Ejemplo n.º 1
            public override unsafe void Initialize(HasherHandle handle, BrotliEncoderParams *params_)
                HasherCommon *    common = GetHasherCommon(handle);
                HashLongestMatch *self   = Self(handle);

                self->hash_shift_  = 32 - common->params_.bucket_bits;
                self->bucket_size_ = (size_t)1 << common->params_.bucket_bits;
                self->block_size_  = (size_t)1 << common->params_.block_bits;
                self->block_mask_  = (uint)(self->block_size_ - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            /* Look at 4 bytes at &data[ix & mask].
             * Compute a hash from these, and store the value of ix at that position. */
            public override unsafe void Store(HasherHandle handle,
                                              byte *data, size_t mask, size_t ix)
                HashLongestMatch *self = Self(handle);
                ushort *          num  = Num(self);
                uint   key             = HashBytes(&data[ix & mask], self->hash_shift_);
                size_t minor_ix        = num[key] & self->block_mask_;
                size_t offset          =
                    minor_ix + (key << GetHasherCommon(handle)->params_.block_bits);

                Buckets(self)[offset] = (uint)ix;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public override unsafe void Prepare(HasherHandle handle, bool one_shot, SizeT input_size, byte *data)
                HashLongestMatch *self = Self(handle);
                ushort *          num  = Num(self);
                /* Partial preparation is 100 times slower (per socket). */
                size_t partial_prepare_threshold = self->bucket_size_ >> 6;

                if (one_shot && input_size <= partial_prepare_threshold)
                    size_t i;
                    for (i = 0; i < input_size; ++i)
                        uint key = HashBytes(&data[i], self->hash_shift_);
                        num[key] = 0;
                    memset(num, 0, self->bucket_size_ * sizeof(ushort));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static unsafe uint *Buckets(HashLongestMatch *self)
     return((uint *)(&Num(self)[self->bucket_size_]));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private static unsafe ushort *Num(HashLongestMatch *self)
     return((ushort *)(&self[1]));
Ejemplo n.º 6
            /* Find a longest backward match of &data[cur_ix] up to the length of
             * max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table.
             * REQUIRES: FN(PrepareDistanceCache) must be invoked for current distance cache
             *           values; if this method is invoked repeatedly with the same distance
             *           cache values, it is enough to invoke FN(PrepareDistanceCache) once.
             * Does not look for matches longer than max_length.
             * Does not look for matches further away than max_backward.
             * Writes the best match into |out|.
             * Returns true when match is found, otherwise false. */
            public override unsafe bool FindLongestMatch(HasherHandle handle,
                                                         ushort *dictionary_hash,
                                                         byte *data, size_t ring_buffer_mask,
                                                         int *distance_cache,
                                                         size_t cur_ix, size_t max_length, size_t max_backward,
                                                         HasherSearchResult *out_)
                HasherCommon *    common        = GetHasherCommon(handle);
                HashLongestMatch *self          = Self(handle);
                ushort *          num           = Num(self);
                uint *            buckets       = Buckets(self);
                size_t            cur_ix_masked = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask;
                bool is_match_found             = false;
                /* Don't accept a short copy from far away. */
                score_t best_score = out_->score;
                size_t  best_len   = out_->len;
                size_t  i;

                out_->len        = 0;
                out_->len_x_code = 0;
                /* Try last distance first. */
                for (i = 0; i < (size_t)common->params_.num_last_distances_to_check; ++i)
                    size_t backward = (size_t)distance_cache[i];
                    size_t prev_ix  = (size_t)(cur_ix - backward);
                    if (prev_ix >= cur_ix)
                    if ((backward > max_backward))
                    prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask;

                    if (cur_ix_masked + best_len > ring_buffer_mask ||
                        prev_ix + best_len > ring_buffer_mask ||
                        data[cur_ix_masked + best_len] != data[prev_ix + best_len])
                        size_t len = FindMatchLengthWithLimit(&data[prev_ix],
                        if (len >= 3 || (len == 2 && i < 2))
                            /* Comparing for >= 2 does not change the semantics, but just saves for
                             * a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference score,
                             * since we are not interested in such short matches. */
                            score_t score = BackwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(len);
                            if (best_score < score)
                                if (i != 0)
                                    score -= BackwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(i);
                                if (best_score < score)
                                    best_score     = score;
                                    best_len       = len;
                                    out_->len      = best_len;
                                    out_->distance = backward;
                                    out_->score    = best_score;
                                    is_match_found = true;
                    uint key =
                        HashBytes(&data[cur_ix_masked], self->hash_shift_);
                    uint *bucket =
                        &buckets[key << common->params_.block_bits];
                    size_t down =
                        (num[key] > self->block_size_) ? (num[key] - self->block_size_) : 0;
                    for (i = num[key]; i > down;)
                        size_t prev_ix  = bucket[--i & self->block_mask_];
                        size_t backward = cur_ix - prev_ix;
                        if ((backward > max_backward))
                        prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask;
                        if (cur_ix_masked + best_len > ring_buffer_mask ||
                            prev_ix + best_len > ring_buffer_mask ||
                            data[cur_ix_masked + best_len] != data[prev_ix + best_len])
                            size_t len = FindMatchLengthWithLimit(&data[prev_ix],
                            if (len >= 4)
                                /* Comparing for >= 3 does not change the semantics, but just saves
                                 * for a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference
                                 * score, since we are not interested in such short matches. */
                                score_t score = BackwardReferenceScore(len, backward);
                                if (best_score < score)
                                    best_score     = score;
                                    best_len       = len;
                                    out_->len      = best_len;
                                    out_->distance = backward;
                                    out_->score    = best_score;
                                    is_match_found = true;
                    bucket[num[key] & self->block_mask_] = (uint)cur_ix;
                if (!is_match_found)
                    is_match_found = SearchInStaticDictionary(dictionary_hash,
                                                              handle, &data[cur_ix_masked], max_length, max_backward, out_,