public static void GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket_Retuns_index_of_key_Test()
            HashMap <StringKey, Item> hashMap = new HashMap <StringKey, Item>();
            StringKey key  = new StringKey("New Item");
            Item      item = new Item("New Item", 1, 1.0);

            hashMap.Put(key, item);

            int index = RetrieveKeyIndex(key, hashMap.Table);

            Assert.AreEqual(index, hashMap.GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket(key));
        public static void GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket_Retuns_next_index_when_collision_occurs_Test()
            HashMap <StringKey, Item> hashMap = new HashMap <StringKey, Item>();
            StringKey key          = new StringKey("New Item");
            StringKey collisionKey = new StringKey("item_COLLSION");
            Item      item         = new Item("New Item", 1, 1.0);

            hashMap.Put(key, item);

            int index = RetrieveKeyIndex(key, hashMap.Table);

            // we overwrite the spot that item originally hashes to...
            hashMap.Table[index] = new Entry <StringKey, Item>(collisionKey, item);

            // test to see if putting the colliding item back retrieves index + 1
            Assert.AreEqual(index + 1, hashMap.GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket(key));
        public static void GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket_Retuns_0_index_when_collision_on_last_bucket_occurs_Test()
            HashMap <StringKey, Item> hashMap = new HashMap <StringKey, Item>();
            StringKey key          = new StringKey("item");
            StringKey collisionKey = new StringKey("item_COLLSION");
            Item      item         = new Item("item", 1, 1.0);

            hashMap.Put(key, item);

            int index = RetrieveKeyIndex(key, hashMap.Table);

            // test that this item was the last item in the array.
            // this SHOULD work if the same hash in StringKey is made as your instructor.
            Assert.AreEqual(hashMap.Table.Length - 1, index);

            // we overwrite the spot that item originally hashes to...
            hashMap.Table[index] = new Entry <StringKey, Item>(collisionKey, item);

            // test to see if the next bucket is index 0 during a collision
            Assert.AreEqual(0, hashMap.GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket(key));
        public static void GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket_Retuns_index_on_collision_entry_Test()
            HashMap <StringKey, Item> hashMap = new HashMap <StringKey, Item>();
            StringKey key          = new StringKey("New Item");
            StringKey collisionKey = new StringKey("item_COLLSION");
            Item      item         = new Item("New Item", 1, 1.0);

            hashMap.Put(key, item);

            int firstIndex = RetrieveKeyIndex(key, hashMap.Table);

            hashMap.Table[firstIndex] = new Entry <StringKey, Item>(collisionKey, item);

            hashMap.Put(key, item); // should collide with the first entry and find the next available spot.

            // get the new index of "Item"
            int secondIndex = RetrieveKeyIndex(key, hashMap.Table);

            Assert.AreEqual(secondIndex, hashMap.GetMatchingOrNextAvailableBucket(key));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(secondIndex, firstIndex);