage(g.Count() + "x " + g.Key + " have been constructed at " + Name + ".", logMessageType: LogMessages.LogMessageType.ConstructionComplete));
Ejemplo n.º 10
            // The method which performs rename, resolves the conflict locations and returns the result of the rename operation
            public async Task <ConflictResolution> ResolveConflictsAsync()
                    await FindDocumentsAndPossibleNameConflicts().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var baseSolution = _renameLocationSet.Solution;

                    // Process rename one project at a time to improve caching and reduce syntax tree serialization.
                    var documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId = _documentsIdsToBeCheckedForConflict
                                                                         .GroupBy(d => d.ProjectId)
                                                                         .OrderBy(g => _topologicallySortedProjects.IndexOf(g.Key));

                    _replacementTextValid = IsIdentifierValid_Worker(baseSolution, _replacementText, documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId.Select(g => g.Key), _cancellationToken);
                    var renamedSpansTracker = new RenamedSpansTracker();
                    var conflictResolution  = new ConflictResolution(baseSolution, renamedSpansTracker, _replacementText, _replacementTextValid);

                    foreach (var documentsByProject in documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId)
                        var documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed = new HashSet <DocumentId>(documentsByProject);
                        using (baseSolution.Services.CacheService?.EnableCaching(documentsByProject.Key))
                            // Rename is going to be in 4 phases.
                            // 1st phase - Does a simple token replacement
                            // If the 1st phase results in conflict then we perform then:
                            //      2nd phase is to expand and simplify only the reference locations with conflicts
                            //      3rd phase is to expand and simplify all the conflict locations (both reference and non-reference)
                            // If there are unresolved Conflicts after the 3rd phase then in 4th phase,
                            //      We complexify and resolve locations that were resolvable and for the other locations we perform the normal token replacement like the first the phase.
                            for (int phase = 0; phase < 4; phase++)
                                // Step 1:
                                // The rename process and annotation for the bookkeeping is performed in one-step
                                // The Process in short is,
                                // 1. If renaming a token which is no conflict then replace the token and make a map of the oldspan to the newspan
                                // 2. If we encounter a node that has to be expanded( because there was a conflict in previous phase), we expand it.
                                //    If the node happens to contain a token that needs to be renamed then we annotate it and rename it after expansion else just expand and proceed
                                // 3. Through the whole process we maintain a map of the oldspan to newspan. In case of expansion & rename, we map the expanded node and the renamed token
                                conflictResolution.UpdateCurrentSolution(await AnnotateAndRename_WorkerAsync(

                                // Step 2: Check for conflicts in the renamed solution
                                bool foundResolvableConflicts = await IdentifyConflictsAsync(
                                    documentIdsForConflictResolution : documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed,
                                    allDocumentIdsInProject : documentsByProject,
                                    projectId : documentsByProject.Key,
                                    conflictResolution : conflictResolution).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                if (!foundResolvableConflicts || phase == 3)

                                if (phase == 0)
                                    _conflictLocations = conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                         .Where(loc => (documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed.Contains(loc.DocumentId) && loc.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict && loc.IsReference))
                                                         .Select(loc => new ConflictLocationInfo(loc))

                                    // If there were no conflicting locations in references, then the first conflict phase has to be skipped.
                                    if (_conflictLocations.Count == 0)

                                if (phase == 1)
                                    _conflictLocations = _conflictLocations.Concat(conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                                                   .Where(loc => documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed.Contains(loc.DocumentId) && loc.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict)
                                                                                   .Select(loc => new ConflictLocationInfo(loc)))

                                // Set the documents with conflicts that need to be processed in the next phase.
                                // Note that we need to get the conflictLocations here since we're going to remove some locations below if phase == 2
                                documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed = new HashSet <DocumentId>(_conflictLocations.Select(l => l.DocumentId));

                                if (phase == 2)
                                    // After phase 2, if there are still conflicts then remove the conflict locations from being expanded
                                    var unresolvedLocations = conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                              .Where(l => (l.Type & RelatedLocationType.UnresolvedConflict) != 0)
                                                              .Select(l => Tuple.Create(l.ComplexifiedTargetSpan, l.DocumentId)).Distinct();

                                    _conflictLocations = _conflictLocations.Where(l => !unresolvedLocations.Any(c => c.Item2 == l.DocumentId && c.Item1.Contains(l.OriginalIdentifierSpan))).ToSet();

                                // Clean up side effects from rename before entering the next phase

                            // Step 3: Simplify the project
                            conflictResolution.UpdateCurrentSolution(await renamedSpansTracker.SimplifyAsync(conflictResolution.NewSolution, documentsByProject, _replacementTextValid, _renameAnnotations, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
                            await conflictResolution.RemoveAllRenameAnnotationsAsync(documentsByProject, _renameAnnotations, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // This rename could break implicit references of this symbol (e.g. rename MoveNext on a collection like type in a
                    // foreach/for each statement
                    ISymbol renamedSymbolInNewSolution = await GetRenamedSymbolInCurrentSolutionAsync(conflictResolution).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (IsRenameValid(conflictResolution, renamedSymbolInNewSolution))
                            await conflictResolution.NewSolution.GetDocument(_documentIdOfRenameSymbolDeclaration).GetSemanticModelAsync(_cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
                            renamedSpansTracker.GetAdjustedPosition(_renameSymbolDeclarationLocation.SourceSpan.Start, _documentIdOfRenameSymbolDeclaration),

                    foreach (var relatedLocation in conflictResolution.RelatedLocations)
                        if (relatedLocation.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict)
                            relatedLocation.Type = RelatedLocationType.UnresolvedConflict;
                    await DebugVerifyNoErrorsAsync(conflictResolution, _documentsIdsToBeCheckedForConflict).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, Literal> > GetAllLiterals()
     return(_clause.GroupBy(l => l.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a syntax tree for the provided assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies to generate code for.</param>
        /// <param name="runtime">Whether or not runtime code generation is being performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated syntax tree.</returns>
        private static GeneratedSyntax GenerateForAssemblies(List <Assembly> assemblies, bool runtime)
            if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                    "Generating code for assemblies: {0}",
                    string.Join(", ", assemblies.Select(_ => _.FullName)));

            Assembly       targetAssembly;
            HashSet <Type> ignoredTypes;

            if (runtime)
                // Ignore types which have already been accounted for.
                ignoredTypes = CodeGeneratorCommon.GetTypesWithImplementations(
                targetAssembly = null;
                ignoredTypes   = new HashSet <Type>();
                targetAssembly = assemblies.FirstOrDefault();

            var members = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            // Get types from assemblies which reference Orleans and are not generated assemblies.
            var includedTypes = new HashSet <Type>();

            foreach (var type in assemblies.SelectMany(_ => _.DefinedTypes))
                // The module containing the serializer.
                var module   = runtime ? null : type.Module;
                var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();

                // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                if (!typeInfo.IsNested && !typeInfo.IsGenericParameter && typeInfo.IsSerializable)
                    // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                    var isAccessibleForSerialization =
                        !TypeUtilities.IsTypeIsInaccessibleForSerialization(type, module, targetAssembly);
                    if (isAccessibleForSerialization)

                // Collect the types which require code generation.
                if (GrainInterfaceData.IsGrainInterface(type))
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Will generate code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());


            includedTypes.RemoveWhere(_ => ignoredTypes.Contains(_));

            // Group the types by namespace and generate the required code in each namespace.
            foreach (var group in includedTypes.GroupBy(_ => CodeGeneratorCommon.GetGeneratedNamespace(_)))
                var namespaceMembers = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
                foreach (var type in group)
                    // The module containing the serializer.
                    var module = runtime ? null : type.Module;

                    // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                    Action <Type> onEncounteredType = encounteredType =>
                        // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                        var isAccessibleForSerialization =
                            !TypeUtilities.IsTypeIsInaccessibleForSerialization(encounteredType, module, targetAssembly);
                        if (isAccessibleForSerialization)

                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Generating code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());

                    if (GrainInterfaceData.IsGrainInterface(type))
                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating GrainReference and MethodInvoker for {0}",


                        namespaceMembers.Add(GrainReferenceGenerator.GenerateClass(type, onEncounteredType));

                    // Generate serializers.
                    var  first = true;
                    Type toGen;
                    while (SerializerGenerationManager.GetNextTypeToProcess(out toGen))
                        // Filter types which are inaccessible by the serialzation module/assembly.
                        var skipSerialzerGeneration =
                                field =>
                        if (skipSerialzerGeneration)

                        if (!runtime)
                            if (first)
                                ConsoleText.WriteStatus("ClientGenerator - Generating serializer classes for types:");
                                first = false;

                                "\ttype " + toGen.FullName + " in namespace " + toGen.Namespace
                                + " defined in Assembly " + toGen.Assembly.GetName());

                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating & Registering Serializer for Type {0}",

                        namespaceMembers.AddRange(SerializerGenerator.GenerateClass(toGen, onEncounteredType));

                if (namespaceMembers.Count == 0)
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Skipping namespace: {0}", group.Key);


                        TypeUtils.GetNamespaces(typeof(TaskUtility), typeof(GrainExtensions))
                        .Select(_ => SF.UsingDirective(SF.ParseName(_)))

            return(new GeneratedSyntax
                SourceAssemblies = assemblies,
                Syntax = members.Count > 0 ? SF.CompilationUnit().AddMembers(members.ToArray()) : null
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public IEnumerable <DataObject> GetUntypedEditableReader(ITransaction transaction, IEnumerable <string> readOnlyFields = null)
            SchemaObject schemaObject = Schema.Schema.GetSchemaObject(DataObjectType);

            HashSet <string> fields = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (Schema.Field field in schemaObject.GetFields())


            ISelectQuery selectQuery = GetBaseQuery(schemaObject, fields, out Dictionary <string, string> tableAliasesByFieldPath);

            DataTable table           = selectQuery.Execute(transaction);
            FieldInfo isEditableField = DataObjectType.GetField("isEditable", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                DataObject dataObject = (DataObject)Activator.CreateInstance(DataObjectType);
                isEditableField.SetValue(dataObject, true);

                foreach (IGrouping <string, string> fieldByPath in fields.GroupBy(field =>
                    if (field.Contains("."))
                        return(field.Substring(0, field.LastIndexOf('.')));

                    DataObject objectToSetValueOn = dataObject;
                    if (fieldByPath.Key.Contains("."))
                        string[] parts = fieldByPath.Key.Split('.');

                        SchemaObject lastSchemaObject = schemaObject;
                        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length - 1; i++)
                            Relationship relationship      = lastSchemaObject.GetRelationship(parts[i]);
                            DataObject   relatedDataObject = relationship.GetValue(objectToSetValueOn);

                            if (relatedDataObject == null)
                                relatedDataObject = (DataObject)Activator.CreateInstance(relationship.RelatedObjectType);
                                relationship.SetPrivateDataCallback(objectToSetValueOn, relatedDataObject);

                            objectToSetValueOn = relatedDataObject;
                            lastSchemaObject   = relationship.RelatedSchemaObject;

                    string fieldAlias = tableAliasesByFieldPath[fieldByPath.Key];
                    foreach (string field in fieldByPath)
                        string fieldName = field;
                        if (fieldName.Contains('.'))
                            fieldName = fieldName.Substring(fieldName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);

                        string columnName    = $"{fieldAlias}_{fieldName}";
                        object databaseValue = row[columnName];

                        Schema.Field schemaField = schemaObject.GetField(field);
                        schemaField.SetPrivateDataCallback(objectToSetValueOn, databaseValue);

                yield return(dataObject);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for conflicts of versions in the referenced assemblies of the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="referencedTypes">Referenced types in the project</param>
        /// <param name="referencedAssemblies">Referenced assemblies in the project</param>
        /// <param name="projectName">Name of the main type (workflow) of the project</param>
        private static void CheckForConflictingVersions(HashSet<Type> referencedTypes, HashSet<Assembly> referencedAssemblies, string projectName)
            // XamlBuildTask cannot support two different versions of the same dependency in XAML.
            // As a workaround, we raise an error here if the workflow contains activities/variables/etc.
            // from different versions of the same assembly.
            var conflicts =
                referencedAssemblies.GroupBy(asm => asm.GetName().Name).Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1).ToList();

            if (conflicts.Any())
                var conflict = conflicts.First();
                Assembly asm1 = referencedAssemblies.First(item => item.GetName().Name == conflict.Key);
                Assembly asm2 = referencedAssemblies.Last(item => item.GetName().Name == conflict.Key);

                var type1 = referencedTypes.First(item => item.Assembly.GetName().Name == asm1.GetName().Name &&
                    item.Assembly.GetName().Version == asm1.GetName().Version);
                var type2 = referencedTypes.First(item => item.Assembly.GetName().Name == asm2.GetName().Name &&
                    item.Assembly.GetName().Version == asm2.GetName().Version);

                string message = string.Format(CompileMessages.MultipleVersionsUsed,
                        type1.Name, asm1.FullName, type2.Name, asm2.FullName, conflict.Key);
                throw new CompileException(message);

            // Check if the workflow contains a previous version of itself
            var referencesToItself = new List<Assembly>(
                                      from assemblies in referencedAssemblies
                                      where assemblies.GetName().Name == projectName
                                      select assemblies);

            if (referencesToItself.Any())
                string message = string.Format(CompileMessages.PreviousSelfVersion,
                throw new CompileException(message);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected void MakeOrder(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HashSet <OrderDetailsView> orderList = (HashSet <OrderDetailsView>)Session["tender"];

            IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, OrderDetailsView> > groups = orderList.GroupBy(k => k.SupplierId);

            // Create new Order

            foreach (var o in groups)
                Purchase_Order po = new Purchase_Order();
                po.supplier_id     = o.Key;
                po.clerk_user      = User.Identity.Name;
                po.delivery_by     = DateTime.Parse(deliverydate.Text);
                po.order_date      = DateTime.Today;
                po.deliver_address = "1 University Road, #01-00 Store Warehouse, Singapore 786541";
                po.deleted         = "N";

                // Get OrderID
                Purchase_Order createdorder = s.Purchase_Order.Where(x => x.clerk_user == User.Identity.Name).OrderBy(x => x.order_id).ToList().Last();

                foreach (var item in o)
                    Purchase_Order_Details orderDetail = new Purchase_Order_Details();
                    orderDetail.order_id  = createdorder.order_id;
                    orderDetail.tender_id = item.TenderId;
                    orderDetail.quantity  = item.Quantity;
                    orderDetail.status    = "Pending";
                    orderDetail.cancelled = "N";
                    orderDetail.deleted   = "N";

            UserModel currentUserModel = new UserModel(User.Identity.Name);

            /* Email logic */
            string    fromEmail = currentUserModel.Email;
            string    fromName  = currentUserModel.Fullname;
            UserModel deptHead  = currentUserModel.FindDelegateOrDeptHead();
            string    toEmail   = deptHead.Email;
            string    toName    = deptHead.Fullname;

            string        subject = string.Format("Your purchase order confirmation, {0}", fromName);
            StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("Dear " + fromName + ",");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("You have sent a purchase order."));
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Please <a href=\"{0}\">follow this link to view the request</a>.", "https://rebrand.ly/ssis-store-receiveorder"));
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("Thank you.");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<i>This message was auto-generated by the Stationery Store Inventory System.</i>");

            string body = sb.ToString();

            new Emailer(fromEmail, fromName).SendEmail(fromEmail, fromName, subject, body);
            /* End of email logic */

            Session["tender"] = null;
            Session["item"]   = null;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Do the one time scan of all the assemblies
        /// </summary>
        private void ScanForAssemblies()
            var assemblies = new HashSet <AssemblyLocationInformation>();

            if (_applicationConfig.ScanForEmbeddedAssemblies)
                foreach (var loadedAssembly in LoadedAssemblies.Where(pair => !AssembliesToIgnore.IsMatch(pair.Key)).Select(pair => pair.Value).ToList())
                    string[] resources;
                        resources = Resources.GetCachedManifestResourceNames(loadedAssembly);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Warn().WriteLine(ex, "Couldn't retrieve resources from {0}", loadedAssembly.GetName().Name);
                    foreach (var resource in resources)
                        var resourceMatch = _assemblyResourceNameRegex.Match(resource);
                        if (resourceMatch.Success)
                            assemblies.Add(new AssemblyLocationInformation(resourceMatch.Groups["assembly"].Value, loadedAssembly, resource));

            if (_applicationConfig.UseStrictChecking)
                foreach (var applicationConfigScanDirectory in _applicationConfig.ScanDirectories)
                    if (!Directory.Exists(applicationConfigScanDirectory))
                        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(applicationConfigScanDirectory);
            foreach (var fileLocation in FileLocations.Scan(_applicationConfig.ScanDirectories, _assemblyFilenameRegex, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                assemblies.Add(new AssemblyLocationInformation(fileLocation.Item2.Groups["assembly"].Value, fileLocation.Item1));

            // Reduce step 1) Take from the double assemblies only those which are embedded & on the file system in the probing path
            foreach (var assemblyGroup in assemblies.GroupBy(information => information.Name).ToList())
                var groupList = assemblyGroup.ToList();
                if (groupList.Count <= 1)

                // Remove filesystem assemblies from the list which are not in the AssemblyResolveDirectories
                var unneededAssemblies = groupList.Where(info => !info.IsEmbedded && !info.IsOnProbingPath).ToList();
                if (groupList.Count - unneededAssemblies.Count < 1)

                foreach (var unneededAssemblyInformation in unneededAssemblies)

            // Reduce step 2)
            foreach (var assemblyGroup in assemblies.GroupBy(information => information.Name).ToList())
                var groupList = assemblyGroup.ToList();
                if (groupList.Count <= 1)
                // Remove assemblies which are older
                foreach (var unneededAssemblyInformation in groupList.OrderBy(info => info.FileDate).Skip(1).ToList())

            // Create the assembly locations
            foreach (var assemblyLocationInformation in assemblies)
                AvailableAssemblies[assemblyLocationInformation.Name] = assemblyLocationInformation;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static int Main(string[] args)
            #region Command Line argument processing
            if ( args.Contains ("--help") )
                Console.WriteLine ("This tool depends on Microsoft Office 2010+");
                Console.WriteLine ("Valid switches are");
                Console.WriteLine ("-ignore <comma separated list of file extn>    : Ignore line with pattern");
                Console.WriteLine ("-include <comma separated list of file extn>   : Filter for pattern");
                Console.WriteLine ("-concurrency <No of minutes>                   : Concurrency Window in minutes");
                Console.WriteLine ("-toppages <No of pages>                        : No of Top Pages/day");
                Console.WriteLine ("-peaks <No of peaks>                           : No of Peak Hours to consider");
                Console.WriteLine ("-param <comma seperated list of patterns>      : Summarize specific URL parameters");
                Console.WriteLine ("-export <export filename>                      : Excel file report name, default will be with time stamp");
                Console.WriteLine ("-folder <log file folder path>                 : Current folder will be defaulted. All .log files in this folder will be processed.");
                Console.WriteLine ("Add a space after the pattern if you want extension mapping (e.g. .aspx ,.jpg)");
                return 0;

            if ( args.Length % 2 != 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException ("Command line arguments not valid, try --help to see valid ones!");

            Dictionary<string, string> cmdArgs = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
            for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i += 2 )
                cmdArgs.Add (args[i].ToLower (), args[i + 1]);

            List<string> ignoredTypes = new List<string> (), filterTypes = new List<string> (), hitsPerURLParams = new List<string> ();
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (IgnoreSwitch) )
                ignoredTypes = cmdArgs[IgnoreSwitch].ToLower ().Split (',').ToList ();

            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (FilterSwitch) )
                filterTypes = cmdArgs[FilterSwitch].ToLower ().Split (',').ToList ();

            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (URLParamsSwitch) )
                hitsPerURLParams = cmdArgs[URLParamsSwitch].ToLower ().Split (',').ToList ();

            float concurrencyWindow = 5;
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (ConcurrencySwitch) )
                concurrencyWindow = float.Parse (cmdArgs[ConcurrencySwitch]);
                cmdArgs.Add (ConcurrencySwitch, concurrencyWindow.ToString ());

            int topPagesPerDay = 10;
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (TopPagesSwitch) )
                topPagesPerDay = int.Parse (cmdArgs[TopPagesSwitch]);
                cmdArgs.Add (TopPagesSwitch, topPagesPerDay.ToString ());

            int peakHoursCount = 3;
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (PeakHoursSwitch) )
                peakHoursCount = int.Parse (cmdArgs[PeakHoursSwitch]);
                cmdArgs.Add (PeakHoursSwitch, peakHoursCount.ToString ());

            string exportFileName = null;
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (ExportFileSwitch) )
                    exportFileName = Path.GetFullPath (cmdArgs[ExportFileSwitch]);
                catch ( Exception e )
                    Console.WriteLine ("Error creating report file:{0},{1}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message);
            if ( exportFileName == null )
                exportFileName = Path.GetFullPath ("Processing results_" + DateTime.Now.ToString ("dd_hh_mm") + ".xlsx");
                Console.WriteLine ("Writing output to {0}", exportFileName);

            string curerntPath;
            if ( cmdArgs.ContainsKey (FolderSwitch) )
                    curerntPath = Path.GetFullPath (cmdArgs[FolderSwitch]);
                catch ( Exception e )
                    Console.WriteLine ("Error accessing folder {0}:{1},{2}", cmdArgs[FolderSwitch], e.GetType ().Name, e.Message);
                    return 1;
                curerntPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ();
                Console.WriteLine ("Working on IIS logs from current folder {0}", curerntPath);

            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch ();
            stopWatch.Start ();

            //var files = Directory.GetFiles(curerntPath, "*.log").ToList();
            var files = new DirectoryInfo (curerntPath)
                        .GetFiles ("*.log")
                        .OrderBy (f => f.LastWriteTime)
                        .Select (f => f.FullName)
                        .ToArray ();
            var totalFile = files.Count ();

            if ( totalFile == 0 )
                Console.WriteLine ("No log files found!!");
                return 0;

            Console.WriteLine ("Found {0} log files", totalFile);

            var tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName ();
            int fileCount = 0;
            int headerRows = 4;
            int entryCount = 0;

            List<IISLogEntry> processingList = new List<IISLogEntry> ();
            DateTime nextTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            long TotalHits = 0, ServedRequests = 0;
            List<ConcurrentRequest> requests = new List<ConcurrentRequest> ();
            HashSet<string> uniqueIPs = new HashSet<string> ();
            Dictionary<int, int> httpStatus = new Dictionary<int, int> ();
            Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> pageViewsForPeriod = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> ();

            int totalDays = 0, totalHours = 0;

            Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> pageViewsDaily = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> ();
            HashSet<MethodInfo> dailyPages = new HashSet<MethodInfo> ();

            Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> pageViewsHourly = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> ();
            HashSet<MethodInfo> hourlyPages = new HashSet<MethodInfo> ();

            //hits for key URL parameters
            Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> urlParamHits = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> ();
            DateTime firstEntry = DateTime.MinValue, lastEntry = DateTime.MinValue;

            HashSet<MethodInfo> filteredEntries = new HashSet<MethodInfo> ();
            int startRow = 1, startCol = 1;
            int reportRow = 2, reportCol = 1;

            Console.WriteLine ("Preparing to Process..");

            foreach ( var f in files )

                    var progress = fileCount * 100 / totalFile;

                    IEnumerable<string> matchedEntries = null;

                    var contents = File.ReadLines (f);

                    Dictionary<string, int> fieldIndex = new Dictionary<string, int> ();

                    #region Content filter

                    if ( filterTypes.Any () && ignoredTypes.Any () )
                        matchedEntries = contents.Where (s => s.StartsWith ("#") ||
                            ( filterTypes.Any (x => s.ToLower ().Contains (x)) &&
                            !ignoredTypes.Any (x => s.ToLower ().Contains (x)) ));

                    else if ( filterTypes.Any () )
                        matchedEntries = contents.Where (s => s.StartsWith ("#") || filterTypes.Any (x => s.ToLower ().Contains (x)));

                    else if ( ignoredTypes.Any () )
                        matchedEntries = contents.Where (s => s.StartsWith ("#") || !ignoredTypes.Any (x => s.ToLower ().Contains (x)));
                        matchedEntries = contents;

                    foreach ( var rawLogEntry in matchedEntries )

                        IISLogEntry logEntry;
                        if ( rawLogEntry.StartsWith ("#") )
                            if ( rawLogEntry.StartsWith ("#Fields:") )
                                fieldIndex = ParseHeaderFields (rawLogEntry);
                            Console.Write ("\r{0} File {1} of {2} files ({3}%), processing {4}      ", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"), fileCount, totalFile, progress, ++TotalHits);

                            var columns = rawLogEntry.Split (' ');
                            logEntry = new IISLogEntry ()
                                TimeStamp = DateTime.Parse (columns[0] + " " + columns[1]),
                                ClientIPAddress = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propClientIPAddress) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propClientIPAddress]] : String.Empty,
                                UserName = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propUserName) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propUserName]] : String.Empty,
                                ServiceNameandInstanceNumber = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propServiceNameandInstanceNumber) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propServiceNameandInstanceNumber]] : String.Empty,
                                ServerName = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propServerName) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propServerName]] : String.Empty,
                                ServerIPAddress = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propServerIPAddress) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propServerIPAddress]] : String.Empty,
                                ServerPort = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propClientIPAddress) ? Int32.Parse (columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propServerPort]]) : 0,
                                Method = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propMethod) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propMethod]] : String.Empty,
                                URIStem = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propURIStem) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propURIStem]] : String.Empty,
                                URIQuery = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propURIQuery) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propURIQuery]] : String.Empty,
                                HTTPStatus = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propHTTPStatus) ? Int32.Parse (columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propHTTPStatus]]) : 0,
                                //Win32Status = fieldIndex.ContainsKey(IISLogEntry.propWin32Status) ? Int32.Parse(row[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propWin32Status]]) : 0,
                                BytesSent = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propBytesSent) ? Int32.Parse (columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propBytesSent]]) : 0,
                                BytesReceived = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propBytesReceived) ? Int32.Parse (columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propBytesReceived]]) : 0,
                                TimeTaken = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propTimeTaken) ? Int32.Parse (columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propTimeTaken]]) : 0,
                                ProtocolVersion = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propProtocolVersion) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propProtocolVersion]] : String.Empty,
                                Host = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propHost) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propHost]] : String.Empty,
                                UserAgent = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propUserAgent) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propUserAgent]] : String.Empty,
                                Cookie = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propCookie) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propCookie]] : String.Empty,
                                Referrer = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propReferrer) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propReferrer]] : String.Empty,
                                ProtocolSubstatus = fieldIndex.ContainsKey (IISLogEntry.propProtocolSubstatus) ? columns[fieldIndex[IISLogEntry.propProtocolSubstatus]] : String.Empty


                            #region entry processing

                            var url = logEntry.URIStem.ToLower ();

                            #region HTTP status codes & IP
                            if ( httpStatus.ContainsKey (logEntry.HTTPStatus) )
                                httpStatus.Add (logEntry.HTTPStatus, 1);

                            if ( !uniqueIPs.Contains (logEntry.ClientIPAddress) )
                                uniqueIPs.Add (logEntry.ClientIPAddress);

                            if ( nextTime == DateTime.MinValue )
                                firstEntry = logEntry.TimeStamp;
                                lastEntry = logEntry.TimeStamp;
                                nextTime = logEntry.TimeStamp.Date.
                                            AddHours (logEntry.TimeStamp.Hour).
                                            AddMinutes (logEntry.TimeStamp.Minute).
                                            AddMinutes (concurrencyWindow);

                            if ( logEntry.TimeStamp > nextTime )
                                if ( processingList.Any () )
                                    requests.Add (new ConcurrentRequest (concurrencyWindow)
                                        TimeStamp = nextTime,
                                        Transactions = processingList.Count,
                                        AverageResponseTime = processingList.Average (p => p.TimeTaken),
                                        BytesSent = processingList.Sum (t => t.BytesSent)
                                    processingList.Clear ();
                                    requests.Add (new ConcurrentRequest (concurrencyWindow)
                                        TimeStamp = nextTime,
                                        Transactions = 0,
                                        AverageResponseTime = 0,
                                        BytesSent = 0
                                nextTime = nextTime.AddMinutes (concurrencyWindow);

                            if ( lastEntry.Hour != logEntry.TimeStamp.Hour )
                                AddHourlyPages (pageViewsHourly, hourlyPages, lastEntry);

                            if ( lastEntry.Date != logEntry.TimeStamp.Date )
                                AddDailyPages (pageViewsDaily, dailyPages, lastEntry);

                            //add the current one to future processing, otherwise one in teh borderlien will be missing
                            if ( logEntry.HTTPStatus == 200 )
                                processingList.Add (logEntry);

                                if ( pageViewsForPeriod.ContainsKey (url) )
                                    pageViewsForPeriod[url].Hit (logEntry.TimeTaken);
                                    pageViewsForPeriod.Add (url, new MethodInfo (logEntry.URIStem, logEntry.TimeTaken));

                                if ( lastEntry.Hour == logEntry.TimeStamp.Hour )
                                    if ( pageViewsHourly.ContainsKey (url) )
                                        pageViewsHourly[url].Hit (logEntry.TimeTaken);
                                        pageViewsHourly.Add (url, new MethodInfo (logEntry.URIStem, logEntry.TimeTaken));

                                if ( lastEntry.Date == logEntry.TimeStamp.Date )
                                    if ( pageViewsDaily.ContainsKey (url) )
                                        pageViewsDaily[url].Hit (logEntry.TimeTaken);
                                        pageViewsDaily.Add (url, new MethodInfo (logEntry.URIStem, logEntry.TimeTaken));

                                if ( hitsPerURLParams.Any () )
                                    var urlParam = hitsPerURLParams.Where (p => logEntry.URIQuery.Contains (p)).FirstOrDefault ();
                                    if ( urlParam != null && urlParam != String.Empty )
                                        if ( urlParamHits.ContainsKey (url) )
                                            urlParamHits[url].Hit (logEntry.TimeTaken);
                                            urlParamHits.Add (url, new MethodInfo (urlParam, logEntry.TimeTaken));

                            lastEntry = logEntry.TimeStamp;

                    if ( processingList.Any () )
                        requests.Add (new ConcurrentRequest (concurrencyWindow)
                            TimeStamp = nextTime,
                            Transactions = processingList.Count,
                            AverageResponseTime = processingList.Average (p => p.TimeTaken),
                            BytesSent = processingList.Sum (t => t.BytesSent)
                        processingList.Clear ();
                    AddHourlyPages (pageViewsHourly, hourlyPages, lastEntry);
                    AddDailyPages (pageViewsDaily, dailyPages, lastEntry);


                catch ( Exception e )
                    Console.WriteLine ("Error!! {0}:{1} - {2}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                    Debug.WriteLine ("Error!! {0}:{1}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine ("\nGenerating Statistics");

            #region resultprocessing
            IEnumerable<MethodInfo> topPages;
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<DateTime, MethodInfo>> hourlyHits = null;
            long peakHits;
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<DateTime, MethodInfo>> peakHourPages = null;

                excelApp = new Application ();
                excelApp.Visible = false;
                reportSpreadsheet = excelApp.Workbooks.Add ();
                excelApp.Calculation = XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual;
                reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.ActiveSheet;
                #region Concurrent Users
                if ( requests.Any () )
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Calculating Concurrent User Count", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));

                    reportSheet.Name = "Concurrent Users";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Timestamp";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Requests";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "TPS";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Average Response Time";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Concurrent Users (based on Little's Law)";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Bytes Sent";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = "Network Speed (Mbps)";

                    foreach ( var p in requests )
                        reportCol = 1; reportRow++;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.TimeStamp;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.Transactions;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.Tps;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.AverageResponseTime;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.ConcurrentUsers;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.BytesSent;
                        reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = p.NetworkSpeed;

                reportSpreadsheet.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
                reportSpreadsheet.SaveAs (exportFileName, ConflictResolution: XlSaveConflictResolution.xlLocalSessionChanges);

                #region Page visit Summary
                if ( pageViewsForPeriod.Any () )
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Genrating Page visit Summary", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));
                    reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.Worksheets.Add (Type.Missing, reportSheet, 1);
                    reportSheet.Name = "Page visit Summary";

                    startRow = startCol = 1;

                    startRow = CollectionToTable (pageViewsForPeriod.Values, startRow, startCol, "Page visit Summary (for the period)");

                    reportSheet.Shapes.AddChart (XlChartType.xlLine).Select ();
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.SetSourceData (Source: reportSheet.get_Range ("A1:B" + startRow));

                    reportSheet.Shapes.AddChart (XlChartType.xlPie).Select ();
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.SetSourceData (Source: reportSheet.get_Range ("A1:B" + startRow));
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.ClearToMatchStyle ();
                        excelApp.ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 256;
                    catch ( Exception e )
                    { }

                    excelApp.ActiveChart.SetElement (Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoChartElementType.msoElementChartTitleAboveChart);
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = "Page visit Summary (for the period) Most Visited Pages";

                    reportSheet.Shapes.AddChart (XlChartType.xlBarClustered).Select ();
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.SetSourceData (Source: reportSheet.get_Range ("A1:D" + startRow));
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.ClearToMatchStyle ();
                        excelApp.ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 222;
                    catch ( Exception e )
                    { }
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.SetElement (Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoChartElementType.msoElementChartTitleAboveChart);
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Text = "Page visit Summary (for the period) Average Response Time";
                    SpreadCharts (reportSheet);


                #region Daily Analysis
                if ( dailyPages.Any () )
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Genrating Daily Statistics", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));
                    reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.Worksheets.Add (Type.Missing, reportSheet, 1);
                    reportSheet.Name = "Daily Analysis";

                    foreach ( var d in dailyPages.Select (p => p.Timestamp).Distinct () )
                        filteredEntries.UnionWith (dailyPages.Where (p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)
                                                                    .OrderByDescending (p => p.Hits).Take (topPagesPerDay));
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Date: {0} - {1}", date, MethodInfo.TotalHits(dailyPages.Where(p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)));

                    topPages = filteredEntries.Where (p => filteredEntries.Count (q => q.Url == p.Url) > totalDays / 2);
                    startRow = startCol = 1;
                    AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Daily Top Pages - Visits Trend", topPages, p => p.Hits, d => d.ToString (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern));

                    startRow = reportRow + 10;
                    startCol = 1;
                    AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Daily Top Pages - Response Time(Average) Trend", topPages, p => p.AvgResponseTime, d => d.ToString (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern));

                    startRow = reportRow + 10;
                    startCol = 1;
                    AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Daily Top Pages - Response Time(90%tile) Trend", topPages, p => p.NinetiethPercentile, d => d.ToString (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern));

                    startRow = 1;
                    startCol = 30;
                    filteredEntries.Clear ();

                    //reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol] = "Date";
                    foreach ( var d in dailyPages.Select (p => p.Timestamp).Distinct () )
                        filteredEntries.UnionWith (dailyPages.Where (p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)
                                               .OrderByDescending (p => p.NinetiethPercentile).Take (topPagesPerDay));
                    topPages = filteredEntries.Where (p => filteredEntries.Count (q => q.Url == p.Url) > totalDays / 2);
                    AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Daily Slow Pages - Response Time(90%tile) Trend", topPages, p => p.NinetiethPercentile, d => d.ToString (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern));

                    startRow = reportRow + 10;
                    startCol = 30;
                    filteredEntries.Clear ();

                    //reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol] = "Date";
                    foreach ( var d in dailyPages.Select (p => p.Timestamp).Distinct () )
                        filteredEntries.UnionWith (dailyPages.Where (p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)
                                               .OrderByDescending (p => p.AvgResponseTime).Take (topPagesPerDay));
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Date: {0} - {1}", date, MethodInfo.TotalHits(dailyPages.Where(p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)));
                    topPages = filteredEntries.Where (p => filteredEntries.Count (q => q.Url == p.Url) > totalDays / 2);
                    AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Daily Slow Pages - Response Time(Average) Trend", topPages, p => p.AvgResponseTime, d => d.ToString (DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern));

                    SpreadCharts (reportSheet);


                #region Hourly analysis
                if ( hourlyPages.Any () )
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Genrating Hourly Statistics", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));
                    reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.Worksheets.Add (Type.Missing, reportSheet, 1);
                    reportSheet.Name = "Hourly Analysis";

                    startRow = 1;
                    startCol = 1;
                    filteredEntries.Clear ();

                    foreach ( var d in hourlyPages.Select (p => p.Timestamp).Distinct () )
                        filteredEntries.UnionWith (hourlyPages.Where (p => p.Timestamp == d.Date.AddHours (d.Hour))
                                            .OrderByDescending (p => p.Hits).Take (topPagesPerDay));
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Date: {0} - {1}", date, MethodInfo.TotalHits(dailyPages.Where(p => p.Timestamp == d.Date)));
                    var totalHits = hourlyPages.Sum (p => p.Hits);
                    //filter out top pages which are there for 10% of time or 2% traffic
                    topPages = filteredEntries.Where (p => filteredEntries.Count (q => q.Url == p.Url) > totalHours / 10 || p.Hits > totalHits * 2 / 100);
                    startRow += AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Hourly Top Pages Summary (By Hits)", topPages, p => p.Hits, d => d.ToString ());
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.Axes (XlAxisType.xlCategory).CategoryType = XlCategoryType.xlCategoryScale;

                    hourlyHits = hourlyPages.GroupBy (p => p.Timestamp, q => q);
                    peakHits = hourlyHits.Select (p => p.Sum (q => q.Hits)).OrderByDescending (p => p).Take (peakHoursCount).Min ();
                    peakHourPages = hourlyHits.Where (p => p.Sum (q => q.Hits) >= peakHits);

                    startRow += 10; startCol = 1;
                    startRow += AddChartFromSeries (startRow, startCol, "Peak Hour Top Pages Summary (By Hits)", peakHourPages.SelectMany (g => g.Where (p => p.Hits > peakHits * 2 / 100)), p => p.Hits, d => d.ToString ());
                    excelApp.ActiveChart.Axes (XlAxisType.xlCategory).CategoryType = XlCategoryType.xlCategoryScale;

                    CollectionToTable (peakHourPages.SelectMany (g => g), startRow + 10, 1, "Peak Hour Pages", true);

                    SpreadCharts (reportSheet);

                #region URL Param Hits Summary
                if ( hitsPerURLParams.Any () )
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Genrating URL parameter statistics", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));

                    reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.Worksheets.Add (Type.Missing, reportSheet, 1);
                    startRow = startCol = 1;
                    reportSheet.Name = "URL Parameters";
                    CollectionToTable (urlParamHits.Values, startRow, startCol, "URL Parameters Summary (for the period)");

                #region Summary
                Console.WriteLine ("{0} Genrating Summary", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));
                reportSheet = reportSpreadsheet.Worksheets.Add (reportSheet, Type.Missing, 1);
                reportRow = reportCol = 1;
                reportSheet.Name = "Summary";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Running From";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = curerntPath;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Commandline Argument";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = string.Join (";", cmdArgs.Select (x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value));

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Files Processed";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = fileCount;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "From";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = firstEntry;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "To";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = lastEntry;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "TotalHits";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = TotalHits;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Average Transactions/Sec";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = requests.Average (p => p.Tps);

                if ( hourlyHits!=null )
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Average Transactions/Hour";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = hourlyHits.Average (p => p.Sum (q => q.Hits));

                if ( peakHourPages!=null )
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Peak Hour Transactions/Hour";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = peakHourPages.Average (p => p.Sum (q => q.Hits));

                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "Peak Hour Transactions/Sec";
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = peakHourPages.Average (p => p.Sum (q => q.Hits) / 3600);

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "UniqueIPs";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = uniqueIPs.Count;

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "ServedRequests";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = ServedRequests;

                reportRow += 10;
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 1] = "Http Status code summary";

                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, 1] = "HTTP Code";
                reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, 2] = "Count";

                foreach ( var i in httpStatus )
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow, reportCol++] = i.Key;
                    reportSheet.Cells[reportRow++, reportCol--] = ( i.Value );

            catch ( Exception e )
                Console.WriteLine ("Error!! {0}:{1} - {2}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                Debug.WriteLine ("Error!! {0}:{1}", e.GetType ().Name, e.Message);
                if ( excelApp != null )
                    excelApp.Calculation = XlCalculation.xlCalculationAutomatic;
                    if ( reportSpreadsheet != null )
                        reportSpreadsheet.Save ();
                        reportSpreadsheet.Close ();
                        excelApp.Quit ();
                File.Delete (tmpFile);
                stopWatch.Stop ();
                Console.WriteLine ("Done, Final time : {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString (@"hh\:mm\:ss"));

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		internal static ReadOnlyCollection<MethodMockableResult> GetMockableMethods(this Type @this, NameGenerator generator)
			var objectMethods = @this.IsInterface ? 
				typeof(object).GetMethods().Where(_ => _.IsExtern() || _.IsVirtual).ToList() : new List<MethodInfo>();

         var methods = new HashSet<MockableResult<MethodInfo>>(@this.GetMethods(ReflectionValues.PublicNonPublicInstance)
				.Where(_ => !_.IsSpecialName && _.IsVirtual && !_.IsFinal &&
					!objectMethods.Where(om => om.Match(_) == MethodMatch.Exact).Any() &&
					_.DeclaringType.Assembly.CanBeSeenByMockAssembly(_.IsPublic, _.IsPrivate, _.IsFamily, _.IsFamilyOrAssembly, generator))
				.Select(_ => new MockableResult<MethodInfo>(_, RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.No)));

			if (@this.IsInterface)
				var namespaces = new SortedSet<string>();

				foreach (var @interface in @this.GetInterfaces())
					var interfaceMethods = @interface.GetMethods()
						.Where(_ => !_.IsSpecialName && !objectMethods.Where(om => om.Match(_) == MethodMatch.Exact).Any());

					foreach (var interfaceMethod in interfaceMethods)
						if (interfaceMethod.CanBeSeenByMockAssembly(generator))
							var matchMethodGroups = methods.GroupBy(_ => interfaceMethod.Match(_.Value)).ToDictionary(_ => _.Key);

							if (!matchMethodGroups.ContainsKey(MethodMatch.Exact))
								methods.Add(new MockableResult<MethodInfo>(
									interfaceMethod, matchMethodGroups.ContainsKey(MethodMatch.DifferByReturnTypeOnly) ? 
										RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.Yes : RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.No));

			var baseStaticMethods = @this.IsInterface ?
				typeof(object).GetMethods().Where(_ => _.IsStatic).ToList() :
				@this.GetMethods().Where(_ => _.IsStatic).ToList();

			return methods.Select(_ => new MethodMockableResult(
				_.Value, _.RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation,
				baseStaticMethods.Where(osm => osm.Match(_.Value) == MethodMatch.Exact).Any() ? 
					RequiresIsNewImplementation.Yes : RequiresIsNewImplementation.No)).ToList().AsReadOnly();
Ejemplo n.º 19
		internal static ReadOnlyCollection<PropertyMockableResult> GetMockableProperties(this Type @this, NameGenerator generator)
			var properties = new HashSet<PropertyMockableResult>(
				from property in @this.GetProperties(ReflectionValues.PublicNonPublicInstance)
				let canGet = property.CanRead && property.GetMethod.IsVirtual && !property.GetMethod.IsFinal &&
					property.GetMethod.IsPublic, property.GetMethod.IsPrivate, property.GetMethod.IsFamily, property.GetMethod.IsFamilyOrAssembly, generator)
				let canSet = property.CanWrite && property.SetMethod.IsVirtual && !property.SetMethod.IsFinal &&
					property.SetMethod.IsPublic, property.SetMethod.IsPrivate, property.SetMethod.IsFamily, property.SetMethod.IsFamilyOrAssembly, generator)
				where canGet || canSet
				select new PropertyMockableResult(property, RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.No,
					(canGet && canSet ? PropertyAccessors.GetAndSet : (canGet ? PropertyAccessors.Get : PropertyAccessors.Set))));

			if (@this.IsInterface)
				var namespaces = new SortedSet<string>();

				foreach (var @interface in @this.GetInterfaces())
					foreach (var interfaceProperty in @interface.GetMockableProperties(generator))
						if (interfaceProperty.Value.GetDefaultMethod().CanBeSeenByMockAssembly(generator))
							var matchMethodGroups = properties.GroupBy(_ => interfaceProperty.Value.GetDefaultMethod().Match(_.Value.GetDefaultMethod())).ToDictionary(_ => _.Key);

							if (!matchMethodGroups.ContainsKey(MethodMatch.Exact))
								properties.Add(new PropertyMockableResult(interfaceProperty.Value,
									matchMethodGroups.ContainsKey(MethodMatch.DifferByReturnTypeOnly) ?
										RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.Yes : RequiresExplicitInterfaceImplementation.No, 

			return properties.ToList().AsReadOnly();
Ejemplo n.º 20
		private void MarkMessages()
			HashSet<MarkRequest> hash;
			using (_rwLock.GetReadLock())
				hash = new HashSet<MarkRequest>(_requests);

			foreach (var group in hash
					.GroupBy(rq => rq.IsRead)
					.Select(grp => new { IsRead = grp.Key, Ids = grp.SelectMany(rq => rq.MsgIds) }))

			using (_rwLock.GetWriteLock())

			foreach (var notificator in hash.Select(rq => rq.MarkFinished))
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var list = Utilities.ReadFile(args[0]);

            var orderedList = list.OrderBy(o => o).ToList();

            var regex = new Regex(@"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2})");

            var guardList = new HashSet <Guard>();

            Console.WriteLine("Part 1");

            Guard currentGuard = null;

            foreach (string s in orderedList)
                var matches = regex.Match(s);

                if (s.Contains("Guard"))
                    var splitString = s.Split(' ');
                    currentGuard = new Guard(splitString[3]);
                GroupCollection groups = matches.Groups;
                var             date   = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(groups[1].Value),
                                                      Int32.Parse(groups[5].Value), 0);

                if (currentGuard != null)
                    currentGuard.AddSchedule(date.Hour != 0 ? new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.AddDays(1).Day, 0, 0, 0) :
                                             date, (s.Contains("wakes") || s.Contains("begins")) ? true : false);

            foreach (Guard g in guardList)
                var timeAsleep = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < g.Schedules.Count; ++i)
                    if (g.Schedules[i - 1].Awake == false && g.Schedules[i].Awake == true)
                        timeAsleep += (int)(g.Schedules[i].Time.Subtract(g.Schedules[i - 1].Time).TotalMinutes);
                g.MinutesAsleep = timeAsleep;

            var sumGuardList = guardList
                               .GroupBy(g => g.ID)
                               .Select(grp => new string[]
                grp.Sum(g => g.MinutesAsleep).ToString()
                                       ).OrderByDescending(s => s[1]).ToList();

            var maxSleepingGuard = sumGuardList.First();

            Console.WriteLine(int.Parse(maxSleepingGuard[0].Replace("#", string.Empty)) * FindMinuteSpentMostAsleep(maxSleepingGuard[0], guardList));

            Console.WriteLine("Part 2");

            var groupedGuardList = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, int> >();

            var uniqueIDs = guardList.Select(g => g.ID).Distinct();

            Tuple <int, int> current = Tuple.Create(0, 0);

            foreach (var id in uniqueIDs)
                current = FindNumberOfTimesSpentAsleep(guardList.Where(g => g.ID == id).ToList());
                if (!groupedGuardList.ContainsKey(id))
                    groupedGuardList.Add(id, current);

            Console.WriteLine(int.Parse(groupedGuardList.First().Key.Replace("#", string.Empty)) * groupedGuardList.First().Value.Item2);

		private void Initialize()
			if (null == _consumingMethod)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Consuming method has not been defined");

			if (!_assemblies.Any())
				throw new InvalidOperationException("There are no assemblies to scan");

			var types = _assemblies
				.SelectMany(a => {
				        return a.GetExportedTypes();
				    } catch{}
				    return new Type[0];

			var messageTypes = types.Where(x => !x.IsInterface && typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(x)).ToArray();
			var consumerTypes = types.Where(x => typeof(IConsume).IsAssignableFrom(x)).ToArray();

			var consumingDirectly = consumerTypes
				.SelectMany(consumerType =>
						.Select(messageType => new MessageMapping(consumerType, messageType, true)))

			var result = new HashSet<MessageMapping>();

			foreach (var m in consumingDirectly)
			var allMessages = result.Select(m => m.Message).ToList();
			foreach (var messageType in messageTypes)
				if (!allMessages.Contains(messageType))
					result.Add(new MessageMapping(typeof(MessageMapping.BusNull), messageType, true));

			_consumerInfos = result
				.GroupBy(x => x.Consumer)
				.Select(x =>
					var directs = x
						.Where(m => m.Direct)
						.Select(m => m.Message)

					var assignables = x
						.Select(m => m.Message)
						.Where(t => directs.Any(d => d.IsAssignableFrom(t)))

					return new ConsumerInfo(x.Key, assignables.ToArray());

			_messageInfos = result
				.ToLookup(x => x.Message)
				.Select(x =>
					var domainConsumers = x
						.Where(t => t.Consumer != typeof(MessageMapping.BusNull))

					return new MessageInfo
						MessageType = x.Key,
						AllConsumers = domainConsumers.Select(m => m.Consumer).Distinct().ToArray(),
						DerivedConsumers = domainConsumers.Where(m => !m.Direct).Select(m => m.Consumer).Distinct().ToArray(),
						DirectConsumers = domainConsumers.Where(m => m.Direct).Select(m => m.Consumer).Distinct().ToArray(),

			var includedTypes = _messageInfos
				.Select(m => m.MessageType).ToList();

			// message directory should still include all messages for the serializers
			var orphanedMessages = result
				.Where(m => !includedTypes.Contains(m.Message))
				.Select(m => new MessageInfo
					MessageType = m.Message,
					AllConsumers = Type.EmptyTypes,
					DerivedConsumers = Type.EmptyTypes,
					DirectConsumers = Type.EmptyTypes


Ejemplo n.º 23
        protected virtual IEnumerable <AuthorizationToken> GetAuthorizedTokens(string @namespace, uint memberId, MemberType memberType)
            var conditions = Condition.Equal("MemberId", memberId) & Condition.Equal("MemberType", memberType);

            if (MembershipHelper.GetAncestors(this.DataAccess, @namespace, memberId, memberType, out var flats, out var hierarchies) > 0)
                conditions = ConditionCollection.Or(
                    Condition.In("MemberId", flats.Select(p => p.RoleId)) & Condition.Equal("MemberType", MemberType.Role)

            var permissions = this.DataAccess.Select <Permission>(conditions, Paging.Disabled).ToArray();

            var permissionFilters = this.DataAccess.Select <PermissionFilter>(conditions, Paging.Disabled).ToArray();

            var states = new HashSet <AuthorizationState>();
            IEnumerable <Permission>         prepares;
            IEnumerable <AuthorizationState> grants, denies;

            if (hierarchies != null && hierarchies.Count > 0)
                for (int i = hierarchies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    prepares = permissions.Where(p => hierarchies[i].Any(role => role.RoleId == p.MemberId) && p.MemberType == MemberType.Role);

                    grants = prepares.Where(p => p.Granted).Select(p => new AuthorizationState(p.SchemaId, p.ActionId)).ToArray();
                    denies = prepares.Where(p => !p.Granted).Select(p => new AuthorizationState(p.SchemaId, p.ActionId)).ToArray();

                    states.UnionWith(grants);                      //合并授予的权限定义
                    states.ExceptWith(denies);                     //排除拒绝的权限定义

                    this.SetPermissionFilters(states, permissionFilters.Where(p => hierarchies[i].Any(role => role.RoleId == p.MemberId) && p.MemberType == MemberType.Role));

            prepares = permissions.Where(p => p.MemberId == memberId && p.MemberType == memberType);

            grants = prepares.Where(p => p.Granted).Select(p => new AuthorizationState(p.SchemaId, p.ActionId)).ToArray();
            denies = prepares.Where(p => !p.Granted).Select(p => new AuthorizationState(p.SchemaId, p.ActionId)).ToArray();

            states.UnionWith(grants);              //合并授予的权限定义
            states.ExceptWith(denies);             //排除拒绝的权限定义

            this.SetPermissionFilters(states, permissionFilters.Where(p => p.MemberId == memberId && p.MemberType == memberType));

            foreach (var group in states.GroupBy(p => p.SchemaId))
                yield return(new AuthorizationToken(group.Key, group.Select(p => new AuthorizationToken.ActionToken(p.ActionId, p.Filter))));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override HashSet <UserData> GetUserData()
            using (Nop280DataContext context = GetContext())
                HashSet <Nop280_Customer> customers =
                    context.Nop280_Customers.Where(x => !x.Deleted && x.Email != null && x.Password != null).ToHashSet();
                HashSet <Nop280_GenericAttribute> attributes =
                    context.Nop280_GenericAttributes.Where(attribute => attribute.KeyGroup == "Customer").ToHashSet();
                Dictionary <int, HashSet <Nop280_GenericAttribute> > attributeUserDictionary = attributes.GroupBy(
                    x => x.EntityId)
                                                                                               .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.ToHashSet());
                HashSet <Nop280_CustomerAddress> addresses = context.Nop280_CustomerAddresses.ToHashSet();

                var userDatas = new HashSet <UserData>();
                foreach (Nop280_Customer customer in customers)
                    Nop280_Customer             thisCustomer       = customer;
                    Dictionary <string, string> customerAttributes =
                            ? attributeUserDictionary[customer.Id]
                        .GroupBy(attribute => attribute.Key)
                        .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, attribute => attribute.First().Value)
                            : new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    HashSet <Nop280_Address> customerAddresses =
                        addresses.FindAll(x => x.Customer_Id == thisCustomer.Id)
                        .Select(address => address.Nop280_Address)

                    userDatas.Add(new UserData
                        Id        = thisCustomer.Id,
                        Email     = thisCustomer.Email,
                        Salt      = thisCustomer.PasswordSalt,
                        Hash      = thisCustomer.Password,
                        Active    = thisCustomer.Active,
                        Format    = "NopSHA1",
                        Guid      = thisCustomer.CustomerGuid,
                        FirstName =
                                ? customerAttributes[FirstNameKey]
                                : string.Empty,
                        LastName =
                            customerAttributes.ContainsKey(LastNameKey) ? customerAttributes[LastNameKey] : string.Empty,
                        AddressData = customerAddresses.Select(GetAddressDataObject).ToHashSet()
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a syntax tree for the provided assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetAssembly">The assemblies used for accessibility checks, or <see langword="null"/> during runtime code generation.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies to generate code for.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated syntax tree.</returns>
        private GeneratedSyntax GenerateCode(Assembly targetAssembly, List <Assembly> assemblies)
            var features = new FeatureDescriptions();
            var members  = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            // Expand the list of included assemblies and types.
            var knownAssemblies =
                new Dictionary <Assembly, KnownAssemblyAttribute>(
                    assemblies.ToDictionary(k => k, k => default(KnownAssemblyAttribute)));

            foreach (var attribute in assemblies.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetCustomAttributes <KnownAssemblyAttribute>()))
                knownAssemblies[attribute.Assembly] = attribute;

            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information))
                logger.Info($"Generating code for assemblies: {string.Join(", ", knownAssemblies.Keys.Select(a => a.FullName))}");

            // Get types from assemblies which reference Orleans and are not generated assemblies.
            var grainClasses    = new HashSet <Type>();
            var grainInterfaces = new HashSet <Type>();

            foreach (var pair in knownAssemblies)
                var assembly = pair.Key;
                var treatTypesAsSerializable = pair.Value?.TreatTypesAsSerializable ?? false;
                foreach (var type in TypeUtils.GetDefinedTypes(assembly, this.logger))
                    if (treatTypesAsSerializable || type.IsSerializable || TypeHasKnownBase(type))
                        string logContext = null;
                        if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                            if (treatTypesAsSerializable)
                                logContext = $"known assembly {assembly.GetName().Name} where 'TreatTypesAsSerializable' = true";
                            else if (type.IsSerializable)
                                logContext = $"known assembly {assembly.GetName().Name} where type is [Serializable]";
                            else if (type.IsSerializable)
                                logContext = $"known assembly {assembly.GetName().Name} where type has known base type.";

                        serializableTypes.RecordType(type, targetAssembly, logContext);

                    // Include grain interfaces and classes.
                    var isGrainInterface = GrainInterfaceUtils.IsGrainInterface(type);
                    var isGrainClass     = TypeUtils.IsConcreteGrainClass(type);
                    if (isGrainInterface || isGrainClass)
                        // If code generation is being performed at runtime, the interface must be accessible to the generated code.
                        if (!TypeUtilities.IsAccessibleFromAssembly(type, targetAssembly))
                            if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                                this.logger.Debug("Skipping inaccessible grain type, {0}", type.GetParseableName());


                        // Attempt to generate serializers for grain state classes, i.e, T in Grain<T>.
                        var baseType = type.BaseType;
                        if (baseType != null && baseType.IsConstructedGenericType)
                            foreach (var arg in baseType.GetGenericArguments())
                                string logContext = null;
                                if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                                    logContext = "generic base type of " + type.GetLogFormat();
                                this.serializableTypes.RecordType(arg, targetAssembly, logContext);

                        // Skip classes generated by this generator.
                        if (IsOrleansGeneratedCode(type))
                            if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                                this.logger.Debug("Skipping generated grain type, {0}", type.GetParseableName());


                        if (this.knownGrainTypes.Contains(type))
                            if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                                this.logger.Debug("Skipping grain type {0} since it already has generated code.", type.GetParseableName());


                        if (isGrainClass)
                            if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information))
                                this.logger.Info("Found grain implementation class: {0}", type.GetParseableName());


                        if (isGrainInterface)
                            if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information))
                                this.logger.Info("Found grain interface: {0}", type.GetParseableName());



            // Group the types by namespace and generate the required code in each namespace.
            foreach (var groupedGrainInterfaces in grainInterfaces.GroupBy(_ => CodeGeneratorCommon.GetGeneratedNamespace(_)))
                var namespaceName    = groupedGrainInterfaces.Key;
                var namespaceMembers = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
                foreach (var grainInterface in groupedGrainInterfaces)
                    var referenceTypeName = GrainReferenceGenerator.GetGeneratedClassName(grainInterface);
                    var invokerTypeName   = GrainMethodInvokerGenerator.GetGeneratedClassName(grainInterface);
                            encounteredType =>
                        string logContext = null;
                        if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                            logContext = "used by grain type " + grainInterface.GetLogFormat();
                        this.serializableTypes.RecordType(encounteredType, targetAssembly, logContext);
                    namespaceMembers.Add(GrainMethodInvokerGenerator.GenerateClass(grainInterface, invokerTypeName));
                    var genericTypeSuffix = GetGenericTypeSuffix(grainInterface.GetGenericArguments().Length);
                        new GrainInterfaceDescription
                        Interface   = grainInterface.GetTypeSyntax(includeGenericParameters: false),
                        Reference   = SF.ParseTypeName(namespaceName + '.' + referenceTypeName + genericTypeSuffix),
                        Invoker     = SF.ParseTypeName(namespaceName + '.' + invokerTypeName + genericTypeSuffix),
                        InterfaceId = GrainInterfaceUtils.GetGrainInterfaceId(grainInterface)

                members.Add(CreateNamespace(namespaceName, namespaceMembers));

            foreach (var type in grainClasses)
                    new GrainClassDescription
                    ClassType = type.GetTypeSyntax(includeGenericParameters: false)

            // Generate serializers into their own namespace.
            var serializerNamespace = this.GenerateSerializers(targetAssembly, features);


            // Add serialization metadata for the types which were encountered.
            this.AddSerializationTypes(features.Serializers, targetAssembly, knownAssemblies.Keys.ToList());

            foreach (var attribute in knownAssemblies.Keys.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetCustomAttributes <ConsiderForCodeGenerationAttribute>()))
                this.serializableTypes.RecordType(attribute.Type, targetAssembly, "[ConsiderForCodeGeneration]");
                if (attribute.ThrowOnFailure && !this.serializableTypes.IsTypeRecorded(attribute.Type) && !this.serializableTypes.IsTypeIgnored(attribute.Type))
                    throw new CodeGenerationException(
                              $"Found {attribute.GetType().Name} for type {attribute.Type.GetParseableName()}, but code" +
                              " could not be generated. Ensure that the type is accessible.");

            // Generate metadata directives for all of the relevant types.
            var(attributeDeclarations, memberDeclarations) = FeaturePopulatorGenerator.GenerateSyntax(targetAssembly, features);

            var compilationUnit = SF.CompilationUnit().AddAttributeLists(attributeDeclarations.ToArray()).AddMembers(members.ToArray());

            return(new GeneratedSyntax
                SourceAssemblies = knownAssemblies.Keys.ToList(),
                Syntax = compilationUnit
Ejemplo n.º 26
            public async Task AnalyzeProjectAsync(Project project, bool semanticsChanged, InvocationReasons reasons, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                lock (_reported)
                    // to make sure that we don't report while solution load, we do this heuristic.
                    // if the reason we are called is due to "document being added" to project, we wait for next analyze call.
                    // also, we only report usage information per project once.
                    // this telemetry will only let us know which API ever used, this doesn't care how often/many times an API
                    // used. and this data is approximation not precise information. and we don't care much on how many times
                    // APIs used in the same solution. we are rather more interested in number of solutions or users APIs are used.
                    if (reasons.Contains(PredefinedInvocationReasons.DocumentAdded) ||

                // if this project has cross language p2p references, then pass in solution, otherwise, don't give in
                // solution since checking whether symbol is cross language symbol or not is expansive and
                // we know that population of solution with both C# and VB are very tiny.
                // so no reason to pay the cost for common cases.
                var crossLanguageSolutionOpt =
                    project.ProjectReferences.Any(p => project.Solution.GetProject(p.ProjectId)?.Language != project.Language) ? project.Solution : null;

                var metadataSymbolUsed = new HashSet <ISymbol>(SymbolEqualityComparer.Default);

                foreach (var document in project.Documents)
                    var root = await document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var model = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    foreach (var operation in GetOperations(model, cancellationToken))

                        if (metadataSymbolUsed.Count > Max)
                            // collect data up to max per project

                        // this only gather reference and method call symbols but not type being used.
                        // if we want all types from metadata used, we need to add more cases
                        // which will make things more expansive.
                        CollectApisUsed(operation, crossLanguageSolutionOpt, metadataSymbolUsed, cancellationToken);

                var groupByAssembly = metadataSymbolUsed.GroupBy(symbol => symbol.ContainingAssembly);
                var apiPerAssembly  = groupByAssembly.Select(assemblyGroup => new
                    // mark all string as PII (customer data)
                    AssemblyName    = new TelemetryPiiProperty(assemblyGroup.Key.Identity.Name),
                    AssemblyVersion = assemblyGroup.Key.Identity.Version.ToString(),
                    Namespaces      = assemblyGroup.GroupBy(symbol => symbol.ContainingNamespace)
                                      .Select(namespaceGroup =>
                        var namespaceName = namespaceGroup.Key?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;

                            Namespace = new TelemetryPiiProperty(namespaceName),
                            Symbols = namespaceGroup.Select(symbol => symbol.GetDocumentationCommentId())
                                      .Where(id => id != null)
                                      .Select(id => new TelemetryPiiProperty(id))

                lock (_reported)
                    if (_reported.Add(project.Id))
                        var solutionSessionId = project.Solution.State.SolutionAttributes.TelemetryId.ToString("B");
                        var projectGuid       = project.State.ProjectInfo.Attributes.TelemetryId.ToString("B");

                        // use telemetry API directly rather than Logger abstraction for PII data
                        var telemetryEvent = new TelemetryEvent(EventName);
                        telemetryEvent.Properties[ApiPropertyName]       = new TelemetryComplexProperty(apiPerAssembly);
                        telemetryEvent.Properties[SessionIdPropertyName] = new TelemetryPiiProperty(solutionSessionId);
                        telemetryEvent.Properties[ProjectIdPropertyName] = new TelemetryPiiProperty(projectGuid);

                            // don't crash OOP because we failed to send telemetry

Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void BindVehicles(IMobileSpaceObject selected = null)
            var vehicles = new HashSet <IVehicle>();

            // find vehicles in sector that are not fleets
            foreach (var v in sector.SpaceObjects.OfType <SpaceVehicle>().OwnedBy(Empire.Current))

            // add vehicles that are being removed from fleets (but not fleets themselves, those go in the fleets tree)
            foreach (var v in newCommands.OfType <LeaveFleetCommand>().Select(c => c.Executor).OfType <SpaceVehicle>())
            foreach (var v in newCommands.OfType <DisbandFleetCommand>().SelectMany(c => c.Executor.Vehicles.OfType <SpaceVehicle>()))

            // remove vehicles that are being added to fleets
            foreach (var v in newCommands.OfType <JoinFleetCommand>().Select(c => c.Executor).OfType <SpaceVehicle>())

            // make a tree of vehicles
            foreach (var vtGroup in vehicles.GroupBy(v => v.Design.VehicleType))
                var vtNode = treeVehicles.AddItemWithImage(vtGroup.Key.ToSpacedString(), vtGroup.Key, Pictures.GetVehicleTypeImage(Empire.Current.ShipsetPath, vtGroup.Key));
                foreach (var roleGroup in vtGroup.GroupBy(v => v.Design.Role))
                    var roleNode = vtNode.AddItemWithImage(roleGroup.Key, roleGroup.Key, Pictures.GetVehicleTypeImage(Empire.Current.ShipsetPath, vtGroup.Key));
                    foreach (var designGroup in roleGroup.GroupBy(v => v.Design))
                        var designNode = roleNode.AddItemWithImage(designGroup.Key.Name, designGroup.Key, designGroup.Key.Icon);
                        foreach (var vehicle in designGroup)
                            TreeNode vehicleNode;
                            if (vehicle is IMobileSpaceObject sobj)                             // yay pattern matching! :D
                                vehicleNode = designNode.AddItemWithImage(vehicle.Name + ": " + CalculateStatus(sobj), vehicle, vehicle.Icon);
                                vehicleNode = designNode.AddItemWithImage(vehicle.Name, vehicle, vehicle.Icon);
                            if (vehicle == selected)
                                treeVehicles.SelectedNode = vehicleNode;
                if (vtNode.Nodes.Count == 0)

            // expand the treeeee!
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Urls of the content item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Use when displaying Urls. If errors occur when generating the Urls, they will show in the list.</para>
        /// <para>Contains all the Urls that we can figure out (based upon domains, etc).</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static IEnumerable <UrlInfo> GetContentUrls(this IContent content,
                                                           IPublishedRouter publishedRouter,
                                                           UmbracoContext umbracoContext,
                                                           ILocalizationService localizationService,
                                                           ILocalizedTextService textService,
                                                           IContentService contentService,
                                                           ILogger logger)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));
            if (publishedRouter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publishedRouter));
            if (umbracoContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(umbracoContext));
            if (localizationService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizationService));
            if (textService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textService));
            if (contentService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentService));
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));

            if (content.Published == false)
                yield return(UrlInfo.Message(textService.Localize("content/itemNotPublished")));

                yield break;

            // build a list of urls, for the back-office
            // which will contain
            // - the 'main' urls, which is what .Url would return, for each culture
            // - the 'other' urls we know (based upon domains, etc)
            // need to work through each installed culture:
            // on invariant nodes, each culture returns the same url segment but,
            // we don't know if the branch to this content is invariant, so we need to ask
            // for URLs for all cultures.
            // and, not only for those assigned to domains in the branch, because we want
            // to show what GetUrl() would return, for every culture.

            var urls     = new HashSet <UrlInfo>();
            var cultures = localizationService.GetAllLanguages().Select(x => x.IsoCode).ToList();

            //get all URLs for all cultures
            //in a HashSet, so de-duplicates too
            foreach (var cultureUrl in GetContentUrlsByCulture(content, cultures, publishedRouter, umbracoContext, contentService, textService, logger))

            //return the real urls first, then the messages
            foreach (var urlGroup in urls.GroupBy(x => x.IsUrl).OrderByDescending(x => x.Key))
                //in some cases there will be the same URL for multiple cultures:
                // * The entire branch is invariant
                // * If there are less domain/cultures assigned to the branch than the number of cultures/languages installed

                foreach (var dUrl in urlGroup.DistinctBy(x => x.Text.ToUpperInvariant()).OrderBy(x => x.Text).ThenBy(x => x.Culture))
                    yield return(dUrl);

            // get the 'other' urls - ie not what you'd get with GetUrl() but urls that would route to the document, nevertheless.
            // for these 'other' urls, we don't check whether they are routable, collide, anything - we just report them.
            foreach (var otherUrl in umbracoContext.UrlProvider.GetOtherUrls(content.Id).OrderBy(x => x.Text).ThenBy(x => x.Culture))
                if (urls.Add(otherUrl)) //avoid duplicates
                    yield return(otherUrl);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override string Part2()
            //Strategy 2: Of all guards, which guard is most frequently asleep on the same minute?
            //In the example above, Guard #99 spent minute 45 asleep more than any other guard or minute - three times in total.
            //(In all other cases, any guard spent any minute asleep at most twice.)
            //What is the ID of the guard you chose multiplied by the minute you chose ? (In the above example, the answer would be 99 * 45 = 4455.)
            var shifts = PuzzleInput.Split(new[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Select(c => c.ToCharArray()).Select(c =>
                                                                                                                          new Shift()
                TimeOfEvent = Convert.ToDateTime(new string(c.Skip(1).Take(16).ToArray())),
                ShiftEvent  = GetShiftEvent(c.Skip(19).First()),
                GuardOnDuty = GetShiftEvent(c.Skip(19).First()) == ShiftEvent.Start ? new Guard()
                    ID = Convert.ToInt32(new string(c.SkipWhile(d => d != '#').Skip(1).TakeWhile(d => d != ' ').ToArray()))
                } : null

            //Order shifts
            shifts = shifts.OrderBy(c => c.TimeOfEvent);

            var   allGuardsShifts = new HashSet <Guard>();
            Guard guard           = null;

            foreach (var shift in shifts)
                switch (shift.ShiftEvent)
                case ShiftEvent.Start:
                    if (guard != null)
                    guard = shift.GuardOnDuty;
                    guard.SleepPeriods = new HashSet <Period>();

                case ShiftEvent.WakesUp:
                    guard.SleepPeriods.First(c => !c.endTime.HasValue).endTime = shift.TimeOfEvent.AddMinutes(0);

                case ShiftEvent.FallsAsleep:
                    guard.SleepPeriods.Add(new Period()
                        startTime = shift.TimeOfEvent

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Event does not exist");

            //Group periods per Guard
            var guardsMostOccuentMinuteAsleep = allGuardsShifts
                                                .GroupBy(c => c.ID)
                                                .Select(c => new { ID = c.Key, SleepPeriods = c.SelectMany(d => d.SleepPeriods).ToHashSet() })
                                                .Select(c => new { guardID = c.ID, sleepMinutes = MostOccurentMinute(c.SleepPeriods) }).ToHashSet();
            var guardMostAsleep = guardsMostOccuentMinuteAsleep
                                  .Where(c => c.sleepMinutes.Item2 == guardsMostOccuentMinuteAsleep.Max(d => d.sleepMinutes.Item2))
                                  .Select(c => new { sleepMinute = c.sleepMinutes.Item1, c.guardID }).First();

            return((guardMostAsleep.guardID * guardMostAsleep.sleepMinute).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static int RunMapCommand(Options options)
            _time = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            bool isInteractiveMode = false;

            if (!options.Loaded)

            // Parameter Validation
                if (options.LimitX != null)
                    var splittedLimit = options.LimitX.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
                    if (splittedLimit.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LimitX");
                    options.LimitXLow  = splittedLimit[0];
                    options.LimitXHigh = splittedLimit[1];
            catch (Exception)
                    $"The value '{options.LimitX}' for the LimitX parameter is not valid. Try something like -10,10");

                if (options.LimitZ != null)
                    var splittedLimit = options.LimitZ.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
                    if (splittedLimit.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LimitZ");
                    options.LimitZLow  = splittedLimit[0];
                    options.LimitZHigh = splittedLimit[1];
            catch (Exception)
                    $"The value '{options.LimitZ}' for the LimitZ parameter is not valid. Try something like -10,10");

            options.FileFormat = options.FileFormat.ToLowerInvariant();
            if (new string[] { "jpg", "png", "webp", "none" }.All(x => x != options.FileFormat))
                Console.WriteLine($"The value {options.FileFormat} is not allowed for option -f");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.MinecraftWorld))
                if (InteractiveMode(options))
                    isInteractiveMode = true;

            var world = new World();

                Console.WriteLine("Opening world...");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not open world at '{options.MinecraftWorld}'!. Did you specify the .../db folder?");
                Console.WriteLine("The reason was:");

            // Start Generation
            if (options.RenderMap)
                int xmin = 0;
                int xmax = 0;
                int zmin = 0;
                int zmax = 0;
                HashSet <LevelDbWorldKey2> allSubChunks = null;

                Func <LevelDbWorldKey2, bool> constraintX = b => true;
                Func <LevelDbWorldKey2, bool> constraintZ = b => true;

                if (options.LimitXLow.HasValue && options.LimitXHigh.HasValue)
                    xmin = options.LimitXLow.Value;
                    xmax = options.LimitXHigh.Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Limiting X to {xmin} to {xmax}");
                    var xmax1 = xmax;
                    var xmin1 = xmin;
                    constraintX = key => key.X >= xmin1 && key.X <= xmax1;

                if (options.LimitZLow.HasValue && options.LimitZHigh.HasValue)
                    zmin = options.LimitZLow.Value;
                    zmax = options.LimitZHigh.Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Limiting Z to {zmin} to {zmax}");
                    var zmax1 = zmax;
                    var zmin1 = zmin;
                    constraintZ = key => key.Z >= zmin1 && key.Z <= zmax1;

                if (options.Dimension == 1 && options.NoAutoTrimCeiling == false)
                    // Nether
                    options.TrimCeiling = true;
                    if (options.LimitY == -1)
                        options.LimitY = 120;

                Console.WriteLine("Generating a list of all chunk keys in the database.\nThis could take a few minutes");
                var keys = world.GetDimension(options.Dimension).ToList();
                allSubChunks = Enumerable.ToHashSet(keys.Select(x => new LevelDbWorldKey2(x))
                                                    .Where(k => constraintX(k) && constraintZ(k)));

                _totalChunk = allSubChunks.GroupBy(x => x.XZ).Count();


                Console.WriteLine($"Total Chunk count {_totalChunk}");

                xmin = allSubChunks.Min(x => x.X);
                xmax = allSubChunks.Max(x => x.X);
                zmin = allSubChunks.Min(x => x.Z);
                zmax = allSubChunks.Max(x => x.Z);

                Console.WriteLine($"The total dimensions of the map are");
                Console.WriteLine($"  X: {xmin} to {xmax}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Z: {zmin} to {zmax}");

                if (options.LimitY > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Limiting Y to {options.LimitY}");

                const int chunkSize          = 256;
                int       chunksPerDimension = options.ChunksPerDimension;
                int       tileSize           = chunkSize * chunksPerDimension;
                Console.WriteLine($"Tilesize is {tileSize}x{tileSize}");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputPath))
                    options.OutputPath = Path.Combine("generatedmaps", world.WorldName);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Output folder not specified, defaulting to {options.OutputPath}");

                if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputPath))

                // db stuff
                var textures = ReadTerrainTextureJson();
                var zoom     = CalculateZoom(xmax, xmin, zmax, zmin, chunksPerDimension, out var extendedDia);

                var strat = InstanciateStrategy(options);
                ConfigureStrategy(strat, options, allSubChunks, extendedDia, zoom, world, textures, tileSize, chunkSize, zmin, zmax, xmin, xmax);


                // other stuff


                var missingTextures = strat.MissingTextures;
                if (missingTextures != null)
                    File.WriteAllLines("missingtextures.txt", missingTextures.Distinct());

                Console.WriteLine("Time is {0}", _time.Elapsed);

                var output = new OpenLayers();



                Console.WriteLine("Total Time {0}", _time.Elapsed);

            Console.WriteLine("Map generation finished!");
            if (options.OutputPath.Length >= 2 && options.OutputPath[1] == ':') // absolute path
                Console.WriteLine($"Your map is at {options.OutputPath}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Your map is at {Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, options.OutputPath)}");

            if (isInteractiveMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close this window!");

Ejemplo n.º 31
        public override string Part1()
            var shifts = PuzzleInput.Split(new[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Select(c => c.ToCharArray()).Select(c =>
                                                                                                                          new Shift()
                TimeOfEvent = Convert.ToDateTime(new string(c.Skip(1).Take(16).ToArray())),
                ShiftEvent  = GetShiftEvent(c.Skip(19).First()),
                GuardOnDuty = GetShiftEvent(c.Skip(19).First()) == ShiftEvent.Start ? new Guard()
                    ID = Convert.ToInt32(new string(c.SkipWhile(d => d != '#').Skip(1).TakeWhile(d => d != ' ').ToArray()))
                } : null

            //Order shifts
            shifts = shifts.OrderBy(c => c.TimeOfEvent);

            var   allGuardsShifts = new HashSet <Guard>();
            Guard guard           = null;

            foreach (var shift in shifts)
                switch (shift.ShiftEvent)
                case ShiftEvent.Start:
                    if (guard != null)
                    guard = shift.GuardOnDuty;
                    guard.SleepPeriods = new HashSet <Period>();

                case ShiftEvent.WakesUp:
                    guard.SleepPeriods.First(c => !c.endTime.HasValue).endTime = shift.TimeOfEvent.AddMinutes(0);

                case ShiftEvent.FallsAsleep:
                    guard.SleepPeriods.Add(new Period()
                        startTime = shift.TimeOfEvent

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Event does not exist");

            var groupedGuards = allGuardsShifts.GroupBy(c => c.ID).Select(c => new Guard()
                ID = c.Key, SleepPeriods = c.SelectMany(d => d.SleepPeriods).ToHashSet()
            var aslaap          = groupedGuards.Select(c => new { guardID = c.ID, minutesAsleep = AmountMinutes(c.SleepPeriods) });
            var guardMostAsleep = aslaap.Where(c => c.minutesAsleep == aslaap.Max(d => d.minutesAsleep)).First();

            //which minute?
            var guardToEvaluate = groupedGuards.Where(c => c.ID == guardMostAsleep.guardID).First();
            var peakMinute      = peakMinuteAsleep(guardToEvaluate.SleepPeriods);

            return((peakMinute * guardToEvaluate.ID).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private static ImmutableHashSet <ResourceDependency> OptimizeDependencies(HashSet <ResourceDependency> dependencies) =>
 .GroupBy(dep => dep.Resource)
 .SelectMany(group => @group.FirstOrDefault(dep => dep.IndexExpression == null) is { } dependencyWithoutIndex
Ejemplo n.º 33
        //Making Dataset and saving in txt file
        public static Boolean makeTextDatasetList(HashSet <DatasetImageElements> hashSetObj, String saveFilename)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            //contain bytecode of image
            StringBuilder pictureCodeVector = new StringBuilder();
            var           groupByCharaters  = hashSetObj.GroupBy(x => x.GetCharater()).OrderBy(x => x.Key);
            int           countOfKeys       = groupByCharaters.Count();

            int countOfPixels = DatasetImageElements.ImageHeightConst * DatasetImageElements.ImageWidthConst;

            for (int i = 0; i < countOfPixels; i++)
                str.Append(i + 1);

            foreach (var groupItem in groupByCharaters)
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(saveFilename, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default))

                    foreach (var hashSetElement in hashSetObj)

                        int numOfPixels = pictureCodeVector.Length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numOfPixels; i++)

                        foreach (var groupItem in groupByCharaters)
                            if (hashSetElement.GetCharater().Equals(groupItem.Key))
            catch (Exception e)
            finally {

Ejemplo n.º 34
        public void ExportProductRecommendations(IEnumerable <EntryContentBase> entries, IExportState exportState)
            if (!_configuration.ProductRecommendationsImportUrl.IsValidProductRecommendationsImportUrl())

            var allAssociations = new HashSet <Association>();
            var entriesToDelete = new HashSet <EntryContentBase>(ContentComparer.Default);

            foreach (EntryContentBase entry in entries
                     .OfType <EntryContentBase>())
                var associations = (ICollection <Association>)_associationRepository.GetAssociations(entry.ContentLink);
                if (associations.Count == 0)
                    foreach (Association association in associations)

            foreach (var associationsByGroup in allAssociations
                     .GroupBy(a => a.Group.Name))
                if (exportState != null)
                    exportState.Action    = "Exported";
                    exportState.ModelName = $"product associations ({associationsByGroup.Key})";
                    exportState.Total     = associationsByGroup.Count();
                    exportState.Uploaded  = 0;

                var recommendationGroups = associationsByGroup
                                           .GroupBy(a => a.Source)
                                           .Select(g => _productFactory.BuildKaChingRecommendationGroup(g.Key, g.ToArray()))
                                           .Where(x => x != null);

                foreach (var group in recommendationGroups
                        new { products = group },
                        _configuration.ProductRecommendationsImportUrl + "&recommendation_id=" + associationsByGroup.Key.SanitizeKey());

                    if (exportState != null)
                        exportState.Uploaded += group.Count;

            if (entriesToDelete.Count == 0)

            foreach (var associationGroup in _associationGroupRepository.List())
                if (exportState != null)
                    exportState.Action    = "Deleted";
                    exportState.ModelName = $"product associations ({associationGroup.Name})";
                    exportState.Total     = entriesToDelete.Count;
                    exportState.Uploaded  = 0;

                foreach (var batch in entriesToDelete
                         .Select(c => c.Code.SanitizeKey())
                    // Call the external endpoint asynchronously and return immediately.
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                              _configuration.ProductRecommendationsImportUrl + "&recommendation_id=" + associationGroup.Name.SanitizeKey())

                    if (exportState != null)
                        exportState.Uploaded += batch.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        private static void PopulateGapsOfOldTree(HashSet <OrganizationTreeDescriptor> oldTree, HashSet <OrganizationTreeDescriptor> newTree, ResultReport resultReport, bool excludeMatchedElements, int previousCountMissingElements = -1)
            int  countUnmatchedChildrenOfMissingElement = 42;
            bool onlyOneOptionAvailable = false;
            bool matchingElementFound   = false;
            OrganizationTreeDescriptor matchingElement;

            var missingElementsByDepth = oldTree.Where(x => x.HasBeenMatched == false &&
                                                       string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ID) &&
                                                       string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name) &&
                                                       x.Depth >= 0)
                                         .GroupBy(x => x.Depth)
                                         .ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.ToList());

            int countMissingElements = missingElementsByDepth.Count();

            Dictionary <int, List <OrganizationTreeDescriptor> > potentialMatchingElementsByDepth;

            if (excludeMatchedElements)
                potentialMatchingElementsByDepth = newTree.Where(x => x.HasBeenMatched == false).GroupBy(g => g.Depth).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.ToList());
                potentialMatchingElementsByDepth = newTree.GroupBy(g => g.Depth).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.ToList());

            if (countMissingElements != previousCountMissingElements && countMissingElements > 0 && potentialMatchingElementsByDepth.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var missingElementsPair in missingElementsByDepth)
                    foreach (var missingElement in missingElementsPair.Value)
                        if (potentialMatchingElementsByDepth.ContainsKey(missingElementsPair.Key))
                            matchingElementFound = false;
                            matchingElement      = null;

                            foreach (var potentialElement in potentialMatchingElementsByDepth[missingElementsPair.Key])
                                onlyOneOptionAvailable = potentialMatchingElementsByDepth[missingElementsPair.Key].Count() == 1;

                                if ((potentialElement.ParentId == missingElement.ParentId ||
                                     string.IsNullOrEmpty(missingElement.ParentId)) &&
                                    potentialElement.Children.Count() >= missingElement.Children.Count())
                                    if (potentialElement.Children.Select(x => x.MatchedPartner).Count() > 0)
                                        countUnmatchedChildrenOfMissingElement = missingElement.Children.Except(potentialElement.Children.Select(x => x.MatchedPartner).Union(potentialElement.Children)).Count();
                                        countUnmatchedChildrenOfMissingElement = missingElement.Children.Select(y => y.ID).Except(potentialElement.Children.Select(x => x.ID)).Count();

                                    if (countUnmatchedChildrenOfMissingElement == 0)
                                        matchingElementFound = true;
                                        matchingElement      = potentialElement;

                                // if there is only one potential match, don't be picky
                                if (onlyOneOptionAvailable && !matchingElementFound)
                                    matchingElementFound          = true;
                                    matchingElement               = potentialElement;
                                    matchingElement.WasOnlyOption = true;

                            if (matchingElementFound)
                                if (!excludeMatchedElements)
                                    matchingElement.UsedMoreThanOnce = true;

                                matchingElement.HasBeenMatched           = true;
                                matchingElement.MatchedPartner           = missingElement;
                                missingElement.HasBeenMatched            = true;
                                missingElement.MatchedPartner            = matchingElement;
                                matchingElement.IsImportedFromNewService = true;
                                missingElement.IsMissing  = false;
                                matchingElement.IsMissing = false;

                                matchingElement.Parent = missingElement.Parent;

                                // replace in old tree
                                foreach (var childFromMissing in missingElement.Children)
                                    childFromMissing.Parent = matchingElement;

                                if (missingElement.Parent != null && missingElement.Parent.Children != null)


                PopulateGapsOfOldTree(oldTree, newTree, resultReport, excludeMatchedElements, countMissingElements);
        private static async Task <Document> ApplyFixesAsync(Document document, ImmutableArray <AddImportFixData> fixes, SyntaxFormattingOptions formattingOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (fixes.IsEmpty)

            var solution                = document.Project.Solution;
            var progressTracker         = new ProgressTracker();
            var textDiffingService      = solution.Workspace.Services.GetRequiredService <IDocumentTextDifferencingService>();
            var packageInstallerService = solution.Workspace.Services.GetService <IPackageInstallerService>();
            var addImportService        = document.GetRequiredLanguageService <IAddImportFeatureService>();

            // Do not limit the results since we plan to fix all the reported issues.
            var codeActions     = addImportService.GetCodeActionsForFixes(document, fixes, packageInstallerService, maxResults: int.MaxValue);
            var getChangesTasks = codeActions.Select(
                action => GetChangesForCodeActionAsync(document, action, progressTracker, textDiffingService, cancellationToken));

            // Using Sets allows us to accumulate only the distinct changes.
            var allTextChanges = new HashSet <TextChange>();
            // Some fixes require adding missing references.
            var allAddedProjectReferences  = new HashSet <ProjectReference>();
            var allAddedMetaDataReferences = new HashSet <MetadataReference>();

            foreach (var getChangesTask in getChangesTasks)
                var(projectChanges, textChanges) = await getChangesTask.ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Apply changes to both the project and document.
            var newProject = document.Project;

            newProject = newProject.AddMetadataReferences(allAddedMetaDataReferences);
            newProject = newProject.AddProjectReferences(allAddedProjectReferences);

            // Only consider insertion changes to reduce the chance of producing a
            // badly merged final document. Alphabetize the new imports, this will not
            // change the insertion point but will give a more correct result. The user
            // may still need to use organize imports afterwards.
            var orderedTextInserts = allTextChanges.Where(change => change.Span.IsEmpty)
                                     .OrderBy(change => change.NewText);

            // Capture each location where we are inserting imports as well as the total
            // length of the text we are inserting so that we can format the span afterwards.
            var insertSpans = allTextChanges
                              .GroupBy(change => change.Span)
                              .Select(changes => new TextSpan(changes.Key.Start, changes.Sum(change => change.NewText !.Length)));

            var text = await document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var newText     = text.WithChanges(orderedTextInserts);
            var newDocument = newProject.GetRequiredDocument(document.Id).WithText(newText);

            // When imports are added to a code file that has no previous imports, extra
            // newlines are generated between each import because the fix is expecting to
            // separate the imports from the rest of the code file. We need to format the
            // imports to remove these extra newlines.
            return(await CleanUpNewLinesAsync(newDocument, insertSpans, formattingOptions, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public void ValidateMigrations()
            var modules = migrations.GroupBy(x => x.ModuleName);

            foreach (var module in modules)
                if (module.Any(x => x.IsRepeatable))
                    if (module.GroupBy(x => GroupMigrationTags(x.Tags)).Any(x => x.Count() > 1))
                        throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                  $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': there can be only one migration if the module has a repeatable migration");

                    var versioned = module.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Version != null);
                    if (versioned != null)
                        throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                  $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': repeatable migrations {versioned} cannot specify version (they are re-applied only when their contents changes)");

                    var baseline = module.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsBaseline);
                    if (baseline != null)
                        throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                  $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': {baseline} cannot be both baseline and repeatable");
                    if (module.GroupBy(x => GroupMigrationTags(x.Tags)).Any(group => group.Count(x => x.IsBaseline) > 1))
                        throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                  $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': there cannot be more than one baseline migration");

                    var nonVersioned = module.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Version == null);
                    if (nonVersioned != null)
                        throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                  $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': {nonVersioned} must have a version");

                    var multipleVersions = module.GroupBy(x => x.Version).Where(x => x.Count() > 1);
                    foreach (var versionMigrations in multipleVersions)
                        if (versionMigrations.Any(x =>
                                                  versionMigrations.Any(y => x != y && x.IsBaseline == y.IsBaseline &&
                                                                        x.Tags.Length == y.Tags.Length &&
                                                                        x.Tags.All(xTagGroup => y.Tags.Any(yTagGroup =>
                                                                                                           xTagGroup.Length == yTagGroup.Length &&
                            throw new DatabaseMigrationException(
                                      $"Failed to validate database migrations for module '{module.Key}': there are duplicate definitions for version {versionMigrations.Key}");

                // TODO check for cyclic dependencies
Ejemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a syntax tree for the provided assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies to generate code for.</param>
        /// <param name="runtime">Whether or not runtime code generation is being performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated syntax tree.</returns>
        private GeneratedSyntax GenerateForAssemblies(List <Assembly> assemblies, bool runtime)
            if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                    "Generating code for assemblies: {0}",
                    string.Join(", ", assemblies.Select(_ => _.FullName)));

            Assembly       targetAssembly;
            HashSet <Type> ignoredTypes;

            if (runtime)
                // Ignore types which have already been accounted for.
                ignoredTypes   = GetTypesWithGeneratedSupportClasses();
                targetAssembly = null;
                ignoredTypes   = new HashSet <Type>();
                targetAssembly = assemblies.FirstOrDefault();

            var members = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            // Include assemblies which are marked as included.
            var knownAssemblyAttributes = new Dictionary <Assembly, KnownAssemblyAttribute>();
            var knownAssemblies         = new HashSet <Assembly>();

            foreach (var attribute in assemblies.SelectMany(asm => asm.GetCustomAttributes <KnownAssemblyAttribute>()))
                knownAssemblyAttributes[attribute.Assembly] = attribute;

            if (knownAssemblies.Count > 0)
                assemblies = knownAssemblies.ToList();

            // Get types from assemblies which reference Orleans and are not generated assemblies.
            var includedTypes = new HashSet <Type>();

            for (var i = 0; i < assemblies.Count; i++)
                var assembly = assemblies[i];
                foreach (var attribute in assembly.GetCustomAttributes <ConsiderForCodeGenerationAttribute>())
                    ConsiderType(attribute.Type, runtime, targetAssembly, includedTypes, considerForSerialization: true);
                    if (attribute.ThrowOnFailure && !serializerGenerationManager.IsTypeRecorded(attribute.Type))
                        throw new CodeGenerationException(
                                  $"Found {attribute.GetType().Name} for type {attribute.Type.GetParseableName()}, but code"
                                  + " could not be generated. Ensure that the type is accessible.");

                KnownAssemblyAttribute knownAssemblyAttribute;
                var considerAllTypesForSerialization = knownAssemblyAttributes.TryGetValue(assembly, out knownAssemblyAttribute) &&
                foreach (var type in TypeUtils.GetDefinedTypes(assembly, Logger))
                    var considerForSerialization = considerAllTypesForSerialization || type.IsSerializable;
                    ConsiderType(type.AsType(), runtime, targetAssembly, includedTypes, considerForSerialization);

            includedTypes.RemoveWhere(_ => ignoredTypes.Contains(_));

            // Group the types by namespace and generate the required code in each namespace.
            foreach (var group in includedTypes.GroupBy(_ => CodeGeneratorCommon.GetGeneratedNamespace(_)))
                var namespaceMembers = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
                foreach (var type in group)
                    // The module containing the serializer.
                    var module = runtime ? null : type.GetTypeInfo().Module;

                    // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                    Action <Type> onEncounteredType = encounteredType =>
                        // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                        serializerGenerationManager.RecordTypeToGenerate(encounteredType, module, targetAssembly);

                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Generating code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());

                    if (GrainInterfaceUtils.IsGrainInterface(type))
                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating GrainReference and MethodInvoker for {0}",


                        namespaceMembers.Add(GrainReferenceGenerator.GenerateClass(type, onEncounteredType));

                    // Generate serializers.
                    var  first = true;
                    Type toGen;
                    while (serializerGenerationManager.GetNextTypeToProcess(out toGen))
                        if (!runtime)
                            if (first)
                                ConsoleText.WriteStatus("ClientGenerator - Generating serializer classes for types:");
                                first = false;

                                "\ttype " + toGen.FullName + " in namespace " + toGen.Namespace
                                + " defined in Assembly " + toGen.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName());

                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating & Registering Serializer for Type {0}",

                        namespaceMembers.Add(SerializerGenerator.GenerateClass(toGen, onEncounteredType));

                if (namespaceMembers.Count == 0)
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Skipping namespace: {0}", group.Key);


                        TypeUtils.GetNamespaces(typeof(TaskUtility), typeof(GrainExtensions), typeof(IntrospectionExtensions))
                        .Select(_ => SF.UsingDirective(SF.ParseName(_)))

            return(new GeneratedSyntax
                SourceAssemblies = assemblies,
                Syntax = members.Count > 0 ? SF.CompilationUnit().AddMembers(members.ToArray()) : null
Ejemplo n.º 39
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string nullOrEmptyToExitApp = "_";

            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullOrEmptyToExitApp))
                    var voltas = new HashSet <Volta>();
                    Console.WriteLine("Cole aqui o endereço do log:");
                    var caminho = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (!File.Exists(caminho))
                        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(caminho);

                    foreach (var linha in File.ReadAllLines(caminho).Skip(1))

                    var results = voltas
                                  .GroupBy(c => c.piloto)
                                  .Select(r =>
                                          new KeyValuePair <int, ResultadoCorrida>(
                                              new ResultadoCorrida()
                        posicaoChegada = null,
                        codigoPiloto   = r.Key.numero,
                        nomePiloto     = r.Key.nome,
                        quantidadeVoltasCompletadas = r.Count(),
                        tempoTotalProva             = new TimeSpan(r.Sum(v => v.tempoVolta.Ticks)),

                        completouCorrida = r.Max(v => v.numeroVolta) == 4,

                        melhorVolta              = new TimeSpan(r.Min(v => v.tempoVolta.Ticks)),
                        velocidadeMediaCorrida   = new TimeSpan(r.Sum(v => v.velocidadeMediaVolta.Ticks) / r.Count()),
                        tempoChegadaAposVencedor = null
                                          ).ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => i.Value);

                    Console.WriteLine("P - COD -  Nome Piloto  - V -   Tempo Total    -    Tempo Após    -    Vel Média     - Melhor volta");

                    int  posicao = 1;
                    long tempoChegadaAnterior = 0;
                    int  paddingNumeroPiloto  = 3;
                    int  paddingNomePiloto    = results.Values.Max(v => v.nomePiloto.Length);

                    foreach (var result in results.Values.OrderBy(v => v.tempoTotalProva))
                        if (result.completouCorrida)
                            result.tempoChegadaAposVencedor = new TimeSpan(tempoChegadaAnterior != 0 ? result.tempoTotalProva.Ticks - tempoChegadaAnterior : 0);
                            tempoChegadaAnterior            = result.tempoTotalProva.Ticks;
                            result.posicaoChegada           = posicao;
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(result.posicaoChegada != 1 ? result.tempoChegadaAposVencedor.Value.ToString() : string.Empty.PadRight(16));
                            Console.Write(" - ");
                            Console.Write(" - ");

                    Console.WriteLine($"Melhor volta da corrida: {results.Values.Min(v => v.melhorVolta)}");
                catch (Exception e)

                nullOrEmptyToExitApp = Console.ReadLine();
Ejemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a syntax tree for the provided assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies to generate code for.</param>
        /// <param name="runtime">Whether or not runtime code generation is being performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated syntax tree.</returns>
        private static GeneratedSyntax GenerateForAssemblies(List<Assembly> assemblies, bool runtime)
            if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                    "Generating code for assemblies: {0}",
                    string.Join(", ", assemblies.Select(_ => _.FullName)));

            Assembly targetAssembly;
            HashSet<Type> ignoredTypes;
            if (runtime)
                // Ignore types which have already been accounted for.
                ignoredTypes = CodeGeneratorCommon.GetTypesWithImplementations(
                targetAssembly = null;
                ignoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
                targetAssembly = assemblies.FirstOrDefault();

            var members = new List<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            // Get types from assemblies which reference Orleans and are not generated assemblies.
            var includedTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
            foreach (var type in assemblies.SelectMany(_ => _.DefinedTypes))
                // The module containing the serializer.
                var module = runtime ? null : type.Module;
                var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();

                // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                if (!typeInfo.IsNested && !typeInfo.IsGenericParameter && typeInfo.IsSerializable)
                    // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                    var isAccessibleForSerialization =
                        !TypeUtilities.IsTypeIsInaccessibleForSerialization(type, module, targetAssembly);
                    if (isAccessibleForSerialization)

                // Collect the types which require code generation.
                if (GrainInterfaceData.IsGrainInterface(type))
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Will generate code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());


            includedTypes.RemoveWhere(_ => ignoredTypes.Contains(_));

            // Group the types by namespace and generate the required code in each namespace.
            foreach (var group in includedTypes.GroupBy(_ => CodeGeneratorCommon.GetGeneratedNamespace(_)))
                var namespaceMembers = new List<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
                foreach (var type in group)
                    // The module containing the serializer.
                    var module = runtime ? null : type.Module;

                    // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                    Action<Type> onEncounteredType = encounteredType =>
                        // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                        var isAccessibleForSerialization =
                            !TypeUtilities.IsTypeIsInaccessibleForSerialization(encounteredType, module, targetAssembly);
                        if (isAccessibleForSerialization)

                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Generating code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());

                    if (GrainInterfaceData.IsGrainInterface(type))
                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating GrainReference and MethodInvoker for {0}",

                        namespaceMembers.Add(GrainReferenceGenerator.GenerateClass(type, onEncounteredType));

                    // Generate serializers.
                    var first = true;
                    Type toGen;
                    while (SerializerGenerationManager.GetNextTypeToProcess(out toGen))
                        // Filter types which are inaccessible by the serialzation module/assembly.
                        var skipSerialzerGeneration =
                                    field =>
                        if (skipSerialzerGeneration)

                        if (!runtime)
                            if (first)
                                ConsoleText.WriteStatus("ClientGenerator - Generating serializer classes for types:");
                                first = false;

                                "\ttype " + toGen.FullName + " in namespace " + toGen.Namespace
                                + " defined in Assembly " + toGen.Assembly.GetName());

                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating & Registering Serializer for Type {0}",

                        namespaceMembers.AddRange(SerializerGenerator.GenerateClass(toGen, onEncounteredType));

                if (namespaceMembers.Count == 0)
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Skipping namespace: {0}", group.Key);


                            TypeUtils.GetNamespaces(typeof(TaskUtility), typeof(GrainExtensions))
                                .Select(_ => SF.UsingDirective(SF.ParseName(_)))

            return new GeneratedSyntax
                SourceAssemblies = assemblies,
                Syntax = members.Count > 0 ? SF.CompilationUnit().AddMembers(members.ToArray()) : null
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public string AnalyzeSolution()
            var maxCourseSb       = new StringBuilder();
            var unavailableSb     = new StringBuilder();
            var multipleRoomsSb   = new StringBuilder();
            var multipleCoursesSb = new StringBuilder();
            var lecturerSb        = new StringBuilder();
            var curriculumSb      = new StringBuilder();

            var violations = 0.0;

            Objective = 0.0;

            IsFeasible = false;

            UnscheduledLectures   = 0.0;
            RoomCapacity          = 0.0;
            MinimumWorkingDays    = 0.0;
            CurriculumCompactness = 0.0;
            RoomStability         = 0.0;
            StudentMinMaxLoad     = 0.0;
            BadTimeslots          = 0.0;
            RoomUnsuitability     = 0.0;
            RoomCost  = 0.0;
            RoomsUsed = 0.0;

            var courseAssignments       = _assignments.GroupBy(a => a.Course).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
            var curriculaAssignments    = _data.Curricula.ToDictionary(curriculum => curriculum, curriculum => new List <Assignment>());
            var consideredAloneTimeSlot = _data.Courses.ToDictionary(course => course, course => new HashSet <TimeSlot>());

            PenaltyForCourse = new Dictionary <Course, int>();
            foreach (var course in _data.Courses)
                PenaltyForCourse[course] = 0;

            if (!RoomAssignmentsExists && DoStageIRoomCheck)

            foreach (var course in _data.Courses)
                if (!courseAssignments.ContainsKey(course))
                    UnscheduledLectures += course.Lectures;
                    if (course.MinimumWorkingDays > 0)
                        MinimumWorkingDays += course.MinimumWorkingDays;
                if (courseAssignments[course].Count > course.Lectures)
                        "Course {0} has been scheduled for {1} lectures but is only allowed to be scheduled for {2}.\n",
                        course, courseAssignments[course].Count, course.Lectures);

                    violations += courseAssignments[course].Count - course.Lectures;
                else if (courseAssignments[course].Count < course.Lectures)
                    UnscheduledLectures += course.Lectures - courseAssignments[course].Count;

                foreach (var curriculum in course.Curricula)
                    foreach (var assignment in courseAssignments[course])

                var timeSlotAssignments = courseAssignments[course].GroupBy(ca => ca.TimeSlot).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

                foreach (var timeSlotAssign in timeSlotAssignments)
                    BadTimeslots             += timeSlotAssign.Key.Cost * timeSlotAssign.Value.Count;
                    PenaltyForCourse[course] += timeSlotAssign.Key.Cost * timeSlotAssign.Value.Count;

                    if (course.UnavailableTimeSlots.Contains(timeSlotAssign.Key))
                            "Course {0} has been scheduled at day {1}, period {2} but this time slot is unavailable for this course.\n",
                            course, timeSlotAssign.Key.Day, timeSlotAssign.Key.Period);

                        violations += 1.0;

                    if (timeSlotAssign.Value.Count <= 1)

                        "Course {0} has been scheduled day {1}, period {2} in rooms {3}\n",
                        course, timeSlotAssign.Key.Day, timeSlotAssign.Key.Period,
                        string.Join(", ", timeSlotAssign.Value.Select(a => a.Room)));

                    violations += timeSlotAssign.Value.Count - 1.0;

                var workDays = timeSlotAssignments.Select(t => t.Key.Day).Distinct().ToList().Count;

                if (workDays < course.MinimumWorkingDays)
                    MinimumWorkingDays += (course.MinimumWorkingDays - workDays);

                if (RoomAssignmentsExists)
                    RoomStability += (courseAssignments[course].Select(a => a.Room).Distinct().Count() - 1);
            foreach (var timeSlotAssigns in _data.Curricula.Select(curriculum => curriculaAssignments[curriculum].Select(a => a.TimeSlot).Distinct().ToList()))
                CurriculumCompactness +=
                        timeSlotAssign => !timeSlotAssigns.Any(ts => TimeSlot.TimeSlotsAreConsequtive(ts, timeSlotAssign)));
            if (RoomAssignmentsExists)
                var roomAssignments = _assignments.GroupBy(a => a.Room).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
                foreach (var roomAssign in roomAssignments)
                    var timeSlotAssigns = roomAssign.Value.GroupBy(a => a.TimeSlot)
                                          .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Distinct().ToList());
                    foreach (var timeSlotAssign in timeSlotAssigns)
                        var courseAssigns = timeSlotAssign.Value.Select(a => a.Course).Distinct().ToList();
                        if (courseAssigns.Count > 1)
                                "Room {0} has been scheduled at day {1}, period {2} for courses {3}\n",
                                roomAssign.Key, timeSlotAssign.Key.Day, timeSlotAssign.Key.Period,
                                string.Join(", ", courseAssigns));

                            violations += timeSlotAssign.Value.Count - 1.0;
                        var students = timeSlotAssign.Value.Sum(a => a.Course.NumberOfStudents);
                        if (students > roomAssign.Key.Capacity)
                            RoomCapacity += students - roomAssign.Key.Capacity;
                    if (roomAssign.Value.Count > 0)
                        RoomsUsed += 1;
                        RoomCost  += roomAssign.Key.Cost;

                    RoomUnsuitability += roomAssign.Value.Count(a => a.Course.UnsuitableRooms.Contains(roomAssign.Key));

            var lecturerAssigns = _assignments.GroupBy(a => a.Course.Lecturer).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

            foreach (var lecturerAssign in lecturerAssigns)
                var timeSlotAssigns = lecturerAssign.Value.GroupBy(l => l.TimeSlot).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Distinct().ToList());
                foreach (var timeSlotAssign in timeSlotAssigns)
                    var roomsAssigns = timeSlotAssign.Value.Select(a => a.Course).Distinct().ToList();

                    if (roomsAssigns.Count <= 1)

                        "Lecturer {0} has been scheduled at day {1}, period {2} for courses {3}\n",
                        lecturerAssign.Key, timeSlotAssign.Key.Day, timeSlotAssign.Key.Period, string.Join(", ", roomsAssigns));

                    violations += timeSlotAssign.Value.Count - 1.0;

            foreach (var curriculumAssign in curriculaAssignments)
                var timeSlotAssigns = curriculumAssign.Value.GroupBy(cu => cu.TimeSlot).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Distinct().ToList());
                foreach (var timeSlotAssign in timeSlotAssigns)
                    var courseAssigns = timeSlotAssign.Value.Select(a => a.Course).Distinct().ToList();

                    if (courseAssigns.Count <= 1)

                        "Curriculum {0} has been scheduled at day {1}, period {2} for courses {3}\n",
                        curriculumAssign.Key, timeSlotAssign.Key.Day, timeSlotAssign.Key.Period, string.Join(", ", courseAssigns));

                    violations += timeSlotAssign.Value.Count - 1.0;
                var dayAssign = curriculumAssign.Value.GroupBy(a => a.TimeSlot.Day).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
                foreach (var day in dayAssign)
                    var minMaxLoadViol = Math.Max(day.Value - _data.MaximumPeriodsPerDay, 0)
                                         + Math.Max(_data.MinimumPeriodsPerDay - day.Value, 0);
                    StudentMinMaxLoad += minMaxLoadViol;
                    if (minMaxLoadViol > 0.5)
                        //   Console.WriteLine($"S:StudentloadViol: {curriculumAssign.Key} {day.Key}: {minMaxLoadViol}");

            var sB = new StringBuilder();

            if (violations > 0.0)
                if (maxCourseSb.Length > 0)
                    sB.AppendLine("Each course is only allowed to be scheduled for a given maximum number of lectures\n");
                if (unavailableSb.Length > 0)
                    if (maxCourseSb.Length > 0)
                    sB.AppendLine("Courses are not allowed to be scheduled in time slots marked as unavailable\n");
                if (multipleRoomsSb.Length > 0)
                    if ((maxCourseSb.Length > 0 | unavailableSb.Length > 0))
                    sB.AppendLine("Each course is only allowed to be scheduled in a single room in each time slot\n");
                if (multipleCoursesSb.Length > 0)
                    if ((maxCourseSb.Length | unavailableSb.Length | multipleRoomsSb.Length) > 0)
                    sB.AppendLine("Each room can only accommodate a single course in each time slot\n");
                if (lecturerSb.Length > 0)
                    if ((maxCourseSb.Length | unavailableSb.Length | multipleRoomsSb.Length | multipleCoursesSb.Length) > 0)
                    sB.AppendLine("Each lecturer can only teach a single course in each time slot\n");
                if (curriculumSb.Length > 0)
                    if ((maxCourseSb.Length | unavailableSb.Length | multipleRoomsSb.Length | multipleCoursesSb.Length | lecturerSb.Length) > 0)
                    sB.AppendLine("Only a single course in a curriculum can be scheduled in each time slot\n");

                ResultLine = "RESULT WRONG";
                TextLine   = "The solution is infeasible. The number of violations is " + violations;
                ScoreLine  = "SCORE " + violations.ToString();

            IsFeasible = true;

            Objective = 0
                        + RoomCapacity * Formulation.RoomCapacityWeight
                        + MinimumWorkingDays * Formulation.MinimumWorkingDaysWeight
                        + CurriculumCompactness * Formulation.CurriculumCompactnessWeight
                        + RoomStability * Formulation.RoomStabilityWeight
                        + BadTimeslots * Formulation.BadTimeslotsWeight
                        + RoomUnsuitability * Formulation.UnsuitableRoomsWeight
                        + StudentMinMaxLoad * Formulation.StudentMinMaxLoadWeight;

            var calculatedWidth = "Violation".Length;

            sB.AppendLine("Table 1: Penalty values");
            sB.AppendFormat("Name                  | {0} | {1} | \n", "Violation".PadRight(calculatedWidth), "Obj".PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("============================={0}\n", new string('=', calculatedWidth * 2), 0);
            sB.AppendFormat("UNSCHEDULED           | {0} | {1} |\n", UnscheduledLectures.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), "".PadRight(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("ROOMCAPACITY          | {0} | {1} |\n", RoomCapacity.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (RoomCapacity * Formulation.RoomCapacityWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("MINIMUMWORKINGDAYS    | {0} | {1} |\n", MinimumWorkingDays.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (MinimumWorkingDays * Formulation.MinimumWorkingDaysWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("CURRICULUMCOMPACTNESS | {0} | {1} |\n", CurriculumCompactness.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (CurriculumCompactness * Formulation.CurriculumCompactnessWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("ROOMSTABILITY         | {0} | {1} |\n", RoomStability.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (RoomStability * Formulation.RoomStabilityWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("RoomUnsuitability     | {0} | {1} |\n", RoomUnsuitability.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (RoomUnsuitability * Formulation.UnsuitableRoomsWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("StudentMinMaxLoad     | {0} | {1} |\n", StudentMinMaxLoad.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (StudentMinMaxLoad * Formulation.StudentMinMaxLoadWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("BadTimeslots          | {0} | {1} |\n", BadTimeslots.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth), (BadTimeslots * Formulation.BadTimeslotsWeight).ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendFormat("OBJECTIVE             | {0} | {1} |\n", " ".PadLeft(calculatedWidth), Objective.ToString().PadLeft(calculatedWidth));
            sB.AppendLine("Table 2: Used Room stat");
            sB.AppendLine("Name                  | Value");
            sB.AppendFormat("Used Rooms           | {0}/{1} ({2:0.00%})\n", RoomsUsed, _data.Rooms.Count, RoomsUsed / _data.Rooms.Count);
            sB.AppendFormat("Room Cost            | {0}/{1} ({2:0.00%})\n", RoomCost, _data.Rooms.Sum(r => r.Cost), RoomCost / _data.Rooms.Sum(r => r.Cost));
            // sB.AppendFormat("Utilization    | Total violation of minimum working days");

            ResultLine = "RESULT CORRECT";
            TextLine   = "The solution is feasible. The Objective value is " + Objective;
            ScoreLine  = "SCORE " + Objective;
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a syntax tree for the provided assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies to generate code for.</param>
        /// <param name="runtime">Whether or not runtime code generation is being performed.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated syntax tree.</returns>
        private static GeneratedSyntax GenerateForAssemblies(List<Assembly> assemblies, bool runtime)
            if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                    "Generating code for assemblies: {0}",
                    string.Join(", ", assemblies.Select(_ => _.FullName)));

            Assembly targetAssembly;
            HashSet<Type> ignoredTypes;
            if (runtime)
                // Ignore types which have already been accounted for.
                ignoredTypes = GetTypesWithGeneratedSupportClasses();
                targetAssembly = null;
                ignoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
                targetAssembly = assemblies.FirstOrDefault();

            var members = new List<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            // If any KnownAssemblies have been specified, include them during code generation.
            var knownAssemblies =
                assemblies.SelectMany(_ => _.GetCustomAttributes<KnownAssemblyAttribute>())
                    .Select(_ => _.Assembly)
            if (knownAssemblies.Count > 0)
                assemblies = knownAssemblies.ToList();

            // Get types from assemblies which reference Orleans and are not generated assemblies.
            var includedTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
            for (var i = 0; i < assemblies.Count; i++)
                var assembly = assemblies[i];
                foreach (var attribute in assembly.GetCustomAttributes<KnownTypeAttribute>())
                    ConsiderType(attribute.Type, runtime, targetAssembly, includedTypes);

                foreach (var type in assembly.DefinedTypes)
                    ConsiderType(type, runtime, targetAssembly, includedTypes);

            includedTypes.RemoveWhere(_ => ignoredTypes.Contains(_));

            // Group the types by namespace and generate the required code in each namespace.
            foreach (var group in includedTypes.GroupBy(_ => CodeGeneratorCommon.GetGeneratedNamespace(_)))
                var namespaceMembers = new List<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
                foreach (var type in group)
                    // The module containing the serializer.
                    var module = runtime ? null : type.Module;

                    // Every type which is encountered must be considered for serialization.
                    Action<Type> onEncounteredType = encounteredType =>
                        // If a type was encountered which can be accessed, process it for serialization.
                        SerializerGenerationManager.RecordTypeToGenerate(encounteredType, module, targetAssembly);

                    if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Generating code for: {0}", type.GetParseableName());

                    if (GrainInterfaceData.IsGrainInterface(type))
                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating GrainReference and MethodInvoker for {0}",


                        namespaceMembers.Add(GrainReferenceGenerator.GenerateClass(type, onEncounteredType));

                    // Generate serializers.
                    var first = true;
                    Type toGen;
                    while (SerializerGenerationManager.GetNextTypeToProcess(out toGen))
                        if (!runtime)
                            if (first)
                                ConsoleText.WriteStatus("ClientGenerator - Generating serializer classes for types:");
                                first = false;

                                "\ttype " + toGen.FullName + " in namespace " + toGen.Namespace
                                + " defined in Assembly " + toGen.Assembly.GetName());

                        if (Logger.IsVerbose2)
                                "Generating & Registering Serializer for Type {0}",

                        namespaceMembers.AddRange(SerializerGenerator.GenerateClass(toGen, onEncounteredType));

                if (namespaceMembers.Count == 0)
                    if (Logger.IsVerbose)
                        Logger.Verbose2("Skipping namespace: {0}", group.Key);


                            TypeUtils.GetNamespaces(typeof(TaskUtility), typeof(GrainExtensions))
                                .Select(_ => SF.UsingDirective(SF.ParseName(_)))

            return new GeneratedSyntax
                SourceAssemblies = assemblies,
                Syntax = members.Count > 0 ? SF.CompilationUnit().AddMembers(members.ToArray()) : null
Ejemplo n.º 43
        public override HashSet <UserData> GetUserData()
            using (Nop190DataContext context = GetContext())
                HashSet <Nop190_Customer> customers =
                    context.Nop190_Customers.Where(x => !x.Deleted && x.Email != null && x.PasswordHash != null && !x.IsGuest).ToHashSet();

                HashSet <Nop190_CustomerAttribute> attributes =
                Dictionary <int, HashSet <Nop190_CustomerAttribute> > attributeUserDictionary = attributes.GroupBy(
                    x => x.CustomerId)
                                                                                                .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.ToHashSet());
                HashSet <Nop190_Address> addresses = context.Nop190_Addresses.ToHashSet();
                var stateProvinces = GetStateProvinces(context);
                var countries      = GetCountries(context);

                var userDatas = new HashSet <UserData>();
                foreach (Nop190_Customer customer in customers)
                    Nop190_Customer             thisCustomer       = customer;
                    Dictionary <string, string> customerAttributes =
                            ? attributeUserDictionary[customer.CustomerID]
                        .GroupBy(attribute => attribute.Key)
                        .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, attribute => attribute.First().Value)
                            : new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    HashSet <Nop190_Address> customerAddresses =
                        addresses.FindAll(x => x.CustomerID == thisCustomer.CustomerID)

                    userDatas.Add(new UserData
                        Id        = thisCustomer.CustomerID,
                        Email     = thisCustomer.Email,
                        Salt      = thisCustomer.SaltKey,
                        Hash      = thisCustomer.PasswordHash,
                        Active    = thisCustomer.Active,
                        Format    = "NopSHA1",
                        Guid      = thisCustomer.CustomerGUID,
                        FirstName =
                                ? customerAttributes[FirstNameKey]
                                : string.Empty,
                        LastName =
                            customerAttributes.ContainsKey(LastNameKey) ? customerAttributes[LastNameKey] : string.Empty,
                        AddressData = customerAddresses.Select(address => GetAddressDataObject(address, stateProvinces, countries)).ToHashSet()