override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters)
            isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Player?", isPlayer);

            if (!isPlayer)
                intCharParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Character:", parameters, intCharParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject);
                if (intCharParameterID >= 0)
                    intCharConstantID    = 0;
                    interactionCharacter = null;
                    interactionCharacter = (Char)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Character:", interactionCharacter, typeof(Char), true);

                    intCharConstantID    = FieldToID(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID);
                    interactionCharacter = IDToField(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID, false);
                interactionCharacter = AC.KickStarter.player;

            handsUsed = (HandsUsed)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Which hand(s) to use", handsUsed);

            //Get the asset file
            interactionList = (InteractionObjectList)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Interaction Object List:", interactionList, typeof(InteractionObjectList), true);

            if (interactionList)
                //Create a string list for the objects in the list
                List <string> objects = new List <string>();

                int index = 0;

                if (interactionList.objectList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (InteractionObjectData datas in interactionList.objectList)

                    string label = "Object:";

                    objectNum         = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, objectNum, objects.ToArray());
                    interactionObject = interactionList.objectList[objectNum].myObject;

        override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters)
            isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Player?", isPlayer);

            if (!isPlayer)
                intCharParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Character:", parameters, intCharParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject);
                if (intCharParameterID >= 0)
                    intCharConstantID    = 0;
                    interactionCharacter = null;
                    interactionCharacter = (Char)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Character:", interactionCharacter, typeof(Char), true);

                    intCharConstantID    = FieldToID(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID);
                    interactionCharacter = IDToField(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID, false);
                interactionCharacter = AC.KickStarter.player;

            handsUsed = (HandsUsed)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Which hand(s) to use", handsUsed);

            //Get the asset file
            interactionList = (InteractionObjectList)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Interaction Object List:", interactionList, typeof(InteractionObjectList), true);

            if (interactionList)
                //Create a string list for the objects in the list
                List <string> objects = new List <string>();

                int index = 0;

                if (interactionList.objectList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (InteractionObjectData datas in interactionList.objectList)

                    string label = "Object:";

                    objectNum         = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, objectNum, objects.ToArray());
                    interactionObject = interactionList.objectList[objectNum].myObject;

            if (interactionCharacter != null)
                animator = interactionCharacter.GetComponent <Animator>();
                //Create a string list for the trigger parameters
                List <string> triggerList = new List <string>();

                int i = 0;

                if (animator.parameterCount > 0)
                    foreach (AnimatorControllerParameter parameter in animator.parameters)

                        //If the trigger has been removed for some reason, make sure the variable is still valid
                        if (parameter.nameHash == animatorID)
                            animatorNum = i;


                    if (animatorNum == -1)
                        Debug.Log("Previously chosen trigger parameter no longer exists!");
                        animatorNum = 0;
                        animatorID  = 0;

                    string label = "Trigger:";

                    animatorNum = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, animatorNum, triggerList.ToArray());
                    animatorID  = animator.parameters[animatorNum].nameHash;
                    trigger     = animator.parameters[animatorNum];

        override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters)
            isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Player?", isPlayer);

            if (!isPlayer)
                intCharParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Character:", parameters, intCharParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject);
                if (intCharParameterID >= 0)
                    intCharConstantID    = 0;
                    interactionCharacter = null;
                    interactionCharacter = (Char)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Character:", interactionCharacter, typeof(Char), true);

                    intCharConstantID    = FieldToID(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID);
                    interactionCharacter = IDToField(interactionCharacter, intCharConstantID, false);

            handsUsed = (HandsUsed)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Which hand(s) to send to interaction", handsUsed);

            objectType = (ObjectType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Object Type:", objectType);

            if (objectType == ObjectType.SceneObject)
                objectParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Interaction Object:", parameters, objectParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject);
                if (objectParameterID >= 0)
                    objectConstantID  = 0;
                    interactionObject = null;
                    interactionObject = (SimpleInteractionObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Interaction Object:", interactionObject, typeof(SimpleInteractionObject), true);

                    objectConstantID  = FieldToID(interactionObject, objectConstantID);
                    interactionObject = IDToField(interactionObject, objectConstantID, false);
            else if (objectType == ObjectType.InventoryObject)
                if (inventoryManager == null && AdvGame.GetReferences().inventoryManager)
                    inventoryManager = AdvGame.GetReferences().inventoryManager;
                if (settingsManager == null && AdvGame.GetReferences().settingsManager)
                    settingsManager = AdvGame.GetReferences().settingsManager;

                if (inventoryManager)
                    // Create a string List of the field's names (for the PopUp box)
                    List <string> labelList = new List <string>();

                    int i = 0;
                    if (parameterID == -1)
                        invNumber = -1;

                    if (inventoryManager.items.Count > 0)
                        foreach (InvItem _item in inventoryManager.items)

                            // If an item has been removed, make sure selected variable is still valid
                            if (_item.id == invID)
                                invNumber = i;


                        if (invNumber == -1)
                            // Wasn't found (item was possibly deleted), so revert to zero
                            ACDebug.LogWarning("Previously chosen item no longer exists!");

                            invNumber = 0;
                            invID     = 0;

                        parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Inventory item:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.InventoryItem);
                        if (parameterID >= 0)
                            invNumber = Mathf.Min(invNumber, inventoryManager.items.Count - 1);
                            invID     = -1;
                            invNumber = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Inventory item:", invNumber, labelList.ToArray());
                            invID     = inventoryManager.items[invNumber].id;
