public static void CalculateFrameInterval(HanoiNode n, HanoiNode preN) { int preFrameIndex = 0; float preFrameStartTime = 0.0f; int count = n.Children.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HanoiNode node = n.Children[i]; if (node is HanoiFrameInfo) { HanoiFrameInfo hfi = (HanoiFrameInfo)node; if (preFrameStartTime > 0) { HanoiFrameInfo hfiChild = (HanoiFrameInfo)n.Children[preFrameIndex]; //只记录相邻帧的前帧结束时间,非相邻帧信息不显示 if (!hfiChild.isHandle && hfi.frameID - hfiChild.frameID == 1) { hfiChild.frameEndTime = hfi.frameTime; hfiChild.frameFunTime = hfi.frameFunTime; hfiChild.frameLuaTime = hfi.frameLuaTime; hfiChild.isHandle = true; } } preFrameIndex = i; preFrameStartTime = hfi.frameTime; } } }
private HanoiNode PickHanoiRecursively(HanoiNode n, Vector2 mousePos) { if (n.HasValidRect()) { if (n.renderRect.xMin > mousePos.x || n.renderRect.xMax < mousePos.x) { return(null); } if (n.renderRect.Contains(mousePos)) { return(n); } } for (int i = 0; i < n.Children.Count; i++) { HanoiNode child = PickHanoiRecursively(n.Children[i], mousePos); if (child != null) { return(child); } } return(null); }
public void handleMsgForDetailScreen(JSONObject jsonMsg, List <HanoiNode> resultNodeRoot) { if (jsonMsg == null) { return; } if (jsonMsg.IsNull || jsonMsg.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { return; } if (Root == null || Root.callStats == null) { return; } HanoiNode newNode = null; bool isFrameInfo = jsonMsg.GetField("fid"); //是帧信息 if (isFrameInfo) { newNode = new HanoiFrameInfo(Root.callStats); } else { //函数信息 newNode = new HanoiNode(Root.callStats); } if (readObject(jsonMsg, newNode)) { resultNodeRoot.Add(newNode); } }
public static void DrawRecursively(HanoiNode n) { int hash = n.GetHashCode(); Color c; if (!m_colors.TryGetValue(hash, out c)) { m_colors[hash] = c = n.GetNodeColor(); } if (n is HanoiFrameInfo) { } else { if (IsTimeRangeInScreenClipRange((float)n.beginTime, (float)n.beginTime + (float)n.timeConsuming)) { n.renderRect = new Rect((float)n.beginTime, HanoiVars.StackHeight * (HanoiVars.DrawnStackCount - n.stackLevel), (float)n.timeConsuming, HanoiVars.StackHeight); Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(n.renderRect, c, n.highlighted ? Color.white : c); } } for (int i = 0; i < n.Children.Count; i++) { DrawRecursively(n.Children[i]); } }
public static void DrawLabelsRecursively(HanoiNode n) { if (n.highlighted) { if (IsTimeRangeInScreenClipRange(n.renderRect.xMin, n.renderRect.xMin + HanoiVars.LabelBackgroundWidth)) { Rect r = n.renderRect; r.width = HanoiVars.LabelBackgroundWidth; r.height = 45; Color bg =; bg.a = 0.5f; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(r, bg, bg); GUI.color = Color.white; Handles.Label(new Vector3(n.renderRect.xMin, n.renderRect.yMin), n.funcName); Handles.Label(new Vector3(n.renderRect.xMin, n.renderRect.yMin + 15), n.moduleName); Handles.Label(new Vector3(n.renderRect.xMin, n.renderRect.yMin + 30), string.Format("Time: {0:0.000}", n.timeConsuming)); } } for (int i = 0; i < n.Children.Count; i++) { DrawLabelsRecursively(n.Children[i]); } }
public bool readObject(JSONObject obj, HanoiNode node) { if (obj.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { return(false); } node.processJsonObject(obj, this); return(true); }
public static void ForeachInParentChain(HanoiNode n, HanoiNodeAction act) { HanoiNode target = n; while (target.Parent != null) { if (act != null) { act(target); } target = target.Parent; } }
public static float calculateTotalTimeConsuming(HanoiNode n) { int count = n.Children.Count; for (int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) { HanoiNode node = n.Children[i]; if (!(node is HanoiFrameInfo)) { return((float)node.endTime); } } return(0); }
public static void DrawFrameStatementRecursively(HanoiNode n) { if (n is HanoiFrameInfo) { HanoiFrameInfo hfi = (HanoiFrameInfo)n; Color preColor = Handles.color; Handles.color = Color.gray; if (IsTimeRangeInScreenClipRange((float)hfi.frameTime, (float)hfi.frameTime)) { Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(hfi.frameTime, 0), new Vector3(hfi.frameTime, VisualizerWindow.m_winHeight)); } Handles.color = preColor; } for (int i = 0; i < n.Children.Count; i++) { DrawFrameStatementRecursively(n.Children[i]); } }
public static void CalculateFrameInterval(HanoiNode n, HanoiNode preN) { int preFrameIndex = 0; float preFrameStartTime = 0.0f; int count = n.Children.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HanoiNode node = n.Children[i]; if (node is HanoiFrameInfo) { HanoiFrameInfo hfi = (HanoiFrameInfo)node; if (preFrameStartTime > 0) { HanoiFrameInfo hfiChild = (HanoiFrameInfo)n.Children[preFrameIndex]; hfiChild.frameEndTime = hfi.frameTime; } preFrameIndex = i; preFrameStartTime = hfi.frameTime; } } }
public static void DrawSelectedFrameInfoRecursively(HanoiNode n, float mouseX) { if (n is HanoiFrameInfo) { HanoiFrameInfo hfi = (HanoiFrameInfo)n; Color preColor = Handles.color; if (mouseX >= hfi.frameTime && mouseX <= hfi.frameEndTime) { float beginPosX = hfi.frameEndTime; Rect r = new Rect(); r.position = new Vector2(beginPosX, 0); r.width = HanoiVars.LabelBackgroundWidth / 1.5f; r.height = 60; Color bg = Color.white; bg.a = 0.5f; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(r, bg, bg); Handles.color =; GUI.color =; Handles.Label(new Vector3(beginPosX, 0), string.Format("frameID:{0:0}", hfi.frameID)); Handles.Label(new Vector3(beginPosX, 15), string.Format("frameTime:{0:0.00}", hfi.frameTime)); Handles.Label(new Vector3(beginPosX, 30), string.Format("frameUnityTime:{0:0.00}", hfi.frameUnityTime)); Handles.Label(new Vector3(beginPosX, 45), string.Format("frameInterval:{0:0.00}", hfi.frameEndTime - hfi.frameTime)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(hfi.frameTime, 0), new Vector3(hfi.frameTime, VisualizerWindow.m_winHeight)); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector3(hfi.frameEndTime, 0), new Vector3(hfi.frameEndTime, VisualizerWindow.m_winHeight)); } Handles.color = preColor; } for (int i = 0; i < n.Children.Count; i++) { DrawSelectedFrameInfoRecursively(n.Children[i], mouseX); } }
bool readObject(JSONObject obj, HanoiNode node) { if (obj.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { return(false); } JSONObject loadObj = null; if (node is HanoiFrameInfo) { HanoiFrameInfo frameNode = (HanoiFrameInfo)node; loadObj = obj.GetField("frameTime"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { frameNode.frameTime = obj.GetField("frameTime").f; } else { Debug.LogFormat("frameTime load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("frameUnityTime"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { frameNode.frameUnityTime = obj.GetField("frameUnityTime").f; } else { Debug.LogFormat("frameUnityTime load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("frameID"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { frameNode.frameID = (int)obj.GetField("frameID").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("frameID load error"); } } else { loadObj = obj.GetField("currentLine"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.currentLine = (int)obj.GetField("currentLine").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("currentLine load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("lineDefined"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.lineDefined = (int)obj.GetField("lineDefined").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("lineDefined load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("timeConsuming"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.timeConsuming = obj.GetField("timeConsuming").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("timeConsuming load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("stackLevel"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.stackLevel = (int)obj.GetField("stackLevel").n; if (node.stackLevel > m_maxStackLevel) { m_maxStackLevel = node.stackLevel; } } else { Debug.LogFormat("stackLevel load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("callType"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsString) { switch (obj.GetField("callType").str) { case "C": node.callType = eHanoiCallType.C; break; case "Lua": node.callType = eHanoiCallType.Lua; break; } } else { Debug.LogFormat("callType load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("begintime"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.beginTime = obj.GetField("begintime").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("beginTime load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("endtime"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsNumber) { node.endTime = obj.GetField("endtime").n; } else { Debug.LogFormat("endTime load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("moduleName"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsString) { node.moduleName = obj.GetField("moduleName").str; } else { Debug.LogFormat("moduleName load error"); } loadObj = obj.GetField("funcName"); if (loadObj && loadObj.IsString) { node.funcName = obj.GetField("funcName").str; } else { Debug.LogFormat("funcName load error"); } foreach (JSONObject childJson in obj.GetField("children").list) { bool isOnStackZero = node.stackLevel == 0; double lastStackOneEnd = 0.0; HanoiNode child = new HanoiNode(node); if (readObject(childJson, child)) { node.Children.Add(child); } if (isOnStackZero) { lastStackOneEnd = child.endTime; } } } return(true); }
public bool Load(string filename) { m_hanoiData = null; try { string templateJsonText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/Resources/luaprofiler_jsonObjTemplates.json"); string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename); m_json = new JSONObject(templateJsonText.Replace("$$", text)); if (m_json.type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { return(false); } if (m_json.list.Count != 1) { return(false); } HanoiNode.s_count = 0; m_hanoiData = new HanoiRoot(); if (m_json.GetField("content") && m_json.GetField("content").IsArray) { JSONObject jsonContent = m_json.GetField("content"); HanoiNode contentNode = new HanoiNode(null); for (int i = 0; i < jsonContent.list.Count; i++) { JSONObject j = (JSONObject)jsonContent.list[i]; HanoiNode newNode = null; bool isFrameInfo = j.GetField("frameID"); //是帧信息 if (isFrameInfo) { newNode = new HanoiFrameInfo(contentNode); } else { //函数信息 newNode = new HanoiNode(contentNode); } if (readObject(j, newNode)) { contentNode.Children.Add(newNode); } } Root.callStats = contentNode; } Debug.LogFormat("reading {0} objects.", HanoiNode.s_count); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); return(false); } return(true); }
public virtual void processJsonObject(JSONObject job, HanoiData hd) { for (int i = 0; i < job.keys.Count; i++) { JSONObject val = job.list[i]; switch (job.keys[i]) { case "ln": if (val.IsNumber) { currentLine = (int)val.n; } break; case "cs": if (val.IsNumber) { timeConsuming = val.n; } break; case "lv": if (val.IsNumber) { stackLevel = (int)val.n; if (stackLevel > hd.m_maxStackLevel) { hd.m_maxStackLevel = stackLevel; } } break; case "info": if (val.IsString) { string type = val.str; if (type.Equals("C")) { callType = eHanoiCallType.C; } if (type.Equals("Lua")) { callType = eHanoiCallType.Lua; } } break; case "bt": if (val.IsNumber) { beginTime = val.n; } break; case "et": if (val.IsNumber) { endTime = val.n; } break; case "mod": if (val.IsString) { moduleName = val.str; } break; case "fn": if (val.IsString) { funcName = val.str; } break; case "sub": foreach (JSONObject childJson in val.list) { HanoiNode child = new HanoiNode(this); if (hd.readObject(childJson, child)) { Children.Add(child); } } break; default: // Debug.LogFormat("unknown field: {0}", obj.keys[i]); break; } } }
private void CheckForInput() { switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseMove: { if (m_picked != null) { HanoiUtil.ForeachInParentChain(m_picked, (n) => { n.highlighted = false; }); m_picked = null; } HanoiNode picked = PickHanoiRecursively(m_data.Root.callStats, mousePositionInDrawing); if (picked != null) { HanoiUtil.ForeachInParentChain(picked, (n) => { n.highlighted = true; }); m_picked = picked; Debug.LogFormat("Picked: f {0}, m {1}", m_picked.funcName, m_picked.moduleName); } else { Debug.LogFormat("Picked nothing."); } if (EditorWindow.focusedWindow == this) { if ((Event.current.mousePosition.x >= 0 && Event.current.mousePosition.x <= m_winWidth) && (Event.current.mousePosition.y >= m_detailScreenPosY && Event.current.mousePosition.y <= m_winHeight)) { Repaint(); } } } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (Event.current.button == 1) { m_Translation.x +=; Repaint(); } break; case EventType.ScrollWheel: { float delta = +; delta = -delta; // Scale multiplier. Don't allow scale of zero or below! float scale = Mathf.Max(0.1F, 1 + delta * 0.1F); // Offset to make zoom centered around cursor position m_Translation.x -= mousePositionInDrawing.x * (scale - 1) * m_Scale.x; // Apply zooming m_Scale.x *= scale; Repaint(); } break; default: break; } }
private void drawFrameInfo(HanoiNode n, float mouseX) { HanoiUtil.DrawFrameStatementRecursively(n); HanoiUtil.DrawSelectedFrameInfoRecursively(n, mouseX); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { HanoiNode otherNode = obj as HanoiNode; return(state == otherNode.state); }
public HanoiNode(HanoiNode parent) { s_count++; Parent = parent; }
public HanoiFrameInfo(HanoiNode parent) : base(parent) { }
public HanoiNode(ulong state, ref HanoiNode parent) { this.state = state; this.parent = parent; }