Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Expected to be called when TaskHostTask is done with host of the given context.
        /// </summary>
        internal void DisconnectFromHost(HandshakeOptions hostContext)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_nodeIdToPacketFactory.ContainsKey((int)hostContext) && _nodeIdToPacketHandler.ContainsKey((int)hostContext), "Why are we trying to disconnect from a context that we already disconnected from?  Did we call DisconnectFromHost twice?");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure a node in the requested context exists.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool AcquireAndSetUpHost(HandshakeOptions hostContext, INodePacketFactory factory, INodePacketHandler handler, TaskHostConfiguration configuration)
            NodeContext context;
            bool        nodeCreationSucceeded;

            if (!_nodeContexts.TryGetValue(hostContext, out context))
                nodeCreationSucceeded = CreateNode(hostContext, factory, handler, configuration);
                // node already exists, so "creation" automatically succeeded
                nodeCreationSucceeded = true;

            if (nodeCreationSucceeded)
                context = _nodeContexts[hostContext];
                _nodeIdToPacketFactory[(int)hostContext] = factory;
                _nodeIdToPacketHandler[(int)hostContext] = handler;

                // Configure the node.

Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Handshake(PeerHash local, PeerHash remote, FileHash hash, HandshakeOptions options)
     this.local   = local;
     this.remote  = remote;
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.options = options;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new MSBuild or MSBuildTaskHost process acting as a child node.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool CreateNode(HandshakeOptions hostContext, INodePacketFactory factory, INodePacketHandler handler, TaskHostConfiguration configuration)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(factory, "factory");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_nodeIdToPacketFactory.ContainsKey((int)hostContext), "We should not already have a factory for this context!  Did we forget to call DisconnectFromHost somewhere?");

            if (AvailableNodes == 0)
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("All allowable nodes already created ({0}).", _nodeContexts.Count);

            // Start the new process.  We pass in a node mode with a node number of 2, to indicate that we
            // want to start up an MSBuild task host node.
            string commandLineArgs = $" /nologo /nodemode:2 /nodereuse:{ComponentHost.BuildParameters.EnableNodeReuse} ";

            string msbuildLocation = GetMSBuildLocationFromHostContext(hostContext);

            // we couldn't even figure out the location we're trying to launch ... just go ahead and fail.
            if (msbuildLocation == null)

            CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("For a host context of {0}, spawning executable from {1}.", hostContext.ToString(), msbuildLocation ?? "MSBuild.exe");

            // Make it here.
            NodeContext context = GetNode

            if (null != context)
                _nodeContexts[hostContext] = context;

                // Start the asynchronous read.



Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void LogErrorUnableToCreateTaskHost(HandshakeOptions requiredContext, string runtime, string architecture, NodeFailedToLaunchException e)
            string msbuildLocation = NodeProviderOutOfProcTaskHost.GetMSBuildLocationFromHostContext(requiredContext) ??
                                     // We don't know the path -- probably we're trying to get a 64-bit assembly on a
                                     // 32-bit machine.  At least give them the exe name to look for, though ...
                                     ((requiredContext & HandshakeOptions.CLR2) == HandshakeOptions.CLR2 ? "MSBuildTaskHost.exe" : "MSBuild.exe");

            if (e == null)
                _taskLoggingContext.LogError(new BuildEventFileInfo(_taskLocation), "TaskHostAcquireFailed", _taskType.Type.Name, runtime, architecture, msbuildLocation);
                _taskLoggingContext.LogError(new BuildEventFileInfo(_taskLocation), "TaskHostNodeFailedToLaunch", _taskType.Type.Name, runtime, architecture, msbuildLocation, e.ErrorCode, e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal Handshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
            // We currently use 6 bits of this 32-bit integer. Very old builds will instantly reject any handshake that does not start with F5 or 06; slightly old builds always lead with 00.
            // This indicates in the first byte that we are a modern build.
            options = (int)nodeType | (((int)CommunicationsUtilities.handshakeVersion) << 24);
            string handshakeSalt  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT");
            string toolsDirectory = (nodeType & HandshakeOptions.X64) == HandshakeOptions.X64 ? BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory64 : BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32;

            salt = CommunicationsUtilities.GetHandshakeHashCode(handshakeSalt + toolsDirectory);
            Version fileVersion = new Version(FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion);

            fileVersionMajor   = fileVersion.Major;
            fileVersionMinor   = fileVersion.Minor;
            fileVersionBuild   = fileVersion.Build;
            fileVersionPrivate = fileVersion.Revision;
            sessionId          = Process.GetCurrentProcess().SessionId;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the task host context to this handshake, to make sure that task hosts with different contexts
        /// will have different handshakes. Shift it into the upper 32-bits to avoid running into the
        /// session ID. The connection may be salted to allow MSBuild to only connect to nodes that come from the same
        /// test environment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostContext">TaskHostContext</param>
        /// <returns>Base Handshake</returns>
        private static long GetBaseHandshakeForContext(HandshakeOptions hostContext)
            string salt = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT") + BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32;
            long   nodeHandshakeSalt = GetHandshakeHashCode(salt);

            Trace("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT=\"{0}\", msbuildDirectory=\"{1}\", hostContext={2}, FileVersionHash={3}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT"), BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32, hostContext, FileVersionHash);

            //FileVersionHash (32 bits) is shifted 8 bits to avoid session ID collision
            //hostContext (4 bits) is shifted just after the FileVersionHash
            //nodeHandshakeSalt (32 bits) is shifted just after hostContext
            //the most significant byte (leftmost 8 bits) will get zero'd out to avoid connecting to older builds.
            //| masked out | nodeHandshakeSalt | hostContext |              fileVersionHash             | SessionID
            //  0000 0000     0000 0000 0000        0000        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000   0000 0000
            long baseHandshake = (nodeHandshakeSalt << 44) | ((long)hostContext << 40) | ((long)FileVersionHash << 8);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Magic number sent by the host to the client during the handshake.
        /// Derived from the binary timestamp to avoid mixing binary versions.
        /// </summary>
        internal static long GetHostHandshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
            string salt              = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT");
            string toolsDirectory    = (nodeType & HandshakeOptions.X64) == HandshakeOptions.X64 ? BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory64 : BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32;
            int    nodeHandshakeSalt = GetHandshakeHashCode(salt + toolsDirectory);

            Trace("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT=\"{0}\", msbuildDirectory=\"{1}\", nodeType={2}, FileVersionHash={3}", salt, toolsDirectory, nodeType, FileVersionHash);

            //FileVersionHash (32 bits) is shifted 8 bits to avoid session ID collision
            //nodeType (4 bits) is shifted just after the FileVersionHash
            //nodeHandshakeSalt (32 bits) is shifted just after hostContext
            //the most significant byte (leftmost 8 bits) will get zero'd out to avoid connecting to older builds.
            //| masked out | nodeHandshakeSalt | hostContext |              fileVersionHash             | SessionID
            //  0000 0000     0000 0000 0000        0000        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000   0000 0000
            long baseHandshake = ((long)nodeHandshakeSalt << 44) | ((long)nodeType << 40) | ((long)FileVersionHash << 8);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Magic number sent by the host to the client during the handshake.
        /// Derived from the binary timestamp to avoid mixing binary versions.
        /// </summary>
        internal static long GetHostHandshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
            string salt              = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT");
            string toolsDirectory    = (nodeType & HandshakeOptions.X64) == HandshakeOptions.X64 ? BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory64 : BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32;
            int    nodeHandshakeSalt = GetHandshakeHashCode(salt + toolsDirectory);

            Trace("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT=\"{0}\", msbuildDirectory=\"{1}\", nodeType={2}, FileVersionHash={3}", salt, toolsDirectory, nodeType, FileVersionHash);

            // FileVersionHash (32 bits) is shifted 8 bits to avoid session ID collision
            // HandshakeOptions (5 bits) is shifted just after the FileVersionHash
            // remaining bits of nodeHandshakeSalt (32 bits truncated to 11) are shifted next
            //      nodeHandshakeSalt    | HandshakeOptions |             fileVersionHash           | SessionID
            //  0000 0000 0000 0000 000        0 0000        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  0000 0000
                ulong baseHandshake = ((ulong)(uint)nodeHandshakeSalt << 45) | ((ulong)(uint)nodeType << 40) | ((ulong)(uint)FileVersionHash << 8);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void HandleHandshakeMessage(NetworkIncomingMessage message)
            HandshakeKey           decryptor = keys.Remote.Clone();
            NetworkIncomingMessage decrypted = decryptor.Decrypt(message);

            int      size = HandshakeMessage.GetSize(decrypted);
            PeerHash peer = HandshakeMessage.GetPeer(decrypted);

            HandshakeOptions options   = HandshakeMessage.GetOptions(decrypted);
            Handshake        handshake = new Handshake(context.Peer, peer, context.Hash, options);


            NetworkConnection other = connection.StartEncryption(keys);

            hooks.CallHandshakeCompleted(other, handshake);
            context.OnHandshake(other, handshake);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if a task host exists that can service the requested runtime and architecture
        /// values, and false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool DoesTaskHostExist(string runtime, string architecture)
            if (runtime != null)
                runtime = runtime.Trim();

            if (architecture != null)
                architecture = architecture.Trim();

            if (!XMakeAttributes.IsValidMSBuildRuntimeValue(runtime))
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowArgument("InvalidTaskHostFactoryParameter", runtime, "Runtime", XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr2, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr4, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.currentRuntime, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.any);

            if (!XMakeAttributes.IsValidMSBuildArchitectureValue(architecture))
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowArgument("InvalidTaskHostFactoryParameter", architecture, "Architecture", XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.x86, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.x64, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.currentArchitecture, XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.any);

            runtime      = XMakeAttributes.GetExplicitMSBuildRuntime(runtime);
            architecture = XMakeAttributes.GetExplicitMSBuildArchitecture(architecture);

            IDictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            parameters.Add(XMakeAttributes.runtime, runtime);
            parameters.Add(XMakeAttributes.architecture, architecture);

            HandshakeOptions desiredContext   = CommunicationsUtilities.GetHandshakeOptions(taskHost: true, taskHostParameters: parameters);
            string           taskHostLocation = NodeProviderOutOfProcTaskHost.GetMSBuildLocationFromHostContext(desiredContext);

            if (taskHostLocation != null && FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(taskHostLocation))

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the appropriate information, return the equivalent HandshakeOptions.
        /// </summary>
        internal static HandshakeOptions GetHandshakeOptions(bool taskHost, bool is64Bit = false, int clrVersion = 0, bool nodeReuse = false, bool lowPriority = false, IDictionary <string, string> taskHostParameters = null)
            HandshakeOptions context = taskHost ? HandshakeOptions.TaskHost : HandshakeOptions.None;

            // We don't know about the TaskHost. Figure it out.
            if (taskHost && clrVersion == 0)
                // Take the current TaskHost context
                if (taskHostParameters == null)
                    clrVersion = typeof(bool).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Version.Major;
                    is64Bit    = XMakeAttributes.GetCurrentMSBuildArchitecture().Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.x64);
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(taskHostParameters.ContainsKey(XMakeAttributes.runtime), "Should always have an explicit runtime when we call this method.");
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(taskHostParameters.ContainsKey(XMakeAttributes.architecture), "Should always have an explicit architecture when we call this method.");

                    clrVersion = taskHostParameters[XMakeAttributes.runtime].Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildRuntimeValues.clr4, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? 4 : 2;
                    is64Bit    = taskHostParameters[XMakeAttributes.architecture].Equals(XMakeAttributes.MSBuildArchitectureValues.x64);
            if (is64Bit)
                context |= HandshakeOptions.X64;
            if (clrVersion == 2)
                context |= HandshakeOptions.CLR2;
            if (nodeReuse)
                context |= HandshakeOptions.NodeReuse;
            if (lowPriority)
                context |= HandshakeOptions.LowPriority;
        internal bool CreateNode(HandshakeOptions hostContext, INodePacketFactory factory, INodePacketHandler handler, TaskHostConfiguration configuration)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(factory, nameof(factory));
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!_nodeIdToPacketFactory.ContainsKey((int)hostContext), "We should not already have a factory for this context!  Did we forget to call DisconnectFromHost somewhere?");

            if (AvailableNodes <= 0)
                ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("All allowable nodes already created ({0}).", _nodeContexts.Count);

            // Start the new process.  We pass in a node mode with a node number of 2, to indicate that we
            // want to start up an MSBuild task host node.
            string commandLineArgs = $" /nologo /nodemode:2 /nodereuse:{ComponentHost.BuildParameters.EnableNodeReuse} /low:{ComponentHost.BuildParameters.LowPriority} ";

            string msbuildLocation = GetMSBuildLocationFromHostContext(hostContext);

            // we couldn't even figure out the location we're trying to launch ... just go ahead and fail.
            if (msbuildLocation == null)

            CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("For a host context of {0}, spawning executable from {1}.", hostContext.ToString(), msbuildLocation ?? "MSBuild.exe");

            // There is always one task host per host context so we always create just 1 one task host node here.
            int nodeId = (int)hostContext;
            IList <NodeContext> nodeContexts = GetNodes(
                new Handshake(hostContext),

            return(nodeContexts.Count == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a TaskHostContext, returns the name of the executable we should be searching for.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string GetTaskHostNameFromHostContext(HandshakeOptions hostContext)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalErrorUnreachable((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.TaskHost) == HandshakeOptions.TaskHost);
            if ((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.CLR2) == HandshakeOptions.CLR2)
                if (s_msbuildName == null)
                    s_msbuildName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILD_EXE_NAME");

                    if (s_msbuildName == null)
                        s_msbuildName = "MSBuild.exe";

Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal Handshake(HandshakeOptions nodeType)
            const int handshakeVersion = (int)CommunicationsUtilities.handshakeVersion;

            // We currently use 7 bits of this 32-bit integer. Very old builds will instantly reject any handshake that does not start with F5 or 06; slightly old builds always lead with 00.
            // This indicates in the first byte that we are a modern build.
            options = (int)nodeType | (handshakeVersion << 24);
            CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Building handshake for node type {0}, (version {1}): options {2}.", nodeType, handshakeVersion, options);

            string handshakeSalt = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODEHANDSHAKESALT");

            CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Handshake salt is " + handshakeSalt);
            string toolsDirectory = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectoryRoot;

            CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Tools directory root is " + toolsDirectory);
            salt = CommunicationsUtilities.GetHashCode(handshakeSalt + toolsDirectory);
            Version fileVersion = new Version(FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion);

            fileVersionMajor   = fileVersion.Major;
            fileVersionMinor   = fileVersion.Minor;
            fileVersionBuild   = fileVersion.Build;
            fileVersionPrivate = fileVersion.Revision;
            sessionId          = Process.GetCurrentProcess().SessionId;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends data to the specified node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostContext">The node to which data shall be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="packet">The packet to send.</param>
        public void SendData(HandshakeOptions hostContext, INodePacket packet)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_nodeContexts.ContainsKey(hostContext), "Invalid host context specified: {0}.", hostContext.ToString());

            SendData(_nodeContexts[hostContext], packet);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public ServiceConf(Config conf, XmlElement self)
            Name = self.GetAttribute("Name");

            string attr;

            // SocketOptions
            attr = self.GetAttribute("NoDelay");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.NoDelay = bool.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("SendBuffer");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.SendBuffer = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("ReceiveBuffer");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.ReceiveBuffer = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("InputBufferSize");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.InputBufferSize = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("InputBufferMaxProtocolSize");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.InputBufferMaxProtocolSize = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("OutputBufferMaxSize");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.OutputBufferMaxSize = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("Backlog");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.Backlog = int.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("SocketLogLevel");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                SocketOptions.SocketLogLevel = NLog.LogLevel.FromString(attr);

            // HandshakeOptions
            attr = self.GetAttribute("DhGroups");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                HandshakeOptions.DhGroups = new HashSet <int>();
                foreach (string dg in attr.Split(','))
                    string dgtmp = dg.Trim();
                    if (dgtmp.Length == 0)
            attr = self.GetAttribute("SecureIp");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                HandshakeOptions.SecureIp = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(attr).GetAddressBytes();
            attr = self.GetAttribute("S2cNeedCompress");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                HandshakeOptions.S2cNeedCompress = bool.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("C2sNeedCompress");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                HandshakeOptions.C2sNeedCompress = bool.Parse(attr);
            attr = self.GetAttribute("DhGroup");
            if (attr.Length > 0)
                HandshakeOptions.DhGroup = byte.Parse(attr);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                conf.DefaultServiceConf = this;
            else if (!conf.ServiceConfMap.TryAdd(Name, this))
                throw new Exception($"Duplicate ServiceConf '{Name}'");

            // connection creator options
            XmlNodeList childNodes = self.ChildNodes;

            foreach (XmlNode node in childNodes)
                if (XmlNodeType.Element != node.NodeType)

                XmlElement e = (XmlElement)node;
                switch (e.Name)
                case "Acceptor": AddAcceptor(new Acceptor(e)); break;

                case "Connector": AddConnector(Connector.Create(e)); break;

                default: throw new Exception("unknown node name: " + e.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public bool Execute()
            // log that we are about to spawn the task host
            string runtime      = _taskHostParameters[XMakeAttributes.runtime];
            string architecture = _taskHostParameters[XMakeAttributes.architecture];

            _taskLoggingContext.LogComment(MessageImportance.Low, "ExecutingTaskInTaskHost", _taskType.Type.Name, _taskType.Assembly.AssemblyLocation, runtime, architecture);

            // set up the node
            lock (_taskHostLock)
                _taskHostProvider = (NodeProviderOutOfProcTaskHost)_buildComponentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.OutOfProcTaskHostNodeProvider);
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(_taskHostProvider, "taskHostProvider");

            TaskHostConfiguration hostConfiguration =
                new TaskHostConfiguration
                    new Dictionary <string, string>(_buildComponentHost.BuildParameters.GlobalProperties),


                lock (_taskHostLock)
                    _requiredContext     = CommunicationsUtilities.GetHandshakeOptions(taskHost: true, taskHostParameters: _taskHostParameters);
                    _connectedToTaskHost = _taskHostProvider.AcquireAndSetUpHost(_requiredContext, this, this, hostConfiguration);

                if (_connectedToTaskHost)
                        bool taskFinished = false;

                        while (!taskFinished)

                            INodePacket packet = null;

                            // Handle the packet that's coming in
                            while (_receivedPackets.TryDequeue(out packet))
                                if (packet != null)
                                    HandlePacket(packet, out taskFinished);
                        lock (_taskHostLock)
                            _connectedToTaskHost = false;
                    LogErrorUnableToCreateTaskHost(_requiredContext, runtime, architecture, null);
            catch (BuildAbortedException)
                LogErrorUnableToCreateTaskHost(_requiredContext, runtime, architecture, null);
            catch (NodeFailedToLaunchException e)
                LogErrorUnableToCreateTaskHost(_requiredContext, runtime, architecture, e);

Ejemplo n.º 19
 public HandshakeNegotiatorPassiveInstance(PeerHash peer, FileHashCollection hashes, HandshakeOptions options)
     this.hashes  = hashes;
     this.peer    = peer;
     this.options = options;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public HandshakeMessage(PeerHash peer, FileHash hash, HandshakeOptions options)
     this.peer    = peer;
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.options = options;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public HandshakeNegotiatorActiveInstance(PeerHash peer, FileHash hash, HandshakeOptions options)
     this.hash    = hash;
     this.peer    = peer;
     this.options = options;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Magic number sent by the client to the host during the handshake.
 /// Munged version of the host handshake.
 /// </summary>
 internal static long GetClientHandshake(HandshakeOptions hostContext)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a TaskHostContext, return the appropriate location of the
        /// executable (MSBuild or MSBuildTaskHost) that we wish to use, or null
        /// if that location cannot be resolved.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string GetMSBuildLocationFromHostContext(HandshakeOptions hostContext)
            string toolName = GetTaskHostNameFromHostContext(hostContext);
            string toolPath;

            s_baseTaskHostPath   = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory32;
            s_baseTaskHostPath64 = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.MSBuildToolsDirectory64;
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalErrorUnreachable((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.TaskHost) == HandshakeOptions.TaskHost);

            if ((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.X64) == HandshakeOptions.X64 && (hostContext & HandshakeOptions.CLR2) == HandshakeOptions.CLR2)
                if (s_pathToX64Clr2 == null)
                    s_pathToX64Clr2 = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDTASKHOSTLOCATION64");

                    if (s_pathToX64Clr2 == null || !FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(Path.Combine(s_pathToX64Clr2, toolName)))
                        s_pathToX64Clr2 = s_baseTaskHostPath64;

                toolPath = s_pathToX64Clr2;
            else if ((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.CLR2) == HandshakeOptions.CLR2)
                if (s_pathToX32Clr2 == null)
                    s_pathToX32Clr2 = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDTASKHOSTLOCATION");
                    if (s_pathToX32Clr2 == null || !FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(Path.Combine(s_pathToX32Clr2, toolName)))
                        s_pathToX32Clr2 = s_baseTaskHostPath;

                toolPath = s_pathToX32Clr2;
            else if ((hostContext & HandshakeOptions.X64) == HandshakeOptions.X64)
                if (s_pathToX64Clr4 == null)
                    s_pathToX64Clr4 = s_baseTaskHostPath64;

                toolPath = s_pathToX64Clr4;
                if (s_pathToX32Clr4 == null)
                    s_pathToX32Clr4 = s_baseTaskHostPath;

                toolPath = s_pathToX32Clr4;

            if (toolName != null && toolPath != null)
                return(Path.Combine(toolPath, toolName));
